"Everyone take a rest, eat and drink, then set off to find prey and try to get back before dark." Chen Xuanzong said to everyone, and then picked up dead branches nearby.

After everyone in the Chen family's second team heard this, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief and rested where they were.

Yang Xuanqing came to Chen Xuanzong and asked, "Captain, do all the prey we hunt this time belong to our Yang family?"

Yang Xuanzong nodded and said: "Of course, my father said that as long as we can hunt two wild boars and three sheep this time, everyone will have completed the task."

Having said this, he changed the subject and said: "Lao Liu, when will your friend arrive? Are you sure he really understands pharmacology?"

"Don't worry, his medical skills are very good, there will definitely be no problem."

"Yes." Yang Xuanzong nodded: "If things go well, we can return home tomorrow morning."

Speaking of this, Yang Xuanzong showed longing on his face.

Although this place is remote and poor, it is still the ancestral land of the Yang family.

People of their generation have lived here since childhood, feeling the rich spiritual energy here and the scenery of this ancestral mountain.

"Hey, look!"

At this moment, a strong man suddenly screamed.

"What's wrong?" Yang Xuanzong looked up quickly.

The rest of the people also looked at it and were stunned.

They discovered that there were dozens of wild deer in front of them.

“Holy shit, it’s a herd of deer!”

"Hahaha...there are really deer herds."

"Oh my god, it's developed now. We can eat roast venison tonight."

Seeing a herd of deer ahead, a strong man ran over.


Yang Xuanzong shouted, and then hurriedly followed.

Yang Xueqing also ran over and watched together.

The deer seemed to be migrating at this moment, very fast. Apparently they felt danger and were fleeing.

"Hurry and catch these beasts, don't let them escape."

Yang Xuanzong said to the strong men in Yangjia Village around him.


A strong man roared and charged towards the deer.


However, the deer were so cunning that they managed to avoid his attack and then fled wildly. In the blink of an eye, the deer disappeared from sight.

"Damn it!"

The strong man cursed angrily and said, "These beasts are too smart, I can't catch up with them!"

Yang Xuanzong pondered for a moment and said: "You guys go and chase them! Remember, no matter what method you use, you must chase these deer back to me. If you can't chase them back, you can stay in the forest forever."


Everyone was trembling with fear.

According to the rules of Yangjia Village, anyone who violates the rules will be expelled from Yangjia Village and will never be hired.

Because Yangjiacun needs strong men, but there is no shortage of people, not less than one or two.

And these strong men are drawn from various villages. If they are expelled from the village, it will be difficult for them to come back in the future.

After all, Yangjiacun is relatively close to various villages, and they cannot afford to go to other villages to find jobs.

At this thought, the strong men did not dare to hesitate and immediately chased after him.

After those people left, Chen Xuanzong said excitedly: "Uncle, now we have fifty game animals. How about we share half of them each?"

"Okay." Yang Xuanzong nodded.

"Thank you, uncle!"

"Hahaha, I'll take the game back right away and cook it for my mother. Let's eat roasted game tonight!" Chen Haoran said happily.

"Well, the deer skin has also been skinned." Yang Xuanzong nodded and ordered everyone to skin the deer skin.

Along the way, he has already known Chen Haoran's hobby - he likes beautiful women, especially beauties wearing fluttering white clothes. Basically, all the beautiful girls he knows are attracted by Chen Haoran.

He planned to take the opportunity to arrange a beautiful woman for Chen Haoran to marry as his wife.

"Come on, everybody!"

Yang Xuanzong shouted.

Yang Haoran looked excited. He rubbed his hands and said excitedly: "Hey, everyone, try to make it as beautiful as possible!"

"Hehehe, okay."

Everyone laughed.

Yang Xueqing stood under the shade of the tree, her pretty face full of speechlessness.


At night, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse and dotted with stars.

The first team and the second team of the Yang family are eating.

"Lao Qi, your hare meat is pretty good, quite fat."

"Haha, uncle, my dad just caught this this year." Yang Huawen smiled honestly and said immediately: "Uncle, this rabbit meat should be eaten while it is hot to taste. It will become fishy when it is cold."

"Oh?" Yang Xuanzong took the rabbit meat and tasted it with a smile, and said, "Well, it's really tender and smooth."

"Brother, try this pheasant quickly. I think it tastes better than the chickens raised in our village." Yang Xueqing urged.

