"Are you worried about my safety?" Yang Yan smiled sweetly, her clear and bright eyes flashing with a cunning light.

"Isn't it?" Han Rui asked back: "Royal family members, powerful ministers, and distinguished officials, who are not high-ranking officials and rich people, and you are just a girl from the common people."

Yang Yan pursed her lips and said: "So what, as long as I am with you, even a poor village girl is worth it."

"伱..." Han Rui was speechless, feeling strong guilt in his heart, wondering how he had become such a heartless person.

Yang Yan blinked and said, "There is no need to feel guilty. This is also my father's fault... Before my mother died, she once told me that I should hold on to you tightly and make sure that I live happily at all costs."

Han Rui nodded lightly. Yang Yan's parents were ordinary people, but for her happiness, they were willing to take risks and become enemies of important officials in the court.

Feeling moved, Han Rui solemnly said: "Yan'er, don't worry, I will make you happy."

"Yes." Yang Yan chuckled, her smile as bright as a flower, as bright as the sun, so colorful that Han Rui's heart skipped a beat.

Yang Yan stuck out her tongue playfully and said with a playful smile: "Han Lang, I have to go on my way, please go back quickly."

Han Rui reluctantly left and gave a few words of advice before returning to the inn. As soon as she entered the courtyard, she saw Zhou Lin sitting in the pavilion, enjoying tea leisurely.

"Brother-in-law, have you eaten yet?" Zhou Lin chuckled and said, "If not, I'll ask the waiter to bring some food and wine."

"Thank you." Han Rui smiled, walked over, sat down on the stone bench, took a sip of hot water, and joked: "Why are you here so late?"

Zhou Lin lightly curled her red lips, snorted, and said angrily: "You still have the nerve to say that, which made me get scolded by my parents. You thought I escaped halfway and annoyed them."

"What's going on?" Han Rui asked, feeling quite apologetic. He shouldn't have taken Zhou Lin out to play, let alone go to the temple fair, otherwise he wouldn't have encountered this disaster.

"I..." Zhou Lin opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly remembered that she and Han Rui were not related, how could she leak this secret, and hurriedly changed her words: "I was staying in the house well, and suddenly I heard a noise coming from outside. He thought something had happened, so he ran out to see what was going on... Hey, didn't you go to the Yang Mansion? "

"That's right." Han Rui explained frankly, "However, I just went to see Concubine Yang and did not see her."

"I came back without seeing you, and I didn't know to stay for a meal." Zhou Lin scolded: "I almost thought you ran away."

"Are you blaming me for taking you to the street?" Han Rui said with a smile, "I'll apologize."

"Huh, it's good that you know." Zhou Lin glared and said, "I am a rich man. I will accompany you to watch other people's jokes and spread the word. Do you still want my reputation?"

"Then what should we do?" Han Rui said with a smile: "Otherwise, you can just pledge yourself to me."

"Dream." Zhou Linjiao smiled and said, "I'm not that cheap."

Han Rui helplessly spread his hands, expressing distrust.

Seeing his lazy look, Zhou Lin couldn't help laughing. She covered her mouth and chuckled. After a moment, she stopped smiling and said in a deep voice: "Actually, you don't have to worry. Although I have never been to the palace, I know a little bit about the customs. Favor, the so-called cowardice of being close to home, refers to this situation. We should pay homage to the body of our deceased mother, maybe it can stimulate Concubine Yang's memory. "

Han Rui frowned, hesitating a little as to whether it was etiquette to do so. If it failed and Concubine Yang's memory was not restored, it would probably cause the Yang family to be furious.

Zhou Linming smiled brightly and comforted: "Don't worry, since the Yang family promised to help, they will never break their promise. What's more, Concubine Yang has been dead for twenty years, and her soul has long since dissipated. Now she is just a shell. With attack power, we have every chance to awaken her consciousness, just cooperate as much as possible."

"Do you think the Yang family can awaken Concubine Yang's consciousness?" Han Rui asked suspiciously: "Where did you hear that Concubine Yang is a royal family member and favorite concubine."

Zhou Lin smiled and said: "The Yang family also has a mansion in the capital. It is said that the old lady of the Yang family was deeply respected by the emperor after being a founding hero. And Concubine Yang is the only granddaughter of the old lady Yang. After the death of old lady Yang, Concubine Yang He was excessively sad, in a trance, and eventually died of depression.”

"So, she died of illness." Han Rui suddenly realized.

"It's not death from illness, it should be suicide." Zhou Lin shook her head and said with a firm tone, "Old Mrs. Yang has three sons, two daughters-in-law, and four daughters. In addition to the direct grandson of Yang's family, she belongs to her noble status. She was still very young when Concubine Yang died, so she didn’t know her origins.”

