Han Rui smiled and said, "Yes, I have only learned a few prose and short fu, but I have never studied painting, so it is not worth mentioning."

"I think your painting skills are extraordinary." Chen Shancheng smiled and said, "If you don't believe it, look."

"Well, what?" Han Rui was stunned, puzzled, stretched his head to look, and was stunned. He saw Chen Shancheng took out a copybook from his sleeve, spread it between his knees, spread out the rice paper, dipped the ink and splashed it.

A burst of strong brushstrokes, elegant and free, like a landscape splashed with ink, spreading out, the brush tip is sharp, vigorous and powerful, as if it was outlined by a steel hook and silver stroke, the shape is like a ghost axe carving, delicate and flexible.

Regardless of whether Han Ruicheng admits it or not, after Chen Shancheng finished painting, he handed over the calligraphy and said with a smile: "Brother Han, what do you think of this painting?"

"It's so beautiful." Han Rui said sincerely, and admired from the bottom of his heart: "It can be called a masterpiece of nature."

"Brother Han, you are too kind." Chen Shancheng said modestly: "I found this painting in a bookstore by chance. It's not worth much."

Han Rui looked at it carefully, nodded gently, and praised: "Indeed, although the brushwork is strong and powerful, it is still immature."

"Oh." Chen Shancheng was slightly surprised, and then relieved. After all, Han Rui was not very old, and it was not easy to reach this level. How could he spend time practicing painting skills.

Han Rui said with relief: "Brother Chen is lucky to find a suitable master. In time, he will shine."

"Thank you for your good words." Chen Shancheng smiled lightly, but he was a little self-deprecating in his heart. Since ancient times, painting and art have been inseparable. His paintings are also good, but they cannot be called shining.

Han Rui nodded slightly and said: "Let's exchange contact information. If you need to ask Brother Chen for help, just send someone to notify me. I will go through fire and water and will not refuse."

Chen Shancheng laughed heartily: "Of course."

The two exchanged phone numbers and exchanged a few words. Chen Shancheng urged Han Rui to leave quickly to avoid the bumpy road in the late night.

Han Rui bowed and said goodbye, and rode away. After running a hundred meters, he vaguely heard the sound behind him and looked back.

In the distance, Chen Shancheng stood beside the carriage and waved to him. Han Rui smiled, waved the whip, and galloped away.

After a while, when Chen Shancheng was no longer visible, Han Rui sighed, looked down at the scroll in his hand, and couldn't help but smile, saying with emotion: "I didn't expect that this brother Chen would have such a refined taste."

"Sir, what's going on?" The Jinyi guard asked: "Who is that?"

"Friend." Han Rui said, not wanting to reveal Chen Shancheng's identity, so as not to cause trouble and arouse speculation.

The Jinyi guard was a little confused, but he knew what was going on and didn't ask. He drove the horse and followed by his side, moving forward slowly. After a long time, he suddenly heard a call from his ear. He turned his head and saw that it was the red horse, yelling at him.

"Hey, why are you running so fast?" Han Rui smiled and said: "You don't need any arms or legs, why are you in a hurry?"

"Woo~" The red horse neighed, as if complaining.

"Okay, pay attention next time, pay attention next time..." Han Rui apologized, adjusted his speed, and walked slowly.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly heard a clear and pleasant voice from behind: "Hello, my name is Li Xiyin, my father is the governor of Yangzhou."

Han Rui turned around in surprise and saw a group of young, beautiful, and delicate girls, surrounding a beautiful girl and playing happily. He couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then waved with a smile: "Good morning, ladies."

The girls all stopped, their eyes flickered, their faces flushed, secretly glancing at the boy, their eyes looking forward shyly.

"Mr. Han, why didn't you take the ox cart today." A girl smiled sweetly.

"I just chatted with my friends for a few words, and now I'm ready to go. Ladies, please go ahead, I'll go first." Han Rui smiled and bowed to say goodbye.

"Mr. Han, take care." The girls were shy and hurriedly returned the greeting.

Han Rui nodded, rode away, and disappeared at the end of the street. The girls turned back and chattered.

"That brother just now was so handsome."

"Yes, he seems to be more handsome than our eldest brother."

"Humph, is the eldest brother handsome too?"

"Why not? In recent years, there are three people in Yangzhou who are most popular among the ladies in the boudoir. One is the young man of the Chen family, and the other two are..."

Han Rui didn't know what they were talking about. He rode forward on his own. After a while, he met two acquaintances. Not only that, one of them turned out to be the old procuress he met in the restaurant last night, but there was a young man beside her.

