"Do you miss your family?" Han Rui said casually, changing the subject and saying, "My queen, why don't we go now?"

"Where to?"

"Of course Yangzhou, otherwise, do you have any other choice?" Han Rui smiled and said, "Or go to Yangzhou City for a stroll, that's not bad either."

"No need." Yang Fei refused and said, "Time is short, let's go quickly."

"No hurry, it's still early, I want to stroll for a while." Han Rui smiled, pointed to the lake in front of him, and said in admiration, "My queen, this place is so beautiful, with beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains. , the scenery is pleasant, I don't know how many people want to come here, but in these years, there are very few people who can step into this place. "

"Prince, are you praising me or insulting me?" Yang Fei snorted: "I am not a bumpkin. I have been to the most prosperous streets and alleys in Yangzhou City, but I am not tired of the lakes and mountains, so I come here often."

"Anyway, I can finally experience it. Thank you for your generosity." Han Rui smiled. The two walked along the lakeside, chatting and laughing, and seemed to have forgotten the unpleasant experience just now.

Han Rui did not mention it, and Yang Fei was also tactful and did not mention it. Otherwise, Han Rui would probably not help.

The two chatted slowly and came to the lakeside unknowingly. The lake surface was sparkling, and the lake breeze blew over, and the coolness was refreshing. Across the lake, tall buildings stood, and the lights were brilliant, which looked particularly gorgeous.

Concubine Yang looked sideways, her eyes were full of longing, she blinked lightly, her slender body leaned slightly, and she approached Han Rui and whispered: "My husband, I suddenly remembered that my father invited me to have a cup of tea together, I am afraid I can't accompany you."

"It's okay, you go first." Han Rui said with a smile: "I will go back to the mansion after I finish watching the moon."

"Okay." Concubine Yang smiled and nodded, turned around and left slowly, her graceful figure, like a wisp of smoke, lightly blending into the darkness.

Han Rui stood there, staring for a long time, until he disappeared in the vast night, and then he slowly returned to the mansion.

The next day, the weather was clear, the spring was bright, and the warm sunshine was shining, driving away the cold winter haze, making people feel comfortable and energetic. After a morning, everyone felt a sense of rebirth.

After washing up, Han Rui dressed neatly and sat at the dining table, eating breakfast slowly. There was a slight sound of footsteps. He looked up and saw a maid carrying a tray, slowly coming from the door and gently approaching him.

"Sir, please have a meal." The maid bowed and said playfully, "I will help you wash your face and do your makeup."

"No need." Han Rui shook his head and said in a light voice, "I have to go to an appointment, so I won't have a meal at home. You don't have to wait for me. After eating and drinking, go back to your room and rest."

The Han family has strict rules, and servants have their own rules. There are rules for eating and sleeping.

"Then I'll take my leave."

The maid left lightly.

Han Rui continued to enjoy breakfast. After a while, he changed his clothes and washed up, picked up the bookcase, carried it on his back, and walked out.

Yesterday, Concubine Yang specifically instructed him to go to Yang Jiugong to discuss the banquet after he arrived in Yangzhou and moved into the Yang Mansion, so as not to be discovered and cause trouble. The so-called Yang Mansion refers to the house where Concubine Yang lived. In Yangzhou, it is called "Yang Garden". It covers a very large area, with pavilions, towers, rockery and strange stones everywhere. The garden is elegant and beautiful, with winding corridors, small bridges and flowing water, and pavilions. It is quite ingenious.

In any case, Concubine Yang is indeed very particular. Han Rui deeply agrees with this. He walks slowly into the garden along the bluestone path. From a distance, he sees Yang Jiugong sitting alone in a wheelchair under the shade of the trees by the lake, concentrating on watching the koi playing in the lake.

Han Rui walked over and greeted: "Jiugong, good morning."

"Good morning." Yang Jiugong turned his wheelchair and walked towards him. He looked at Han Rui and chuckled: "The prince consort looks quite ruddy today."

"Yes." Han Rui smiled and admitted frankly.

"What's wrong? Is there any good news?" Yang Jiugong asked curiously, and then suddenly realized: "Could it be that Concubine Yang..."

"That's right." Han Rui smiled: "Yesterday she sent someone to send an invitation to invite us to go boating."

"That's great." Yang Jiugong was overjoyed.

"Why is Jiugong so happy?" Han Rui asked in confusion.

"This..." Yang Jiugong hesitated and smiled: "It doesn't matter if you don't say it, anyway, you just need to prepare a generous gift as soon as possible."

Han Rui nodded in agreement and pushed Yang Jiugong to a pavilion, where Concubine Yang was already sitting and waiting.

