After a while, the maid came in with food and filled the table. While Yang Xueqing was eating, she thought about Ye Yun's behavior today and always felt a little weird.

This guy knew that the Nether Pearl was dangerous, so why did he insist on destroying it? What exactly did he want to do?

"Girl, it's time for us to go back. There are still things in the clan that need to be arranged."

The maid warned, and Yang Xueqing yelled, but suddenly found that the food on the table had not moved, and she found that she could not move at all.

"what have you done!"

The maid sneered.

"I just blocked your cultivation so that you can't fly in the air. Don't move around, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble."

Yang Xueqing glared at him bitterly and said disdainfully.

"You're just a second-grade profound master, how can I still be afraid of you?"

Although she is only a second-grade Xuan Master, her actual combat power is not weaker than that of a fourth-grade Martial King. Just because she practices special techniques, she cannot activate her cultivation normally. Otherwise, with the blood flowing in her body, , enough to crush this maid.

"Haha, girl, don't be brave."

The maid smiled faintly, took out a dagger from her sleeve, handed it to Yang Xueqing, and said.

"This is made of thousand-year-old cold iron. It's extremely sharp, but it's not harmful to you. You might as well give it a try, girl."

"You are despicable!"

Yang Xueqing gritted her teeth.

"Who will come to save you in the barren mountains and wild mountains here? If you cooperate obediently, maybe I will be a little more pitiful and spare your life."

This maid was clearly the same Li Wanru she met in Ten Thousand Stars City. Her disguise skills were extremely sophisticated, so even though Yang Xueqing had extraordinary experience, she did not recognize her identity at a glance.

"My father is the eldest elder of the Yang family. If you kill me, you will be at odds with our Yang family. Even if you are lucky enough to leave here, the Yang family will not let you go."

Yang Xueqing's threat did not work, Li Wanru just raised her eyebrows slightly and said coldly.

"The eldest elder of the Yang family, haha, he has long ignored the secular world."

"As for those followers, they are just following orders. If I kill you, there will naturally be people who help me take the blame. How can the elder of the Yang family find out that I was the one who killed you? Girl, you better not waste your efforts in vain and accept your death." Bar."

The words just fell.

The dagger in Li Wanru's hand stabbed Yang Xueqing's throat. If this scene fell into the eyes of outsiders, they would definitely think that Li Wanru was an extremely vicious femme fatale.

However, Yang Xueqing's eyes were cold, a hint of ridicule flashed at the corner of her mouth, and she suddenly closed her eyes.

"court death!"

Li Wanru thought she was sure of victory, but as soon as her dagger stabbed out, she was knocked back by Yang Xueqing's punch. Yang Xueqing suddenly opened her eyes and struck out with a palm.

"Bang" sound.

Li Wanru screamed, spit out blood, and hit the wall hard, with a look of shock on her face.

"How is it possible, girl, your cultivation has recovered."

"Did you think I would come to your door so stupidly that you could arrest me?"

Yang Xueqing snorted coldly. She had been trying to improve her cultivation every day in the past few days, but she was finally able to break through to the second-level profound master.

She raised her hand, and the dagger flew in her direction, and was inserted into her wrist. Li Wanru looked at this scene, with a strong desire to kill in her eyes, and said viciously.

"Girl, I'm offended."

After saying that, there was another pill in her hand.

"Take it!"

Yang Xueqing did not hesitate, took the elixir and threw it directly into her belly.

Just a moment.

Her cultivation skyrocketed crazily, and in the blink of an eye she surpassed the shackles of a second-grade Xuan Master and reached the level of a third-grade Wuhou.

This kind of cultivation is enough to suppress Li Wanru.

Li Wanru's pupils shrank suddenly. She thought she had caught Yang Xueqing, but she didn't expect that she would steal the chicken but lose the rice. She secretly said something bad in her heart, so she turned around and ran away.

"Where to run."

Yang Xueqing shouted coldly.

"Since you dare to take action today, you will have to pay the price."


Li Wanru's face was as pale as paper. Seeing that Yang Xueqing was approaching, she hurriedly shouted.

"I am a disciple of the Divine Sword Sect, don't you care about the face of the Divine Sword Sect!"

Yang Xueqing stopped, stared at Li Wanru coldly, and said.

"Are you from the Divine Sword Sect?"

A familiar face flashed through her mind. No wonder she always felt that this maid was somewhat familiar.

Li Wanru took advantage of the situation and took a step back and said.

"If you kill me, the Divine Sword Sect will never let it go, and the Yang family will not be able to protect you by then."