Han Rui was silent, thinking carefully about who Concubine Yang was and why she chose to commit suicide. Could there be some hidden secret that was not known to the public... As he thought about it, an idea appeared in Han Rui's mind. He was shocked and quickly waved it away. Ridiculous idea.

Seeing Han Rui's unusual behavior, Zhou Lin asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

"It's okay." Han Rui shook his head and changed the subject: "How do you know so much? Where did you hear it?"

"Of course I heard it from my grandfather." Zhou Lin chuckled and said, "You are the same. Every time you mention Concubine Yang, you always avoid talking about it. I really don't understand. Have you forgotten her existence?"

"Uh, no..." Han Ruishan smiled, waved his hand and said, "I just talked about it occasionally during Mr.'s lecture. I didn't mention it specifically to avoid bringing up sad memories."

"Oh." Zhou Lin was thoughtful and did not get to the bottom of it.

At the right time, the waiter brought the food over. Han Rui greeted Zhou Lin and asked Zhou Lin to use it slowly, while he took the chopsticks and started eating.

Zhou Lin was not polite and enjoyed the lunch happily.

The two chatted while eating. Soon, Zhou Lin was full, put down the dishes, raised his wrist to check his watch, and said in surprise: "It's already the first quarter of the evening, the sun has set."

Han Rui looked out the window, the setting sun, the afterglow was like fire, magnificent and colorful, dyeing the whole sky red, red, like a burning flame, gorgeous and dazzling, amazing, Han Rui smiled and said: "Time flies, it's night in a blink of an eye."

"The moonlight is great tonight." Zhou Lin said excitedly: "Let's go to watch the moon and the stars."

"Watch the moon, no problem." Han Rui readily agreed He asked again, "By the way, where is the temple nearby?"

Zhou Lin frowned and said hesitantly, "There is a Qingliang Temple about 500 meters away from here, and the incense is quite strong."

Han Rui's eyes sparkled, and he was eager to try, "Do you want to join in the fun?"

Zhou Lin hesitated, and Han Rui urged, "Forget it, I'd better find another place, so as not to disturb the Buddha's peace."

"Don't go." Zhou Lin hurriedly persuaded him, "It's still early anyway, let's go and visit an acquaintance by the way."

"Who?" Han Rui asked casually.

"I'll tell you when we get there." Zhou Lin smiled like a flower, pulled Han Rui's sleeve, and dragged him out.

Unsure, Han Rui followed Zhou Lin out of the inn, walked along the bluestone path, bypassed the prosperous area of ​​the street, and after walking for a distance, he came to the front of Qingliang Temple.

Qingliang Temple is built beside the lake, with mountains and water, and backed by the lake. The architectural style is simple and elegant. A lantern hangs at the door, reflecting the quiet scenery.

Qingliang Temple is a three-story building with carved beams and painted buildings, surrounded by ancient trees, and winding paths in the courtyard, which is quite Zen. From a distance, there seems to be curling smoke rising, full of peace and tranquility.

Han Rui was stunned for a moment, and then he became happy and said with a smile: "So it's here. The acquaintance you mentioned is not the monk in the temple."

"You are right." Zhou Lin smiled with pursed lips, her pretty face was shining, her eyes were looking forward to it, revealing a bit of shyness, but also very expectant.

Han Rui smiled lightly, stepped into the temple, walked through a quiet alley, and came to the main hall of Qingliang Temple. I saw that the main hall was spacious and wide, and the Buddha statues enshrined were lifelike, solemn and solemn, with precious appearances. On the left and right of the Buddha statues, on the walls, there were various kinds of Buddha statues hanging.

At this time, there were two men in the hall, standing under the Buddha statue, discussing something in a low voice. The appearance of Han Rui and Zhou Lin immediately attracted their attention. They stopped talking and looked over.

Zhou Lin was a little nervous when he noticed the scrutinizing gazes of the two men, and secretly tightened his slender waist and sword.

Han Rui was calm, walked over slowly, and said with a bow: "My last name is Han, and my name is..."

"I recognize you, you are the young man who came to the temple to ask for divination yesterday." A burly man said with a smile: "Why, you are not going to interpret the divination?"

"I..." Han Rui was about to answer, but suddenly felt a sense of oppression coming towards him, and his whole body trembled, his heart palpitated, and sweat broke out on his forehead, but he gritted his teeth and held on, barely keeping calm, and smiled: "I don't know what the two masters are called, waiting here, do you have any instructions?"

The two men looked at each other, and the slightly fatter one spoke, calmly: "I am Chen Shancheng, the abbot and guard leader of Qingliang Temple."

"My name is Chen Shanwu, and I am also a guard of Qingliang Temple." The thin man was arrogant.

Han Rui nodded slightly, smiling: "Nice to meet you, if you have any instructions, please speak frankly. I will never refuse if I can do it."

