"Father, I will return victorious from this expedition and completely eradicate the cancer of the Han Dynasty!" Qin Hao, the crown prince of Qin Dynasty, was full of pride.

"Yes." Qin Zhentian nodded slightly and warned: "Remember, don't be careless. It is definitely not easy for the Han Dynasty to be called a dynasty."

"My son knows!" Qin Hao nodded in agreement.

"Back off." Qin Zhentian waved his hand.

"My dear, please leave." Qin Hao turned around and left. Just as he stepped out of the threshold, his steps suddenly stagnated. A dark and cold light flashed between his brows, and he murmured to himself: "It's time to go find him!"


Suddenly, Qin Hao turned around suddenly and smiled grimly.

"Somebody come!"

"I'm here to serve you!" Qin Mansion's Nursing Home responded respectfully.

"Go and call Li Yuanhua, I have something to explain!" Qin Hao said coldly.

"I obey my orders."

A moment later, Li Yuanhua came in a hurry, knelt down on one knee, and said respectfully: "I humble myself to pay homage to your Majesty!"

"Get up and speak." Qin Hao said indifferently: "Li Aiqing, you are very efficient in your work. In such a short period of time, you have conquered all the forces in Qin State. You are worthy of being my right-hand man."

"Your Majesty, thank you for your praise. This small talent of humble position is not worth mentioning. As long as your Majesty says a word, humble position is willing to work hard and die!" Li Yuanhua complimented.

"Li Aiqing is indeed loyal." Qin Hao praised him and said, "In the early hours of tonight, I will launch a war. You should go and do it immediately."

"I obey my orders." Li Yuanhua nodded and responded. He hesitated for a moment and then continued: "Your Majesty, there is something I want to confess to you."

"What's the matter?" Qin Hao raised his eyebrows.

Li Yuanhua hesitated for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "When you were assassinated, it was done by someone under the command of a humble official, just to help Qin Haoyu break off the engagement."


Hearing this, Qin Hao became furious and roared: "You're such a rip-off, it's all in vain that I trust you so much!"


Li Yuanhua knelt on the ground in fear and kowtowed: "Your Majesty, please calm down. I have no intention of betrayal in my humble position."

Qin Hao took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and asked in a deep voice: "Li Yuanhua, why do you want to help Qin Haoyu?"

"This..." Li Yuanhua looked struggling, hesitated for a while, and then sighed: "Because I like Qin Haoyu because of my humble position."

Qin Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Li Yuanhua, and said, "Can you help him and murder me if you like him?"

"I know my crime due to my humble position." Li Yuanhua lowered his head and trembled all over.

Qin Hao snorted coldly, pondered for a while, and said coldly: "That's all, considering that you have done many things for me, I will forgive you this time."

"However, from now on, if you let me know that you are hooking up with him again, don't blame me for being so cruel!"

After Qin Hao finished speaking, he threw up his sleeves and left.


With a long sigh of relief, Li Yuanhua slumped on the ground, sweating all over his body and cold sweat dripping from his forehead.


"Dong dong dong..."

Accompanied by the sound of drums and music, huge chariots drove into the imperial city.

Sitting in the chariot were hundreds of Qin emperors wearing dragon robes and crowns, with majestic faces and a strong imperial aura.

"Long live my emperor, long live the emperor!" All the ministers knelt down and worshiped, and the mountains roared and the tsunami roared.

"Stay flat." Qin Hao waved his sleeves lightly.

"Thank you, my emperor!"

"Dear ladies, please take your seats."

"My emperor is wise!"

All the courtiers sat down one after another, including Qin Hao's four younger brothers.


Qin Hao sat on the dragon chair, cleared his throat, and said loudly: "My dear friends, although the Han Dynasty has been destroyed, the Han Dynasty has a vast territory and hundreds of billions of people. I want to unify the Northern Wilderness."

"Do you have any suggestions?"

"Your Majesty is wise!" His Highness' civil and military ministers all agreed, but Prime Minister Han Rui was a little hesitant.

"Han Aiqing, what do you think?" Qin Hao looked at Han Rui.

Han Rui raised his head, raised his hands and cupped his fists and said: "As a reminder to my emperor, I believe that the Han Dynasty is dead, but there are still many resisters among the people, so we should not act rashly!"

"Besides, the Northern Wilderness region is full of mountains and dense forests, teeming with wild beasts, and extremely dangerous. A rash attack can easily cause casualties."

"So Wei Chen feels that we should take care of it slowly."

"What Han Aiqing said is true. After all, a big man is a piece of fat and cannot be given up hastily."

Qin Zhentian spoke slowly.

Qin Hao frowned and said, "I am going to send people to sneak into the territory of the Han Dynasty and seize its territory."

"No, Your Majesty!" Han Rui stopped him hastily: "According to reports from spies, the Qin and Han dynasty armies have occupied Dongling City of the Han Dynasty. Wherever the soldiers arrive, the people are complaining."

"The people of the Han Dynasty are fierce and not afraid of war. If they march rashly, they may cause anger and cause unpredictable losses."

