After thinking about it, the man in black stood up and walked cautiously out of the cave. However, as soon as he took a step, his figure suddenly stiffened, his face was full of despair, and his eyes were full of regret and resentment.

He saw three strangers standing in front of him, two of whom were staring at him with cold eyes.

The other one is smiling.

"I know what you are thinking. You are planning to escape from here while we are not paying attention, right?" the woman in red said with a faint smile.

"Since you have all seen through it, why are you blocking my way?" the man in black said in a low voice.

"Why are you blocking your way?" The woman in red smiled, and then her face turned cold: "Because you deserve to die!"

After saying that, the woman in red slowly raised her right arm.

Buzz buzz.

In an instant, a terrifying soul pressure descended from the sky, heading towards the man in black.


In an instant, the man in black's body softened and he knelt down directly. Dense streams of sweat flowed from his forehead. His body kept trembling, as if he was suffering from great pain.

"No... please forgive me. As long as you forgive me, I am willing to dedicate all my soul crystals and even give them to you, begging for your life!"

The man in black knelt on the ground, his expression full of pleading and groveling.

"Soul crystal?" The woman in red raised her eyebrows slightly. She did have a soul crystal in her memory, but she had never heard of such a thing.

"I can tell you the existence of the Soul Crystal, but you must promise not to kill me!" the man in black said hurriedly.

The woman in red frowned slightly and said, "Okay!"

"The Soul Crystal is controlled by the royal family of our Sirius Dynasty. As long as you don't kill me, I can help you seize the Soul Crystal." The man in black said solemnly.

"Oh?" A trace of surprise flashed in the beautiful eyes of the woman in red: "Sirius Dynasty?"

"The Heavenly Wolf Dynasty is one of the four great empires in Nanling. Its strength is about the same as that of the Heavenly Fox Clan!" The man in black explained, with a hint of envy in his eyes. If he had such a backer, what would he do? How could it end up like this?

"How do you want to help me get the Soul Crystal?" the woman in red asked.

"It is said that the Heavenly Wolf Palace of the Sirius Dynasty is guarded by a strong martial arts master. As long as you kill the martial arts master of the Heavenly Wolf Palace, the Soul Crystal will naturally belong to you."

The woman in red was silent for a moment and said, "Okay!"

"I can help you kill that guy from Tianlang Palace, but I have to get the Soul Crystal first before I do it."

"Of course, I also hope that you will keep your promise and let me go immediately after I get the Soul Crystal!" The man in black promised again and again.

"Okay, a gentleman's words are hard to follow!" the woman in red said with a faint smile.

At the same time, in a remote and desolate canyon in the northern region.

The canyon is deep, silent, and extremely dark, surrounded by a cold air, like a ghostly place.

There is a thatched house in the canyon. In the thatched house, there is a figure sitting on the bed with his eyes closed and meditating.

This person is Ye Yun!

At this moment, Ye Yun was sitting cross-legged on the bed with his legs crossed. His whole body was as motionless as a sculpture, but his breathing was steady and his heart was beating regularly, making a thump-dong-dong sound. Every time he beat, a purple-gold flame burned. With.

The Purple Flame Burning Heaven Art was operating to the extreme, and wisps of extremely pure true energy merged into the meridians, frantically tempering Ye Yun's body.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Ye Yun opened his eyes, a trace of joy flashing in his eyes.

After a few days of adjusting his breath, he finally recovered from the injury. Although it was not fully healed, it was mostly healed.


With a soft breath, Ye Yun calmed down his aura, with a solemn look in his eyes: "I didn't expect my body to be so weak. If it were me in the past, even if I was injured, I would be a mere waste in the martial arts realm. You’re not qualified enough to hurt me!”

Before he finished speaking, the door creaked open, and then the woman in red walked in. Looking at Ye Yun's pale face, she couldn't help but asked with concern: "How is it? Is the injury okay?"

"It has fully recovered." Ye Yun said with a grin.

"I see that your face is still so pale. You must have not fully recovered from your injury." The woman in red looked at Ye Yun worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, but it's you." Ye Yun looked at the woman in red and Chu Yurou, his tone slightly hesitant.

The woman in red was slightly startled, as if she understood what Ye Yun meant, and couldn't help but smile: "We were not injured, we were just temporarily unconscious."

Hearing this, Ye Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: "What's your name?"

