"No." Han Rui shook his head, hesitated, and asked, "Why haven't I seen anything recently..."

"You mean my little sister," Yang Yan said with a smile, "I told her yesterday that you moved out and were coming over today. She is probably packing her bags now."

Han Rui suddenly realized, and when he nodded, he felt a little disappointed. He had originally planned to find a chance to talk to Yang Yan alone, but it was better if she came to avoid embarrassment... Well, this idea seems a bit dirty, but I have no choice but to follow my heart. I can't blame him. Who calls him a time travel man? He must be self-aware. However, Yang Yan seems to be a bit...well, a bit special. I don't know if she is...

Han Rui was thinking wildly when Yang Yan walked over quietly, put her delicate jade hands on his shoulders, squeezed them softly, and said softly: "I'll give you a massage first to relieve your fatigue."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Han Rui nodded.

Yang Yan pursed her lips and smiled, pressed gently, and slowly moved her palms downwards, sliding over the shoulder blades, collarbones and other places. Her fingertips touched the muscles, bringing with them a slight chill. Han Rui closed his eyes and enjoyed it. After a moment, he gently pushed away The jade hand on the shoulder said softly: "Okay."

Yang Yan raised her head, blinked her eyes playfully, opened her rosy mouth slightly, and exhaled gently like orchid, with an elegant and delicate fragrance, refreshing and intoxicating.

Han Rui was slightly startled, as a strong desire arose, but he quickly suppressed it and regained his composure.

"What's wrong? Are you exhausted and uncomfortable?" Yang Yan asked with concern.

"It's nothing." Han Rui smiled and said, "It's true. It must be very hard these days to take care of all the affairs in the house and deal with all kinds of banquets."

"It's not bad." Yang Yan said: "After all, we are relatives, so it's hard to offend their good intentions."

"Yeah." Han Rui nodded and said, "You are a little different from what I imagined."

"What's the difference?" Yang Yan bit her lips gently, with a hint of shyness in the corners of her eyes.

Han Rui said softly: "I used to think that you would be aloof and aloof, and would reject others thousands of miles away."

"Where am I..." Yang Yan lowered her head, shook her head slightly and said, "It's my fault, I let my husband down."

"Do you have anything to hide?" Han Rui asked.

"No..." Yang Yan shook her head, her face suddenly turned red, her eyes were misty, and she nestled weakly on Han Rui's chest, whispering softly: "I just feel that as a woman, you shouldn't be so aloof and aloof."

"Oh." Han Rui stroked the beauty's hair gently, his heart full of love, and said softly: "Yes, I thought so too."

Yang Yan smiled and said: "Now that my husband has repented, I am very happy."

"I just suddenly figured it out. In the past, I was too narrow-minded. I only focused on studying and practicing calligraphy, and failed to appreciate the suffering of the people..." Han Rui said with emotion. It's not that he really woke up, but that he has such qualifications. , after all, he is a reborn person, and he is relatively familiar with history. He naturally understands that in the next few decades, there will be countless cases of corruption and bribery by court officials.

At that time, Han Rui dismissed it and thought it was all fake. Now that he thinks about it carefully, it may not be groundless. After all, the struggle in the officialdom is no more important than the imperial examination, which pays attention to fair competition. Moreover, the bureaucracy in the court is intertwined and complicated. If you omit it, you will be caught.

"I understand." Yang Yan smiled, holding Han Rui's thumb with her slender hands, and started to rub it gently.

Han Rui hummed, enjoying Yang Yan's tender little hands, which were warm, soft and full of elasticity. He couldn't help but whisper: "You are really virtuous."

"You don't dare to be a concubine." Yang Yan said angrily, "If it weren't for my husband's love, I wouldn't dare to cross the distance and do something that is disgraceful to the family."

Han Rui said frankly: "I like you, but you refused to give me a chance, so I used this method to rob you."

Yang Yan's pretty face turned red and she said softly: "Husband, please don't speak so directly and make me embarrassed."

"You are no longer a golden girl, so why are you ashamed?" Han Rui said with a smile, "Besides, even if you are a golden girl, when you meet me, sooner or later you will have to marry a chicken or a dog."

"I hate it..." Yang Yan said shyly: "When you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, and when you marry a dog, follow the dog."

"That means marrying a man, marrying a man, getting dressed and eating." Han Rui chuckled and said, "Is there anything wrong with that?"

"Husband, stop talking nonsense." Yang Yan said softly: "Don't you want to take a bath? I'll help you take off your clothes."

While speaking, she walked towards the screen with slender steps, and gently untied her blouse with her slender hands, revealing her snow-white and round shoulders. The black and bright green silk was draped on her shoulders, making her skin even more crystal clear and beautiful, which made people stunned. With his heart beating, Han Rui took a deep breath and tried to stay calm, but secretly shouted in his heart, "Fairy!"