"However, Wei Chen thought of a way to get the best of both worlds."

"Oh? Let's talk about it?" Qin Zhentian asked with interest.

Han Rui smiled slightly and said: "Although the Han Dynasty has been destroyed, there are many hermits and masters among the people. Your Majesty might as well send people to recruit them and win them over to serve as our eyes and ears. In this way, you can monitor every move of the Han Dynasty."

Qin Zhentian nodded and said: "Ai Qing's proposal is very good. Pass on the order and immediately arrange for people to go to all parts of the Han Dynasty to find famous scholars and recruit them to my king's command."

"The general will obey the order." An official stood up and said.

"Your Majesty!" Han Rui stood up, cupped his hands and clasped his fists, and said seriously: "This is a plan to kill two birds with one stone!"

"Oh?" Qin Zhentian looked at Han Rui in surprise and said with great interest: "Tell me, how can you kill two birds with one stone?"

"Yes!" All the ministers looked at Han Rui curiously, wanting to hear his explanation.

Han Rui smiled faintly, talked eloquently, and said: "First of all, Your Majesty can send people to secretly build elite heavy armored cavalry. After training, they will be stationed in Beihuang."

"Secondly, masters from the Great Xia Dynasty can be secretly trained and used as assassins for the army."

"at last……"

Han Rui talked incessantly, and after talking for a full incense stick, he stopped and asked expectantly: "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

"Wonderful, really wonderful! Haha... Han Aiqing is really both wise and brave!"

"That's right! This strategy is truly a stroke of genius!"

"Prime Minister Han is not only strong in governance, but also extremely intelligent!"

Qin Zhentian laughed loudly, slapped the table and cheered: "Come here, I will draw up a decree and make Han Rui the Imperial Master of the Qin Dynasty, and also be in charge of the household department. I appreciate this."

"I thank you Lord for your kindness!" Han Rui hurriedly knelt down to thank him.

Qin Zhentian said with a smile: "Han Aiqing, your contribution to Qin is undoubted. In the future, Qin will still need you to assist me."

"Your Majesty, you're welcome." Han Rui smiled humbly, a flash of light flashed deep in his eyes, and said secretly: "Han Rui, I am the winner after all!"

Qin Hao watched Han Rui's performance quietly, with a cold smile on his lips.

"Han Rui is a very deep man and is good at disguise. We must be on guard against him."

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Hao came to the Jinluan Hall early and began to review the memorial and summoned the ministers to discuss the situation of the war.

"Your Majesty! I think you should not be careless and must deal with it carefully."

"The Qin Dynasty is now at a critical moment. You must not be careless, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." Prime Minister Zhang Zhao advised.

"What the Prime Minister said makes sense." Qin Zhentian agreed.

"Then what should I do according to what the Prime Minister sees?" Qin Hao asked.

Zhang Zhao thought for a long time, then bowed and said: "Wei Chen believes that we should take advantage of the situation to expand our territory, gradually annex the surrounding small countries, and strengthen the strength of Great Qin."

Qin Hao shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Prime Minister, although the Qin Kingdom has been strong in recent years, it has also exhausted its money and food. Its foundation is weak and it should not expand too much."

"What your Majesty said makes sense." Prime Minister Zhang Zhao nodded.

Qin Hao looked around and asked, "Who else has better suggestions?"

All the ministers shook their heads, and they all believed that they should not expand too fast, lest their foundation would be unstable and they would be attacked by enemy countries.

"In that case, I have decided." Qin Hao suddenly said.

Hearing this, all the ministers were stunned. Will Your Majesty not conquer the Qin and Han Dynasties?

"Your Majesty, you have just ascended the throne and your great cause is not yet stable, so be careful not to be impulsive!"

Qin Zhentian hurriedly spoke to stop him.

"The Prime Minister is overly worried, I know it well." Qin Hao smiled confidently, then changed the topic and said: "I plan to lead an army to the Qin and Han Dynasties to regain the lost territory."


For a moment, the court was in an uproar, and all the ministers were talking, some were worried, some were happy, and some were disdainful.

The Qin and Han dynasties were indeed in decline, but the skinny camels were bigger than horses, and their heritage remained.

Now, His Majesty's personal visit to the front line is tantamount to death, and it is simply stupid.

"Your Majesty, you can't go!" Han Rui said in shock: "Liu Xiu, the great master of the Han Dynasty, once said that there are dragons and crouching tigers in the Qin and Han dynasties."

"Wouldn't it chill the hearts of loyal and patriotic ministers that you are in danger alone?" Han Rui said indignantly, impassionedly: "Your Majesty, you are a noble person, how can you take such risks yourself?"

"Your Majesty, think twice..."

All the ministers gave advice one after another, hoping that His Majesty would think twice before acting.

"I have made up my mind!" Qin Hao flatly refused.

"Your Majesty..." The ministers comforted again, but Qin Hao's attitude was firm, so they had no choice but to keep their mouths shut and did not dare to disobey the emperor's order.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to accompany you!" Han Rui stood up again and said solemnly.