"Yang Xueqing!" said the woman in red.

Ye Yun nodded, suddenly remembered something, and said, "Miss Yang, are we still enemies now?"

"Of course!" the woman in red said unabashedly: "If you want to survive, get out now! Otherwise, I will cut you into pieces later!"

"Haha." Ye Yun smiled coldly: "You don't have to pretend to be fierce. I have already guessed your plan. Isn't it just to lure me to Tianhu Mountain?"

Yang Xueqing's pretty face suddenly turned livid, she gritted her teeth and glared at Ye Yun, shouting: "Nonsense, don't slander me, you will definitely die today!"

"Haha, really." Ye Yun shrugged and said with a smile: "Don't forget, I am your prisoner now. It doesn't matter whether I die or not, but if you don't keep your promise, then you and your sister's My life may not be saved.”

Yang Xueqing's delicate body trembled, a look of panic appeared on her pretty face, she glared at Ye Yun fiercely, and snorted: "You dare to threaten this princess?"

"I'm not threatening you, I'm just reminding you. Anyway, I'm already a prisoner. If you want to kill me, just kill me." Ye Yun said pretending to be magnanimous.

Yang Xueqing was stunned, and Chu Yurou on the side was also stunned.

Who would have thought that such a handsome, graceful, and even more astonishing genius would be a prisoner. If this news spread, no one would believe it.

Yang Xueqing was in a mess. She kept thinking about this matter in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more something was wrong. How did Ye Yun know about her and her sister's plan?

The two sisters kept their names anonymous and changed their faces, knowing no one but themselves.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Yang Xueqing shook her head, unwilling to accept this fact. She knew very well that if Ye Yun was really caught, with Ye Yun's talent and potential, once he got out of trouble, he would definitely become the top monster in the Northern Territory.

When she thought of this, Yang Xueqing felt that her actions just now were too reckless. She gritted her silver teeth and cut Ye Yun hatefully, snorting: "Since you already know, you can't blame me, go to hell now! "

As soon as she finished speaking, Yang Xueqing stretched out her jade hand and grabbed Ye Yun's neck at an extremely fast speed, but Ye Yun did not dodge, and said with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You really don't want to join forces with me to escape?"

"Don't try to lie to me!" Yang Xueqing's hand had already touched Ye Yun's neck, but she felt as if she had hit an iron wall. Instead of taking any advantage, she was knocked back several steps.

Ye Yun stood up, glanced at Yang Xueqing, and said indifferently.

"Since you insist on seeking death, you can't blame others. Between you and me, only one person can get out."

After saying that, Ye Yun was ready to take action.

Yang Xueqing's pupils shrank suddenly and she subconsciously shouted: "Wait a minute!"

Ye Yun stopped, looked at Yang Xueqing with a smile, and said, "Has Miss Yang figured it out?"

"You, what kind of cultivation level are you?" Yang Xueqing stared at Ye Yun. When she thought that Ye Yun had knocked away an old slave of a five-star martial master with just one palm, Yang Xueqing felt an inexplicable fear in her heart. color.

Ye Yun laughed and said jokingly.

"So you're scared."

"Don't be complacent. Do you think you have a chance to win? I tell you, you won't succeed. When my father and brother come, you won't be able to escape." Yang Xueqing said through gritted teeth.

"Your father and brother?"

Ye Yun frowned. He heard a piece of news from Yang Xueqing's words. The three people chasing him this time were people from the Tianlang Mercenary Group, people from the Tianlang Village, and Yang Xueqing's father, the Nine-tailed Sky Fox. Yang Xiaotian, the leader of the clan.

According to what Yang Xueqing said, Yang Xiaotian is a ninth-level saint, and Yang Zhan, the young leader of the Tianlang Village, is also a strong man at the fifth level of the Martial Emperor.

"Do you want me to help you deal with Tianlang Village and Tianlang Fort?" Ye Yun asked tentatively.

"That's right."

Yang Xueqing's beautiful eyes showed a strange light and she smiled.

"The Tianlang Village is the largest bandit organization in Tianlang City. The owner of the Tianlang Castle is also known as the Tianlang King. He is a master of the sixth level of the Martial Emperor."

"The combined forces of the two parties amount to more than thirty people, and among them there are two fifth-grade wise monarchs."

