
Ye Yun paused and suddenly laughed.

"If I guess correctly, Master Yang is worried that I will reveal his secrets, but I, Ye Yun, have always kept my mouth shut, so Master Yang can rest assured."

"Are you really willing to help me?"

"Yes, Miss Yang is a good girl. I can't bear to see you tortured to death by Yang Yueshan, so I am willing to spare your life."


Yang Xueqing snorted in dissatisfaction. Her father, Yang Yueshan, is an elder of the Heavenly Demon Clan and a powerful warrior of the seventh level of the Martial Emperor. He is considered a top expert in the entire Sky Eagle Mountains. This bastard actually said that his father is a despicable villain.

"Then how are you going to help me?"

"You will know later."

The closer the two of them got to the Sky Eagle Mountains, the more panicked Yang Xueqing felt. She had never felt the killing intent coming from this mountain range as much as she did at this moment.

She couldn't help but look at Ye Yun, only to see that Ye Yun was still in a lazy state, without any fear, but seemed to be completely undecided about these murderous intentions.

"Could it be that he is not afraid?"

Yang Xueqing frowned even more tightly. Could this guy be a lunatic? He really thought he had a chance to get out alive.

"Don't be afraid, Miss Yang. I, Ye Yun, am not a bloodthirsty person. Otherwise, I would not have saved you at the beginning."

Ye Yun smiled faintly and went all the way to the depths of the Sky Eagle Mountains.

His purpose of coming this time was to seize the treasure house of the Sky Eagle Valley, not only because he had coveted the treasure house of the Sky Eagle Valley for a long time, but also because he wanted to buy more time for the human race in Tianfeng County.

"Hey, Ye Yun, what do you want to do?"

Yang Xueqing's voice was a little anxious. She didn't want to be alone with Ye Yun, and she was a little worried that her father would really let her go.

Hearing this, Ye Yun stopped and looked at Yang Xueqing's somewhat uneasy look, and asked jokingly.

"If I say I want you to stay with me for one night, will you refuse?"


Yang Xueqing glared at Ye Yun with gritted teeth, wishing she could tear him apart.

Ye Yun laughed and said.

"You have to understand one thing, your fate is in my hands, and this is the range of Sky Eagle Valley. If I really want to do something to you, you would be a corpse now."

Yang Xueqing gritted her teeth and could only suppress the disgust in her heart, constantly reminding herself that this guy is not a good person, and she must not annoy him, otherwise, she will only die more miserably.

"I won't let you go."

"Really? Then you have to hold me tight, otherwise, your head will be moved."

After Ye Yun finished speaking, he continued to walk slowly forward. Yang Xueqing looked at Ye Yun's back, constantly thinking about how to get out of trouble, but the more she thought about it, the more confused she felt.

She is the daughter of the Yang family, with great talent, and even among her peers in the Yang family, she is the best, but she happened to meet such a scoundrel.

She was indeed unfamiliar with the name Ye Yun, but the aura emanating from Ye Yun posed a greater threat to her than her father Yang Yueshan. He was definitely a terrifying strong man.

She couldn't help but curse herself for being too stupid, and actually believed Ye Yun's lies.

"What are you going to do? If you don't tell me, I will ignore you."

Ye Yun turned around and glanced at her, saying lightly.

"If you want to escape from Yang Yueshan's clutches, you must make Yang Yueshan believe that I have the ability."

Will Yang Yueshan believe him?

Yang Xueqing sneered. Although Ye Yun's cultivation was very strong, she didn't think Yang Yueshan would be afraid of him.

"Okay, as long as you can help me get rid of Yang Yueshan's control, I am willing to spend the night with you, but I don't know if you have the courage."

"Didn't you say that Yang Yueshan hates you? Why are you willing to let you marry his son?"

"My father is just trying to protect me."

Yang Xueqing gritted her teeth. Of course, she didn't want to marry that playboy, but she also knew that this was her only choice now. If she didn't want to marry, she would die.

Ye Yun laughed and shook his head.

"No, I said you can choose not to marry, but I will make you disappear forever."

"You dare!"

Yang Xueqing was furious.

"This is the Sky Eagle Mountains. If you kill me, you can't get away."

"Haha, can a mere Sky Eagle Mountains stop me?"

Ye Yun said with a cold face. Yang Xueqing suddenly seemed to remember something, and after a few seconds of silence, she asked.