Seeing Han Rui riding a horse, the old procuress immediately greeted him with a smile and greeted him warmly: "Mr. Han, where are you going to drink today?"

"No, I'm going to Yangcheng Lake and I'm just sending someone across the river." Han Rui said politely. He didn't understand why this old procuress was pestering him. Did she recruit him as a waiter because he was a local?

"Oh." The madam smiled and said, "I just happen to want to cross the river too."

"Well... let's go together." Han Rui said. Since the other party said so, wouldn't it be embarrassing to refuse?

Of course, it is not ruled out that the madam is just perfunctory, but Han Rui doesn't care. It's just a small favor anyway, and he likes to join in the fun.

So, the two of them took a car together and slowly went to Yangcheng Lake.

Passing through the official road, the scenery on the roadside flew by, and a towering bridge came into view. Han Rui looked away, but found no sign of a ship docking. He couldn't help but be a little surprised. At this time, it should be 3 or 4 in the afternoon. Around 0.00 pm, why are all the ferries in Yangcheng Lake canceled and parked by the lake?

At this moment, the old bustard pointed forward and said with a soft smile: "Sir, please look, the bridge pier opposite is the Longmen Grottoes in Yangcheng Lake."

Han Rui looked up and saw a huge monument on the other side, with the three characters "Yangcheng Lake" written on it. The monument was about twenty feet tall and more than ten feet wide. It was majestic and majestic. The body of the monument was mottled and full of cracks, as if it might explode at any time. The crumbling ruins, but still vaguely identifiable, bear the inscription "Eight Monsters of Jinling" written in four large and powerful characters.

"These four words must have been inscribed on the plaque by Wang Xizhi himself." Han Rui exclaimed, this is a historical celebrity.

"Young Master has good eyesight. It is indeed Wang Xizhi's handwriting." The old bustard flattered him.

Wang Xizhi's calligraphy is very small, which not only requires rigor, dignity, energy and vigor, but also requires extremely high attainments and cultivation. It is impossible for ordinary people to imitate it. Furthermore, in the poetry of the Tang Dynasty, no one dared to use Wang Xizhi's calligraphy as a symbol.

Wang Xizhi's regular script is his specialty, and in poetry, he is even more famous for his cursive script.

Wang Xizhi's calligraphy is the essence of him. Every stroke contains his deep feelings. His writing force is strong and majestic, and he has a domineering and fierce style that is more powerful than mine.

Of course, this is not the key. The key is that his cursive script is full of rich literati style, which is very attractive to readers.

Over the years, scholars often gathered or visited Yangcheng Lake, specifically to study Wang Xizhi's calligraphy.

"Wang Xizhi..." Han Rui murmured, nodded slightly, and secretly praised in his heart that he was indeed a famous person throughout the ages. Although Wang Xizhi's calligraphy was criticized by many people in later generations, it cannot be denied that the value of calligraphy itself is no less than For any sword or sharp weapon.

Han Rui looked carefully and felt that these cracks seemed to be caused by axes and chisels. Suddenly a doubt arose in his mind. The Longmen Grottoes in Yangcheng Lake were built on the banks of Yangcheng Lake, so they would definitely be flooded. Why is the top of the monument still upright? Still standing.

"Hey, what's going on?" A girl suddenly exclaimed, pointing to the bottom of the stone tablet.

In an instant, other people gathered around to watch. Han Rui also crowded over and looked intently. He saw several small snakes at the bottom of the stone tablet, entrenched in the shade of the stone wall, spitting out words and swallowing the core, fierce and ferocious, as if guarding The poisonous insects in the treasure make people feel uneasy and a little scared.

"what to do?"

"Get them away."

"There are no human habitations in the barren mountains and ridges here. They shouldn't be afraid of people..."

The girls talked and discussed, but did not take action. After all, these little snakes were too dangerous. It would be tragic if they were hurt, so they hesitated, not knowing whether to stay or leave.

Han Rui was also thinking about this issue. These little snakes obviously crawled out of the grotto. Could there be some precious treasure hidden inside, so they lured the snakes to protect them, but...

While thinking, suddenly, a slender plain hand stretched out from the side and played with one of the little snakes. In an instant, the little snake struggled and rolled, then fell to the ground, curled up and squirmed, and gradually died.

"How cruel, those are living creatures." Several girls nearby exclaimed in low voices.

"Snake gall, that's snake gall!" A girl shouted happily.

Han Rui suddenly realized that the little snake was not killed, but was taken away because the snake's gallbladder was broken and it was dying and unable to resist.

