Under the attention of everyone, a team of hundreds of people left Luoyang City in a mighty manner and rushed to Nanshan Post House.

Nanshan Posthouse is the Taiwei's residence. It covers a large area and has carved railings and jade inlays, pavilions, rockeries, flowing water, gardens and lakes. It is very beautiful.

After two or three days of travel, Han Rui and others arrived at the post house.

At this time, in the post house, in the side room where Han Rui lived, Han Rui was sitting cross-legged, his eyes closed, breathing evenly, motionless.

After a while, Han Rui slowly opened his eyes, exhaled, strengthened his muscles, stood up, and looked at the scenery outside the window. He couldn't help but admire it and felt happy.

"Lord, the environment here is good." The attendant next to him reminded softly.

Han Rui nodded and said with appreciation: "It's really good. I've decided to settle here from now on."

"Uh, but..." The attendant was speechless, not understanding why Han Rui suddenly changed his decision.

Han Rui understood: "From now on, I will be a diligent and conscientious student."

Upon hearing his fallacy, the attendant's mouth twitched, unable to refute.

Han Rui walked out, walked around the screen, and saw that the spacious and luxurious hall was full of guests. Everyone was whispering, noisy, laughing, and enjoying themselves.

On the rostrum in the center of the crowd, Han Rui's grandfather Han Shouren was sitting on it. He was wearing a python robe, looking very energetic and imposing. A sense of majesty came to his face. Han Rui's heart trembled, and he hurriedly lowered his eyebrows and quietly observed the hall. everyone within.

In addition to Han Shouren, there were more than a dozen people present, representing relatives of the Han family, including Han Yu, Han Dewei, Han Dejian, Han Chengye and others.

Among them, Han Rui also saw two familiar faces, Han Shouxin and Butler Li Li Fu.

Han Rui muttered in his heart, why did these two old guys come here again? Maybe they came to cause trouble for him.

Naturally, Han Rui's strange behavior could not be hidden from others, including Han Shouren, who also noticed it and frowned: "Erlang, are you feeling unwell?"

"Go back to grandpa, it's no big deal." Han Rui responded, walked over and bowed to Han Yu and others.

Han Yu smiled and nodded, and others returned the favor. Han Rui sat down next to Han Rui's uncle and aunt, and his cousin Wang Yaoxin sat next to him.

Han Rui glanced over and felt a little dizzy, because the female relatives here were all beautiful, charming, gentle and virtuous. They were all brightly dressed, with bright makeup, beaded hairpins, and charming. To put it simply, It's just a bunch of warblers and swallows, with many beauties.

Of course, the possibility that these beauties are all maids and servants cannot be ruled out, but Han Rui doesn't care very much. After all, they are Han Shouren's concubines, not his official wife. No matter how beautiful they are, they are not his turn, and he has no intention of marrying them. .

"Erlang, what are you looking at?" a woman asked with a gentle smile.

Han Rui came back to his senses and said with a smile: "No, when I looked at you just now, I suddenly had a hallucination and almost fell. Fortunately, I stabilized myself in time and didn't lose face."

Everyone smiled, and Han Yu laughed and scolded: "You brat, you're talking nonsense. Are you thinking about who you want to sleep with tonight?"

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Han Rui said shyly, secretly glancing at his cousin Wang Yaoxin.

Wang Yaoxin's pretty face turned red and she said angrily: "Han Rui, don't talk nonsense. If my mother knows, I will beat you to death."

"What are you afraid of?" Han Rui chuckled and said, "You will marry me sooner or later."

"You..." Wang Yaoxin stamped her feet shyly.

Others laughed. Wang Yaoxin was Han Rui's eldest daughter. According to the rules, she must be betrothed to Han Rui. However, Wang Yaoxin did not agree, so the marriage was delayed. At least now, Han Rui's intention was not to regret the marriage, and she had two children. I'm still young and can't rush.

Han Rui was just talking about it, and naturally he would not really marry Wang Yaoxin home. After all, this society values ​​well-matched families. Although Wang Yaoxin came from a wealthy family, she was far away from him, so she might not be able to become his wife.

Of course, this is Han Rui's idea. The whole Han family probably thinks that the two are a golden boy and a beautiful girl. They are a perfect match. There is no need to consider whether Han Rui is qualified, as long as Han Rui is willing.

No matter what Han Rui's plans were, since he was an orphan now and had nothing to worry about, he would naturally not object.

"Come, have a cup of tea and moisten your throat." A middle-aged man held up the teapot and poured it slowly.

Han Rui waved his hand quickly and declined: "Uncle, thank you, no, I'm full."