"And my father's strength is also extraordinary. In his early years, he once entered the realm of the sixth-grade virtuous king. Although he is not the fifth-grade virtuous king now, he is not much different and is enough to compete with the Sirius King."

"As long as we can delay for a moment, you should be safe. When you leave Tianhu Mountain, you can find a way to escape. We can agree that after you escape, you will come here to find our sisters."

Listening to Yang Xueqing's words, Ye Yun secretly calculated in his heart that Yang Xueqing's words were true. If today, the troops from Langzhai and Tianlang Fort had indeed surrounded the entire Tianhu Mountain, and even laid traps in the surrounding wild forests. .

If Ye Yun continues to stay on Tianhu Mountain, he will definitely escape death and must escape as soon as possible.

"You didn't believe me before, so how dare you make an agreement with me?"

Ye Yun looked at Yang Xueqing with a smile. Yang Xueqing's cheeks turned slightly red and hummed: "Before, you were too cunning. Now that I have trusted you, I am not afraid of you lying to me."

"That's true."

Ye Yun nodded. Although Yang Xueqing's beauty was not unparalleled, it could still be said to be the beauty of heaven and earth. If he was really captured by him and brought back to the Southern Territory, it would probably cause an uproar. After all, he was in the ancient battlefield. Killed a disciple of the Heavenly Demon Sect and a disciple of the emperor from the Heavenly Sword Divine Court.

"However, Miss Yang has another choice."

Ye Yun suddenly changed his tone and smiled.

"If Miss Yang agrees to marry me as my concubine now, I can promise not to kill you, and I can also give up resistance and be captured obediently."

"Shameless person, I'm going to kill you!"

Yang Xueqing was completely angry, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and her nails instantly turned into sharp blades, stabbing towards Ye Yun.


At this moment, the spiritual power in Yang Xueqing's body burst out, and Ye Yun felt as if his breathing was stagnant.

This girl is very talented. She is already a half-step Martial Master at such a young age. She is now only one step away from the true Martial Master state, and it may not take more than a year or two.

"It's a bit troublesome."

Ye Yun murmured. He was seriously injured now. If he fought hard, even with the devouring technique, he would only be able to recover some spiritual energy at most. However, this place was an excellent hiding place.

Ye Yun raised his head and saw Yang Xueqing coming to attack again, so he simply closed his eyes and said in a deep voice.

"If you don't believe it, you can try it and see if I'm just faking it."

Yang Xueqing hesitated. She didn't dare to bet. If the guy in front of her was really injured, wouldn't it be food that was right in front of her mouth? Wouldn't it be an advantage for herself?

But she was too unwilling to give up like this. Yang Xueqing pursed her thin lips tightly, suddenly her eyes lit up, and she said coldly.

"You don't have to lie to me. Since you were sent here by our Yang family, it must be my father who sent you here. You can follow me to see my father now."

Ye Yun opened his eyes, seemingly hesitating, and a look of joy flashed across Yang Xueqing's face as she urged him.

"Come with me quickly, my father will definitely let you go."

Ye Yun finally stood up, but he did not immediately agree to Yang Xueqing's request and said.

"Do you know who I am?"

"I don't care who you are, but you are my enemy, Yang Xueqing. Even my father will arrest you as a thief. You'd better be smarter and go back to the Yang family with me."


Ye Yun suddenly approached Yang Xueqing and laughed softly.

"Then what if I don't want to."

"I'll kill you if I don't want to."

Yang Xueqing glared at Ye Yun fiercely. This scoundrel was so bad that he actually wanted to take advantage of her.


Ye Yun shrugged, took a step back pretending to be scared, and sighed.

"I thought you were a pure and innocent girl, but I didn't expect you to be more cruel than me at heart. However, I admire you very much. I hope Master Yang will let me go as you said."

Ye Yun pushed the boat along the current and left the cave with Yang Xueqing. Under her leadership, the two headed towards the Yang family. Yang Xueqing couldn't help but ask on the way.

"What is your name?"

"Ye Yun."

"Your surname is Ye?"


"Impossible. I remember my father said that except for you, no other men in Tianlan Sect have entered Tianlan Sect. How could my father let you go?"

Yang Xueqing's heart was filled with surprise. Ye Yun's cultivation was not high and he was in the Martial King realm of the top sect, but she couldn't see through Ye Yun's depth. At this moment, she was even more frightened and trembling.

"I just joined the Tianlan Sect. It's normal for you not to know."

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