"You dare to say that you don't mind my humble background." Yang Yan sneered: "Everyone knows that I am the granddaughter of a private school master. If I marry an ordinary family, I am afraid I will be ridiculed and gossiped about."

"Whoever dares to laugh, beat him to death." Han Rui said domineeringly.

Yang Yan chuckled and said, "Is this a threat from power?"

"We, the Han family, are scholars, honest and self-respecting. We hate the flatterers in the officialdom most." Han Rui said solemnly: "So, I will never allow you to be slandered."

"What do you really want to say?" Yang Yan said impatiently, "Don't beat around the bush."

"What you want is for me to petition His Majesty the Emperor for marriage and make you my wife." Han Rui said straightforwardly.

Yang Yan was startled for a moment, a blush appeared on her beautiful face, she lowered her head shyly, and nodded slightly, acquiescing.

"Do you like me?" Han Rui asked tentatively.

Yang Yan lowered her head slightly, not admitting it, but not denying it either.

"Haha, this is easy to handle." Han Rui smiled and said happily: "When I see my father-in-law later, please help me introduce him."

"Why?" Yang Yan looked up at Han Rui, frowning slightly and said, "Our family affairs have nothing to do with him, why are you looking for him?"

"You are wrong. Your father-in-law is a close friend of your parents. He will definitely help." Han Rui said confidently. He paused and reminded: "Little sister Yang, there is one more thing I want to make clear to you."

"Say." Yang Yan frowned slightly, not understanding what Han Rui should be cautious about.

"Although the Yang family is in decline, it is a prominent family in Qinghe County after all. There are many in-laws in Yangzhou. If our two families get married, your grandfather and others will not agree to it and will even prevent your marriage. Think about what you will do then. ?”

Yang Yan was stunned and frowned: "Will they break us up?"

"That's for sure." Han Rui said calmly: "Your grandfather, your parents, and your sister will definitely oppose it. When the time comes, you will be caught in the middle and be in a dilemma. Wouldn't it be distressing?"

Yang Yan pondered for a moment, shook her head and said, "No way."

"I'm not alarmist." Han Rui said solemnly: "You should think about it carefully."

After hesitating for a long time, Yang Yan suddenly smiled and said sweetly: "Brother Han, I understand."

"Yeah." Han Rui smiled and said: "It's great that you can be considerate. I believe that you are not a stupid girl and will definitely make the right choice. No matter what happens in the future, I will always stand behind you and support you. "

These words are what Han Rui is saying. After all, the situation of the Han family is a bit special. As the only child of the Han family, Han Rui will definitely inherit the incense of the Han family in the future. Therefore, the rise and fall of the Han family, the honor and disgrace, are very important. It may be in his hands. If he marries with the Yang family, it will definitely be helpful to his career.

Yang Yan was not a fool. She definitely understood what Han Rui was thinking. A warm current surged in her heart. She stared at Han Rui with her beautiful eyes and said softly: "Brother Han, thank you."

"Why are you so polite?" Han Rui smiled and said, "Besides, we are already friends."

Yang Yan nodded lightly, and suddenly said sadly: "Brother Han, will you abandon me?"

"How could it be?" Han Rui hurriedly comforted him and said with a smile on his face: "Didn't we make an appointment? We want to be together for the rest of our lives. How can we just abandon her at the drop of a hat?"

"But..." Yang Yan hesitated.

"But what?" Han Rui asked curiously, do you have any scruples?

After hesitating for a moment, Yang Yan gritted her teeth and said, "My grandfather and the others do not approve of this marriage."

"Uh!" Han Rui said in surprise: "Didn't you say that my father-in-law loves you very much?"

"So what." Yang Yan said softly: "They love me, but they will not change their stubbornness because of this. They don't want me to marry into a poor family, even if I agree."

"What are your plans?" Han Rui pondered for a moment and said, "How about I go ask my father-in-law, and he will definitely agree."

Yang Yan looked hesitant, shook her head and said, "No."

"Uh." Han Rui said confused: "What's wrong? His old man also knows about your affairs."

"We are privately married for life." Yang Yan sighed softly: "If it weren't for this, I would have married Li Sanlang long ago."

"Li Sanlang is the eunuch of the former dynasty." Han Rui suddenly realized that the love affair between Yang Yan and Li Sanlang was actually so deeply hidden.

"He was not originally an eunuch, but he hid in the palace to avoid disaster." Yang Yan said resentfully: "My father kicked him out of the house and he was unable to return home to worship his ancestors. He harbored a grudge and secretly caused mischief. , killed my parents..."

Han Rui was taken aback, and then his anger surged. Li Sanlang, this bastard, is simply a beast.