"Your Majesty, I am also willing to accompany you!" Another civil servant stood up and said.

"Okay! Then the three of us will go together!" Qin Hao smiled happily.

These three people are all members of the Qin royal family and the sons of Qin Hao's father, Qin Zhentian.

Qin Hao, Qin Zhennan, and Qin Zhenbei are the four eldest sons of Da Qin respectively, and they are also Qin Hao's brothers.

"Prime Minister Han, this matter needs long-term consideration. What should we do if we encounter any danger?" Qin Hao asked.

"Your Majesty, don't panic, I have my own clever plan." Han Rui said confidently: "Why don't you ask all the ministers to stay away temporarily and give me enough time to complete the formation."

"What Prime Minister Han said makes sense." Qin Zhentian pondered for a moment, waved his sleeves and said: "Everyone loves you, please withdraw from the court."

"Wei Chen, please leave." All the officials exited the hall one after another.

"Your Majesty, I beg you to accompany me to participate in the grand event and protect your Majesty's safety." Han Rui bowed.

"I am very happy that I love you for your loyalty and courage." Qin Hao waved his hand slightly and said: "This time I conquer the Qin and Han Dynasties, I don't need any help. I am enough on my own."

After saying that, Qin Hao walked out.

"Your Majesty." Han Rui bowed his hands and watched the emperor leave.

Watching Qin Hao's back disappear from the palace gate, Zhang Zhao sighed: "Master Han, please forgive me, your approach is very unwise."

"Oh? Prime Minister thinks Han is reckless?" Han Rui said with a smile.

"Your Majesty is so talented and strategic and has the world in mind, how can he be a reckless man?" Zhang Zhao said indifferently: "The reason why he didn't agree is that he must have other plans."

Han Rui smiled and said: "The Prime Minister is right, your Majesty is not a reckless man."

After a pause, Han Rui continued: "I wonder if the Prime Minister has considered one thing."

"What is it?"

"After the fall of the Han Dynasty, who will take over the territory of the dynasty?" Han Rui narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty is wise!" Zhang Zhao said solemnly: "If Your Majesty wants to dominate the world, you must expand the territory of the Qin Dynasty to the entire continent. Only in this way can you have more resources."

Qin Hao smiled and said: "So, I am going to send troops to attack the Qin and Han Dynasties."

"Your Majesty is wise."

"But the Qin and Han Dynasties are not weak. If Your Majesty advances rashly, I am afraid..." Zhang Zhao hesitated.

"Don't worry, Prime Minister, I have a plan in mind." Qin Hao said proudly.

Qin Zhentian and the Prime Minister looked at each other and couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Han Rui smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Prime Minister. I will help your majesty attack the Qin and Han dynasties."

The Prime Minister frowned and said, "In this case, I will trouble you, Lord Han."

Han Rui nodded and said, "It's my duty. Prime Minister, don't mind."

"Okay, Han Aiqing has worked hard. Go back home and rest early. See you at the morning court tomorrow!" Qin Hao said with a smile.

Han Rui bowed and took Li Bai to bid farewell to Qin Zhentian and other ministers, went home to rest, and prepared for the morning court the next day.

The next morning, Han Rui finished washing and eating breakfast, and then went to the palace to find Zhang Zhao and said, "When will His Majesty get up?"

Zhang Zhao stroked his beard and smiled, "It will take another half an hour to get up."

Han Rui nodded and said, "Prime Minister, please wait a moment. I will go and urge His Majesty to get up."

Zhang Zhao looked embarrassed and said bitterly, "I hope Prime Minister Han can explain a few words for us, but I know your character very well and it will not change."

"Prime Minister, you really think too highly of me." Han Rui rolled his eyes.

Zhang Zhao smiled awkwardly and said awkwardly, "What I mean is that Prime Minister Han should not go too far, otherwise he will annoy His Majesty and harm Lord Han."

Han Rui curled his lips and said contemptuously, "Do I still need his help?"

"Uh..." Zhang Zhao was stunned and speechless. This guy doesn't look like a minister at all. He is even more arrogant than Qin Hao. He doesn't even take Qin Hao seriously. This is not only arrogant, but also a bit of a beating!

Under Zhang Zhao's gaze, Han Rui turned and walked out of the hall, swaggering out of the palace and heading for the Imperial Garden.

Qin Hao sat in the pavilion of the Imperial Garden, leisurely sipping tea and drinking water, enjoying the delicious food quite comfortably.

"Your Majesty, I pay my respects to you." Han Rui knelt down to pay his respects.

Qin Hao raised his eyelids, saw Han Rui, and said lightly: "Get up, what's the matter?"

"I thought about it carefully last night, and I think your Majesty's move is a bit abrupt." Han Rui said solemnly.

"Do you think I shouldn't attack the Han Dynasty?" Qin Hao frowned and asked.

Han Rui whispered: "Your Majesty should advance slowly, and wait until the people of the Han Dynasty are in decline, and then attack."

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