Huang Jin responded and immediately wrote down a note, while Han Rui was dumbfounded and froze on the spot, speechless for a long time.

"What? If you are not satisfied, then change someone." Zhao Ji frowned and said, "I will choose someone else."

Han Rui quickly shook his head, squeezed out a bright smile, and said respectfully: "No, your Majesty's golden words, there is nothing that I can disobey. I am just a little flattered."

Zhao Ji smiled, said nothing, waved his hand, and changed the subject: "I have also seen the painting you just painted. It is indeed a masterpiece, but it's a pity..."

Han Rui's heart skipped a beat, he vaguely guessed something, and asked with some anxiety: "Your Majesty thinks it's inappropriate."

"The problem lies in the composition and technique, which are still crude and immature." Zhao Ji pointed out the flaws.

Han Rui pondered for a moment and said softly: "This is my weakness. Maybe I can spend more time to further deepen the verification and study."

Zhao Ji nodded and said with appreciation: "Han Aiqing has a good attitude, is perseverant, tenacious, diligent, and willing to endure hardships and stand hard work. He is a talented person."

Han Rui calmed down, said a few words of humility, and suddenly asked: "Your Majesty, you just said that painting skills are my weakness. What do you mean?"

"Calligraphy and painting are also a type of art, especially works by famous artists, which are extremely valuable. Naturally, you cannot give them away casually. Otherwise, if word spreads, others will definitely suspect that there is a mystery hidden in the painting." Zhao Ji said slowly: "So, I have specially summoned you and invited you to the palace to observe."

Han Rui suddenly realized, and then felt a little strange. It was impossible to hide the news about him in the capital from the emperor. Why should he make it so mysterious? Could it be... Han Rui's light flashed, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"Why, what did you remember?" Zhao Ji asked with interest.

"No..." Han Rui shook his head quickly, but he was wondering whether this possibility was true or not.

"It doesn't matter, just say it, don't worry." Zhao Ji said with a smile, looking very magnanimous. Anyway, he has made a decision now, and even if Han Rui guesses it right, there is nothing he can do to him.

"The minister is bold." Han Rui hesitated and said slowly: "Your Majesty, I think this picture of mountains and rivers is not just as simple as it appears."

Zhao Ji blinked and motioned for him to continue.

"Your Majesty, please take a look. Although the pictures of mountains and rivers are beautiful, they always feel a bit dull." Han Rui pointed out: "It looks like someone took a pen and scratched it randomly without any rules."

"What else?" Zhao Ji asked with a smile.

"Besides that, there is one more thing. I'm afraid... the painter didn't pay attention." Han Rui hesitated, "In other words, he didn't dare to observe carefully at all."

"Don't you dare to be careful?" Zhao Ji smiled and said: "This is the truth. Not only the painter, but also me, too. I don't dare to focus too much. I just need to grasp the general framework. The so-called charm requires careful attention. Realize.”

"So, this painting..." Han Rui asked, "Why don't you let me try it out? Maybe I can discover new mysteries to make up for this shortcoming."

"This..." Zhao Ji hesitated.

Han Rui said sincerely: "Your Majesty, just let me give it a try."

"Okay." Zhao Ji thought for a while and finally agreed. After all, it is a good thing. Besides, there is no need to worry. There is really nothing wrong with it. Anyway, he believes that Han Rui will not burn himself by playing with fire.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Han Rui breathed a sigh of relief, hurriedly walked out, stood in front of the door, looked back, felt a little warm in his heart, and understood that Zhao Ji made an exception and allowed him to enter the palace purely for Qian Feng's sake. .

Well, Qian Feng, this kid really has a bit of conscience, and I have not wasted my love for you for so many years. Han Rui thought to himself, but did not show any gratitude at all. On the contrary, he was sarcastic and gloating.

"Han Aiqing, go quickly." Dr. Li reminded: "Don't delay the business."

"Thank you for reminding me, sir." Han Rui handed over his hand and hurried to the chamberlain's room. He opened the drawer and took out a brush and cinnabar. He dipped the brush and cinnabar in the thick black juice and began to draw on the rice paper. This was his recent habit.

After drawing dozens of times, Han Rui stopped writing, rubbed his sore arm, and sighed, oh, life with a disabled hand is really miserable.

