"You mean, there are too many killings now and the people are complaining, so it's not appropriate for me to attack?"

"Your Majesty has a clear warning." Han Rui cupped his hands and said.

Qin Hao snorted coldly and said, "Han Rui, I cannot agree with your suggestion."

Han Rui said in shock: "Why?"

Qin Hao said: "First of all, the poor livelihood of the people of the Qin and Han Dynasties has nothing to do with us."

"Secondly, the Han Dynasty has had long-standing evils. If it is not eliminated, it will pose a huge hidden danger to Qin's rule. Therefore, I must put down the Han Dynasty as soon as possible."

After listening to what Qin Hao said, Han Rui was stunned and didn't know what to say.

"Han Rui, do you have any good ideas?" Qin Hao smiled and said, "Tell me about it."

After Han Rui thought for a moment, he said: "My suggestion is to send an envoy to the Han Dynasty to declare war."

Qin Hao said: "How to declare war?"

"Unite the surrounding small countries to encircle and suppress the Han Dynasty."

"What if they don't agree?" Qin Hao asked.

Han Rui was silent for a moment and said solemnly: "Then suppress it forcefully."

Hearing this, Qin Hao frowned slightly, pondered a little, and said: "Han Rui, although your method is feasible, have you ever thought about whether the Han Dynasty will jump over the wall in a hurry?"

"At the beginning, the Han Dynasty was forced to retreat steadily and was already on the verge of collapse. If we continue to be aggressive, will they sink their boats?"

Han Rui looked stern and said, "Then completely defeat them and leave them no chance to breathe!"

"Han Rui, you are gambling with the fate of tens of thousands of people in Qin."

"I believe your Majesty can handle it well!"

"Haha... Han Rui, you are still too young!" Qin Hao shook his head and said, "I can't take this risk!"

"Your Majesty..." Han Rui persuaded anxiously.

Qin Hao waved his hand and said: "I have made up my mind. From now on, I will mobilize a large army to attack the Qin and Han Dynasties."

"Your Majesty..." Han Rui exclaimed.

"I've made up my mind. You can go back and don't bother me again." Qin Hao drove him away unceremoniously.

"My farewell." Han Rui gritted his teeth, turned and left the palace.

Qin Hao glanced at them and said disdainfully: "Trash, a bunch of cowards."

Returning to the mansion, Han Rui locked himself in the room and thanked the guests behind closed doors.

The next day, when the sky was dark and Han Rui had just gotten up and washed himself, he received a notice that Qin Hao summoned ministers to discuss attacking the Han Dynasty.

Han Rui immediately put on his official robe and hurried to the palace to meet Qin Hao.

Qin Hao looked extremely excited today. He was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe, a jade belt around his waist, and colorful embroidered shoes. He was sitting on the dragon chair with dignity.

Han Rui knelt down on one knee and said: "Your Majesty, long live my emperor!"

Qin Hao raised his hand to help Han Rui to get up, and said with a smile: "Han Aiqing, please get up."

Han Rui stood up and his eyes fell on the sand table in the middle of the hall.

What is depicted on the sand table is the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and on the left side of the sand table is the Han Dynasty.

"Han Aiqing, please look, I plan to send troops from the northwest." Qin Hao pointed to the area marked with a red circle on the sand table and said.

Han Rui looked up at the Han Dynasty on the right side of the sand table and asked: "I wonder where your Majesty is planning to march from?"

Qin Hao said: "The junction of Qinling, Longxi and Chang'an provinces is called Wuwei County."

"Wuwei County is the capital of the Han Dynasty. It is heavily guarded and is close to the Qinling Mountains. Therefore, Wuwei County must be bypassed to reach the hinterland of the Han Dynasty."

Han Rui nodded in agreement and said, "This is indeed more troublesome, but it is also the safest choice."

"I plan to start from Longxi first, and then attack Wuwei County to defeat the Han Dynasty in one fell swoop. I wonder what Han Aiqing wants?" Qin Hao asked.

Han Rui shook his head and sighed: "Your Majesty, I think this plan is inappropriate."

"What's wrong?"

Han Rui pointed to the location of Wuwei County and said: "Wuwei County is far away from the capital. If you want to conquer the Han Dynasty, it will take a long time, and it may give the Han Dynasty a chance to breathe."

"More importantly, I am worried that the Han Dynasty has an ambush in Wuwei County."

Hearing this, Qin Hao fell silent.

Qin Hao is a wise king with extremely high strategies, so he naturally understands what Han Rui said makes sense.

However, as an emperor, how can he stop attacking because he is afraid of the enemy's machinations? This is not in line with Qin Hao's nature. Moreover, throughout history, every country in war has not lost a lot because of a small gain?