However, Han Rui was quite interested in what to do with snake gallbladder, and he couldn't help but turn his head to look around. He happened to see two graceful figures walking out of the carriage. They were delicate and beautiful, their skin was as white as snow, and their eyes were lively. Cunning, graceful figure, gentle and graceful posture.

The two walking together looked like a beautiful picture, which was pleasing to the eye and attracted the attention of many people.

Seeing the faces of the two people clearly, Han Rui's heart was pounding, his heart was surging, his face was red, his ears were red, his whole body was shaking with excitement, his heart was beating wildly, and his breathing was rapid. He thought to himself, I've finally waited for you, run quickly, or you will change. Turned into meat buns.

It's a pity that Han Rui's wishes are beautiful, but reality is hard-core. Just when Han Rui was about to step forward and pounce, the two girls didn't seem to notice this side, but walked straight along the bank of Yangcheng Lake. Han Rui had to regret Give up and stand under the shade of the tree, quietly watching the two beauties walk away.

"Young Master..." Seeing Han Rui's strange expression, a bit lost, the old madam quietly tugged at the hem of her clothes, charmingly and charmingly, she leaned over and said coquettishly: "Young Master..."

"Uh, who are you and what do you want from me?" Han Rui restrained his emotions and pretended to be cold.

"The old madam from the Chunhua House of the Nu family." The old madam winked charmingly and said in a sweet voice, "I wonder, sir, are you interested in going in and playing?"

"Uh, no need." Han Rui waved his hand and said, "Thank you boss lady for your kind invitation. I only occasionally pass by Yangcheng Lake to see the scenery of the lake, not for fun, so I won't waste your time and say goodbye."

After saying that, Han Rui turned around and wanted to leave, but the old madam blocked his way and said with a smile: "Young Master Han, it's rare to meet him. Why don't you go in for a cup of tea and talk for a while."

"No time, let's wait another day." Han Rui frowned and said, not understanding what happened to the old bustard today. He was just pestering him.

"Don't, it's just a pot of tea, it won't take long." The madam tried to persuade him, "If you are worried about not having enough money, I can give you a discount."

"I'm not short of money." Han Rui insisted on shaking his head and refusing, then he avoided her entanglement and left in a hurry, fearing that he would be delayed again if he was half a beat slower. No matter who it was, he didn't want to have a tryst with a strange woman in such a desolate place. Even if the other party was very beautiful and had a good figure, Han Rui had no interest.

I don't know if it was because the madam's charm was not enough or Han Rui's perseverance was strong, but he actually walked past her in public without being tempted by her. This result made her a little surprised. She bit her lip and cursed in her heart, pretending to be pure... Bah, I am a good girl, how could I hook up with a man, it's really dirty, vulgar, and despicable...

I was thinking about it all the way, and soon after, the carriage stopped in front of a magnificent and imposing mansion. After getting off the car and approaching, Han Rui looked up and found a plaque hanging on the lintel with a few gold-plated characters, "Chunhui Garden". He suddenly realized that it was Concubine Yang's residence.

"Sir, we are coming down."

Han Rui came to his senses and found that the two girls had already got off the car and were greeting him with a smile. He nodded and followed the two girls into Chunhui Garden. Looking around, he found that the garden was shaded by green bamboos, hundreds of flowers were in full bloom, birds were singing, and flowers were fragrant. There were pavilions, ponds and rockery, and everything was pleasant.

In a small courtyard, the three stopped and a young man in brocade robes came up to greet them. He smiled and saluted and said, "I am Li Ji, welcome to Brother Han."

"Li Ji, do you know me?" Han Rui said in surprise.

"Of course." Li Ji said with a smile: "I have heard that Brother Han is the son of a scholar of the Imperial College. Today I get to see him and he is indeed handsome and suave."

Han Rui was stunned for a moment and quickly said modestly: "No, compared with the talented people in the capital, Han is far inferior."

Li Ji laughed and said: "Brother Han is too modest. Everyone in the country knows your name."

"I am just an ordinary person, not a famous person." Han Rui sighed: "Unlike some people, who are the most talented in the world and are the well-deserved top scholar, I just I just admire you, I envy you so much."

"Brother Han, that's not very kind." Li Ji snorted, "If you are mediocre, are there any smart people in the world?"

"You don't understand." Han Rui waved his hand and said leisurely, "Everyone has their own destiny. I am just an ordinary person and cannot be compared with those geniuses."

"You are too self-deprecating to say that." Li Ji smiled and didn't care. He looked at Han Rui and suddenly felt strange. He whispered, "Brother Han, I heard that you have a close relationship with Concubine Yang..."

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