"Mr. Han, let's go." Zhou Lin whispered, "The abbot has invited us so kindly that we should not let him down."

"Okay, Master, please lead the way." Han Rui had no choice but to agree, but he still winked at her secretly.

The smart girl instantly understood Han Rui's intention, and a gentle and quiet smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She said softly, "Mr. Chen, Uncle Chen, let's go too."

"Okay." Chen Shancheng and Chen Shanwu naturally had no intention of objecting, and said with a smile on their faces, "Then I'll trouble you."

Han Rui shook his head gently, said to the little monk next to him, and led the three people to the mountain. Not long after, they saw a meditation room in the remote and deep courtyard of the temple.

Pushing the door and entering, the house was simply furnished, but quite tidy. A simple and elegant Buddha statue stood there, with kind eyes and a smile on his face, giving people a friendly feeling. A fragrant candle was burning on the altar, and the curling smoke rose and filled the air, with a strong and pleasant fragrance.

"Sit down." Chen Shancheng pointed at the futon and said politely, "Do you want tea or soup?"

"No need." Han Rui shook his head and said, "We are full and have nothing to do. We came here to burn incense and worship Buddha. It's not for anything else, just because my mother likes it."

Han Rui and Zhou Lin looked at each other, nodded slightly, and then knelt on the futon to listen to the conversation between Chen Shancheng and Chen Shanwu.

After talking for a while, Chen Shancheng noticed Han Rui and others and asked softly, "May I ask your names?"

"My name is Zhou Lin." Zhou Lin said with a smile.

Chen Shancheng was slightly stunned and said in surprise, "It turned out to be Miss Zhou."

"Mr. Chen, you know me." Zhou Lin said in surprise, and a touch of joy flashed across her beautiful eyes.

"Of course." Chen Shancheng laughed and said, "Miss Zhou is a frequent visitor to Qingliang Temple. She always comes to us to ask for a cup of tea."

"Then what about Mr. Chen?" Zhou Lin asked, her eyes full of autumn water.

Chen Shancheng smiled and explained, "My last name is Chen Shanwen."

"No wonder." Zhou Lin smiled and said, "No wonder you guys kept talking about me just now."

"What?" Han Rui was puzzled.

"Mr. Chen." Zhou Lin blushed and said shyly, "This is..."

"Oh." Chen Shancheng suddenly realized and smiled bitterly, "Sorry, I almost forgot to introduce myself. I am Chen Shanwen, the young master of Chen's business."

Chen Shanwu said at the right time, "We are old friends. I am Chen Shanwu."

Zhou Lin quickly knelt down to greet them, her pretty face bloomed with a smile, and she said softly, "I have heard of your great names for a long time. When I saw you today, it is true that you are worthy of your reputation. You are worthy of being the master of a big business. You are handsome and extraordinary."

"You are too kind." Chen Shancheng smiled and said, "Miss Zhou is both talented and beautiful. It is admirable."

"No, I was just bragging." Zhou Lin said modestly.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone sat down. After a while, the young monk brought a set of tea sets. Chen Shancheng took the tea, washed it, poured a pot of tea, took a sip, and smiled, "The Pu'er tea from Qingliang Temple is the best tea. Try it."

"Thank you." Han Rui held out his hand to take the tea, sniffed it, and tasted it carefully.

Zhou Lin also took the teacup, took a sip, chewed it carefully, and savored it slowly for a long time, smiling and praising: "Not bad."

"Good tea." Chen Shanwu also agreed: "It's not worse than the tea in the teahouse outside."

"Brother Chen's body is not as delicate as a thousand gold coins, but he can taste the taste of a cup of ordinary tea." Chen Shancheng smiled and said: "It's impressive."

"Mr. Chen is too kind." Zhou Lin said shyly.

Chen Shanwu laughed and changed the subject, joking: "But, how come you two suddenly came to the capital."

"Well, I'm ashamed to say that I have been living in Mr. Han's mansion for some time." Zhou Lin said softly: "There is a banquet tonight, so I came to eat."

"Oh, so." Chen Shancheng pondered: "But Mr. Han has rarely held banquets in recent years. Why is he here today..."

Chen Shanwu glanced at Han Rui and hinted: "I guess it's because of his mother's illness."

"This..." Chen Shancheng hesitated, and then thought that since Han Rui came to the capital, he must have something to ask for, and it's okay for him to help.

Having made up his mind, Chen Shancheng looked up and smiled: "I really have a gift for you two."

"What is it?" Zhou Lin asked curiously.

"Keep it secret for now." Chen Shancheng kept it a secret, then smiled and said, "Anyway, it is absolutely valuable. I guarantee you will have a rich harvest and will never want to leave."