Qin Hao said: "Han Aiqing, I have considered the concerns you mentioned. I have made up my mind. There is no need to argue anymore. Han Aiqing please step aside."

Han Rui frowned and hesitated to speak. He took a deep breath, bowed and said, "I obey the order."

After watching Han Rui leave, Qin Hao rubbed his head and sighed secretly: "After all, I am still too young and impatient."

After Han Rui left the Jinluan Palace, he went straight back to the mansion. Along the way, he met many courtiers who respectfully called him Han Shangshu, but Han Rui responded lazily without any expression.

Walking to the backyard, a hint of joy appeared on Han Rui's face. He opened the door of the study and saw Sun Bin and Dian Wei concentrating on studying the military book.

"Hey, why are you back?" Sun Bin asked in surprise.

Han Rui walked into the house, casually sat down at the table, poured a glass of water to drink, moistened his throat, and then explained: "Your Majesty is going to conquer the Han Dynasty."

Dian Wei asked doubtfully: "What does conquering the Han Dynasty have to do with us?"

Han Rui rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Your Majesty wants to defeat the big man, which naturally has something to do with us. Have you forgotten? You still owe me one hundred thousand taels of silver."

Dian Wei suddenly understood and said: "You want money, you should have told me earlier, here, here you go!"

Dian Wei took out a thick stack of banknotes from his arms and placed them on the table.

Han Rui's eyes widened, he glared at Dian Wei, and said, "You are cheating."

"Don't talk nonsense. When did I cheat? This is an IOU!" Dian Wei said plausibly.

Han Rui reached out and grabbed the IOU, opened it and looked at it, and found that the word 'Han Rui' was written on it. He was immediately confused and said, "What's going on?"

"Last night, Lao Dian secretly stuffed it under my pillow." Sun Bin explained.

The corner of Han Rui's mouth twitched and said: "You can't say it was borrowed by me. At most, it was borrowed by a friend. You two actually came to me to defraud money. It's so unscrupulous!"

Dian Wei said: "Anyway, you have already signed and pledged it."

"..." Han Rui was speechless for a while.

Sun Bin said with a smile: "Okay, Brother Han, don't be angry. Once you kill the big man, you will have the money to pay us back."

Dian Wei echoed: "Yes, you didn't suffer any loss anyway, but we still admire your courage for daring to ask His Majesty to borrow money."

Han Rui smiled bitterly and said, "Can I tell the truth?"

Dian Wei said: "No."

Sun Bin shrugged his shoulders and said: "Brother Han, you'd better admit it, otherwise, we will both get beaten."

Han Rui snorted and said, "Then you two tell me, what should I do?"

"It'll be served cold." Dian Wei curled his lips and said.

Sun Bin said: "Your Majesty asks you to lead the army on the expedition. Just do it and leave the rest to us."

Han Rui said: "But..."

Dian Wei waved his hand to interrupt Han Rui's words and said, "No buts. Since His Majesty has asked you to command the three armies, you are the commander in chief. You don't need to worry about other things."

Sun Bin also helped and said: "Yes, you can go to war with peace of mind and leave the rest to us."

"Okay then." Han Rui reluctantly agreed, feeling depressed in his heart. He originally planned to take the opportunity to leave the Han Dynasty, but he never thought that he would shoot himself in the foot.

Han Rui left the Prime Minister's Mansion unhappily and returned to the mansion.

As soon as I returned home, I saw the maid Yue'er standing under the eaves of the corridor, looking forward to her, her pretty face full of anxiety.

When she saw Han Rui coming back, she hurriedly greeted him and said anxiously: "Sir, you are finally back. I sent someone to send a message asking you to return to the mansion as soon as possible."

Han Rui frowned, vaguely feeling that something must have happened, otherwise his father would not have sent someone to urge him.

After thinking for a moment, Han Rui asked: "Is there any reason?"

"I heard from the servants in the mansion that the Marquis has been waiting for the young master in the mansion for a long time." Yue'er replied.

Han Rui said oh and walked towards Han Rui's residence.

As they walked, Han Rui asked: "Yue'er, the master sent someone to urge me to come back. Is there something wrong at home?"

"I don't know." Yue'er shook her head, indicating that she didn't know the details.

Han Rui nodded slightly and didn't ask any more questions.

Han Rui lived not far away. After walking for a while, he came to the door of his residence.

Han Rui was just about to knock on the door when he heard a sound coming from inside the room, so he raised his arm and slowly pushed the door open. What came into view was a beautiful woman in her forties, with her back to the door, and Husband chats.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back." Han Rui called.

"Well, just come back. Take a shower and eat quickly. The food is hot." The beautiful woman ordered kindly.

"I got it, mother." Han Rui agreed, closed the door, quickly went to the bathroom, took off his clothes and took a bath.

