Feeling the strong wind coming, Yang Yuanshan's expression changed drastically. He could clearly feel that the power of this strong wind could easily kill him.

Yang Yuanshan tried to dodge, but it was useless. The speed of the strong wind was too fast, and it exceeded his body's reaction.

I saw, with a 'swish', Yang Yuanshan's head left his neck directly, and blood spurted out like a pillar.


Then the body fell limply to the ground.


Yang Yuanshan's two sons and Yang Xueqing's two cousins ​​rushed into the house, looked at Yang Yuanshan who fell to the ground, and screamed: "Dad, what's wrong with you?"


Then they threw themselves next to Yang Yuanshan's body and cried bitterly.

"Cough cough cough..."

Yang Xueqing was panting violently, her face as pale as paper. The use of the hidden weapon just now had almost drained her of all her energy.

It took a while before Yang Xueqing recovered.

She walked to Yang Yuanshan, stretched out her hand to check his breath, and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that he was completely dead.

Then, she turned to look at her two sons who were crying sadly, and said in a deep voice: "From now on, you must practice hard. Sooner or later, you will become a master and avenge your father and grandfather."

"I will definitely practice hard!"

"Sister, don't worry!"

Yang Xueqing's two sons nodded heavily, tears streaming down their cheeks.

Yang Xueqing did not deal with Yang Yuanshan's body. She walked straight into the room, sat cross-legged on the bed and began to perform exercises to heal her injuries.

During this period of time, Yang Yuanshan had been monitoring her, causing her to be filled with toxins, and the toxins would attack every seven days, and this time it happened to be a seven-day period.

With Yang Yuanshan's arrival, she had no time to expel the poison, so she could only suppress it with the help of elixirs.


"Yang Xueqing, why are you doing this? Do you really think that with a little Mo Wen, you can fight against the Wang family?"

Yang Yuanshan sighed, knowing that his persuasion failed.

"Xueqing, Xueqing!"

At the same time, inside the Yang family hall.

Yang Haoyu walked around the house anxiously.

He clenched his hands into fists and his eyes were filled with worry.

"elder brother!"

At this moment, Yang Xueqing's voice came, and she pushed the door open and said, "Don't worry, mother has already sent someone to find the master."

"Mother sent someone to look for him? But they haven't replied yet." Yang Haoyu frowned.

"No news is good news. Maybe they are on their way." Yang Xueqing comforted her and said, "Brother, you don't have to wait any longer. Let's quickly pack up and leave Nanling City. The Wang family has already targeted our home. I'm afraid We continue to stay here, and the odds are against us.”

Yang Haoyu shook his head and said: "The Wang family has not taken action yet, so if we escape now, wouldn't it be in line with the Wang family's wishes?"

After a pause, Yang Haoyu added, "Besides, I don't believe Mom really sent someone."


Yang Xueqing was stunned. She looked at Yang Haoyu in confusion and said, "Brother, what do you mean by this? Do you think the Wang family wants to kill you?"

"I'm not sure, but I always feel that this matter is not simple, so I plan to wait for the people sent by mother to come back before we leave." After Yang Haoyu finished speaking, he looked at Yang Xueqing and asked: "Sister, do you know What?"

When Yang Xueqing heard this, she immediately said, "Of course I know, I did it."


Yang Haoyu was shocked when he heard Yang Xueqing's words.

"How is it? Are you surprised?" Yang Xueqing smiled.

Yang Haoyu shook his head quickly. Although he didn't know why Yang Xueqing did this, he knew that his sister would never harm him. Therefore, he did not pursue the case, but asked: "Sister, why did you assassinate Yang Yuanshan?" ?”

"This is what happened..."

So, Yang Xueqing told the story about how she was forcibly taken to the Wang family by Wang Peng, then forced into marriage, and finally rescued by Yang Yuanshan, and then went to the Wang family to kill Yang Yuanshan.

After listening to what Yang Xueqing said, Yang Haoyu smiled bitterly and said: "Xueqing, you are so reckless to do this!"

"If mother hadn't asked me to return to the Yang family, I would rather die outside than stay in the Wang family!"

"You two are my only relatives in this world. Nothing can happen to you no matter what." Yang Xueqing looked at her two cousins ​​and said, "If something happens to you two, then I won't be able to survive!"


Yang Haoyu took Yang Xueqing's jade hand and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I will work hard to practice martial arts and strive to avenge you as soon as possible. I promise you that once I become stronger, I will help you get rid of all the evil people in the Wang family and bring peace to your family." Our family takes revenge!”


