A man and a woman, both young.

The woman has a beautiful face and crystal clear skin. She is wearing a red skirt that highlights her slim curves, and her brows reveal a heroic spirit.

The other man had a tall and straight figure, a smile on his face, and an elegant temperament all over his body. He seemed to be a modest gentleman. However, the moment his eyes opened, that elegant temperament disappeared and was replaced by a ruthless and greedy temperament. Blood, cruelty.

"This man is a devil!"

The old woman's heart was beating wildly, and a strong life-and-death crisis enveloped her whole body. It seemed that there was a slight movement, and what was waiting for her was to be shattered into pieces.

"Haha, you are wrong. He is not a devil, but a devil."

"But it's pretty much the same."

"Because he is a bloodthirsty and cruel madman."

While the two were talking, the young man walked over, making a muffled sound on the ground with every step he took.

The old woman's heart was trembling and she was extremely nervous. She felt that the young man in front of her was like a wild beast that chose people to devour. His whole body was full of dangerous aura, especially the ferocious light emanating from his blood-stained pupils, which made the old woman even more nervous. Feeling frightened.

"Spare... spare my life!" The old woman trembled and begged for mercy.

"Spare your life?"

The man's lips twitched and he showed an evil smile: "I'm sorry, I don't need the lives of ants."


As soon as he finished speaking, the man suddenly moved, his figure was like lightning, and he rushed to the old woman in the blink of an eye.

The old woman was horrified and wanted to escape, but her body was suppressed and she couldn't use any strength at all.


The old woman's throat was crushed, her eyes widened, and she died.

After dealing with the old woman, the man slowly retracted his fist, with a hint of indifference in his eyes: "Damn zombie, you'd better never show up again. If I touch you, I will definitely kill you."

Before he finished speaking, the man turned his head and looked into the trees nearby, his expression suddenly changed: "Who?"

"Giggle...are you here to hunt us down?" The charming woman walked out with a smile.

"It's really you two little bitches." The man narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

"Giggle...you are right, the Japanese princess will kill you today to pay homage to the souls of my two senior brothers!"


"No matter where you are hiding, you can never escape my grasp!"

Boo hoo hoo…

The man's body swayed, turned into several streaks of black smoke, and rushed towards the two bewitching women.

"Be careful!" the woman in red said with a serious face.

"Jie Jie, you are just a waste in the innate realm, and you still want to stop me?" The black shadow smiled ferociously and pointed at the woman in red.

The woman in red snorted coldly, rolled her jade palm, and shot a flame handprint out of thin air, facing the black shadow.


The two attacks collided and produced a huge explosion!

The residual power spread, knocking off countless buildings, flying dust, and covering the entire street.

"What a powerful force!" The man in black's pupils narrowed.

Although he didn't use all his strength with that finger just now, the woman in red actually managed to hold it down, and even rebounded with strong force, causing him to stagger back. This made him extremely surprised. He was at the pinnacle of the human-immortal realm. But it didn't hurt the woman in red.

"As expected of the Sky Fox Clan, his body is comparable to an immortal weapon."

"But so what? In front of me, after all, it's just a plate of food."

"Today, I will capture you two for my enjoyment."

The man in black sneered again and again, and with a wave of his hand, a black rune swept out from the sleeves of his robe.


The void trembled violently, and wisps of mysterious aura gathered to form a sharp blade.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The densely packed sharp blades shot toward the woman in red at an extremely fast speed, arriving in the blink of an eye.

The woman in red's face changed drastically, and she quickly circulated her vitality and cast a spell. A ball of fire spurted out and faced a sharp blade.


A crisp and sweet sound of collision of gold and iron came, sparks flew everywhere, and those sharp blades shattered one after another.


The man in black frowned.


The woman in red breathed out a breath, stared at the man in black, a cold light flashed in the depths of her eyes, and said coldly: "Your Excellency, you should not provoke us."

"Provoke? Haha, not only do I want to provoke you, but I also want to capture you alive and take you back to train you slowly." The man in black licked his lips and showed an evil smile. Then, he bent the five fingers of his right hand and shook his hand towards the void.


Sharp-edged blades were born out of thin air and suspended in mid-air.

