"That's right." Han Rui admitted frankly, smiled slightly, and asked curiously: "How do you know?"

"I heard that you met for a drink and fun at Yangcheng Lake last night..." Li Ji explained.

Han Rui was slightly startled, and then he laughed dumbly. This kind of gossip has actually spread to this extent.

Li Ji smiled and said, "I don't know how the news spread, but you have a close relationship with Concubine Yang. I guess it must be related to this matter."

"What are you talking about?" Han Rui asked, angrily: "It must be Concubine Yang's guy who is behind the scenes. Otherwise, the news wouldn't have spread so fast, and even you would have heard about it."

"That's natural." Li Ji smiled and said, "I heard that Concubine Yang is quite famous in Jiangzhou..."

"You are quite well informed." Han Rui praised.

"It's not just me, countless people are talking about this in the streets and alleys of the capital." Li Ji spread his hands and said with a smile: "Brother Han, do you know who Concubine Yang is?"

"I don't know." Han Rui shook his head sincerely.

"She is a well-known talented girl." Li Ji clicked his tongue and exclaimed: "She is proficient in playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry, singing, dancing and swordsmanship. She is especially good at playing and singing. Her voice is moving, melodious and melodious, making people intoxicated and forgetting their worries. She is called The sound of nature.”

Han Rui was silent and noncommittal. He was not so bored as to inquire about the deeds of a person he had never met. Besides, people in ancient times liked gossip the most, especially officials. They were even more enthusiastic about publicizing this matter in order to satisfy their superiority. Vanity.

Li Ji talked endlessly about Concubine Yang's great achievements, seeming to be lost in memories, with an intoxicated expression.

Han Rui said impatiently: "Hey, are you finished?"

"No." Li Ji said unceremoniously: "You agree to help me first, and then I will tell you about Concubine Yang."

"Didn't you tell me just now?" Han Rui rolled his eyes and said, "I didn't lie to you, and you don't believe me. If you insist on telling me, wouldn't it be torture for me?"

"This matter is related to me, and I am acting under orders." Li Ji smiled bitterly: "If you don't agree, I won't dare to disobey the superior's order."

Han Rui frowned slightly and said somewhat displeasedly: "Brother Li, do you know what I hate the most?"

"Yes." Li Ji hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "I know, coercion and inducement are just a trick to deal with a playboy like me."

"Since you know, why don't you hide?" Han Rui asked in surprise: "You are not afraid that I will really force you to do bad things."

"Don't be afraid." Li Ji said confidently: "Although you are a scholar, you are from a humble background. How can you compare with those powerful people and not use these dirty tricks to bully ordinary people like us."

That's it. Han Rui touched the tip of his nose and felt a little dumbfounded. What's the reason for this? But after careful consideration, it is indeed the case. Take Li Ji as an example. As the grandson of the prime minister, he is willing to be inferior to others. Not only does he not complain, he is also very optimistic and actively participates in scientific examinations. Just because of this Han Rui admired his unique spirit.

Seeing this, Han Rui couldn't help but reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said happily: "If you have such an idea, you are a good example and worthy of respect."

"I know, I work hard too..." Li Ji chuckled.

"Okay." Han Rui waved his hand and said, "Let's get back to the topic. What does Concubine Yang want from me?"

"I don't know." Li Ji shook his head and said, "It is said that it is a banquet for the scholars, and it is also a grand ceremony to celebrate Concubine Yang's new concubine. It is estimated that there will be several banquets to invite celebrities and writers from the capital to appreciate Concubine Yang's grace."

Han Rui curled his lips and said: "Those people have no other skills besides appreciating beauty. I don't even bother to associate with them."

"You, those who don't know are fearless. If it were anyone else, I'm afraid I would be eager to go to the banquet immediately to soak up Concubine Yang's immortal energy and enhance my own temperament." Li Ji said with a smile: "But don't worry, there will be no banquet at this banquet." The Hongmen Banquet is just a poetry gathering at most, just reciting poems and writing poems, there is nothing dangerous about it.”

"You don't have to persuade me." Han Rui said calmly: "That's not my ambition. Besides, Concubine Yang is not a stunning beauty, so she has no interest in joining in the fun."

Li Ji was stunned, then smiled and nodded: "That's right. How could a handsome young man like you be interested in a mere mortal..."

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me the result directly. What is it?" Han Rui asked, but he was muttering in his heart, was it because of the ink-splashed picture? Impossible, Concubine Yang is not short of money, and she has the support of Taichang Temple Qing's father, so there is no need to get entangled with him. Maybe she has some hidden agenda.