Next to him, Huang Chengyan watched silently, couldn't help laughing, smiled softly, and said, "How is it? Brother Han's painting skills have improved."

"No." Han Rui sighed and said helplessly: "It's still at the superficial stage."

"So, what do you think of the painting skills of this "Mountains and Rivers"?" Huang Chengyan smiled, deliberately showing off, and added: "Of course, I'm just talking casually. If you don't understand, I can ask you for advice."

"Sir, you are joking." Han Rui said modestly. He is a layman, but he can tell that he is already very good. Besides, the essence of painting does not lie in the style of painting, but in the artistic conception. If you don't know the secret, even if you can paint well, No matter how good it is, it cannot reach a superb level.

"Haha, Brother Han, there is no need to belittle yourself. Painting skills are not determined by people. The most important thing is to have a soul." Huang Chengyan said: "You must understand that each of our paintings represents a painter. They integrate many things in their paintings and form a unique painting style, so they can be called famous artists.”

Han Rui nodded in agreement, but...what does this have to do with me?

"Over the years, the imperial court has been promoting landscape painting, but it has never been able to achieve perfection. However, there is a kind of painting that can be refreshing and even shocking." Huang Chengyan sighed softly: "Brother Han, listening to your words is worth reading ten Nian Shu, if I have any questions in the future, I can ask you for help.”

"Thank you." Han Rui smiled and said, "So... Sir, which master is this painting of mountains and rivers?"

"I don't know." Huang Chengyan said frankly: "It is said that he is a hermit who traveled all over the world."

"Oh." Han Rui nodded slightly and asked, "What's his name?"

"I don't know, no one knows." Huang Chengyan shook his head and said, "It is said that this hermit's whereabouts are unpredictable, disappearing and reappearing, coming and going without a trace."

"Uh...that means no one knows it, so it's not worth mentioning." Han Rui comforted him, but he was a little disappointed.

"Does Brother Han have any interest in this painting?" Huang Chengyan said in surprise: "If you like it, you can take it out of the palace and let His Majesty include it in it."

"No need, I'm just bored." Han Rui waved his hand and said, "No trouble."

"In this way..." Huang Chengyan pondered for a moment and suggested: "Otherwise, you can write a letter to His Majesty and elaborate on the advantages and disadvantages of this mountain and river map. Your Majesty may be able to consider it."

"That's right." Han Rui's eyes lit up and he was overjoyed. He nodded repeatedly and said, "I'll write a letter right away."

As soon as he said it, Han Rui quickly spread out a piece of clean white silk, sat in front of the desk, lowered his head and stared at the mountain and river map, and pondered for a long time. A series of majestic scenes of mountains, rivers, and rivers appeared in his mind. Gradually, Han Rui seemed to be in the clouds, as if he were on the sky, overlooking all things and all life.

At this moment, Han Rui forgot everything, and his whole body seemed to have turned into a sword, hanging on the top of the clouds, emitting dazzling light, sharp and powerful.

A majestic momentum suddenly erupted, disturbing the surrounding crowd. Everyone looked up blankly. They didn't know what was happening, but they could also feel that at this moment, the air seemed to become thin and depressing, and their breathing was a bit... Faced with difficulties, they all retreated to avoid disaster.

In an instant, Han Rui opened his eyes and recovered as before. An elegant smile appeared on his face. He stretched out his hand to touch the mountain and river map, and said with deep meaning: "This is the posture that a king should have."

"Brother Han, what happened just now?" Doctor Li and others came over curiously, but they didn't know why.

"It's nothing." Han Rui said with a smile: "I just feel a majestic and heroic spirit coming to my nose."

"This is unscientific." Doctor Li shook his head, looking disbelieving.

Han Rui didn't explain, waved his sleeves and left, returning to his place to rest. After a while, he fell asleep, and suddenly there was a noise outside the door.

"Bang!" The door suddenly burst open, and two people barged in. One of them was wearing a green Confucian robe and a purple gold belt around his waist. He had a majestic face and looked quite wealthy. The other person was a young man with a handsome face. Delicate, slightly thick lips, showing some honesty.

The two entered the room and looked around for a moment. The older scholar in blue asked, "Where is Mr. Li?"

"He's not in the room." The young man said, pointing to a speck of dust next to the table and chairs in the corner.

