At this time, the Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi realized it and frowned: "Painting is a boring thing, why do you like this, and..." After a moment of pause, the Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi said: "This painting is from my ancestor, a famous contemporary teacher. Painted by Wang Xizhi."

"I know, otherwise, how could it be so similar to his old man's style." Han Rui smiled.

The Confucian scholar in green was stunned for a moment and said in shock: "How do you know?"

"I once visited Mr. Wang." Han Rui smiled lightly and said, "I was fortunate enough to listen to Mr. Wang's teachings."

The Confucian scholar in green looked deeply at Han Rui and muttered to himself, what kind of monster is this? He actually had the opportunity to listen to Wang Xizhi's teachings. I am afraid that many high-ranking officials and powerful people may not have this honor.

Involuntarily, a trace of envy, jealousy, and hatred arose in the Tsing Yi scholar's heart. After all, this kind of thing is rare.

"Brother Han, is this picture of mountains and rivers written by Mr. Wang?"

"Of course." Han Rui smiled and said, "It will be replaced if it's fake."

"Wang Xizhi's calligraphy?" The young man's eyes widened in disbelief.

"That's right." Han Rui nodded, then said with a smile: "Young Master, I remember you, your surname seems to be Zhang, your name is Zhang Dehua."

"Do you know me?" Zhang Dehua blinked and looked around curiously. He saw that Han Rui was about thirteen or fourteen years old. He was dressed simply, but he was clean and tidy, with no messy look on his body. It was obviously because of frequent cleaning. In addition, he gave I feel very comfortable, as gentle as jade, with a bright smile, neither humble nor overbearing, and not arrogant or domineering.

"We met before in the capital." Han Rui smiled and said, "I have a good memory, but you forgot."

"Oh, I remembered, you are the one..." Zhang Dehua suddenly said, suddenly covering his mouth and saying embarrassedly: "Sorry, I'm rude."

"It's okay." Han Rui said with a smile: "Don't be polite, we are friends, don't be formal, sit down and chat."

"Yes, everyone, let's sit down and chat." The Confucian scholar in Tsing Yi agreed, pulling the young man to sit down.

The young man sat down according to the words, but did not speak. He just watched Han Rui with interest. If the Confucian scholar in Qingyi hadn't reminded him, he might have ignored him. After all, Han Rui always looked lazy every time he came to the calligraphy and painting workshop. He sat on a chair and swayed his legs, looking careless. Who would have thought that he was actually the world-famous Han Mo, and he also painted a landscape painting here.

"Why, if you have any questions, just ask them directly. As long as it's something I know, I'll tell you everything." Han Rui patted his chest and assured, "But, it's only limited to calligraphy and painting."

The ancient world, the earthly immortal world.

In the void, a flash of silver light gradually condensed and transformed into a human figure. He had a tall and straight figure, long hair reaching his waist, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, sharp edges and corners, handsome and unrestrained, just like a legendary handsome man. Unfortunately, he But he was naked, without even a pair of underpants. He was sitting naked in the clouds, closing his eyes and meditating. With each exhalation and inhalation, a majestic and vast power surged out of his body, surging in the air, turning into a layer of White mist filled the surrounding area.

I don't know how long it took, but suddenly, the naked body trembled and twitched violently several times. A puff of black smoke rose up, and then another wisp of black gas flowed out from the inside of the body and turned into a human form.

The black figure had a loose shawl and handsome features. His appearance was the same as that of the naked body, but he lost the masculinity and was feminine and beautiful. His eyes were closed, his face was pale, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and his body Also shaky.

"Hoo~" After a long time, the black shadow exhaled a thick breath, slowly raised his head and looked up at the sky, his eyes sharp, like the blade of a knife, flashing with cold light.

"You... are finally willing to let it go!" Black Shadow whispered.

The black body was silent. After a long time, he asked leisurely: "Aren't you dead? Why...are you resurrected?"

"I can't die." Black Shadow snorted coldly: "You caused my soul to leave my body, and my soul is incomplete. How can I let you succeed so easily?"

"You have already been reincarnated, how could you come back..." The black figure said in surprise: "Besides, before reincarnation, I had already set up a restriction. No matter how powerful you are, you will not be able to return to the earth..."