Li Ji hesitated for a moment and whispered: "I heard that Concubine Yang invited you to go, and I hope you can give me some advice."

"Uh..." Han Rui blinked, feeling a little confused, and pointed out what was so rare.

"Concubine Yang said that you have excellent piano skills and are talented." Li Ji said with a bright smile: "Tonight happens to be the day for flower lantern viewing. If Brother Han is willing to go to watch, then you can take the opportunity to see him. If not, then It’s okay, just pretend you don’t know.”

"That's a good idea." Han Rui said with deep approval, "I'll go back and prepare the gifts now. Let's take them with us when the time comes."

"Don't rush for these two days, wait until evening." Li Ji suggested.

"That's alright." Han Rui said cheerfully, "I'll make arrangements when I go back and go to the Yang Mansion for a banquet in the evening."

"Okay." Li Ji nodded and said, "I will send carriages and horses to pick you up at that time."

Han Rui declined and hurried back to the manor outside the city on horseback. After a little tidying up, he hurriedly left and went straight to the palace.

Walking into the palace and coming to the royal study room, the guard guard stopped him. Han Rui handed over the token and entered smoothly. He went straight to the edge of the vermilion lacquer pillar and found a gap. He stretched out his hand and tapped lightly. With a squeak, the wall slid open. Door.

Passing through the narrow space at the door, Han Rui walked in, walked around the bookshelf, and came to the desk on the east side. Looking at Suzaku sitting at the desk and writing, Han Rui nodded slightly.

Suzaku raised his head, showed a warm and kind smile, and greeted: "Mr. Han, if you need anything, please tell me."

Han Rui looked around, thought for a moment, and said straight to the point: "Concubine Yang summoned me to the palace. Do you have anything to ask me?"

"Yes." Suzaku nodded and said frankly: "However, it is just a guess."

"Oh." Han Rui frowned, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If Concubine Yang didn't have something to do with him, it was probably Concubine Yang who wanted to set a trap for him and lure him into a trap.

"Do you know Concubine Yang?"

"I haven't seen it." Han Rui shook his head and admitted frankly, then asked: "What does she want from me?"

"It is said that Concubine Yang wants Yang Jiu'er to marry you." Zhuque said with a smile: "However, this is just a guess and not certain. Mr. Han might as well go and see it first."

"I refuse this matter," Han Rui said simply.

Suzaku was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said: "I understand, but this is an imperial decree and you cannot refuse it unless... you drop out of school."

"Then tell me, why do you have to go?" Han Rui frowned and said, "How do you know that Concubine Yang is that Concubine Yang."

"This is His Majesty's will." Suzaku smiled and said, "I can't reveal more."

"Okay." Han Rui was depressed, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I know what to do."

"Then take my leave." Suzaku bowed and saluted.

"Let's go slowly." Han Rui nodded, watched Suzaku walk out of the room, and suddenly asked, "By the way, that bastard Li Ji, didn't you cause any trouble?"

Suzaku stopped and said with a smile: "Don't worry, it's just a small fuss, it won't get in the way."

"That's good." Han Rui sighed slightly and turned back to the desk.

Soon after, dusk fell, and night gradually enveloped the imperial city. The lights were brilliant and brilliant, like stars, shining with a charming luster.

Han Rui took a carriage and leisurely arrived at Chang'an West City. He galloped on the bustling streets and soon arrived at the most famous Yangliu River in Yangzhou City, where Concubine Yang lived.

Standing on the high bridge, looking at the undulating Willow River, a cold wind blew, ruffling his hair and making it fly. Han Rui suddenly felt in a trance, as if he had returned to his childhood memories, and a familiar figure appeared in his eyes. , which made him startled for a moment before he woke up, quickly gathered his thoughts and continued to walk forward.

On the banks of the Yangliu River, the lights and shadows overlap, ancient trees and stone monuments stand, carved beams and painted buildings, pavilions and pavilions are looming, and the running water tinkles. The sweet music of the piano is heard, melodious and touching, but Han Rui is not an elegant person who appreciates piano music. He casually looked around, looking for other people. Unexpectedly, a gust of fragrant wind rushed towards him, followed by slender hands grabbing at his sleeves.

A charming voice full of charm and charm unique to a mature woman said: "Prince-in-law."

"Concubine Yang, stop making trouble." Han Rui frowned, shook off Concubine Yang's hand, and quickly escaped to avoid the bad luck of being pulled. Then he looked back and saw the graceful Concubine Yang, wearing a Standing next to her pretty in a pink skirt, holding her hair with her hands, smiling lightly, her shy and charming appearance is really heart-pounding.