"Haha, Mr. Chen is a joker." Chen Shanwu smiled and stopped asking questions. He changed the subject and chatted with Chen Shancheng for a while before saying goodbye.

Chen Shancheng hurriedly tried to keep them, saying, "Why do you two have to leave so quickly? Staying in the temple will save money."

"You're welcome. We also came from Yangzhou. We have some trivial matters to deal with, so it's inconvenient to stay longer." Chen Shanwu refused vaguely.

Chen Shancheng also knew how to read people's expressions. Naturally, he understood that Chen Shanwu was afraid of delaying their trip, so he smiled and said, "Okay, let's meet again some other day if we have the chance."

"See you again if we're lucky." Chen Shanwu said with a bow.

Chen Shancheng smiled and nodded. After bowing to him, he was about to see him off.

Suddenly, the door curtain was lifted, and another figure walked in. After seeing the person's appearance clearly, Chen Shanwu's expression became very gloomy, while Chen Shancheng smiled faintly.

The person who walked in was a relatively young and handsome young man. He was wearing brocade clothes and satin, with a slender figure and a face like a crown of jade. He was suave, heroic and elegant. He looked like a handsome young man, as gentle as jade.

"Dad." When the handsome young man saw Chen Shancheng, he hurriedly came up to him, saluted respectfully, and said with a bit of excitement in his tone, "Why are you back?"

"I'm back to visit my mother." Chen Shancheng smiled warmly, took his arm, pulled the handsome young man to sit aside, and asked, "How have you been these past few days?"

The handsome young man said shyly: "It's okay."

"That's good." Chen Shancheng nodded happily, then suddenly frowned and asked, "By the way, where is your brother?"

"Brother..." The handsome young man hesitated for a moment and said softly: "Already... dead."

Chen Shancheng was startled, then sighed and said comfortingly: "Please bear with me and accept the change."

"Yes, I know." The handsome young man forced a smile.

"Han Rui, this is my eldest son Chen Wenlong." Chen Shancheng said with a smile.

"I've met Brother Han." The handsome young man stood up and said politely.

"You're welcome." Han Rui waved his hand gently and said with a smile, "I heard about my good brother a long time ago, and it's really a pleasure to meet you today."

"Brother Han, you're welcome." Chen Wenlong smiled and said, "I'm just a useless commoner, how dare I bear such a famous name."

Han Rui couldn't help but smile. Chen Wenlong's humble and cautious character was very much like his father, but he was much more tactful.

After chatting for a while, Chen Shancheng suddenly said: "Han Rui, you might as well think carefully about the conditions of our Chen family."

Han Rui was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that this guy must have seen that the relationship between Chen Wenlong and Zhou Lin was not simple. The so-called gift was probably to promote their marriage.

"I'm sorry, I've already made an engagement." Han Rui said frankly, "I'm afraid I will disappoint Mr. Chen."

Chen Wenlong's face flashed with sadness, and he lowered his head and said nothing.

"I see." Chen Shancheng said regretfully, "It's me, Meng Lang."

Zhou Lin persuaded softly: "Husband, don't think too much. It's normal for Han Lang not to agree."

"Yeah." Chen Wenlong was silent.

Han Rui smiled easily and said: "Mr. Chen, there is no need to be discouraged. As the saying goes, when a man marries a woman, she should find her own mother. Although I can't marry Miss Zhou, who she marries has nothing to do with me. Don't be too concerned. Stick to it.”

"That's not necessarily the case." Zhou Lin said angrily.

"Oh, I would like to hear the details." Han Rui asked with interest: "Does Miss Zhou like Brother Chen and must marry him?"

Zhou Lin glared and hummed: "Don't talk nonsense, I just think..."

Halfway through her words, Zhou Lin paused and glanced at Chen Wenlong next to her. Her pretty face was flushed and charming, and her beautiful eyes were shining with a hint of tenderness and sweetness.

"Cough!" Chen Shancheng coughed lightly, hiding his embarrassment, and said with a smile: "Han Rui, let's go to the front yard to drink tea and wait for lunch."

"No need." Han Rui shook his head and said, "I have to hurry up as soon as possible, otherwise I will miss my stay at the inn at dusk."

"What a coincidence." Chen Shancheng said in surprise.

"It's quite a coincidence." Han Rui nodded and chuckled: "To be honest with you, I will rest at the inn tonight and return to Jiangning the next day."

"Why are you so anxious?" Chen Shancheng frowned and said, "Is there something going on in Yangzhou?"

"It's true that something happened." Han Rui didn't hide anything and explained what happened.

Chen Shancheng suddenly realized it and sighed: "I see, otherwise you wouldn't have left Yangzhou in a hurry."

"Thanks to Mr. Chen for your help, otherwise I would have been taken back to the prison of the Criminal Department by now." Han Rui said gratefully.