"I dare not." Chen Shancheng smiled lightly: "We are just ordered to protect the safety of the young lady, and there is no other intention. You can do whatever you want, and there is no need to worry about anything."

Han Rui blinked his eyes, and his heart became more certain that he must have guessed correctly. However, since they said they had no ill intentions, he was naturally happy to be free. He smiled and wanted to take Zhou Lin away from Qingliang Temple, so as not to be embarrassed to refuse. Unexpectedly, Chen Shanwu stopped him and smiled: "Please stay, two donors."

"Well." Han Rui was a little alert. After a moment of silence, he slowly said: "Do you have anything to do?"

"We want to invite you two to play and watch the moon. I wonder what you think, brother Han?" Chen Shanwu asked.

"This..." Han Rui hesitated, thinking whether this reason was sufficient.

At this moment, Zhou Lin gently pulled the corner of Han Rui's clothes, indicating that Han Rui did not need to refuse, and said frankly: "Thank you for the invitation, then we will obey your orders."

"Welcome, both of you." Chen Shancheng smiled.

Han Rui nodded, and without hesitation, he turned around and walked out of the door. Zhou Lin followed him, and the two guards followed him out.


Suddenly, a clear and pleasant Buddhist chant came. Everyone turned their heads and looked at the sound. They saw a snow-white, delicate and graceful figure on the steps of Qingliang Temple. She came and stood there gracefully. Her black hair was tied up in a bun, she wore a golden phoenix crown, a seven-treasure pearl hairpin on her head, a goose yellow palace dress, an embroidered handkerchief around her waist, and cloud shoes on her feet. She was dignified and elegant, and her beauty was beyond description.

For a moment, Han Rui was stunned and stunned.

"Wow!" Zhou Lin also showed a look of amazement, and exclaimed: "It's so beautiful."

"You know each other." Chen Shancheng was surprised, and then relieved. After all, Han Rui and Zhou Lin were old acquaintances. It was normal to be a little surprised when meeting each other.

Han Rui came back to his senses, coughed dryly, and said vaguely: "Brother Zhou, why are you here?"

"Come with me to Qingliang Temple to burn incense and pray for blessings." Zhou Lin whispered, "What about you?"

Han Rui hesitated, and said with a smile, "Almost the same."

"What a coincidence." Zhou Lin whispered, "Then let's pray together."

"Okay." Han Rui agreed happily, and then turned around and said, "You two, please--"

The two guards followed one after another, and the abbots of Qingliang Temple, Chen Shancheng and Chen Shanwu, followed silently behind without saying a word.

The four of them came to the main hall. Chen Shancheng put his palms together, chanted the Buddha's name, and said devoutly: "Amitabha, good, good."

Then, Chen Shanwu also bowed and said devoutly: "Anita Buddha."

After the two of them finished the etiquette, Chen Shancheng smiled warmly and asked: "What are your surnames, and which school did you follow?"

"My father's name is Lin Hai." Han Rui smiled and said: "He is not good at learning, so he is only known as a Jiangnan casual cultivator."

"So you are the son of Master Lin. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Chen Shancheng suddenly realized and asked again: "I heard that Master Lin has passed away for decades. Why didn't the son mourn and come to the capital?"

"Oh, don't mention it. To be honest, my father passed away half a month ago. Before he died, he asked me to fulfill his last wish and come to Qingliang Temple to burn incense and pray for his father's safety." Han Rui was extremely sad, and tears were faintly in his eyes.

This is the truth. Although he didn't say all the words, the people present also understood the reason.

Chen Shancheng frowned and asked with concern: "How did Master Lin die?"

"Killed by a traitor." Han Rui said hatefully: "The hatred of killing my father is irreconcilable."

Uh, Chen Shanwu was stunned, couldn't help laughing, smiled, and comforted: "Master Lin knows that he may hope that you can find the murderer and avenge your hatred as soon as possible, don't be too sad."

"Thank you for your good words." Han Rui wiped his eyes, forced a smile, and said softly: "Let's talk about business. I came to the temple to burn incense today, not only to commemorate my father, but also to see the scenery in the temple."

Qingliang Temple covers a vast area, with rockery pavilions, flowers, plants and ponds. In particular, the mountains are majestic and tall, with exotic flowers and trees everywhere, lush green shade, clear rivers winding, and occasional floating clouds, like a fairyland, dazzling.

Not only that, after touring the temple for a while, Han Rui found that the mountain stream was rippling with blue waves and clear to the bottom, which was very nourishing. He was amazed. After admiring it, he remembered the business and hurriedly said goodbye and prepared to leave.

At this time, a monk came hurriedly. When he saw Han Rui, he smiled and said: "Amitabha, donor, I am ordered by the abbot to invite you to the vegetarian room for a meal to show my gratitude."

"This..." Han Rui hesitated.

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