"You're looking for death, how dare you be lazy." The scholar in blue was furious and rushed out. A moment later, he came back out of breath, gritting his teeth and said: "You bastard, you won't shed tears until you see the coffin."

"Uncle." The young man hurriedly pulled and dissuaded in a low voice: "Father has told me not to cause trouble."

"If you don't cause trouble, how can you let that bastard bully you?" The Confucian scholar in green glared and said, "If I don't beat him, it's hard to eliminate the hatred in my heart."

"That's dad. What he said must be reasonable." The young man defended.

"What do you mean, what he said is nonsense." The Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi cursed, suddenly stunned, and then suddenly realized: "It turns out that this guy is up to something."

The young man nodded and said: "Uncle, you know, then go and tell your father quickly."

The Confucian scholar in green snorted: "I don't want to. You go find him and let him find it on his own..."

"Uncle, you are too stingy." The young man complained: "It's so trivial to care about such a trivial matter like sesame seeds and mung beans. It's really..."

"Go away, you brat, how dare you talk about me." The Confucian scholar in green was furious and hit him with his fist.

The young man jumped away quickly, hid under the counter, and stuck his head out and said, "Uncle, let me go and call your father for you."

"You are smart." The scholar in green sneered and turned around slowly.

At the right time, the young man crept out from the counter, ran to the front of the hall, and shouted: "Father..."

"What's the fuss about?" A man came in and said with a straight face and a bad tone: "Who allowed you to come in?"

The young man said in a panic: "Father, it's me..."

"Nonsense." The man yelled, "Who told you to come in without permission? Also, you were the one who called me just now. Is there anything urgent?"

The young man hesitated for a moment, then said bravely: "Father, it's...Brother Han...he is painting in the study, do you want to go over and have a look."

"Yes." The man pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "You lead the way."

Following the young man to the study, he found Han Rui staring intently at the scroll, motionless. Not only that, but there was also an intoxicated look on his face, as if he was admiring the world's treasures. The man was a little surprised and looked carefully. I looked at the scroll, but I had no impression.

"Brother Han." The man waved and said softly, "What are you looking at?"

"Eh..." Han Rui turned around and said with some surprise: "Why are you here?"

"Come and see, is there anything I can do for you?" the man asked, but his heart was full of suspicion, because when he thought about it, Han Rui definitely didn't recognize him.

"Yes, of course." Han Rui immediately stood up, walked over quickly, and introduced enthusiastically: "Look, the artistic conception of this picture is somewhat similar to your "Spring River with Flowers and Moonlight Night", especially The eyes of the person in the painting are really sharp and domineering, worthy of everyone’s handiwork..."

"Brother Han, there is no need to compliment." The Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi smiled bitterly and said: "This is the picture of mountains, rivers and the country that I drew. It is not a famous work, nor is it valuable. It is just for decoration."

"Uh, I'm sorry." Han Rui apologized with a smile, but refused to give up and continued to praise: "That said, I think this picture of mountains and rivers is very beautiful. It is more agile and elegant than "Spring River with Flowers and Moonlight Night". "

"Yes, the painting is indeed good." The boy next to him nodded in agreement, and then said curiously: "I don't know how long you have been here, how do you know the name of this painting, and it looks very familiar to you. "

"This is..." Han Rui said with a smile: "You all know that this is a world-famous ancient painting. Who doesn't know it? I have seen it and found it very interesting, so I asked a few colleagues for advice. Recently For a period of time, I have been researching it every day, sometimes even without sleep. Today, I happened to finish it and am revising it. You are here just in time, so we can discuss it further. "

Han Rui was frothing at the mouth and kept talking, leaving the two of them dumbfounded and speechless for a long time.

"Brother Han, you are indeed very talented and well-read." After a while, the Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi sighed in admiration: "But, in that case, why bother to burn your body for a picture."

Han Rui nodded lightly and agreed: "Yes, I have a heavy workload on weekdays, and I have to study and practice calligraphy at night. I don't have time to study painting, so I asked my classmates for advice. When I saw their poems, songs, articles and portraits, I was inspired by I was interested in it, so I used it as a reference.”

After that, Han Rui pointed to a certain place on the mountain and river map and reminded: "Look, this location should outline a pavilion, not grass and trees. A bamboo pole should be added to this location."

The Confucian scholar in green looked around and found that the place Han Rui was pointing to happened to be among the rocks.

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