"You forgot how long we have been waiting outside the door." Yang Ming sighed softly, with an inexplicable sadness, and said in a heavy tone: "We are just waiting for eldest sister to come back."

Han Rui suddenly realized, and felt guilty, and quickly walked out of the wing. Sure enough, he saw Yang and Zhao Qian at the door, followed by several women, who were either in their fifties or forties, and there was a trace of aura between their eyebrows. Their majesty shows their extraordinary origins.

These women were naturally relatives of Yang Yan's mother's family. When they saw Han Rui coming out of the wing, they immediately gathered around to greet him with concern, warmth and intimacy.

"Mr. Han is awake." Mrs. Yang greeted: "You are feeling better now."

Han Rui bowed slightly and said politely, "Thank you, Auntie, for your concern."

Everyone smiled and expressed concern and greetings.

Yang smiled and said, "This kid has a sweet mouth."

Han Rui touched his nose and felt a little depressed. No wonder there were precedents for women in ancient times to honor their parents-in-law when they married into their husband's family. No wonder there was a proverb in history that only those who marry a virtuous wife would be lucky.

After chatting for a while, Mrs. Yang suddenly said: "By the way, sir, I heard Yan'er mention that you were attacked by an assassin at the inn last night."

Han Rui suddenly felt awe-inspiring and frowned: "When did it happen?"

"Just in the early hours of yesterday morning." Mrs. Yang said: "I heard that the assassin was ferocious and vicious, with superb martial arts skills. He would escape immediately after missing a hit. I just got the news and hurried over here. Unexpectedly, I met you here. ”

Han Rui was silent. After a moment, he slowly shook his head and sighed: "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Mrs. Yang was surprised, and immediately said in awe, "Mr. Han, why do you say that?"

Han Rui did not hide anything. He recounted yesterday's events in detail, and finally concluded: "I think this matter is very unusual. With the skills of those killers, how could they retreat so easily."

"Han Langjun, I mean, the assassin is here for you." Mrs. Yang said in surprise.

"Other than that, I can't think of any other reasonable reasons." Han Rui said solemnly: "Not only me, but I am afraid that General Huangfu, the princess and others were also attacked."

Mrs. Yang was startled and said anxiously: "What should we do?"

"Don't worry, since we know that an assassin has sneaked into the city to commit murder, we have a chance to catch him." Han Rui comforted: "Send someone to send a message to father and ask him to mobilize officers and soldiers, seal the city, search for the thief's traces, and report to the capital. Zhaoyin's government office, please cooperate with them to be vigilant..."

"Yes, report the crime." Mrs. Yang woke up with a start and gave orders repeatedly. She pulled Han Rui and said anxiously: "Mr. Han, please help quickly and catch the villain..."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Han Rui nodded gently and said comfortingly: "Auntie, go back and rest first and wait for news from me."

Mrs. Yang was extremely grateful, thanked her repeatedly, and left with her nephews. Before leaving, she asked: "Mr. Han, please be careful and protect yourself."

Han Rui smiled and said nothing. After they were far away, he returned to the room. Yang Yan had returned to her normal state, her face was as red as fire, she looked shy and charming.

"So beautiful." Han Rui admired and couldn't help but reach out and want to pinch her smooth and tender cheeks.

"Don't bully me." Yang Yan sneered and avoided.

"Then kiss me." Han Rui lied.

"Rogue." Yang Yan rolled her eyes, stomped her feet lightly, and ran away.

Looking at her slim and slender figure, Han Rui secretly praised her, she was indeed a scholarly disciple, her manners were elegant and dignified.

Han Rui knew in his heart that although the Yang family was a merchant family, they were from scholarly backgrounds with rigorous education and strict rules. Female family members were not allowed to show up casually. It was because Yang Yan was married to Han Rui that she made an exception to attend the banquet.

After the female members of the Yang family left, Han Rui was restless. After thinking for a moment, he decided to go to Li Xiyin to explore her voice and plan to discuss with her the specific matters of getting married.

Of course, this is a private matter, and Han Rui will not come to visit rashly. This is not because he is being pretentious, but mainly because he needs some things to get married, such as bride price, dowry items, etc.

Ancient times, heaven.

In Haotian Palace, Yaochi, the Jade Emperor, Taishang Laojun and other gods gathered together and were discussing government affairs.

"Your Majesty, during this period, I inspected the Baisi Department and found that the officials were ill and chaotic, and corruption was rampant..." Taishang Laojun said in a deep voice: "This year, there will be severe drought and locust plagues in the three realms, killing and injuring hundreds of millions of lives. Officials are all corrupt and amassing money, disregarding human lives and disregarding the livelihood of the country and people, which is really a great misfortune for the people of the world. "

Haotian frowned and said, "What you said is true, is there any evidence?"