"If you help me, I can tell you the location of the treasure house in the Sky Eagle Valley. Didn't you say that your master is in the Sky Eagle Valley? Maybe there is a chance to get the treasure."


Ye Yun nodded calmly and said.

"In that case, then shut up first."


Yang Xueqing's face changed instantly.

"If I keep shouting, can you guarantee that you won't hurt me? What if you accidentally kill me?"

"You can try."

Ye Yun curled his lips in disdain. Of course, he couldn't kill Yang Xueqing. Even though her cultivation was far inferior to his, she was the daughter of the Yang family after all. If he killed her, it would definitely cause an uproar. At that time, he would become the target of the entire Sky Eagle Mountains. Even Wudi City might not be able to save him.

But Ye Yun didn't have the slightest thought of sympathizing with women. His mind was different from that of a young man. Even when facing a girl, he didn't show any signs of being moved.

Two hours passed.

Ye Yun finally arrived at the deepest part of Tianying Valley. The surrounding area was already deserted, but the place was rich in spiritual power, and the birds were singing and the flowers were fragrant. It was like a fairyland.

But at this moment, a biting cold wind blew, causing Yang Xueqing to tremble violently, her delicate body uncontrollably burrowed into Ye Yun's arms, and her arms tightly hugged Ye Yun.

"You, what do you want to do? Let me go."

Yang Xueqing's pretty face was extremely red with embarrassment, but Ye Yun looked calm, looked down at her, and smiled calmly.

"Miss Yang, you can't blame me for this. Your breasts are too big."

"Aren't my breasts big?"

Yang Xueqing looked down and saw that her breasts were very tall and tall. She was usually quite proud of them, but she didn't expect Ye Yun's words to be so straightforward now, as if her figure was not worth mentioning at all.

"You are talking nonsense, my chest is not small!"

Ye Yun ignored him and just took Yang Xueqing out in one step. In an instant, he was hundreds of feet away. A strong wind blew in his face. Yang Xueqing's clothes were messy, revealing her snow-white skin.

Yang Xueqing quickly stretched out her hand to shield her, but she heard Ye Yun say coldly.

"I advise you not to be clever, otherwise, I will kill you regardless of whether you are the Yang family's little princess or not!"

A flash of panic flashed in Yang Xueqing's eyes, and then she followed Ye Yun forward obediently. After seven days, a huge open space finally appeared in front of them.


Ye Yun let go of Yang Xueqing, and Yang Xueqing immediately closed her clothes and looked around cautiously. Ye Yun scanned the area, then pointed to somewhere among them and said.

"That should be the passage into the treasure house."

Yang Xueqing looked in the direction pointed by Ye Yun, and saw a stone door standing there with complicated formation patterns on it, and there were three guards here.

"Ye Yun, you won't lie to me, will you? Can you really break this formation?"

This formation was arranged by the second-grade Xuanzong, and only the third-grade Xuanzong could break through it.

Ye Yun glanced at her and said calmly.

"If you can't trust me, you can leave. I'm only responsible for delaying it for you for a while, waiting for your father to arrive."


Yang Xueqing was speechless. She had never been so close to the opposite sex. Just now she was almost about to throw herself into his arms. If Ye Yun hadn't stopped her, she would be a dead person now.

Ye Yun didn't wait for her to regret it, and directly raised his right hand and slapped the stone door. With a roar, the stone door opened, and Ye Yun stepped in first.

Yang Xueqing gritted her teeth and could only step in. The moment she stepped into the stone door, Ye Yun's voice came to her ears.

"If you behave better, I will spare your life, otherwise, you will be like your sister."

"Don't even think about it!"

There was determination in Yang Xueqing's beautiful eyes. When she came to Tianying Valley this time, she had a narrow escape from death. How could she back down?

Ye Yun didn't say much nonsense and walked straight into the treasure house. The treasure house was not big, but it was more than a hundred meters wide. In the center of the treasure house, there was a statue, and under the statue, there was a bead shining brightly. .

"Could this be the most important treasure of Tianying Valley, the Netherworld Pearl!"


Ye Yun looked at the bead and narrowed his eyes slightly. He had heard that the Nether Bead was an ancient treasure that contained the secrets of heaven and earth. It could absorb the essence of heaven and earth and refine it into elixirs. After taking it, it could improve the toughness and strength of the body's flesh and blood. It can even cleanse the soul sea and greatly increase the warrior's understanding.