"You are my brother, so there is no need to be polite." The middle-aged man said calmly.

Han Rui hesitated for a moment, took the porcelain cup, took a sip, sipped it carefully, put down the cup, and looked up. He was a handsome young man about seven feet tall, with sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, a straight bridge of nose, and bronze skin. The sharp-edged face reveals an aura of perseverance and determination.

This man is Han Rui's uncle, Han Shoulian. He was once a military official in the imperial court. Later, he lost his relatives in the war and lived on the streets. He was taken in by the Han family. From then on, he stayed in the Han family and served the Han family.

With the help of Han Shoulian, Han Rui stood up, bowed and said, "I've met my uncle!"

Han Shoulian nodded slightly, pulled Han Rui to sit aside, and said with a smile: "Erlang, you are finally here."

Han Rui asked in shock: "Is something wrong?"

"Of course." Han Shoulian said solemnly: "Today is the day to worship ancestors. Don't forget that the Chinese New Year will be in a few months. This time, I specially asked you to come back to worship our ancestors and discuss it. Your wedding date.”

During this time, he was busy with the imperial examination, and it was winter, so it was naturally inconvenient to hold banquets and so on. Han Rui had no choice but to give up. Now that the imperial examination was over and he was finally free, Han Rui could not continue to stay in Suining. The so-called spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. To get married, naturally I have to return to the capital.

Han Rui pondered for a moment and asked, "Uncle, which day is suitable for you?"

"Choose an auspicious day. Choose an auspicious day nearby." Han Shoulian pondered for a moment and suggested: "It would be better to do it on the fifth day of the twelfth lunar month. It is a festive day. It is a pity that there is no heavy snow to block the roads this year, otherwise it would be even better."

Han Rui shook his head and said, "On the fifth day of the twelfth lunar month, the Lantern Festival will be over. The time is too short."

"Then it will be the 26th of the twelfth lunar month." Han Shoulian said, "That's enough preparation."

Han Rui smiled bitterly and said: "Uncle, what I mean is, the faster the better, the faster the better."

Han Shoulian was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "What, is there something wrong?"

"No, absolutely not." Han Rui denied it, but sighed secretly, thinking, if I tell you that I have found a wife, I don't know how you would feel, but now is not the time to be honest.

Han Shoulian looked at Han Rui deeply for a moment, then smiled and said, "In that case, then just follow what Erlang said."

Then, Han Shoulian ordered his servants to notify his family members and ask them to move various materials into the main hall to enshrine the ancestors' tablets and prepare for sacrifices.

Soon after, everyone in the Han family arrived in the hall one after another. Han Rui and his cousins ​​gathered together to listen to Han Shoulian's teachings.

In the main hall, incense was lingering, and everyone knelt down respectfully and kowtowed three times. The ceremony was complicated and complicated, and it took half a stick of incense to work before everyone stopped. Then Han Rui followed his father and brother back to the side hall, sat on a chair, and listened to his uncle we talk about.

The Han family is a prominent family in Huizhou. The genealogy has been passed down for more than a hundred years. The patriarchs of the past dynasties are all high-ranking officials. The family branches are intricate and intricate. In-laws and old friends are all over the court. They have great influence among the scholars. .

Of course, this kind of influence refers to the official career.

Although the Han family is a well-known scholarly family in Huizhou, the position of the patriarch is vacant and no one dares to raise objections. After all, the Han family is a scholarly family and does not have a strong background to support it in the court. There is no need to settle for a mere patriarch. There is endless competition for the position.

Now, Han Shoulian has returned and the Han family has been reshuffled, which naturally attracts the attention of all parties. Han Rui doesn't believe it and no one wants to replace him.

However, Han Rui was not worried, because in his opinion, Han Shoulian was a very rational and decision-making person who would never make a confused decision, and he was not without the ability to protect himself.

Sure enough, Han Rui's guess was correct. After paying homage to his ancestors, Han Shoulian immediately announced that he would temporarily hand it over to the control of the Dafang. However, he had already agreed with Han Rui that after the Chinese New Year, and after the clan school was properly repaired, he would retreat behind the scenes and concentrate on his work. , responsible for teaching Han Rui.

"Brother, don't be so partial." Han Shouyi, who was in charge of finance in the first house, suddenly jumped to his feet and shouted.

"If you don't accept it, you can find another way out." Han Shoulian snorted, "I'm too lazy to care about you."

Han Shouyi's face turned dark and he didn't dare to talk back.

Seeing this, other people comforted him and told him to be patient and he would be fine in the future. After all, Han Rui was still young and ignorant. When he became sensible, Han Shouyi would still be the eldest brother and his rights would still be there.

