"I know, you're so nagging." Yang Jiugong waved his hand impatiently and walked out of the palace.

Yang Fei smiled helplessly, and felt that she was too nagging, but who asked Yang Jiugong to be nagging, otherwise, if something went wrong, she would cry in the toilet.

On the other side, Han Rui returned to the mansion and immediately summoned many guests to discuss the fundraising plan. At the same time, he ordered the servants to bring out all the good wines Han Rui collected to entertain guests.

"This kid is quite generous." Zhao Shizhen exclaimed, looking at the box of jars, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to say: "Hurry up and open it to see what kind of fine wine it is."

The people around him were also a little looking forward to it. After all, what can be collected by Han Rui must be a rare good thing.

Not only the many guests, but also Han Hao, Li Ye, and even Gao Zhan, all felt fresh and gathered around Han Rui, asking questions one after another. Han Rui did not hide anything and told everyone everything.

After hearing this, everyone was suddenly in an uproar, surprised and happy, and praised Han Rui for being rich and generous, willing to take out so many good wines to entertain guests and friends. Han Rui accepted it with a smile, muttering in his heart, brother is rich and willful, spend it however he wants, as long as he doesn't waste it.

"Haha, since you are so rich, I won't be polite." Zhao Shizhen was not polite at all. He picked up the bottle and drank it. After drinking a pot, he stopped the action, wiped his mouth, shook his head and said: "Good wine, really good wine, Han Rui, where did you get this good stuff?"

"If it is not good, how dare I ask you to taste it." Han Rui smiled and said: "If you like it, I will give you a few jars tomorrow."

"A gentleman's word is as good as his horse." Zhao Shizhen laughed and said: "Then I won't be polite, remember to leave a jar for me."

"Don't worry." Han Rui said straightforwardly. He can still do this little thing.

"Brother Han, I thank you on behalf of Brother Zhao for your kindness." Zhang Chengye smiled and said, "But I can't accept your gift, so as not to owe you a favor."

"It's okay, it's not worth much, just like you like it." Han Rui waved his hand and said with a smile, "In the future, if there is a chance, let's drink three cups again."

Everyone agreed happily, chatted for a while, and then dispersed to do what they should do. Zhao Shizhen was no exception and left excitedly. Not long after, his entourage came to visit with a letter.

"What is this?" Zhao Shizhen asked.

The entourage replied, "It's the handwriting of Mr. Han."

"Oh." Zhao Shizhen opened it, unfolded it and read it, and couldn't help laughing and said, "What's interesting is that he actually wants to go to the garden with me to enjoy the scenery. Such an invitation is really rare."

"Did Mr. Han really say that?" The entourage asked curiously.

"Yes." Zhao Shizhen nodded and smiled, "But it's good this way. With him as my companion, I feel less embarrassed."

"My dear, do you want to go?" The attendant reminded, "It's dark now and the road is slippery. It's not suitable for sightseeing."

"It's okay." Zhao Shizhen waved his hand and said, "We will go in a sedan chair. Even if the road is slippery, there is a sedan chair to protect you. What's there to be afraid of?"

The attendant heard it and didn't say much. He bowed and said, "I'll take my leave."

Zhao Shizhen waved his hand and the attendant quietly withdrew. After a while, Zhao Shizhen ordered, "Send an order, prepare the sedan chair, and we will set off immediately."

"Yes." Someone agreed and left in a hurry. After a while, a blue silk sedan chair, carried by several guards, slowly left the imperial city. Along the way, they met the patrolling imperial guards, but they did not stop them. They stopped until they arrived at Chang'an Street. A clerk led the horse and waited for Zhao Shizhen to get off.

Zhao Shizhen got off the sedan, but found that the young official named Han Rui had been waiting for a long time in Chang'an Street, with a smile on his face, and came to greet him from afar.

"Brother Han." Zhao Shizhen greeted with a smile.

"Brother Zhao." The two shook hands and exchanged a few words, and walked into Chang'an Street together. Coincidentally, they happened to meet a team of imperial censors who were checking the public security of the streets. After seeing them, they immediately stopped their inspection work, gathered around, and saluted respectfully.

This group of imperial censors were also smart people. Seeing Zhao Shizhen dressed neatly and riding a horse, they immediately thought of the poetry meeting held today, and instantly understood Han Rui's intentions. Of course, they also guessed that Han Rui or Zhao Shizhen might want to use the poetry meeting to have fun with the people. So, a group of imperial censors immediately became supporting actors, clapping their hands and praising Zhao Shizhen for his literary talent, romantic and eye-catching.