"I have no choice but to choose reincarnation, but it doesn't stop me from being reborn in other worlds. Hey, I didn't expect that after reincarnation, I actually came to the ancient tomb and received a zombie body as a gift. God help me. also."

"This is impossible." The shadow muttered: "Zombies are evil things and are enemies of us humans. How dare you use them."

"So what if the evil things, as long as I am strong enough, I can still suppress them." Black Shadow said confidently: "Not only can I kill and refine them, but I can also subjugate and drive them for my own use. I am their only master. ”

"What, they are actually your slaves..." The black shadow was stunned, full of horror. He never expected that zombies had such origins. No wonder, the behavior of those zombies became more and more cruel. , bloodthirsty and ferocious.

The shadow hesitated and said, "Aren't you afraid of their backlash?"

"Backlash, haha, I'm not afraid." The black shadow said with a proud smile: "Because... I am more powerful than you."

"Don't be too conceited, you only have one corpse left." The shadow said, with some worry: "My corpse has also been sealed by you. If my cultivation hadn't been pure enough, I might not have been able to break free and escape. Your pursuit."

"Don't worry, I won't leave any hidden dangers." Heiying said coldly: "Since I can recreate the physical body, there are naturally ways to restrain them, but I haven't figured it out yet."

"This is your business, what does it have to do with me." Heiying said indifferently: "I came to you today to tell you that I am preparing to survive the disaster. You'd better stay away to avoid harming Chiyu."

"What, you are about to escape the tribulation." The black shadow was stunned for a moment, and said in panic: "You are crazy..."

"You think I do." The shadow sighed, with a mixture of grief and anger: "Damn it, I have been trapped there for hundreds of years, and there is no news at all. However, my plan has been planned for two hundred years, and I just need the final finishing touch. My work fell short at this time. I am heartbroken. I feel so regretful that I wish I could kill myself to apologize. "

The black shadow cursed angrily and cried sadly, as if he had been greatly wronged, but if he thought about it carefully, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

"Stop howling in mourning." Black Shadow said irritably, "There's nothing I can do about it."

"No way, I can only hold on until now. If I delay it any longer, I will lose my soul." Black Shadow begged: "Please, help me complete my unfinished plan. When I become successful, I will be rewarded generously."

"What is your plan?" Black Shadow asked hurriedly. This can be regarded as a happy event. At least, those zombies will not run out to harm humans.

"Haha, shouldn't you know it very well?" Black Shadow smiled mockingly: "Do you want me to explain it again?"

The black shadow was displeased, and when he was about to argue, he suddenly heard a sound of breaking wind, and then saw a group of people hurried to the side of the cliff. A tall, plump and graceful girl with a pretty face jumped off first. The cliff landed on the platform, and he rushed over with joy, complaining: "Brother, you promised to take me around the world, but you broke the promise."

"Junior sister, let's leave quickly."

"Hey, your injury has recovered."

Surrounded by everyone, the tall girl smiled happily and immediately noticed the presence of the black shadow. She was startled and said coquettishly: "Where did the zombie come from? Get out of here, or else..."

"Junior sister." A person next to him quickly comforted him and explained, "He is not a zombie, he is my fellow senior brother."

The black shadow said softly: "Junior sister misunderstood. My natal soul was severely damaged by an accident, which is why I became like this. But fortunately, I met a noble person to save me, so I was able to resurrect myself through the corpse."

"So that's it." The tall girl was relieved, but then a little suspicious: "So, someone saved you."

"Yes." The black shadow confirmed, then pointed to the cliff and said with a smile: "Look, my companion is here too."

"Ah!" The tall girl looked around, and sure enough she saw a bunch of dark figures emerging, densely packed and countless, black and dense, with evil spirits rising into the sky and a ghostly air.

"Zombies." The tall girl was startled, a little scared, and couldn't help but take a half step back. Although she was bold, she still felt a little scared when she saw these hideous and ugly zombies.

"Don't be afraid, they are listening to my orders now." The shadow comforted: "I won't do anything to you. Look at me, I'm still alive and kicking without any loss."