"Sword Sword Sect?"

Yang Xueqing smiled sarcastically and said in a deep voice.

"Tell me, who else in your Divine Sword Sect can protect you besides the sword attendant."

This maid turned out to be from the Divine Sword Sect.

No wonder she concealed her identity. She was deliberately deceiving Yang Xueqing.

Yang Xueqing suddenly realized at this moment that she had been tricked. This maid was taking advantage of her from the beginning. A ferocious smile appeared on her face, she looked at Li Wanru and said coldly.

"I don't care who you are, if you dare to hurt me, you won't be able to escape even to the ends of the earth."

After the words fell, Yang Xueqing suddenly took action. Li Wanru couldn't dodge at all, and her chest was severely pierced. She fell limply to the ground, her eyes widened, and she fell unwillingly into a pool of blood.

Yang Xueqing picked up the dagger and collected Li Wanru's body. She looked at the surrounding environment and whispered.

"Take shelter for now and wait for the opportunity."

Half a month has passed.

Deep in Nanfeng Cliff, Yang Xueqing's cultivation has broken through to the martial arts realm, but her injuries have not yet healed, so she can only stay here to heal.

For some reason, Yang Xueqing felt that the toxins in her body seemed to be getting worse, so she couldn't help but sigh and murmured to herself.

"It seems we can't delay it any longer."

"Are you all here?"

She called out softly, and the answer immediately came from the house, only Yang Xueqing said.

"My enemies are here, and I'm afraid they will harm you."

Her father disappeared when she was a child, and her mother also committed suicide, leaving Yang Xueqing alone.

Later, Yang Xueqing entered Lingxiao Academy and became a subordinate of a senior alchemist. During this time, she was recuperating and constantly looking for solutions to her problems.

But she ignored the most critical thing, the toxin.

Although she has the ability to refine elixirs, unfortunately her cultivation level is too low to refine higher-level detoxification elixirs.

"Sister Yang, it's great that you are okay."

In the early morning of this day, Yang Xueqing walked out of the room and prepared to look for food, but unexpectedly she bumped into a girl.

"It's you."

Yang Xueqing was a little surprised. The girl in front of her was the little girl who was traveling with her and fighting side by side that day.

But at this moment, her face was full of panic, she looked a little embarrassed, her clothes were disheveled, and her hair was messy, as if she had suffered a huge fright.


The little maid hesitated for a long time, but couldn't explain why. Yang Xueqing couldn't help but frowned and asked.

"What’s wrong with you?"

"There are...there are monsters!"

The little maid pointed to the back with a trembling voice.

Yang Xueqing turned her head and looked around, and saw two huge demon tigers rushing towards her fiercely. Their claws were extremely sharp, even with a little bit of cold light.


The demon tiger roared and flew towards Yang Xueqing.

"You evil beast, get out of here!"

As danger approached, Yang Xueqing cursed angrily and slapped one of the demon tigers with her palm.


The demon tiger was shocked and staggered back, while another demon tiger also attacked from the flank at an extremely fast speed.

"Damn it!"

Yang Xueqing cursed secretly, pulled out the whip from her waist, and wrapped it around Yaohu's legs. She jumped up and climbed out of the valley from the other side.


As soon as she came out, she was panting heavily and her face was pale.

"Sister Yang, how are you?"

Yang Yurou asked worriedly.

Yang Xueqing waved her hands, stood up slowly, and said.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

"Sister Yang, those people are really powerful. Why don't we go home quickly?"

Hearing the word "go home", Yang Xueqing felt warm in her heart and said with a smile.


She reached out and stroked Yang Yurou's hair, with a gentle smile on her face.

"Come on, let's go home."

Yang Yurou nodded obediently and followed Yang Xueqing forward. She glanced at Yang Xueqing and hesitated to speak, but in the end she didn't ask any questions and silently pulled Yang Xueqing's sleeve and walked forward.

Just when Yang Xueqing was about to leave, a burst of noise echoed through the sky.

Yang Xueqing and Yang Yurou looked up at the same time.

I saw dozens of figures appearing in front of them. They were all riding horses. They had a cool temperament and could tell they were extraordinary at a glance.

These people should also be young heroes in Nanfeng City. Yang Xueqing's eyes narrowed slightly, and her heart was extremely wary.

"It's from the Yang family!"

Yang Xueqing recognized the leading man.

This person's name is Yang Lingtian, the second young master in the Yang family. It is said that he has entered the seventh level of a warrior and is very powerful.