In this regard, Zhao Shizhen was humble on the surface, but happy in his heart, and enjoyed this honor.

Of course, if the imperial censors knew that Zhao Shizhen was only talking to Han Rui and had no time to write poems, he would probably regret it.

Amid the boasting and praise of the crowd, Han Rui and Zhao Shizhen walked along, and suddenly a servant came to report that Zhang Chengye had arrived.

Uh, so fast, Han Rui thought to himself, and then suddenly realized that the two had become enemies in Zuixianlou yesterday, and Zhang Chengye must have been resentful, but today, he took the initiative to visit, probably because he was holding back his anger and wanted to cause trouble for himself.

However, Han Rui was not afraid at all, but was eager to try.

Although Zhang Chengye was a playboy, he was also a scholar, and Han Rui was not easy to bully. Moreover, he had a good master. If they fought, Han Rui thought to himself, he would not suffer.

"Please ask him to serve tea in the side hall, I will be there later." Han Rui ordered.

The servant took the order and left. Zhao Shizhen asked curiously, "Shouldn't you be attending the banquet at this time? Why are you hiding?"

"Don't bother." Han Rui smiled and said, disdainful of explanation. Zhang Chengye was here to pick a fight, so there was no need to be polite to him. Otherwise, it would only make him look guilty. It would be better to avoid him and let him miss the fight. Once he calmed down, everything would be fine.

Of course, Han Rui also knew that with Zhang Chengye's pride, he would not be able to swallow his anger if he failed to defeat him, so he would definitely come to pick a fight tonight. However, this time, Han Rui would not give him a chance, so he was fully prepared, fearing that he would not come.

Han Rui was well prepared. Not long after, as expected, Zhang Chengye strode in with a somewhat contemptuous attitude. He looked around and his eyes fell on Han Rui. He said in a low voice: "Mr. Han, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you." Han Rui smiled and bowed in return. Then he pointed to a paper roll on the table and said with a smile: "Just now I heard others talking about someone inviting me to go on a spring outing to enjoy the plum blossoms?"

"You don't dare to go?" Zhang Chengye raised his eyebrows and said: "You are timid."

"Who told you that I don't dare to go." Han Rui smiled, but he was too lazy to pay attention to Zhang Chengye's unnecessary provocation.

"Heh..." Zhao Shizhen snorted: "Mr. Han, you don't want to take the opportunity to escape."

Han Rui shrugged and frankly admitted: "Almost."

"You..." Zhao Shizhen stared, but after thinking about it, he felt that there was some truth. If Han Rui was afraid, he would not invite him to participate in the poetry meeting, so he had the confidence and did not need to worry about him leaving him and running away.

Zhao Shizhen wanted to refuse, but felt that it was a bit hypocritical. After a moment of hesitation, he finally compromised and smiled, "If you are really scared, just follow me."

"Thank you, brother Zhao, for your help." Han Rui was overjoyed and bowed his hands to express his gratitude.

Zhang Chengye sneered, and he was complaining in his heart, pretending to be a fool.

"Let's go, the poetry meeting is about to begin." Zhao Shizhen smiled, extended his hand to invite, walked side by side with Han Rui, took out his waist card and held it high.

"Zhao Lang, I have heard that you have a house on Chang'an Street. It is not only elegant and beautiful, but more importantly, it is quiet and elegant. I have always been looking forward to visiting it in person. Unexpectedly, this wish was taken by someone first."

The sudden sound of yin and yang made Han Rui frown and turn his head. He saw a young man in brocade clothes in the corner next to him. He looked unhappy and stared at Zhao Shizhen with a look of resentment and hatred.

Han Rui raised his eyebrows and suddenly realized that it was a narrow road for enemies to meet again. It was no wonder that he was so angry. After all, he had close contacts with Han Rui and Zhao Shizhen, and they had a very good relationship. However, he did not expect that Han Rui would take the lead in making friends with Zhao Shizhen. It was simply too despicable and disgusting.

"It's you." Zhao Shizhen was surprised, but a little alert. Zhang Jiuzhang was a close minister of the emperor and was deeply favored by the emperor. He should not be provoked.

Han Rui did not care and waved his sleeves to signal. Zhao Shizhen immediately whispered: "You guys chat, I'll go to the side to have a cup of tea." After that, he slipped away.

"What are you doing here?" Han Rui asked unceremoniously.

"Haha, Mr. Han seems to have forgotten what I said yesterday." Zhang Jiuzhang laughed sarcastically: "Today I will remind Mr. Han again, so that you will not forget things and forget my words completely, which will be bad."

"What happened yesterday?" Han Rui pretended to be at a loss.

