"Damn it, Li Mengyao, Qin Haoyu, where are you two?" Lin Yang cursed secretly, and his consciousness spread out to cover the entire manor, but he still couldn't find it.

He was about to leave when he suddenly noticed something strange. There was a strong aura coming from a distance, which seemed to be heading this way.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Several figures descended from the sky and appeared near the gate, blocking Lin Yang's way.

The leader of them was an old man with a hooked nose, wearing a yellow robe and a gold and jade belt around his waist. He looked like a rich man. He smiled ferociously at Lin Yang and said, "Boy, you are so brave! Even the Qin family dares to touch him. , I think you are tired of living."

Lin Yang said coldly: "I'm just doing justice for heaven."

"Do justice for heaven, haha..." The rich man laughed out loud, "Boy, are you here to make a joke?"

"Don't you think it's funny?" Lin Yang asked.

"Uh!" The rich man was stunned on the spot, and then he shouted angrily: "I am Qian Baitong who is enshrined in the palace. I know what to do and die obediently. Otherwise, don't blame me for destroying the flowers with my ruthless hands and causing your blood to splatter on the spot."

Lin Yang said disdainfully: "You are nothing, you are qualified to talk to me?"

"Arrogant junior!" Qian Baitong was furious and raised his hand to shoot out several golden needles.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The golden light suddenly appeared, like a meteor piercing the void, shooting directly towards Lin Yang's throat, Dantian and other vital parts.

This old guy's attacks are ruthless. Once he hits, even the masters of the ninth level of the Grandmaster Realm can't withstand it.

However, what he met was Lin Yang.

Lin Yang was seen swaying on his feet, dodging the golden needle attack, and then punching him.

"Bang bang bang..."

The golden needle broke and fell to the ground.

Qian Baitong's eyes widened, and he felt an inexplicable panic in his heart when he felt something extraordinary about Lin Yang.

"You brat, who are you?" Qian Baitong asked vigilantly.

Lin Yang snorted coldly: "You don't care who I am."

"Since you don't cooperate, then don't blame me for being rude, kill!" Qian Baitong shouted, and his body turned into an afterimage and rushed forward.

"Trash, get out!" Lin Yang waved his iron fist and blasted away with violent force.


There was a sound of shattering bones, and Qian Baitong's head exploded instantly, blood splattering.

He didn't even have a chance to cry out, and he died tragically on the spot.

The onlookers were stunned, and there was a dead silence.

"Gudong..." Someone swallowed his saliva and trembled all over.

Lin Yang turned around and scanned all directions, his unparalleled domineering attitude shocked many onlookers.

"I am Lin Yang. Today I will kill the Qin family. You can choose to join or leave." He said loudly, his tone full of contempt for the world.

"Damn it, this guy is so crazy. No wonder the Qin family wants to send people to hunt him down."

"Brother, I think you are new here. You don't even know who Lin Yang is. He is a young warrior who has been in the limelight in the capital recently. It is said that he is extremely powerful in combat. He once killed the master of the eighth level of heaven. He is amazing!"

"What, he is so powerful?"

"Of course, do you think those big guys from the Qin family in the capital are just for a living?"

"I understand."

The onlookers whispered and discussed. Most people were willing to stay, but a few left.

Lin Yang watched these people leave and felt relieved. In this way, his pressure was relieved a lot. After all, a large number of people had surrendered, and he could use this power to deal with the Qin family.

During the Han Dynasty, Liu Zheng led 30,000 elite troops to the capital.

He has a mansion in the capital, covering a huge area, and the building is magnificent and magnificent.

After the army doctor completed the examination and determined that there was nothing wrong, he left in a hurry. As for how to deal with it, Liu Zheng needed to decide personally.

In the main hall, only Liu Zheng and a group of generals were left.

Liu Zheng looked around and pondered: "Although the Qin Dynasty has a long history, it has many flaws. After our ancestors established the dynasty, the national treasury was empty and the people's livelihood was in decline. Civil servants were responsible for all affairs, but the army was not under the control of the imperial court."

"The last general believes that the Qin Dynasty should be overthrown, the rule of the Han Dynasty should be restored, and the glory of the dynasty should be revived." A military general asked for help.

"The general will support His Majesty!"

"My emperor is wise and wise for generations to come."

"The general agrees!"

The ministers bowed and expressed their opinions one after another, and no one questioned it.

Liu Zheng nodded with satisfaction and said in a deep voice: "I want to attack the Qin family, are you willing to serve me?"

"I am willing to serve Your Majesty as hard as I can!"

"I am willing to follow your majesty to the death!"

Liu Zheng nodded slightly and ordered: "Come here, prepare a decree to confer Han Zheng, the general of Zhennan of the Han Dynasty, as a general and a protector of the country."

"I obey the decree!" A minister wrote quickly and announced the imperial decree.

"I would like to thank Your Majesty for your great kindness!" Everyone knelt on one knee and kowtowed respectfully.