A look of greed flashed across his eyebrows. As long as this Netherworld Pearl is taken away, his combat power will inevitably increase dramatically. Even if he encounters a third-level Xuanzong, Ye Yun will be absolutely sure to escape.

Seeing Ye Yun's fiery eyes, Yang Xueqing couldn't help but sarcastically said.

"Why, now you know why I don't like a vulgar and reckless man like you, you barbarian!"

This sentence only received a mocking and contemptuous look from Ye Yun.


Ye Yun didn't bother to waste any more words and rushed directly towards the Netherworld Pearl. He saw that the Netherworld Pearl actually emitted black light and was wrapped in black mist.

"court death!"

Ye Yun shouted and punched out with his fist.

With a "bang", the black mist exploded, and a shallow mark appeared on the Netherworld Pearl. However, in the blink of an eye, the Netherworld Pearl bloomed with light again and returned to its original state.

Yang Xueqing looked at this scene and said in surprise.

"You actually destroyed the Netherworld Pearl. This is a treasure that my father spent a lot of money to build. Now it's over. Once I'm caught, I will definitely be severely punished."

Although she is not a direct descendant of the Yang family, but just a side branch, she has been relying on her beauty to please the elder of the Yang family over the years. Entering the treasure house this time is also what the elder of the Yang family promised.

Now that the Netherworld Pearl has been destroyed, her mission cannot be completed at all.

Ye Yun glanced at Yang Xueqing and hummed.

"so what."

He originally didn't want to meddle in other people's business, but Yang Xueqing decided to follow her in on her own initiative. He wouldn't let this girl have any chance of survival.

"I won't play these tricks with you. I can only say that you are unlucky."

The words fell.

Ye Yun suddenly disappeared.

Yang Xueqing was startled and shouted hurriedly.

"Ye Yun, what are you doing? You can't hurt me."

"Since you want to play games, let's have fun."

Ye Yun's voice came, and Yang Xueqing still wanted to struggle, but the next second, she felt her neck being strangled by an arm. Her breathing became more and more difficult, and her eyes slowly fell into darkness.

The moment Ye Yun let go of his hand, Yang Xueqing fainted and fell to the ground. Ye Yun glanced at her, shook his head and said.

"Stupid stuff."

Say it.

Ye Yun's figure gradually became illusory and disappeared.

At the same time, Yang Xueqing opened her eyes. Her eyes were blank for a long time before she gradually woke up. There was a slight pain in her head, as if someone had hit her with a stick.

"Where's Ye Yun!"

Yang Xueqing exclaimed, but in front of her, only the stone door and the stone wall were left, with no trace at all.

A flash of anger suddenly appeared on her face.

"This bastard, how dare you tease this princess!"

Ye Yun turned around and returned to the alley outside the cave. He looked at the exit of Tianying Valley and murmured to himself.

"Sure enough, someone deliberately tricked us into this place. It seems that there is indeed a problem here, but no one has come in for so many years, so it may have been abandoned long ago."

This cave seems to be very ordinary, without even the slightest aura, so it is obviously of no value. What's more, Yang Xueqing's cultivation level is too low. Even if he comes in, it will only satisfy the hunger of the elder of the Yang family.

However, Ye Yun still has doubts. According to Yang Xueqing, the eldest elder of the Yang family spent almost all the resources of the Yang family to train her, so how did she get into this place.

If you want to know the answer, I'm afraid you have to wait until the day you leave.

Ye Yun sat down cross-legged and devoured Yang Xueqing's cultivation object. He felt that he was only one step away from being a third-grade profound master, but he was suppressing it for the time being. After all, it was far from the time to achieve a breakthrough. He needed to continue to temper his body.

Two days passed by.

In the Valley of the Eagle.

Yang Xueqing slowly woke up. She had already reached the level of a third-level profound master, much faster than expected. She couldn't help but glance at Ye Yungao.

There was a bandage wrapped around her ankle. When she woke up, the maid standing next to her said quickly.

"Girl, you're awake."

Yang Xueqing nodded and asked.

"How many days have I slept?"

"Girl, it's been five days. We've been here for five days. Are you hungry? I'll go prepare food right away. Girl, please wait a moment. I'll be back soon."


Yang Xueqing stopped the maid.

"Did anything unusual happen during the time I was in coma?"

"Girl, no one has been found sneaking in."

Hearing this, Yang Xueqing felt relieved. She hadn't heard any movement in the past few days. It probably wasn't Ye Yun's doing. Maybe it was just a coincidence.

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