"Yes..." Taishang Laojun coughed lightly and said slowly: "Someone is impeaching Wang Gui, the Minister of Punishment, Wei Zheng, the imperial censor, and others..."

When Haotian heard the sound, his expression was astonished and he didn't know why.

Taishang Laojun smiled and said: "We might as well ask the censor from the censor station to conduct a thorough investigation. They will definitely find out the truth."

In this era, the imperial examination system was first established, and the evaluation system for selecting officials was beginning to take shape. There were many shady officialdoms, and various conspiracies and intrigues emerged one after another.

As an emperor, you must put an end to such bad habits, otherwise, the world will be in chaos and people's hearts will be scattered, which is a big taboo. Therefore, Taishang Laojun repeated his old tricks, killing people with a borrowed knife, and using the power of impeachment to rectify the government.

"Okay." Haotian nodded and said, "I love you, please go and do some errands."

Taishang Laojun nodded happily and retreated.

Master Taiyi said softly: "Your Majesty, what Lao Jun wrote in the memorial should be true."

"This is a major matter for the imperial court. How can I wrong anyone?" Haotian said calmly, not taking it seriously.

Guangchengzi, who was next to him, said worriedly: "Your Majesty, what I have reported to you is very involved. I am afraid that Wang Gui and others are to blame. Your Majesty must deal with it carefully."

"You can't speak without evidence." Haotian waved his hand and said: "Besides, the matter has not yet come to light, so don't judge lightly. Once confirmed, I will make a decision on punishment."

Everyone nodded slightly, and they were convinced. After all, there is no evidence to prove Wang Gui and others' guilt. If they are punished rashly, they may cause an uproar, affect the stability and unity of the court, and the gains outweigh the losses.

Han Rui also understands this, but he can't control so much. He has tried his best anyway. It doesn't matter if Wang Gui and others are fine. If they really break the law and suffer jail time, it is none of his business. Oh, who told you to be unlucky?

Of course, if his family is really confiscated and his family is exterminated, this is what Han Rui would like to see, but it is estimated that Wang Gui and Wei Zheng would hate him to death...

Han Rui laughed at himself, diverted his attention, looked at Yang Yan, and asked, "Miss Yang, did you take the wrong medicine just now?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Yang Yan glared and whispered, "I just don't like other people touching me with their hands."

Han Rui blinked and said, "I just want to touch you..."

Yang Yan's pretty face turned red, she snorted softly, turned her head away, and pretended to be dumbfounded.

Han Rui laughed, did not tease her, changed the subject, and said: "Miss Yang, tomorrow is my eldest brother's wedding. When the time comes, remember to come over early and don't delay."

"Yes, I will remember it." Yang Yan said obediently, as docile as a kitten.

The next day, the Yang family gathered together, and the wedding of the Yang brother and sister was officially finalized and will be held tomorrow night.

According to tradition, when the groom marries the bride, he must enter the house at dusk, pay homage to the ancestral temple in the main hall, and then worship in the high hall, drink tea, offer cakes, kowtow, and finally the couple join hands in entering the bridal chamber.

As newlyweds, the two of them are inevitably entangled and sentimental, day and night, until late at night, under the bright moon and few stars, the groom, Yang Juncai, reluctantly hugs his wife and goes to sleep. When he wakes up the next day, it's almost nine o'clock (7 a.m.), and the two of them wash up in a hurry After finishing, he put on his clothes and groomed himself, and rushed to the Yang Mansion Hall.

Yang Juncai's mother was also waiting in the hall for a long time. When she saw the couple come in, she smiled happily and greeted them warmly: "Sit down and eat quickly. Only after you have eaten and drank enough will you have the energy for the wedding."

"Mom!" Yang Yan was shy and glanced at her husband.

"We are already an old married couple, why are you so embarrassed?" Yang's mother said with a smile: "Jun'er, hurry up and eat, we have to go to the restaurant later, get your wife back as soon as possible..."

Yang Juncai smiled awkwardly, sat down at the table with his wife, and started eating.

Yang's mother was sitting in the main seat, with Yang Junjie and Yang Yan's mothers on the left and right. The three of them were talking and laughing, and the atmosphere was harmonious. The only thing missing was Yang Junjie's parents, which made Yang Yan's beautiful eyes full of tears and forced a smile.

Han Rui also felt that it was necessary to remind Yang Junjie to take time to go home and visit his relatives.

However, Yang Junjie misunderstood Han Rui's intention and said bitterly: "Brother, my parents passed away from illness, leaving orphans and widows behind. I'm really worried, so I won't go back..."

It turns out that this is the case, Han Rui suddenly realized, and immediately became comforted.

After chatting for a while, Yang Yan suddenly interrupted: "Brother Han, I heard from my sister yesterday that you have a friend from the same hometown named Han Li. Is he coming to attend the wedding today?"