"Thanks to my cleverness, I escaped from bad luck. However, Li Sanlang did not give up and sent people to chase him. I was desperate and had to defect to the Yang family. I was worried that the enemy would find me, so I had to Leave the capital, wander around, avoid Li Sanlang's pursuit, and wait until the situation is calm before returning to the capital, ready to marry you..." Yang Yan said happily.

So that's it. Han Rui felt relieved and said softly: "Thank you for all the hard work over the years."

"It's nothing." Yang Yan smiled and said: "As long as I can stay with you, no matter what the cost, I am happy..."

Han Rui's heart was filled with excitement. He stretched out his hand to hold Yang Yan's slender hand. It was as soft as boneless, smooth and warm, and gently rubbed it.

Yang Yan's heart softened and she whispered: "Brother Han..."

Sniffing the refreshing fragrance, Han Rui's heart beat faster. He couldn't help but hugged her body tightly, and held her tenderly for a while before reluctantly letting go and said with a smile: "The weather is nice today, let's go shopping."

"Yes." Yang Yan nodded obediently, feeling sweet in her heart.

"You change clothes first." Han Rui urged.

Yang Yan's pretty face turned red and she said shyly, "Then turn around."

Han Rui laughed and said, "You are wearing a bellyband."

"Disgusting." Yang Yan scolded and flew into the house. After a while, she changed into new clothes and came out. She was young, beautiful, charming and charming.

Han Rui's eyes sparkled and she exclaimed, "So beautiful."

"Really?" Yang Yan pursed her lips and said with a smile, her cheeks were flushed, and her beautiful eyes were watery, making her more charming and alluring, as if flowers were in bloom, making people's hearts beat.

"More beautiful than flowers." Han Rui admired: "Yang Yan, I have decided, you will be my fiancée."

"Really, don't lie to me." Yang Yan said happily.

Han Rui nodded solemnly and took Yang Yan out. Under the envious and jealous gazes of the nearby neighbors, they walked hand in hand along the bustling Chang'an Street and walked slowly.

"Ouch..." Yang Yan suddenly covered her feet and cried out in pain.

"What's wrong?" Han Rui hurriedly helped Yang Yan up and asked with concern: "Is your foot sprained?"

"It seems to be twisted." Yang Yan frowned and said, "Let's go home quickly and ask the doctor to take a look."

"Okay." Han Rui nodded, supported Yang Yan, and quickly returned to Yang Mansion.

Entering the courtyard, Yang Yan endured the pain and ran into the hall, calling: "Dad, dad, come here and take a look, Yan'er's legs...ah..."

There was a burst of panicked footsteps in the hall, and within a moment, an elegant old man in his sixties was seen, rushing into the room, and asked hurriedly: "Yan'er, you are injured, where does it hurt, let grandpa take a look..."

Han Rui followed in and greeted with a smile: "Uncle..."

"Why are you here again?" The head of the Yang family snorted coldly, his tone full of unkindness. If it weren't for this bastard, how could his granddaughter be hurt? It would be cheap not to beat him up.

"Grandpa, stop scolding me, I'm fine." Yang Yan quickly stopped her, then pointed at Han Rui and introduced: "This is Young Master Han..."

The head of the Yang family glared at Han Rui and said angrily: "You don't need to introduce him, I know him."

"Then you guys talk." Yang Yan playfully stuck out her tongue, exited the room, and gently closed the door.

The head of the Yang family sat down, glanced at Han Rui, and said calmly: "Our Yan'er has a simple personality and is easily deceived by men. I hope Mr. Han will take more care of her in the future."

"Don't worry, I will never let her down." Han Rui promised sternly.

The head of the Yang family nodded, gently stroked his silver beard, and said softly: "Yan'er, since you have married into the Han family, you must abide by women's ethics..."

Han Rui rolled his eyes, I'm not your Yang family's son-in-law, why should I follow your rules.

"I remember that I heard someone mention it some time ago." Han Rui interrupted: "When the two of them entered into the engagement, they promised that when the daughter of the Yang family gets married in the future, they can choose whatever they want. A marriage, right?"

The head of the Yang family looked uncertain and said nothing.

Yang Yan nodded shyly and whispered: "That was the original promise. Now I will marry Brother Han..."

"I think what Bachelor Han said should be invalidated." Han Rui said firmly, leaving no room for negotiation.

"Nonsense." The head of the Yang family shouted: "How can you regret it just because you said you regretted it? What's the decency of it?"

"Master Han said that Yang Yan and I are a good match, so I believe him and naturally don't want to regret it." Han Rui said frankly: "The so-called Jun Wu Yan, since you have made a promise, you should fulfill it, otherwise, wouldn't it be a breach of promise. "

The head of the Yang family frowned and said: "Our two families have always been on good terms, how can we regret it? What do you know?"