"Meet the emperor's sister-in-law." Han Rui bowed and handed over the box full of silver ingots.

Concubine Yang smiled brightly and said softly, "You're welcome. Since you're in Yangzhou, don't be restrained. Just treat it as your own place."

"You're too kind, sister-in-law." Han Rui smiled and said, "In Yangzhou, we must abide by the rules of Yangzhou, otherwise we will become a laughing stock."

In this era, etiquette is strict, and there is a difference between the monarch and his subjects. Peers make friends and call each other cousins ​​or cousins, but the boundaries between the old and the young are still clear. The monarch and his subjects must follow the etiquette of the monarch and his subjects, but the subjects do not need to follow it and can make friends at will.

However, if they are cousins, aunts and uncles, it is another matter.

In the Han Dynasty, the son-in-law was half a son, and the uncle was almost the same. Anyway, the in-law relationship between the Han family and the Yang family was basically an affair. However, Concubine Yang was the daughter who was married off, so the affairs of the Yang family had nothing to do with Han. The family has nothing to do with it, so no matter how much Concubine Yang makes a fuss, the final decision-making power is still in the hands of Concubine Yang's parents. Han Rui is naturally not qualified to comment, but he has the obligation to protect the face of the two families and the virtuous character of Concubine Yang. name.

That's why Han Rui agreed so happily to go with Concubine Yang.

"The consort is really a reasonable person. No wonder Concubine Yang loves you so much." Concubine Yang praised: "Her attitude towards you has changed a lot over the years, which is impressive."

Hearing these words, Han Rui suddenly felt flattered and said humbly: "Your Majesty, you are so complimentary. It's just my luck. I happened to meet Concubine Yang who was in a good mood and was willing to chat with me, so I …”

"You have misunderstood Concubine Yang." Concubine Yang pursed her lips and smiled, and said warmly: "Concubine Yang did not change because of you. In fact, her character is like this. She does not hide her joys, sorrows, and sorrows in her own words. When it comes to emotions, I never bother to fake anything.”

"This is the best, to save others from guessing." Han Rui said with a smile: "Otherwise, I would also feel a lot of pressure."

"It's rare that you will also feel pressure." Concubine Yang covered her mouth and smiled: "Tell me, who puts you under pressure? You might as well say it and let me judge whether it is appropriate."

Han Rui was silent for a moment and said, "Your Majesty."


Concubine Yang was speechless, dazed for a moment, then chuckled, lightly poked Han Rui's forehead with her slender jade fingers, and said coquettishly: "You brat, what nonsense are you talking about? You can say it out loud, and you are not ashamed."

"Not only His Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the Prince, the Princess..."

Concubine Yang couldn't laugh or cry, and sighed softly: "You kid, you are getting more and more naughty. You dare to tease the children of the royal family. You are very courageous."

"That is His Majesty's mercy." Han Rui chuckled and said, "Otherwise, I would have been dragged out of the Meridian Gate and beheaded."

"Okay, you should tell me how the emperor is merciful." Concubine Yang was very interested and seemed to really intend to listen.

Han Rui hesitated for a moment, coughed lightly and said: "Actually, Your Majesty didn't punish me very much. At most, he was grounded for half a year and fined for three months. However, I understand His Majesty's grace and magnanimity."

This reason was a bit far-fetched, but Concubine Yang did not expose it and said with a smile: "Since you said so, forget it. Just don't speculate on the holy will in the future."

"How dare I? I'm just talking nonsense." Han Rui smiled apologetically and changed the subject: "By the way, how is Jiu Gong's condition recovering? When will he be cured?"

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time." Concubine Yang comforted softly.

Han Rui nodded, asked for some details, and then left.

Concubine Yang looked at his retreating figure and frowned slightly: "Jiu Gong, why did you think of inviting this boy to the lantern party?"

"Don't you know?" Yang Jiugong said with a smile: "This kid is a man of great influence in Chang'an City."

"Really?" Concubine Yang shook her head slightly and said quietly: "Why didn't I pay attention?"

"When he was in Chang'an, he teamed up with Magistrate Wu and Chen Gui to organize a poetry meeting. The leader of the literary meeting won the top prize, which caused a sensation in the entire government and the public." Yang Jiugong reminded: "You don't know how to do this. forget it."

"Oh." Concubine Yang seemed to be thinking, and whispered: "I really don't know, but since someone reported the news to you, why did you invite Han Rui to the lantern party? Is your friendship really that pure? "

"We have no relationship at all." Yang Jiugong curled his lips and explained: "He is my cousin, not my brother. How could we have such a good relationship? It was just an accidental encounter."