Yang Xueqing nodded and said, "Brother, I believe you!"

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower first." Yang Xueqing stuck out her tongue playfully and quickly left the room.

After a while, Yang Xueqing came out after taking a shower.

She wiped her wet hair, wore a pink skirt, and exuded a youthful and beautiful scent.

"Haoyu, are you hungry?" Yang Xueqing suddenly asked.

"I'm not hungry." Yang Haoyu said with a smile: "What about you? Are you hungry?"

"Not hungry!"

Yang Xueqing shook her head and said, "Brother, when are we moving out?"

"I still need to think about this matter!"

Yang Haoyu thought for a moment and said, "Although the Wang family is quite powerful, our Yang family is not bad either. If the Wang family wants to do anything to us, they have to think twice."

"Brother, your worries are unnecessary. The Wang family dare not deal with us. Otherwise, Dad will definitely destroy the Wang family!"

Yang Haoyu smiled bitterly and said, "I'm just worried that our family will be affected by this matter."

After that, Yang Haoyu stood up and said, "Xueqing, you should rest first. I will go to the village chief to discuss the relocation."


Yang Xueqing bit her teeth lightly and whispered, "Brother, remember to avenge me."

"Don't worry."

Yang Haoyu nodded, then walked out of the room and walked towards the village chief's house.

Yang Xueqing's eyes flickered, revealing determination: "I will never let the Wang family have an easy time!"

On the other side, in the mountains dozens of miles away from the Yang family.


In the mountains and forests, a group of people ran like lightning. This group of people was very fast. In the blink of an eye, they rushed into the depths of the woods and disappeared.

After running for half an hour, the group stopped.

There were more than a dozen people in the group, including men, women, young and old.

There were two or three-year-old children, older women, and even two young children.


Everyone landed in front of a big tree, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, their faces flushed, and their breathing was slightly heavy.

"Big Brother, thank you, if you hadn't arrived in time, we might have been buried in the wolf's belly."

At this time, a young man of sixteen or seventeen said gratefully to a young man in gray.

"You're welcome!" The young man in gray waved his hand.

The young man's name was Chen Xuanzong, and he was the son of Chen Yuanshan, the governor of Beize County.

The reason why he arrived in time just now was because he followed the order of his mother Chen Shuxian and went to the Yang family to propose marriage, but he was surrounded by people from the Wang family.

Fortunately, he was smart and escaped in time.

Then Chen Xuanzong looked at the others and said, "Although the Yang family is not as powerful as the Wang family, they are backed by the Wang family after all. We should be cautious. We should first gather information around and find out the details of the Yang family before destroying them."

"Big Brother is right!" A girl next to him nodded and said, "Big Brother, let's split up now!"

As she said that, she turned to look at a girl behind her and said, "Follow me!"

The girl's name is Chen Yaqin, and she is from the same school as Yang Xueqing, Chen Xuanzong and others.

"Sister Yaqin, I want to go too!"

At this moment, a boy about five years old ran over, hugged the girl's thigh, and said, "Sister Yaqin, I don't want to stay in the house to play."

"Little treasure, listen to your sister." Chen Yaqin rubbed the boy's head and said, "Sister will get you some food."

"I don't want to eat, I'll go with you!"

The boy shook Chen Yaqin's arm and said coquettishly, "Sister Yaqin, don't leave me!"


Chen Yaqin sighed and said, "Little treasure, let's go!" After that, she took the boy to the distance, and in the blink of an eye, their figures disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Brother, what should we do next?" At this time, a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old came to Chen Xuanzong and asked respectfully.

"First find a place to set up camp. Tonight, everyone will live in the cave at the foot of the mountain. Look for prey tomorrow morning. When we collect enough food, we will return to Beize City!" Chen Xuanzong pondered for a while and ordered.

"Big brother is wise!"

The others praised him in unison.

"Haha, don't flatter him." Chen Xuanzong smiled faintly, and then said: "Go find some firewood and animal meat, we will have an extra meal today."

Everyone was delighted when they heard this.

These people are all from the underworld, and they don't eat at all, let alone have an extra meal.

So everyone was very excited to have an extra meal this time.

Soon, everyone dispersed and went to chop wood nearby.

But Chen Xuanzong did not participate.

"Hehe, big brother is really amazing!"

"Of course, our big brother is a god, these few mortals are no match for our big brother, big brother can slap them to the ground with a slap."