What a pity, Han Rui sighed inwardly, he had already seen through this appearance, his expression was calm, and his tone was calm: "Mother, what can I do?"

Concubine Yang smiled sweetly and whispered softly: "Prince-in-law, since you are here, you definitely don't mind staying the night."

"Mother, I have to go home." Han Rui said firmly, "I'm really sorry."

"It doesn't matter. Tomorrow is a holiday. I can take you back." Concubine Yang said with a smile, "I don't have much to do anyway. I have nothing to do, so I can play with you."

Han Rui didn't know whether to laugh or cry and said: "Empress, if you do this, won't you put me in a situation where I will never recover?"

"Prince-in-law, I don't eat people, so what should I be afraid of?" Concubine Yang said angrily, her eyes filled with sadness and sadness.

Han Rui was silent. After a moment, he shook his head slightly and said, "Forget it, I don't like being followed and monitored."

"Prince-in-law..." Concubine Yang's cheeks flushed, a little flustered, and she quickly explained: "I don't mean any harm."

"That won't work either." Han Rui said lightly and walked away.

"Hey." Concubine Yang called, hurriedly moved her lotus feet to catch up, gently rolled up Han Rui's sleeves, and said with a chuckle: "Prince-in-law..."

Han Rui paused, turned around, frowned and said, "Mother, you should know that this will cause misunderstanding."

"We are alone and alone..."

"Isn't it still separated by a gauze curtain?" Han Rui interrupted: "Besides, you are not a beauty and you are not attractive. Who cares about you?"

Concubine Yang was stunned, then burst into laughter, covered her mouth and stomped her feet gently, saying coquettishly: "Prince-in-law, you are so bad."

Han Rui curled his lips, ignored it, and continued walking forward.

Looking at Han Rui's retreating back, the charming smile on Concubine Yang's face slowly disappeared. She bit her teeth and murmured to herself: "This kid is really difficult to deal with if he doesn't get enough oil and salt..."

After walking a few steps, he turned back, sighed softly, and chased Han Rui again.

"Why are you back again?" Han Rui was surprised.

Concubine Yang chuckled and said softly: "Prince-in-law, I just thought about it. Since it is your husband's wish, I can't disobey it, so I agreed."

"Really?" Han Rui's eyes widened, doubtful.

"Really." Concubine Yang smiled sweetly and said softly: "Then... let's set off now."

"Uh, I'm not going." Han Rui waved his hands, muttering to himself, luckily I was smart, otherwise I would have been deceived.

Concubine Yang sighed softly: "You are probably worried about Li Ji's revenge. Don't worry, I promise not to involve you. As long as I take you out of the house tonight and leave Chang'an City, it will have nothing to do with you."

Han Rui frowned and hesitated: "Is this...appropriate?"

"It's okay." Concubine Yang wrote lightly: "It's like this anyway, I don't miss this time."

Han Rui hesitated, and Concubine Yang whispered: "Prince-in-law, do you want me to pester you every day?"

Having said this, Han Rui couldn't shirk anymore. He nodded and expressed his position: "Okay, I will do it according to the Queen's wish, but first, I have to agree that after the matter is over, I want to leave Chang'an City. Returning to hometown to worship ancestors..."

"Okay, since your parents are deceased anyway, we don't have to go back to Beijing to report on our work." Concubine Yang said with a smile: "Not only can we go together, but I will go wherever you go. When you return to Hangzhou, I will follow you, that is. I don’t know if you will take me in when the time comes.”

It could be heard that Concubine Yang was joking, but the meaning behind her words was a bit ambiguous, making people think of it. Han Rui's heart sank slightly, and he did not dare to continue. He hurriedly changed the subject and asked: "So, What do we do now."

"Of course it's a lake tour." Concubine Yang said with a smile, "Have you forgotten that tonight is the first time of the Yangzhou Poetry Festival?"

"Oh, have you discussed this matter with your parents?" Han Rui asked. After all, Yang Jiugong is the general magistrate of Yangzhou. Although his official position is not high, he has considerable power. He should be qualified to participate in this grand event, but why is Yang Jiugong missing? , instead, Concubine Yang hosted a banquet for heroes from all over the world.

"Of course not." Concubine Yang said, "Therefore, I want to find my husband to discuss it."

"It's so simple." Han Rui was surprised and thought she was perfunctory.

Concubine Yang rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Do you think I am perfunctory?"

"Yes, it's very similar." Han Rui nodded seriously, looked up at the hazy full moon in the sky, and suddenly said: "The moon is so beautiful tonight. It is brighter and more beautiful than last year."

"Yes, I miss my family even more during the festive season." Concubine Yang felt lost.

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