"You lied to me, how is it possible?" the tall girl said suspiciously, a little hesitant. After all, zombies are very mysterious. Who knows if there are special control methods to make them surrender obediently.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. Anyway, there's nothing I can do for you. Please hire someone else. Say goodbye." As he spoke, the shadow stood up and prepared to leave.

"Hey..." the tall girl shouted, "You haven't said yet what you want to do."

"It's simple. As long as you agree to marry me, I will let you go." Black Shadow said cunningly.


The tall girl was filled with shame and anger, and gritted her teeth: "Don't even think about it, I will never marry you unless I die."

"What if I have to marry?"

The black shadow's eyes narrowed, showing a dangerous look, and the figure moved and approached instantly.

The tall girl was startled and quickly stepped back, only to find that her feet were locked by nails and she couldn't move at all.

"Help..." he screamed in horror.


A black shadow passed through the air. The black shadow grabbed the tall girl, flew directly into the air, and quickly left here.

"Roar!" The zombies swarmed up the mountain one after another, baring their teeth and claws.



Suddenly, several neighing sounds were heard from the zombie group. The zombies started to stir and fled in all directions. Obviously, they knew the owner of these neighing sounds.

In the darkness, a man dressed in black walked over with a cold face and his hands folded across his chest. He didn't even bother to look at the zombies and left. After a while, he came to a stone house on the top of the mountain and stopped.

The black shadow came out of the room, looked at the man in black, and muttered: "Are you his friend?"

"Yes." The man in black nodded: "Is he in there?"

"Yeah." The shadow said, "He just fell asleep not long ago."

Hearing this, the man in black breathed a sigh of relief, walked into the stone house, and called softly: "Lao San."

On the stone bed, Lin Hao still had his eyes closed, breathing evenly, and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Seeing this, the man in black shook his head, walked to the bed and sat down, reaching out to touch Lin Hao's forehead, with a complicated light flashing in his eyes: "Third brother, I have found a way for you to reincarnate, and I want to give it a try. ”

"Hopefully, I can succeed this time."

Whispering, the man in black looked deeply at Lin Hao, a warm smile appeared on his lips, and he murmured: "Old Third, I will protect your family and the sect for you, and will not let anyone bully them."

The man in black stood up, walked out of the stone house, and flew down the mountain. In an instant, his figure turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the night...

At night, in the mountains and forests, a rugged path was winding, dark and quiet.

The man in black, carrying an ancient sword, flew on the sword, like a sword fairy, in the night, he cut through the sky and flew towards the end of the sky...

The next day, the dawn rose.

The sun shone on the earth, and the mountains were filled with thick fog, a vast expanse of white. In the distance, the outline of a city could be vaguely seen, majestic and magnificent.

Tianlong City.

Tianlong City is a holy place for martial artists to practice. Because of its prosperity, the residents of the surrounding villages have moved here to take refuge, gather here, and reproduce.

The city wall is tall, a hundred feet high, thick and solid. The streets in the city are crisscrossed, with traffic and noise. It is more prosperous than the capital.

"Shua!" The man in black landed outside the city, his eyes swept around, his face changed, hesitant, not knowing whether to go in.

"Can this really lead to the underworld?" The man in black was thinking a lot, and an idea popped up in his mind. Since this is the place of reincarnation, maybe he can find clues to reincarnation. Otherwise, after so many years, how can he not have any memory, only the soul fluctuations of this body are left, and merged with the memory.

"Forget it, fight to the death."

Gritting his teeth, the man in black resolutely stepped into the city.

"Hey, what is this..." Suddenly, a young man saw the figure of a huge zombie and screamed in fear.

"Roar!" The zombie roared and rushed over, biting off the young man's neck.


The body was separated.

"Roar!" The zombies were brutal and brutal, slaughtering all the people around them. The smell of blood attracted the attention of the people in the city. In an instant, all kinds of screams resounded through the sky...



"Help, there are zombies!"


The city was in chaos, people fled in panic, and it was a mess.

"Run, there are zombies..."

An old woman ran in panic, but unexpectedly, a stone brick fell, bang, knocking her to the ground, and she fell to the ground, unable to get up, and in front of her, two humans with disheveled hair appeared.

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