"Mr. Han..." Zhang Jiuzhang was furious and gritted his teeth and said: "You...Okay, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it. If you win the poetry meeting today, I will let you deal with it. If you lose, you will kneel on the ground and kowtow three hundred times to apologize..."

"You have a cramp in your brain." Han Rui curled his lips and said lazily: "Are you sure you can beat me?"

"Arrogant, do you think I am those fools yesterday?" Zhang Jiuzhang said angrily: "Today, I am not alone, I am accompanied by a master..."

"Really? Then, I will wait and see." Han Rui said, without any nonsense, he immediately stood up and went straight out.

Zhang Jiuzhang hesitated, but still followed him.

Along the way, Han Rui did not say much, and Zhang Jiuzhang also remained silent. The two of them remained silent until they walked into the garden. Han Rui stopped, looked around, and smiled, "This is a good place to enjoy the scenery."

The rockery and lakes in the garden are scattered, the flowers and trees are lush, the pavilions, carved railings, waterside pavilions, and the clear water of the streams and pools form a watercolor painting with a strong classical flavor. Against the backdrop of the morning glow, it looks gorgeous and colorful, beautiful and blurred.

Zhang Jiuzhang did not speak either, with a hint of ridicule on his face. He walked slowly to the pavilion, sat down, asked the servants to serve tea, and drank the tea slowly.

"What do you want to do today?" Han Rui asked softly.

"Let's talk after the poetry meeting is over." Zhang Jiuzhang said calmly, "Don't worry, I'm not here to ask for punishment today."

"Oh, then I'm relieved." Han Rui said easily, "In that case, then you drink slowly, I won't accompany you, excuse me."

Before he finished speaking, Zhang Jiuzhang suddenly stood up, blocked in front of Han Rui, staring coldly.

"What are you doing?" Han Rui frowned and said, "If you have something to say, just say it, I'm busy and don't have time to waste."

"Do you have any conspiracy?" Zhang Jiuzhang said coldly, "I don't care, anyway, today's matter must be resolved."

"What conspiracy can I have, believe it or not." Han Rui curled his lips, bypassed the obstacle, and was about to bypass it, but found that Zhang Jiuzhang was still blocking in front.

"You..." Han Rui said angrily, "What do you want, get out of here, don't waste my time."

Zhang Jiuzhang's face was ashen, his fists were clenched, and the raised veins on the back of his hands hidden in the sleeves of his wide robes expressed his inner resentment.

"Hey." Han Rui said impatiently: "What's going on, you should tell me quickly."

"Okay, you have the guts..."

Han Rui snorted coldly and walked away. Unfortunately, Zhang Jiuzhang reacted very quickly and stretched out his legs to stop Han Rui. Han Rui was caught off guard, staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Han Rui shouted.

"Han Rui, you can't get away with this matter. Unless you agree to my conditions, I won't be done with you." Zhang Jiuzhang said fiercely: "I advise you not to mess around. My father is the censor, and it will be easy to impeach you. ”

"Threatening me." Han Rui snorted: "If you think I'm scared, just come over."

"You..." Zhang Jiuzhang suddenly changed his color and gritted his teeth and said, "I'll let you know how powerful I am. Hmm, I'll leave first." After finishing his words, Zhang Jiuzhang turned and left, leaving Han Rui stunned for a while, confused. Did this guy take the wrong medicine today?

"Haha, so happy..."

After Zhang Jiuzhang left, Han Rui looked up to the sky and roared, feeling quite hearty.

Han Rui smiled brightly, but in the shadow of the willow tree next to him, a figure flashed out. He looked at Han Rui carefully for a moment, and couldn't help but laugh: "Young man Han, you can't tell, he's quite awesome."

"Huh?" Han Rui turned around and saw that it was Zhao Ji. He was stunned for a moment, and after a moment of reaction, he said in surprise: "Your Majesty..."

"Don't panic." Zhao Ji waved his hand and said with a smile: "I just happened to pass by and met by chance."

"The environment around here is not something ordinary people should come to. What are you doing here?" Han Rui asked curiously.

"You don't know, there is a poem circulating in the capital recently, which is said to be about the Spring River and the Autumn Moon." Zhao Ji said, "So, I came here specially to have a look."

Han Rui nodded and asked casually: "So, has your Majesty understood it?"

Zhao Ji pondered and shook his head for a while.

"Don't understand?" Han Rui was speechless and sighed softly: "Your Majesty, poetry pays attention to the soul, and the understanding of the soul is very important. If you don't understand it carefully, even if you understand the poem, you will probably be confused. Yeah, I can’t understand it at all.”

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