"He's not coming." Yang Juncai shook his head and said with a hint of regret: "I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce him to Yan'er, but I didn't expect that he didn't come. What a pity."

Han Rui nodded and said, "It would be better not to come."

"Why?" Yang Yan asked curiously.

"Because I didn't invite him either." Han Rui said calmly.

"Oh, I know." Yang Yan suddenly realized, pursed her lips and smiled slightly: "Brother Han hates him, so he doesn't want to bring him to participate."

Well, Han Rui was surprised and couldn't help but look carefully. Only then did he realize that there was a strange look in Yang Yan's eyebrows, which seemed to be a bit malicious.

Instantly, Han Rui suddenly realized that this was sowing discord and killing someone with a borrowed knife. As expected of Yang Yan, she was ruthless and vicious.

Yang Yan smiled softly and said delicately: "Brother Han, I'm just talking casually, you don't have to take it seriously."

"It's okay." Han Rui waved his hand and said with a smile: "Since you want to know, I'll tell you. Not only do I hate him, but everyone in our family, including my uncle and aunt, all hate him."

"Why?" Yang Yan asked.

"Because..." Han Rui said hesitantly: "This matter is a bit complicated and cannot be disclosed. All you need to know is that Han Li is not a good person. In short, you have to be careful."

"I understand." Yang Yan nodded with a smile and whispered: "Thank you, Brother Han."

"You're welcome, we are all from the same village, we help each other." Han Rui smiled and said, "By the way, I will take you wherever you want to go."

"Do you have a carriage and horses?" Yang Yan blinked and said, "If not, let's ride a horse."

"Okay." Han Rui agreed happily, told his attendants to prepare the horses, then pulled Yang Yan out of the courtyard and drove away.

On the way, Han Rui asked: "By the way, I heard that the elders arranged a marriage for you a while ago?"

Yang Yan's pretty face turned red, and she whispered, "It's not an engagement...it's the intention of the elders in the family."

"Every family has its own problems." Han Rui understood that Yang Yan's family was poor and had no money to hire the girl's parents to come to the house to discuss marriage, but the elders of the Yang family were worried that they would be older and the marriage would be delayed, so they simply found someone else to settle the matter first.

Yang Yan nodded in approval and whispered, "Brother Han, I want to discuss something with you."

"Go ahead, as long as it's reasonable, I will definitely support it." Han Rui said.

Yang Yan pondered for a moment and whispered, "Our Yang family is in Yangzhou City, just a remote small place. Although there is a Yang family, it has a weak foundation in the literati and has no reputation."

Han Rui said that he understood that from ancient times to the present, the emphasis is on marriage of interest or matching. If the Yang family is not qualified to cling to the rich and powerful, then naturally they have to find another good son-in-law.

"The Yang family has a strict family tradition, but few male descendants. They are not like other young masters who have concubines and maids. So I hope that Brother Han, if you marry a girl from the Yang family in the future, you must protect them." Yang Yan said solemnly, "I am a girl and cannot make decisions for them, but you are different. Their happiness is all entrusted to you."

"Don't worry, as long as you don't dislike me, I will do my best to love them." Han Rui said firmly.

Yang Yan smiled sweetly and said, "Brother Han, you have said this countless times. I believe you, but don't just talk, take action."

"How to act?" Han Rui scratched his head.

"Idiot." Yang Yan rolled her eyes and taught him a lesson: "Of course you have to take practical actions, for example, buy a betrothal gift and seek the favor of our girl."

"Uh..." Han Rui was stunned and said quickly: "Little sister of the Yang family, I am not joking. Don't say such things in the future, otherwise, others will misunderstand that I am cheating on the feelings of the person I am engaged to."

"What are you afraid of? You don't need to take responsibility. Besides, you haven't married yet, so how can you talk about cheating on your feelings?" Yang Yan pouted and said: "As long as you haven't married, everything is hypothetical."


Yang Yan put her finger on Han Rui's lips, her pretty face flushed, and said: "No need to say more, I understand, don't worry, I am not a willful woman, and I will naturally not force you to do anything."

"...Okay." Han Rui sighed, secretly cursing himself for being confused and forgetting this.

"Hehe." Seeing Han Rui's embarrassment, Yang Yan couldn't help laughing and said softly: "Actually, I think you are pretty good. We can give it a try."

"No." Han Rui flatly refused and said seriously: "Brother Yang and I are brothers in life and death. I must care about his lifelong affairs."

"Humph." Yang Yan pouted and said: "Hypocrisy."

"This is the attitude of dealing with people and things. How can it be called hypocrisy." Han Rui argued.

"Anyway, I can see that you are hypocritical." Yang Yan said contemptuously: "You obviously look down on me."

Han Rui shrugged and said: "How can you be sure that I look down on you."

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