Not long after, I finished washing, changed my clothes and walked out.

When Han Rui came to the dining room, he saw his parents, wife and daughter sitting in front of the table, talking about something.

"Dad, Mom." Han Rui bowed his hands and sat on the empty chair on the left.

Han Kang took a sip of tea dignifiedly and elegantly, and asked quietly: "Today, the palace summoned civil and military officials to discuss matters. Have you heard about it?"

Han Rui shook his head blankly and said, "I went to participate in the martial arts competition today, and I haven't gone home yet."

Han Kang said: "You haven't heard of such important news."

"Dad, tell me who posted the imperial list," Han Rui said.

Han Kang shook his head and said: "I don't know the specific situation. I only know that the doctor of the Ministry of Personnel is in charge."

"I understand. If there's nothing else, I'll go study first." Han Rui said.

Han Kang waved his hand and said: "Go ahead, take a rest for half a day today, remember to come home for lunch."

Han Rui responded, turned and left.

Seeing Han Rui go away, Mrs. Li smiled and said: "Mr. sir, look at his appearance. Does he look like the silly person you and I were when we first met?"

Han Kang chuckled and said, "Like!"

Li said angrily: "That's nonsense."

Han Kang whispered: "My husband is telling the truth. Look, he actually came first in this scientific examination and won the top prize. I have to admit that his knowledge is indeed not weak."

Mrs. Li smiled and said softly: "Ms. sir, how do you teach your child? Why does he change so much?"

"Maybe it's because of long-term malnutrition." Han Kang hesitated.

Mrs. Li nodded in agreement, and then said worriedly: "But now that the imperial examination is about to take place, if he still looks like that stupid person, I'm afraid..."

Han Kang was silent. Although he thought Han Rui had become smarter, he still thought he was a stupid boy.

In the early morning, the sky was bright and the sun was shining on the bed, making it warm. Han Rui woke up leisurely, dressed slowly, picked up the book box, walked out of the wing, and came to the front yard. He saw a group of guards standing in the yard. In the middle, head held high and chest held high, with a serious expression.

"Greetings to Mr. Han Rui." The guard cupped his fists and saluted.

Han Rui nodded slightly and asked, "Brothers, why did you wake me up so early?"

Guard A smiled and said, "Master Han Rui, please come with me. I will take you to the school grounds."

"School ground?" Han Rui was stunned. He had never heard of the school ground, but he didn't go into details. He quickly followed the guards and left the family, went to the street outside, walked east for a while, and then came to the east suburb of the city. In the school grounds, there is a high platform built here.

At this time, there were hundreds of soldiers on the school grounds, lining up for training.

Seeing a stranger entering the school grounds, the soldiers all looked around. When they saw that it was Han Rui, their faces showed various expressions such as surprise and reverence. Some people couldn't help shouting: "Han Rui, Han Rui is here, hurry up Step aside."

In an instant, hundreds of soldiers retreated and made way for Han Rui.

Han Rui looked a little embarrassed and sighed to himself. The playboy back then had finally become famous. It was not in vain that I had worked so hard.

Under the guidance of the guards, Han Rui climbed onto the high platform, looked around, and found fifty or sixty young and strong men who looked like officers, standing quietly next to them.

Han Rui approached and saluted: "See you, generals."

The leading officer reached out to help Han Rui up and said with a smile: "No courtesy."

Everyone nodded in admiration and felt envious in their hearts. If they could be selected, they could also become officers, commanding thousands of troops with majesty...

The officer's eyes fell on Han Rui and he smiled easily: "You must be Han Rui. I am the deputy general of the Royal Forest Army. Xu Qing, under the order of the Taiwei, came to recruit new soldiers to join the army. If you don't mind it, you can follow me." I went to the capital to meet the saint and be consecrated."

Han Rui sighed in his heart that Grand Master Han Rui, the most noble being in the Tang Dynasty, paid so much attention to him.

"I do." Han Rui replied respectfully.

Xu Qing said happily: "Okay, I will send someone to escort you to the capital. In addition, I will also report to the Taiwei to recruit 500 elites to escort the young master to the capital. I hope you don't mind."

Han Rui shook his head and said: "Since His Majesty is so gracious, how can I dare to refuse?"

"Haha, what a courage." Xu Qing praised: "As expected of Lord Taiwei's nephew, I believe that under your leadership, our Tang Dynasty will prosper even more."

Han Rui said humbly: "The general has given you too much praise."

After polite greetings, Xu Qing immediately ordered people to pack their bags and prepare to escort Han Rui to the capital.

Needless to say, this matter quickly reached the ears of Lieutenant Commander Han Rui through some channel. Han Rui was not worried at all, but was a little happy because judging from the attitude of these officers, he was taken seriously. It represents the glory and magnanimity of one's future career.

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