"Okay." Yang Yan turned around and said with a sweet smile: "I have taken off my clothes."

Han Rui turned around and saw Yang Yan with her back leaning against the screen, half-covering her delicate body, her soft and tender skin looming, alluring and adding a bit of charm.

At this time, Yang Yan bent down and reached out, took the loose robe placed behind the screen, unfolded it and spread it on the edge of the bed. With elegant and dignified movements, she gently shook the hem of her skirt and walked over.

Han Rui swallowed and looked forward to it. Regardless of whether Yang Yan wanted to admit it or not, he was her husband in name. Since they were husband and wife, it was reasonable for them to have contact.

"Sit tight and I'll help you." Yang Yan came over, supported Han Rui's arm, and said softly.

"Uh, I'll do it myself." Han Rui declined quickly.

"Be obedient." Yang Yan said softly, "This is how a couple can treat each other with respect."

"I..." Han Rui opened his mouth, hesitating. In fact, he was still hoping for a charming relationship between the two. However, Yang Yan was so insistent. If she insisted on resisting and seemed hypocritical, she would just go with the flow and rely on With her support, he walked to the screen and slowly lay down.

Han Rui silently thought in his heart, don't think too much, just rest, try to ignore the changes in the surrounding environment, lie quietly, enjoy the soft and warm atmosphere. Soon after, tiredness came over, and he slowly fell asleep...

In the confusion, Han Rui seemed to have had a dream, in which the spring light was rippling, the clouds were flying in the hair, the fragrance was dripping with sweat, the girl was panting, and she was full of charm.

Suddenly, Han Rui opened his eyes and saw that the sky outside the window was dim and the sun was already setting in the west.

"Are you awake? Are you hungry?" Yang Yan asked softly with a smile, her eyes looking forward to her, charming and charming.

Han Rui was surprised: "It's so late, why didn't you wake me up?"

"Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year and a newlywed. My husband should get more rest." Yang Yan said softly, her beautiful eyes sparkling, and she sighed softly: "Who would have thought that my husband would wake up so soon."

"Didn't you say you wanted to take care of me?" Han Rui asked strangely, "Why, I forgot."

"I..." Yang Yan faltered, and suddenly she said brightly, "Husband, why don't you play with me for a while longer."

Han Rui was stunned, and then suddenly realized that Yang Yan had deliberately led him into the situation. Ripples suddenly surged in his heart, and he felt a little excited.

"How is it?" Yang Yan said with a smile, "Would you like to continue?"

"Are you sure you didn't take advantage of me?" Han Rui doubted, "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

Yang Yan chuckled and said softly: "Husband, didn't you promise me that you would never touch me unless I wanted to?"

Han Rui nodded, indicating that he was right, then frowned and said, "It's a pity that you don't agree, so I can only reluctantly obey."

"Aren't you afraid that I will bully you?" Yang Yan said with a naughty smile.

"I would rather you bully me." Han Rui said calmly, but murmured in his heart, how could such a beauty be willing to bully her.

"Hehe." Yang Yan smiled sweetly: "I will not bully my husband. Don't cry when you feel pain."

"How can a man cry?" Han Rui said proudly: "I am a tall and dignified man."

Yang Yan pursed her lips and snickered. She did not expose Han Rui's clumsy lie and suggested in a sweet voice: "Husband, you are tired. Why don't you rest for a while and then wash up."

"Okay." Han Rui nodded in agreement, stretched out, and slowly stood up. However, he felt a pain in the sole of his foot and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Yang Yan had good eyesight and quick hands, and hurriedly helped her, and said with concern: "Why, is it? It’s not that my injured leg is numb.”

"Well, I have no strength, and I feel weak all over." Han Rui said weakly, "I guess I just woke up and my body hasn't adapted yet."

"Then take a rest for a while." Yang Yan said softly.

Han Rui nodded slightly and allowed Yang Yan to serve him in changing clothes, washing up, and finally dressed neatly. He sat on the couch and looked at the interior furnishings and decorations, which were carved with dragons and phoenixes. They were magnificent, elegant and noble.

Han Rui sighed slightly. This mansion was left to him by his parents. However, because he was frail and sick since he was a child, he rarely went out to play. Therefore, there were few valuable items in the mansion. However, the Han family's ancestors had accumulated a lot of money and built houses. They are all built extremely gorgeously.

"Husband, what are you feeling about?" Yang Yan asked.

Han Rui shook his head and changed the subject: "Why didn't you see Adi today?"