Concubine Yang nodded slightly, not bothering to argue, and changed the subject: "By the way, I heard that he bought a manor in Jiangnan, specially built a garden, and set up a workshop."

"That's right." Yang Jiugong said, "I heard that business is very prosperous."

"How about it? If you have the opportunity, introduce us to have fun and broaden your horizons." Concubine Yang looked forward to it.

"This matter will be taken care of by me." Yang Jiugong promised, patting his chest.

Concubine Yang smiled, her beautiful eyes sparkling.

"However." Yang Jiugong suddenly frowned and said, "Although Han Rui is a scholar, he has no academic background. I'm afraid he won't be able to come up with anything weird."

"Haha." Concubine Yang said with a smile: "He can write poems, draw pictures, and cure diseases and save people. Aren't these all rare things? Besides, he is now the consort of an official family. He just lacks a set of calligraphy and painting. It doesn't take much effort to find someone to write a few words, so that you can use the name of a member of the royal family to attend various gatherings openly, why not? "

"This is a good idea." Yang Jiugong was convinced.

Concubine Yang said with a smile: "Okay, go and get ready. I will accompany you to attend later."

"Then I'll take my leave now and see you later." Yang Jiugong said goodbye with a smile and went outside the courtyard to call for a chariot to carry him into the palace.

"Your Majesty..." Gong'e's guards paid their respects one after another.

Concubine Yang waved her hand, gently rolled down her sleeves, and ordered: "Help me into the house to rest for a while, and we will set off later."

"Your Majesty, please wait a moment while your maid goes to prepare clothes." The two palace maids responded quickly.

"Thank you for your hard work." Concubine Yang smiled slightly and said, "You two have been following me for many years. What I worry about the most are you two. I hope that you can always fulfill your duties faithfully in the future."

The two maids' faces changed slightly, and they knelt down and kowtowed hurriedly, crying: "We swear to follow the queen until death."

"No need to be polite." Concubine Yang smiled and said softly: "You also know that my health is not very good, so..."

The two maids were secretly shocked, knowing that she was entrusting her son to her before her death, so they naturally did not dare to neglect it, and kowtowed: "We will follow the queen's instructions and will assist the queen with all our heart."

"That's good." Concubine Yang nodded with satisfaction and gestured: "You go down, get ready, call me, and we will go."

The two maids responded respectfully and quietly left the room. Concubine Yang, supported by the maid, slowly walked into the inner room and recuperated on the couch.

Concubine Yang was bedridden and weak. She had to take medicine every morning and spent most of her sleep time resting. Unless there were special circumstances, such as the day of sacrifice and blessing, Concubine Yang would never step out of the boudoir. Tonight was no exception. With the help of the palace maids, Concubine Yang took the medicine and closed her eyes to rest. She sat quietly for a long time, then suddenly opened her eyes, reached to her waist, took off a red string, and hung the jade pendant around her neck.

The clear and bright jadeite reflected Yang Fei's fair and tender skin and delicate face. With a little worry, she stroked the jade pendant and murmured, "Old Nine, mother is really about to collapse. If there is an afterlife, let's meet again."

"Hmm." Suddenly, the door of the room rang, and the palace maid reported in a low voice: "My queen, the ninth prince wants to see you."

"Let him in." Yang Fei said calmly, her eyes swept across the jade pendant, she sighed, collected her thoughts, straightened her posture, closed her eyes, and pretended to continue to take a nap.

Soon, light footsteps and creaking sounds were heard, the curtain was opened, and Yang Jiugong walked in, bowed and said, "Aunt."

"What's the matter?" Yang Fei's tone was gentle.

Yang Jiugong hesitated and said softly: "Aunt, I just heard from my father that you promised that boy to go to the appointment."

"Yes." Yang Fei said indifferently: "Some people are right, Han Rui is not simple, we need to get closer to him so that we can help you better."

"But I don't want to." Yang Jiugong frowned and said: "I don't know that boy."

"Then why do you want to attend the Lantern Banquet." Yang Fei asked back.

Yang Jiugong was stunned for a moment, and said defensively: "That was just to join in the fun, there is no other reason."

"Okay." Yang Fei smiled and said: "Don't think too much about this kind of thing, just do what I say."

"Okay." Yang Jiugong nodded, hesitantly said: "That... When does Han Rui's lantern banquet start?"

"Sichu, Youshi, Youchu to Xushi, this period is relatively late, so the banquet is scheduled for Xushi." Yang Fei smiled and said: "When the time comes, I will send a palace servant to notify you, but don't run around, if you anger the emperor, he will not forgive you."

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