Liu Zheng stood up, clasped his hands behind his back, and said proudly: "In this campaign against the Qin family, we must seize the opportunity and deliver a fatal blow to the enemy. There is no room for error."

"Please remember this, general!"

"My Holy Emperor!"

All the generals answered in unison, showing their loyalty.

Then, they left the hall.

"Your Majesty, is what you just said true?" A minister couldn't help but ask.

"Huh?" Liu Zheng's face changed slightly, and he scolded in a deep voice: "You are being treasonous, why don't you retreat quickly?"

"Here!" The minister was frightened and ran away in a hurry without asking any more questions.

Liu Zheng shook his head and sighed bitterly: "Oh...Father! If I guessed correctly, my eldest brother has already rebelled. Otherwise, how could he leave the dynasty to the control of his son?"

"Hateful!" The deputy commander next to him beat his chest angrily and said angrily: "Your Highness has gone too far. Our Liu family is the second largest family in the Great Xia Dynasty. How could he do such a thing?"

"It doesn't matter!" Liu Zheng waved his hand and said solemnly: "I am determined to conquer the Qin family this time. Any obstacle will be eliminated at any cost!"

On the other side, after Lin Yang left the Qin family's residence, he went to the depths of the suburban mountains.

According to the map, Qin Hao and Concubine Qin Hao are retreating in a secret room to break through to the master realm. This matter cannot be delayed.

He wanted to eliminate the two powerful enemies as soon as possible, and then return to Qinglong Villa to take charge.

According to the map, the place closest to the secret room is an abandoned ancient temple, which has been invaded by wild beasts and destroyed long ago.

However, Lin Yangyi, a master of art, was brave and rushed in without hesitation. With his strong body, he broke through without any fear, swept all the way, and finally found the stone room where Qin Hao and Concubine Qin Hao were.

"Boom!" He punched the cave door violently, and an earth-shattering sound came out.

In an instant, dust filled the air, gravel flew up, and the entire mountain peak trembled.


The stone door was opened, the dust settled, and a dark passage appeared, emitting a faint light.

"Shua..." Lin Yang rushed in like lightning.

In the dark secret room, Qin Hao was sitting cross-legged on the futon, wearing luxurious clothes and a golden crown, with a majestic look on his brows.

Opposite him, Concubine Qin Hao was also sitting cross-legged in silence, wearing a white dress and her beautiful face was pale.

Especially the scars on her body were shocking.

Lin Yang was secretly glad that Concubine Qin Hao's condition was relatively optimistic and she was fine for the time being.

"Pfft..." Concubine Qin Hao suddenly opened her mouth and spat out a pool of blood. She opened her eyes with a depressed expression, and murmured with horror in her eyes: "How is this possible? I actually broke through to the sixth level of the innate realm."

"Haha..." Qin Hao laughed loudly, stared at Concubine Qin Hao coldly, and yelled through gritted teeth: "Bitch, your good luck has come to an end. I will use your life to pay tribute to my father's soul."

After saying that, he pulled out his sword and stabbed Concubine Qin Hao in the heart, which was extremely cruel.

"Bang bang bang..."

As a muffled sound was heard, Concubine Qin Hao struggled violently and soon lost her breath.

Looking at Concubine Qin Hao who fell to the ground dead, Qin Hao's eyes were red and he roared crazily: "Bitch, do you want to enjoy the glory and wealth all to yourself? It's simply a wishful thinking."

After scolding him, he packed up and walked out quickly.

In the main hall, all the generals gathered together and were surprised to see him coming out.

"See you, Your Highness!" A minister saluted.

"No courtesy!" Qin Hao waved his hand and said carelessly: "I heard that there is a man named Qin Hao in the Qin Dynasty. He is a subject of my great Han Dynasty. I am going to lead an army to attack him. Do you have confidence?"

"This..." The ministers looked at each other, their expressions changing constantly.

"Hmph! Trash, why do I support you? If you don't hurry up and do things, you will delay important things. You are the only one asking." Qin Hao snorted coldly, furious.

"I will obey the decree!" The ministers did not hesitate and immediately left.

After the minister left, Qin Hao laughed happily, feeling happy, as if a breath of bad breath had been released, and his whole body was relaxed.

It turns out that he defrauded Concubine Qin Hao into the "Thunder Control Technique" and practiced it to the peak of the fourth level, and he was already qualified to challenge the next level.

Moreover, he has a peak-level military general beside him to assist him, so he is even more certain of victory.

"Little bastard, just wait, I will let you know what despair is and what life is worse than death!"

Qin Hao cursed viciously in his eyes, with murderous intent surging in his heart, and left with his ministers.

Great Qin Dynasty, Imperial City!

Emperor Qin Zhentian occupies the supreme position of the Nine-Fifth Emperor. He is about eighty years old, with mottled temples, a weather-beaten face, but bright eyes.

As the overlord of the generation, Qin Zhentian was so majestic that no one dared to offend him, even if he was old and frail, not even breathing heavily.