Chen Shancheng smiled and said: "We are all friends, we just help each other, don't worry about it. Besides, I only had this impulse after hearing about your deeds. Otherwise, even if you don't confess, I won't embarrass you."

"Thank you, I will definitely visit you someday." Han Rui said solemnly, sincerely this time.

"You're welcome." Chen Shancheng nodded and smiled.

After chatting for a few words, Han Rui said goodbye to Chen Wenlong and prepared to leave.

"Brother Han, wait a moment."

Just as he turned around, he heard Chen Wenlong calling. Han Rui turned around and asked doubtfully: "Is there anything else?"

Chen Wenlong hesitated for a moment and said softly: "Can I ask a question about how my eldest brother was killed?"

Han Rui blinked and smiled: "He was working in the Inspection Department outside Yangzhou City, but he was assassinated in the market. The murderer was masked in a black scarf, tall and thin, and had superb swordsmanship..."

"Your eldest brother is on patrol and is responsible for seizing contraband. How could he encounter the murderer..." Chen Shancheng interrupted, frowning: "Is there a mistake?"

Han Rui shook his head gently and said solemnly: "It's absolutely true. At that time, I was also frightened. I had no room to resist and was held hostage by the killer. If the guard hadn't risked his life to save him, I might be dead now."

"What a crime." Chen Shancheng sighed: "The poor child suffered such a misfortune."

"I want to avenge him." Chen Wenlong gritted his teeth.

Han Rui pondered for a moment and suggested: "I think it's better to investigate clearly, otherwise a similar tragedy may happen again in the future. After all, you also said that the murderer is very cunning and may have absconded."

"What Brother Han said is true. I must investigate to the end and seek justice for my brother." Chen Wenlong clenched his fists and said, his eyes full of resentment.


Han Rui hesitated for a moment, then said slowly: "Brother Chen, I think this is inappropriate. It's better to tell your father."

Chen Shancheng was stunned, then reacted and smiled bitterly: "Han Rui, you misunderstood. I didn't mean to stop Wenlong."

"That's good, that's good." Han Rui patted his chest and said: "I said that Brother Chen is kind and generous, and will never interfere in the private affairs of the younger generation."

"Haha, that's natural." Chen Shancheng smiled and cursed in his heart, you kid, you are pretentious and hypocritical.

Han Rui laughed twice and changed the subject: "By the way, what are you doing..."

"We are going to visit my father-in-law and father-in-law in Yangzhou, but we are passing through here. You happened to come here, so I invited you to go with us." Chen Shancheng said: "Let's chat about the past."

Han Rui hesitated and said slowly: "I also want to talk with Brother Chen, but I have something else to do, so I have to leave for Jiangning immediately."

"What is it?" Chen Shancheng asked in surprise: "So urgent?"

Han Rui said bitterly: "To be honest, the salt and iron government office in Yangzhou is involved in a wide range of corruption cases. I was ordered to supervise this case, so I have to rush to Yangzhou."

Chen Shancheng understood, was silent for a moment, and said softly: "In this case, I will take you."

"Thank you, Brother Chen, but don't bother you, just let the driver take me back." Han Rui refused hurriedly, and rode on his own, without much effort.

"It's okay, it's just a piece of cake." Chen Shancheng insisted, "Besides, I also want to take the opportunity to meet the emperor of your country."

Han Rui was speechless, thinking, how could I not know that you actually have such ambitions... Well, it seems that it is not only ambition, but also ambitious ambitions.

"Let's go." Chen Shancheng pulled the reins and told the driver to drive off.

The vehicle drove out of the county, Chen Shancheng guided Han Rui to the northeast, and suddenly said: "By the way, I almost forgot to tell you that I asked someone to buy a map a few days ago."

"Ah." Han Rui was surprised, "What does it look like."

"No hurry, I'll give it to you later." Chen Shancheng smiled and continued, "Brother Han, not long ago, I was traveling in Yangzhou and happened to see your painting exhibition."

"Brother Chen has seen it?" Han Rui asked curiously.

"Well, it's a beautiful painting." Chen Shancheng praised: "It's graceful and lifelike, just like a real person, especially the signature at the end, which is even more vivid and lifelike."

Han Rui smiled and said modestly: "You are too kind, Brother Chen."

"This is not a compliment." Chen Shancheng said seriously: "I can guarantee that there is no portrait in the whole Chang'an City that can compare with it."

"You praise me so much, which makes me very proud." Han Rui touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed.

Looking at Han Rui's shy expression, Chen Shancheng laughed dumbly, shook his head and said: "Brother Han, your talent is unquestionable, but these days, people pay attention to poetry, songs, music, chess, calligraphy and painting, and painting is just a minor art, not worthy of praise."

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