"Although I don't know clearly, I know that you can't break your promise." Han Rui insisted, with a very firm attitude. How can you joke about this kind of thing? If you regret it, then won't you become a villain who breaks your promise in the future? Who dares to trust him?

The head of the Yang family kept a straight face and remained silent. His mind was spinning. He suddenly smiled and said with a chuckle: "Actually, your age is too different."

Han Rui was slightly startled, while Yang Yan's pretty face turned red and she stamped her feet shyly: "We are already married."

"Are you married?" Yang Family Head said in shock.

"We got married secretly." Yang Yan pursed her red lips and said coquettishly: "Grandpa, please help me give me an idea. What should I do?"

"In this way..." Family Leader Yang hesitated for a moment, clapped his hands gently and said with a smile, "I can give it a try..."

"What are you trying to do?" Han Rui asked curiously: "Are you asking me to marry her? We are fake getting married..."

"Of course not." The head of the Yang family waved his hand and said, "Did you know that when your parents were still alive, you and I made a marriage arrangement..."

Han Rui was at a loss. This was the first time he heard about this matter, and he quickly asked: "What kind of marriage?"

"This marriage..." The head of the Yang family deliberately kept it secret, paused, and said with a half-smile, "It is held jointly by the Yang family and the Han family."

Well, Han Rui was stunned for a moment and understood in his heart that this engagement was probably related to Concubine Yang.

"Mr. Han, I know you like me." Yang Yan said with a slight blush on her pretty face: "However, there is a huge difference in our identities. It is impossible for us to have any consequences. I can't delay you. Please cancel the engagement as soon as possible while we are not getting married now."

The head of the Yang family nodded appreciatively. Yang Yan, a girl, is very knowledgeable, but she doesn't know that Han Rui has no intention of breaking off the engagement. After all, a marriage is such a major event, how can it be canceled hastily? Besides, Han Rui will not break off the engagement with Concubine Yang, so Hearing this, he shook his head and said with a smile: "Silly girl, how can you just cancel this important marriage event casually? Besides, we have already..."

"I know." Yang Yan bit her lip and said shyly: "You mean, the wedding night..."

Han Rui laughed, caressed her beautiful cheek, and said softly: "Yan'er, from now on, you are my Han Rui's wife."

"Yeah." Yang Yan's pretty eyes were blurred and she closed her eyes happily.

Han Rui stared deeply, slowly approached her cherry red lips, and kissed her. The warm feeling, like a dream, made Yang Yan's whole body feel hot, her head went blank, and she forgot to think.

After a long time, their lips parted. Han Rui looked up and saw the livid face of Master Yang, and said awkwardly: "Uncle Yang, I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself..."

Yang Yan's face was as red as a cloud, she lowered her eyes shyly, not daring to look at Han Rui, her heart was as sweet as honey.

"Han Rui, you are so confused." Yang family leader angrily scolded: "Do you know who made this marriage possible?"

Han Rui was at a loss and couldn't help but secretly guess, could it be Han Rui's grandfather whom he had never met before, the current Prime Minister Han Zhongyan?

"It's your grandfather." The head of the Yang family said slowly.

Han Rui was surprised and immediately realized, no wonder the head of the Yang family was so angry. It turned out that it was Han Zhongyan who promoted this marriage. This also made sense. Why did the Yang family object? After all, the two families were political enemies, so the head of the Yang family was naturally unwilling. Marry your daughter to yourself.

However, Han Rui had no regrets. After all, he was sincere to Yang Yan and wanted her to live happily, not just a false marriage.

"We'll put this matter on hold for now and wait until you return to Beijing to discuss it." The head of the Yang family sighed: "You can stay here tonight, and I will give you a definite answer after I report it to your grandfather."

Yang Yan hesitated and said softly: "Then, thank you, grandpa."

"Be good." The head of the Yang family doted on Yang Yan's black hair and said kindly: "Go to rest early, we have to set off tomorrow."

Yang Yan lowered her head, nodded obediently, and watched as Master Yang walked a few steps away, then jumped down lightly, reached out to hold Han Rui's arm, and said softly: "Let's go."

Han Rui nodded slightly, followed her out, and asked, "Yan'er, why didn't you tell them what you just said?"

"I told you, I will definitely be criticized and educated." Yang Yan said sadly: "I don't want to be punished again."

Han Rui shrugged and expressed understanding. The two of them were walking side by side on the pavilion path. Han Rui suddenly said: "Yan'er, do you know who Concubine Yang is?"

"I have only heard about the concubines in the palace." Yang Yan said softly: "As for their appearance, figure, and temperament, I don't know."

"No matter what, she is a member of the royal family." Han Rui said seriously: "If you enter the palace, you will definitely be wronged."

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