"Some time ago, he and his friends went out for an outing in the mountains." Yang Yan smiled and said, "I'm afraid he's on his way back now."

"Oh." Han Rui felt a little regretful. He originally wanted to chat with his brother-in-law.

While talking, Yang Ming walked in, cupped his hands and said, "Brother."

Han Rui nodded gently and asked, "Where are my parents?"

"Mom took my sister to the back garden for a walk to eat." Yang Ming said, "Dad and my second uncle are in the study."

Han Rui nodded slightly and asked, "A Ming, how are you preparing for this year's scientific examination?"

"There is some pressure." Yang Ming said bitterly: "Brother also knows that I am not very knowledgeable and I may not be able to pass this provincial examination."

"It's okay." Han Rui consoled him, "I'm just taking the county exam, not the government exam. It's not a shame if I get a little worse. As long as I have confidence, I won't have to work too hard to pass the exam."

"Thank you for your encouragement, brother." Yang Ming said gratefully, then hesitantly said: "Brother..."

"Do you want to tell me that you haven't gone to the study to review your homework during this period of time?" Han Rui said. After all, he is his biological brother and a concubine. He has a shy personality. Han Rui must pay attention to it so as not to delay his studies.

Yang Ming was a little embarrassed, lowered his head and said: "These days, my sister-in-law has been very strict in discipline, and I don't dare to leave the house."

"Useless things." Yang Yan snorted: "Normally, you two brothers are quite lively, but why did you shrink back when you got to the examination room? You are such cowards."

"Third sister-in-law, you don't understand." Yang Ming defended, "It's not that I'm afraid of death, but that I'm afraid of losing."

Han Rui laughed, patted his shoulder and said: "It's okay to be afraid. Winning or losing is not important. The main thing is to consider your own ambitions. Don't be fascinated by the glory and wealth in front of you. If you waste your time, you will let down your parents. expectations.”

Yang Ming was stunned for a moment and nodded slightly, feeling a little ashamed.

Han Rui smiled, waved his hand and said, "Go back and review your homework. Don't worry your parents."

"Brother, don't worry, I will definitely pass the exam." Yang Ming said, vowing: "Even if I fail to pass the exam, as long as I don't get the red list, I will be satisfied."

"It's good that you have this kind of awareness." Han Rui said happily: "Go ahead, don't let me down."

Yang Ming nodded solemnly, turned around and exited the room.

Looking at his retreating back, Han Rui was thoughtful, and Yang Yan whispered: "Husband, husband."

"Ah." Han Rui came back to his senses and said, "What's the matter?"

"You are in a daze." Yang Yan said angrily, "Don't be distracted."

Han Rui laughed, hugged Yang Yan's slender waist tightly, and said softly: "Why didn't you tell me this good news earlier? You made me worry for a long time."

"Who makes your enemy, exhausted every night, faint from exhaustion." Yang Yanjiao smiled and said: "I can't bear to wake you up."

Han Rui's face felt a little hot and he coughed dryly: "Then why didn't you tell me..."

"I won't tell you, just to make you happy so that you don't have to worry about me all the time." Yang Yan hummed.

Han Rui said awkwardly: "Then you should let me know, so that I don't get flustered and have random thoughts."

"Are you flustered?" Yang Yan's pretty face was slightly cold, and she said coldly: "You are the prince-in-law of the dynasty."

Uh... Han Rui was speechless, laughed a few times, and immediately changed the subject and said, "So, it's the night of the wedding, and the marriage should be consummated."

"I hate it, who will consummate your marriage?" Yang Yan said shyly.

"You will be my wife, sooner or later." Han Rui chuckled and said, "Why don't you take advantage of the moment and enjoy the pleasure of fish and water as soon as possible."

"Bah." Yang Yan's face glowed slightly, and she said angrily, "You're still not a human being."

"If you don't act like a beast, you are in vain as a man." Han Rui said confidently: "I'm hungry now and want to eat."

"What do you want to eat?" Yang Yan said angrily, gritting her teeth.

"Of course I will eat you." Han Rui said shamelessly.

Yang Yan was shocked and angry, but she didn't dare to refute, so she had to beg for mercy: "Okay, stop making trouble."

Han Rui smiled, but remained unyielding.

The two of them were playing beside the bed as if no one was around.


Suddenly, there was a small noise at the door, and Yang Yan exclaimed, and hurriedly pushed Han Rui to hide in the corner. Her pretty face was red, and her eyes were resentful, as if she was complaining that Han Rui was disobedient and got into trouble.

"Sister, you're back." Yang Ming hurriedly stepped forward to greet you and said smoothly: "Brother, you don't need to hide, we have already seen you."

"What do you mean?" Han Rui wondered.

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