"Humph, those mortals actually tried to fight against the gods, they are simply courting death!"

At this time, everyone praised Chen Xuanzong.

Chen Xuanzong's mouth was full of smiles, thinking secretly in his heart: "Wait until I go back and report to my father, and let my father send a master to come, then the Yang family will be destroyed!"

"By the way, Yang Xueqing is getting more and more beautiful!"

Chen Xuanzong thought of Yang Xueqing, and he had a kind of idea in his heart.

In the Yang family courtyard, Yang Haoyu came back. After sending Yang Xueqing back, he went straight back to the room to practice.

Yang Xueqing returned to the room and sat cross-legged on the bed with her eyes closed.

"Bang bang bang..."

Suddenly, the door was knocked.

"Who is it!"

Yang Xueqing frowned and was a little irritable. Who would knock on the door at this time!

Could it be that the Wang family came to kill?

Thinking of this, Yang Xueqing opened her eyes suddenly and jumped up from the bed.

However, when she pushed the door and walked into the yard, she found that it was Chen Yaqin standing outside.

"Sister Yaqin?"

Yang Xueqing was surprised: "Sister Yaqin, why are you here?"

Chen Yaqin smiled and said: "I just passed by and came in to see you. I didn't expect you were all asleep."

"Sister Yaqin, why did you come to see me?" Yang Xueqing asked in confusion.

Chen Yaqin smiled slightly and said, "Sister Xueqing, you may not know yet. Yesterday I met Master Wang in the town. He said that he would come to the Yang family to propose marriage in a while."

"Wang family?" Yang Xueqing frowned and her pretty face turned cold instantly.

Chen Yaqin smiled and continued, "I saw that your brother was not here, and you must be in danger this time, so I came here to persuade you to marry Master Wang!"

Yang Xueqing's beautiful eyes were cold, staring at Chen Yaqin coldly, and said in a stiff tone, "Sister Yaqin, I will not marry anyone from the Wang family."

"Oh, what if the Yang family is gone?"

Chen Yaqin still kept smiling.

"Then it's gone!" Yang Xueqing shrugged indifferently.


Chen Yaqin paused when she heard the words.

The Yang family is gone, but Yang Xueqing is still living well.

She was a little suspicious that Yang Xueqing said this on purpose.

But Yang Xueqing was her cousin, so she suppressed her anger and said with a smile: "Sister Xueqing, the Wang family has such good conditions, aren't you tempted?"

Yang Xueqing curled her lips and said: "No matter how good the conditions are, I don't care. I like my brother, and I won't agree to the Wang family's marriage proposal."

"Alas, is it worth it for you to do this?" Chen Yaqin sighed and said: "Your brother doesn't know martial arts, and he has a lame leg. Do you really want him to drag you down?"

"My brother won't drag me down."

Yang Xueqing stared at Chen Yaqin and said: "Sister Yaqin, please leave here, I don't want to see you."

"Since you insist on being so stubborn, I have nothing to say, I just hope you don't blame me when the time comes."

Chen Yaqin snorted coldly and left with a flick of her sleeves.


Yang Xueqing glanced at Chen Yaqin's back and muttered in a low voice: "Just relying on my father being the mayor, he bullies me and my brother all day long. It's really annoying."

"Uncle, you are so nice!"

At this time, Chen Xuanzong walked up to Yang Zhendong and looked flattering: "I think you did the right thing this time, uncle. After you go back this time, my father will definitely look at you with new eyes!"


Hearing Chen Xuanzong's praise, Yang Zhendong laughed out loud.

Then, Yang Zhendong pointed to the hundreds of people behind him and said: "These are the strong men in our village. This time, I plan to take them to hunt. You stay here to take care of the clan leader. If anyone dares to break in here, kill them without mercy."

"Uncle, don't worry, leave it to me." Chen Xuanzong patted his chest and said confidently.

He waved his hand, and immediately a group of strong men followed him out of the Yang family and headed towards the depths of the dense forest.

There were four teams in the Chen family, each with twenty people. In addition to the Yang Family Second Battalion led by Yang Zhendong, the other three battalions were led by the three brothers Chen Xuanqing, Chen Xuanwu, and Chen Xuanwu.

The Yang Family Second Battalion had more than 300 people, all of whom were elite.

Chen Xuanzong was the captain of the Second Battalion, and everyone obeyed his orders.


Chen Xuanzong led the Yang Family Second Battalion and headed deep into the dense forest.

Not long after, they stopped in a patch of grass.

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