"Oh." Han Rui felt at ease and muttered in his heart, hoping that was the case.

Those present were all core members of the Han family, or Han Rui's brothers and sisters. Han Rui did his part and had the upper hand, so naturally no one questioned anything.

Under the care of everyone, Han Rui felt comfortable and leisurely admired the flowers, plants and trees in the courtyard.

These flowers, plants and trees are also the private property of the Han family. They are usually taken care of and maintained by specialized craftsmen. Now that Han Rui has returned, naturally someone will come to report them.

Han Rui looked carefully and suddenly realized that there were many newly planted flowers in the garden. They were delicate in color, fragrant and refreshing.

"Erlang, these are newly transplanted flowers. They were not maintained at first. Now they have been properly maintained and moved into the garden." Someone next to Han Rui explained in a low voice: "This is the gardener of Han House, whose surname is Yang. Seeing that he is young and proficient in gardening skills, he is highly praised by the master, and he is rewarded with many things every year. "

"Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Yang." Han Rui smiled and said, "I've never seen you before."

"My slave used to be in Yangzhou Mansion. The master was transferred last year, so I came with him to help him take care of the garden." Uncle Yang said with a bright smile: "This is the master's grace. The master thinks that the slave is loyal and does not care about the humble background of the slave." , I asked my servant to serve the young master. If I have any errands in the future, I will directly tell him to go through fire and water, even if I die."

"With Uncle Yang here, I feel more at ease." Han Rui nodded and smiled: "Uncle Yang used to be in Yangzhou Mansion, but he was a famous gardener with unparalleled gardening skills. Now that I have your help, I couldn't be more relaxed."

"Thank you for the compliment, Master." Uncle Yang said humbly, feeling secretly happy in his heart. He was such a talkative person, and he was appreciated after just a few compliments.

Uncle Yang was in a happy mood, but Han Rui suddenly changed the subject and said, "Uncle Yang, would you like to pick all the flowers here and put them in pots? Do you want to move them outside the yard?"

"Of course, otherwise, it would be a waste of such rare and exotic flowers and plants." Uncle Yang affirmed: "Master, don't worry, I promise not to harm them at all. Not only that, I will also wrap them with gold foil to prevent moisture and corrosion..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." Han Rui waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and work. Clean it up and send it to my study. Also, I will move back tomorrow morning."

"Uh." Uncle Yang was stunned and hesitated, "This... I'm afraid it's not very convenient."

"What's inconvenient." Han Rui frowned.

"This..." Uncle Yang hesitated and said, "You should have seen that there are guests in the mansion. If you move in suddenly, it's really against the rules."

"Rules, what bullshit rules." Han Rui said coldly, "If you are afraid of offending people, then I'll move out."

Uncle Yang hurriedly said, "Young Master misunderstood, but..."

"No need to say more, I have made up my mind and don't need to change my mind." Han Rui's face was stern, and his tone of not allowing any objection was intimidating.

Han Rui is the only blood of the eldest grandson of the Han family, and Han Rui insisted, who dares to refute it.

So, several members of the Han family, along with some stewards, servants, and hired workers, took action to move the flowers, move them out of the Han family mansion, load them into trucks and transport them away.

Han Rui stood on the steps and watched, looking at the busy figures, and sighed softly: "Dad, Mom, the child has grown up and can finally stand on his own. I will rely on you in the future."

Han Rui was silently reciting these words in his heart. Although Han Rui also hoped that his parents would live a long life and enjoy their old age, Han Rui knew that it was a luxury. The medical conditions in ancient times were difficult, especially when they were sick, which was even more tormenting.

Han Rui knew very well that there were three kinds of unfilial piety, and the greatest one was to have no descendants. Even if Han Rui was filial, he had to consider his parents' feelings and did not want to leave regrets, so he could only try to reduce the occurrence of tragedies.

Han Rui believed that his parents would be proud of him if they knew his efforts in the afterlife.

That night, after the banquet, Han Rui returned to his courtyard, washed up, and lay on the bed, tossing and turning and unable to sleep.

While he was half asleep, he heard the window frame creaking. Han Rui opened his eyes, reached out and groped, and touched the dagger beside the pillow. He turned over and sat up, his eyes sharp as a knife.

After a moment, a beautiful figure flashed in, lifted the curtain and walked in. The moonlight shone on her fair and soft cheeks. She was delicate and elegant, with skin as white as cream. Her eyes were flowing, revealing a gentle and peaceful atmosphere.

"Why are you here?" Han Rui asked in surprise.

Yang Yan smiled and asked softly, "Is there anything wrong with me coming to visit my husband?"

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