The man in black hooked his fingers, and these sharp blades were quickly assembled, turning into a long spear in the blink of an eye. It was completely black, glowing with a dark luster, and filled with a strong sinister aura, making it look very ferocious and terrifying.

call out!

The spear pierced the void and shot towards the woman in red.


The woman in red looked gloomy, raised her slender white jade hands, and a ball of flame burned in her palms.


The flames burned brightly, rising into the sky like a fire dragon.

Bang bang bang...

After several encounters, the pitch-black spear immediately shattered.

"Yes, you are worthy of being a member of the Tianhu tribe." The man in black shouted coldly, and once again activated his vitality, a sharp blade was born out of thin air, dozens or hundreds of them, like dark clouds, shrouding the woman in red.

"Seeking death!" the woman in red sneered coldly, flicked her jade palm, and a cluster of purple flames burned in her palm, turning into a fireball and flying out.

"Burn the mountains and boil the seas!"

The fireball pierced the sky, carrying terrifying heat, and collided with those pitch-black sharp blades.


A deafening loud noise suddenly exploded, and waves of terror raged, destroying the street beyond recognition.

After the blow, the woman in red and the man in black each stepped back a few meters and looked at each other with astonishment on their faces: "You can actually block my blow?"

"Hmph, in that case, you can go die!" The man in black roared and waved his arms violently.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Thousands of sharp blades struck again.

The face of the woman in red changed slightly, she gritted her teeth, and the surrounding air suddenly heated up, extremely hot, and traces of blazing flames emerged from her body.

"Wrath of the Burning Sky!"

The woman in red made a hand seal, the flames condensed, and a red flame jumped in the void.

"Burn mountains and boil seas, fire spell!" The woman in red screamed and pushed out with both hands.

In an instant, the flame roared out and turned into a sea of ​​flames, submerging those sharp blades.


The flames burned those sharp blades, making a corrosive sound as they continued to melt.

"How can it be?"

"I am the mighty Xiantian Martial King, but I can't take down a little girl like you?"

The man in black was shocked and felt very aggrieved.

"You bitch, die!" The man in black roared angrily, forming seals with his hands and controlling the sharp blades to attack the woman in red crazily.

The pretty face of the woman in red sank slightly, and there was a trace of resentment in her beautiful eyes. This guy knew that he couldn't defeat her, but he still dared to attack her. It was really despicable and shameless.


The woman in red fluttered her jade palms, condensing a huge fireball.

The fireball grew larger and larger, emitting an extremely hot temperature.

Puff puff……

Those sharp blades touched the fireball and were swallowed up in an instant, disappearing completely.

"What?" The man in black stared with a ghostly expression.

The stunt he was so proud of was easily cracked by the opponent?

Could it be that this guy also possesses spiritual level skills?

At this moment, the man in black looked at the woman in red with fear.

"Girl, I have no grievances with you in the past, so why are you so aggressive?" The man in black said in a deep voice.

"Haha." The woman in red sneered and said sarcastically: "My Tianhu tribe is kind and pure, but you actually want to make us into a cauldron? We are worse than animals."

After hearing this, the face of the man in black suddenly twitched.

He originally planned to capture the Tianhu tribe and build a cauldron to increase his power, but he did not expect to encounter such a ruthless character as the woman in red.

"Bitch, don't blame me for destroying flowers with my ruthless hands!" The man in black smiled sinisterly, then pinched his fingers and controlled thousands of sharp knives to slash down on the woman in red.

"Nine-tailed Demon Claw!"

The woman in red gave a sweet scolding, and her whole body exuded a tyrannical wave. She raised her jade hand, clasped her fingers tightly, and reached forward. The sharp breath made the air distort.

Boom Kaka!

The five fingers of the woman in red bloomed with divine light, like five divine pillars, full of explosive power.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Five fingers slapped out, each time breaking a sharp blade.

In just a short moment, all the sharp blades released by the man in black collapsed.

The face of the man in black changed drastically, and a huge wave of fear arose in his heart. His eyes were wide open, and he looked at the woman in red in disbelief: "You, you have made a breakthrough?"

The power released by the woman in red just now was so powerful that he felt a great threat.

"Stop talking nonsense and die!" The woman in red didn't bother to pay attention, stepped forward, raised her hand, and the majestic flames surged out, running towards the man in black like a tide, trying to devour him.