"Yang Xueqing, you are actually alive."

Yang Lingtian was obviously a little surprised when he saw Yang Xueqing. He narrowed his eyes and said in a strange tone.

Yang Xueqing glanced at them coldly and said lightly.

"My safety is my concern. If everyone is okay, please go around and stay out of the way."

"Oh, it's quite cool."

Yang Lingtian sneered, and a middle-aged man beside him said indifferently: "Yang Xueqing, you killed the elders of the Yang family and you dare to be so arrogant here. Believe it or not, I will kill you."

"kill me?"

When Yang Xueqing heard this, she burst out laughing. She stared at Yang Lingtian and others with cold eyes, and said word for word: "I, Yang Xueqing, have behaved upright and have done nothing wrong. If you, the Yang family, dare to slander me, be careful of trouble." Out of the mouth."

"Hmph, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it. You can't run away anyway. I'll interrogate you slowly after I catch you."

After Yang Lingtian finished speaking, he waved his hand, signaling for everyone to surround him and not give Yang Xueqing any chance to escape.

Yang Xueqing's pretty face was frosty. She didn't expect that her kind-hearted efforts to help Yang Mansion solve the problem would lead to this kind of result. If she had known this, she would rather not save Yang Mansion.

Soon, the group of Yang Family disciples surrounded Yang Xueqing, with lewd smiles on their faces.

Yang Lingtian looked at Yang Xueqing, with a playful smile on his lips and said.

"Don't you want to escape for your life? Today we want to see where you are going to escape?"

"Yang Lingtian, I have no grievances with you, why are we fighting each other so hard? If you want to kill me, come at me!"

Yang Xueqing's beautiful eyes were extremely cold, and a strong murderous aura surged throughout her body.

"Yang Xueqing, I have long disliked you. Relying on the family's resources, you get first place in every assessment. Do you know what a shame it is for us to do this."

"I don't care what you say, I must save my life today."

Yang Lingtian shouted coldly and drew out his sword.

Yang Xueqing glanced at him, shook her head and said.

"I advise you not to try to sneak attack me, otherwise you will never have a chance."


Yang Lingtian's lips curled up with a hint of sarcasm, and he said, "In that case, I'll let you try what the gap is!"


The long sword cut through the void and stabbed directly into Yang Xueqing's head. This move was so fierce and cruel that there was almost no reservation.

Yang Xueqing's face changed slightly and she hurriedly used her body to dodge.


Yang Xueqing's figure was able to escape the attack, but she fell due to unstable soles of her feet. She lost her balance and fell to the side.

At this moment, Yang Lingtian laughed ferociously, jumped over suddenly, and took the sword in his hand directly to Yang Xueqing's throat.

His eyes were full of murderous looks, and he was obviously determined to kill Yang Xueqing.

However, at this critical moment, a slender silver whip swung out from Yang Xueqing's sleeve like a snake.


The silver whip hit Yang Lingtian's wrist holding the sword, and there was a sound of bone cracking, which was heartbreaking.

Yang Lingtian's body was also knocked out. After landing, he howled miserably and struggled for a few times before getting up.

He stared at Yang Xueqing and the girl next to her resentfully, and said through gritted teeth: "You unexpectedly attacked me, how despicable!"


Yang Xueqing couldn't help but sneer when she heard this.

"Yang Lingtian, I remember that you were once my cousin, but unfortunately you have always bullied me and made trouble for me. I have forgiven you several times because of old friendship. Instead of being grateful, you have repaid kindness with hatred. You Yang Everyone deserves to die!"

Hearing this, Yang Lingtian's eyes instantly turned red.

"Yang Xueqing, you were obviously the one who hurt my cousin first. Do you think I'm going to allow you to take away her fiancé? Can't you let me teach you a lesson?"

"You're talking nonsense!"

Yang Xueqing's eyebrows stood upright.

"It's obvious that you framed me deliberately and wanted to kill me, and you also wanted to put the blame on Chu Yun!"

Hearing this, the girl who was called my cousin suddenly sneered and said, "Yang Xueqing, let me tell you, we didn't frame you at all. You killed my parents yourself and framed the blame on my grandfather!"

Yang Xueqing was stunned.

At this moment, she felt like she didn't have enough brain power.

Yang Lingtian roared even more angrily: "You bitch, you still have the guts to falsely accuse Xue Qing, you are simply seeking death!"

"Give me a hand and capture Yang Xueqing, life or death!"

In an instant, the guards of the Yang family immediately attacked Yang Xueqing. (End of chapter)

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