With a worried look on his face, he frowned and said, "Hao'er, are you really sure you want to lead an army to attack the big man?"

A stern look flashed across Qin Hao's eyes, and he said in a deep voice, "My child has already made up his mind. Father, you can rest assured and cultivate yourself."

"Alas!" Qin Zhentian sighed softly and urged: "Be careful in everything, and don't forget my teachings!"

"Father, don't worry, I will return safely." Qin Hao clasped his fists and saluted, turned around and strode towards the main hall.

Concubine Qin Hao followed, her beautiful eyebrows furrowed and worried.

Although Concubine Qin Hao was born as a girl, she was smart, thoughtful, and knew how dangerous this move was.

In the main hall, all the civil and military officials stood solemnly. Seeing this, they all bowed and saluted, "Long live my emperor!"

"Everyone is safe!" Qin Hao shouted loudly.

Many ministers stood up and waited for Qin Hao's order.

"Your Majesty, the last general has asked for orders to attack, crush the big man, and kill the Liu family." A tiger general stepped forward, cupped his fists and saluted.

Qin Hao showed joy and laughed: "Haha, I am worried that there is no suitable candidate. Since Zhao Aiqing has recommended himself, I am sure to do it!"

"The general will obey the order."

"I am willing to lead the troops to go out and defeat them."

All the ministers raised their arms and shouted.

"Your Majesty is wise."

"Long live your majesty."

Qin Hao showed a satisfied look on his face and ordered: "Zhao Aiqing, Xu Aiqing, and Prime Minister Li each led five thousand elites and rushed to the Qin family without stopping. They must be destroyed."

"I obey the decree." The three chief ministers bowed and responded.


At this moment, a sound of galloping came into my ears, and soon, someone pushed the door open and came in.

"Report to your Majesty, the Great Qin Dynasty has sent an envoy to ask for an audience!" A guard reported respectfully.

Qin Hao nodded and said lightly: "Xuan."

After a moment, two men in black walked in quickly, knelt down and saluted, and said, "Young man, pay homage to the emperor!"

"Tell me, who are you and why did you come to our Great Yan Dynasty?" Qin Hao asked lightly.

"Your Majesty, I am an envoy from the Kingdom of Western Chu and have been invited here."

"Oh!" Qin Hao nodded and asked, "But I'm here to discuss the alliance."

The two shook their heads, "Your Majesty, we are not here to form an alliance, but we are here for the Great Xia Dynasty. We are sending you special gifts in the hope that we can become allies."

Hearing this, Qin Hao's eyes lit up and he said excitedly: "Haha, you want to marry me, Daxia?"

"Exactly." The envoy of Western Chu said: "My princess admires Prince Qinhao of Great Xia, so she sent a villain to give her a betrothal gift."

Qin Hao's eyes rolled around, and he nodded with a smile, "I have made the decision on this matter, and I will marry the princess soon."

The two envoys were overjoyed and hurriedly saluted again, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace!"

"Haha! You're welcome. Just stand down. I will send an army to attack the Han Dynasty tomorrow."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, and take my leave!"

"Go slowly, I won't send you away!"

Watching the Xi Chu envoy leave, Qin Hao's lips curved with pride. He couldn't wait to defeat Lin Feng.

He wanted to personally kill Lin Hao to vent his hatred and seek justice for Concubine Qin Hao.

"Brother Emperor, have you really decided?" Concubine Qin Hao asked in a low voice with a worried look on her face.

Qin Hao patted his chest and promised: "Yes, I will put Concubine Qin Hao to sleep and then kill her. Only in this way can I eliminate the hatred in my heart."

Hearing these words, Concubine Qin Hao glared at her brother shyly.

"Hehe!" Qin Hao smiled proudly, "Good sister, when I ascend the throne and become emperor, we will be the queen and concubine. By then, we can do whatever we want, haha..."

Concubine Qin Hao suddenly blushed and said coquettishly: "Bah..."

Although she is an imperial concubine, she has always adhered to women's ethics and has never touched anything between men and women. Naturally, she resisted, but she could not resist Qin Hao's passion.

"Haha, okay, I'm going to practice archery first." Qin Hao laughed and ran away in stride.

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Zhentian summoned his officials early to discuss how to deal with the big man.

The ministers discussed for a long time and finally decided on the attack plan.

Three days later, 500,000 cavalry led by Taiwei Yang Jian swept through Nanzhou County and wiped out the remaining forces of the Han Dynasty.

At the same time, Grand Master Chen Ping, Minister of War Zhang Liang, and Minister of Personnel Lu Buwei respectively led 12 armies with a total of 600,000 cavalry to attack the territory of the Han Dynasty.

In addition, the Qin family, the royal family of the Great Qin Dynasty, also had strong soldiers and horses, and strong strength. Qin Hao was even known as the 'Invincible of the Great Qin'.

Therefore, the Qin army was enough to crush the entire Han Dynasty.

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