"No, let's go!" The man in black's face darkened, and he made a decisive decision to run away.

Although he has reached the innate realm, he has no chance of winning against the strong men of the innate martial arts sect.

"Where to go?"

The woman in red snorted coldly, stepping on the street with her feet, like a phantom, chasing the man in black.

There was almost no difference in strength between the two. The man in black could not escape the pursuit of the woman in red. Instead, he was chased and put into danger.

"Damn it, how can that girl be so strong?" The man in black gritted his teeth and looked ferocious.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and a cruel curve appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Hey, when I absorb your blood essence, I can return to my peak state, and then I will definitely destroy the entire Sky Fox clan..."

Thinking of this, the man in black sped up and rushed towards the city gate.

As long as you rush through the city gate, you will be safe.

Swish, swish, swish...

Suddenly, three figures appeared behind the man in black.

The three of them lined up and blocked his way.

"You bastard, how dare you ruin my good deeds?" The man in black was furious, clenching his fists tightly, and his eyes flashed with coldness.

"I should be the one to ask you this question, right? Who allowed you to break into Tianhu City privately?" The leading young man looked at the man in black indifferently.

The young man's name is Ye Xuanqing, the city lord of Tianhu City, and his strength has reached the late stage of Xiantian.

"Ye Xuanqing, if you are wise, get out of here, otherwise I will kill you too." The man in black said with a sinister look in his eyes.

"Haha, your tone is quite loud. A mere ant with an early stage of innateness actually dares to be presumptuous in front of this city lord?" Ye Xuanqing said coldly with a hint of disdain on his face.

Hearing this, the black-clothed man's eyelids twitched wildly, and a trace of fear emerged in his heart.

The strength of the young man in front of him was unfathomable, completely beyond his expectations.

"What? Are you scared?" Ye Xuanqing smiled jokingly and said, "If you are scared, just surrender obediently, maybe I can leave you a whole body."

"Don't even think about it!" The black-clothed man's face showed strong reluctance and anger. He immediately took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth. His momentum surged and he punched out suddenly.

The black-clothed man did not use weapons because he felt that with his initial innate strength, he was enough to crush any enemy.

However, he was wrong.

His power stopped as soon as it was exerted.

A more terrifying gust of wind blew in his face, and the black-clothed man felt a sharp pain in his chest, his throat felt sweet, and he spit out a mouthful of blood.


The black-clothed man flew out like a sandbag and fell heavily on the stone slab ten meters away, with a crisp sound of bones.

He struggled to get up, his eyes widened, looking at Ye Xuanqing in horror: "You, what is your cultivation level?"

Ye Xuanqing said lightly: "Martial Master Level 8, I advise you to be honest, so as not to suffer."

"What? Martial Master Level 8?" The black-clothed man was so scared that he turned and fled, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

"He ran pretty fast." Ye Xuanqing shook his head, then turned back to the shop, gave some instructions to the maid in the shop, and left in a hurry.

"Brother, why don't we take advantage of the victory and kill him in one fell swoop?" Chu Yanran walked into the room as soon as Ye Xuanqing left, asking in confusion.

The woman in red smiled bitterly and said: "Sister! After all, this place is the territory of the Tianlang Empire, we shouldn't make too much trouble."

"If it causes the imperial army to encircle and suppress, we will be in big trouble."

"Damn, let him run away!" Ye Yanran curled her lips, looking a little regretful, but she also agreed with the woman in red.

Now is a time of trouble, so it is not appropriate to cause trouble.

Chapter 14 Genius List

Night falls, and the sky is full of stars.

In a hidden cave, the man in black sat cross-legged in the cave, his face pale, and he felt a tingling sensation in his body, as if it was about to break.

"Cough cough~"

The man in black covered his wound and coughed violently, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, looking very miserable.

At this moment, the man in black was extremely weak, his face was pale, and his whole body was trembling.

"That woman is so strong!" The man in black cursed in his heart.

The red-dressed woman was too strong, and she made him spit blood just by relying on her momentum.

If the battle continues, he will definitely suffer, and he might really be killed.

"Why is this woman so strong? No, I can't stay here anymore, I must leave Tianhu City as soon as possible." The man in black thought quickly, and soon he had an idea.

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