"Yeah!" Yang Xuanzong nodded, picked up the pheasant legs and took a bite. His eyes suddenly widened and he said in surprise: "It smells so good!"

After that, he picked up another piece of mushroom and took a bite.

Seeing this, Yang Xueqing couldn't help but ask: "Uncle, how are you doing, are these mushrooms delicious?"

"It's delicious, very delicious!" Yang Xuanzong praised: "This mushroom is crisp, delicious, sweet and refreshing. It is definitely more delicious than the vegetables grown in our village."

"Yes, it's really more delicious than what we grow in the village!"

"I didn't expect Yang Xueqing's cooking skills to be so good!"

"Yang Xueqing, did you pick these mushrooms?"

Everyone also praised him one after another.

These strong men from Yangjia Village would also help Yang Xueqing pick some wild vegetables when working in the fields.

Yang Xueqing's father and mother often gave them some wild vegetables, and Yang Xueqing even occasionally picked them herself.

"Well, we picked these all ourselves." Yang Xueqing nodded: "By the way, uncle, how was your harvest this year?"

"Alas." Yang Xuanzong sighed: "What else can be harvested? This time our Yangjia Village harvested a total of 18,000 kilograms of grain, less than a thousand kilograms of cornmeal."

"Ah?" Yang Xueqing frowned slightly: "Uncle, how long will this food be enough for our family?"

Yang Xuanzong said bitterly: "Our family still has more than 400 kilograms of food, but this is only enough for about two months."

"Ah?" Hearing what Yang Xuanzong said, Yang Xueqing frowned: "Then our family isn't... isn't it..."

Yang Xueqing became a little worried.

Her family had always been in difficulty before, but now that she finally had money, she didn't want to fall into trouble again.

"You don't have to worry too much." At this time, Yang Xuanzong patted Yang Xueqing's shoulder and said, "We encountered a herd of deer today. This is a rare opportunity. The deer herd will definitely stop migrating before dark. As long as we can catch Two deer will be enough for us in Yangjia Village for a while.”

"Yes, yes..." Several strong men from Yangjia Village nearby echoed: "As long as we catch two deer, we will have enough food for a winter, and we can also sell them for salt!"

"Well, uncle, I believe you, you will definitely catch two deer." Yang Xueqing smiled and said: "Then let's continue to light the fire, and I will go get water when it gets dark!"

"Yeah, okay!" Yang Xuanzong agreed.

Then everyone lit up the bonfire again and started to barbecue.

Soon, the barbecue was cooked, and everyone couldn't wait to eat it. Everyone devoured it, like hungry ghosts reincarnated.

Only Yang Haoran sitting on the stone pier did not move.

"Third brother, why don't you eat?" Yang Xuanzong asked.

Yang Haoran shook his head and said: "Brother, I'm full, you can eat first."

Yang Xuanzong nodded and said, "Okay, then you can sit here and rest. Sister-in-law, give the third brother a bowl of wild boar soup."

"Hey, I got it." A middle-aged woman agreed, turned around and walked towards the house.

Soon, the middle-aged woman brought a bowl of wild boar soup and placed it on the stone pier.

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Yang Haoran smiled, thanked her, and prepared to drink soup.

"Bah!" Suddenly, a wooden stick interrupted his movements.

Yang Haoran looked up and found that Yang Xuancheng was blocking him.

"Eldest nephew, this is the leftover food for all of us, so don't waste it." Yang Xuancheng persuaded with a smile.

"No, I'm not hungry." Yang Haoran shook his head and refused.

Yang Xuancheng waved his hand and said: "Since you don't want to eat, then leave it to me. Why are you so stubborn?"

As he said that, he picked up the bowl, drank it in one breath, then smashed it and said, "It tastes really good."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly fell to the ground with a thud and passed out.

"Second uncle, second aunt!" Yang Haoran shouted and quickly picked up Yang Xuancheng on the ground: "Why did the second uncle faint? Uncle, please call the doctor, help!"

"Okay!" Yang Xuanzong nodded repeatedly, picked up a machete from the firewood pile, and hurried away.

"Haoran, don't be afraid. Uncle, I'll call the doctor right now." After Yang Xuanzong ran out, Yang Xueqing comforted Yang Haoran and left with Yang Xuanzong.

"Little sister, why did the second uncle suddenly fall down? Is he okay?" Yang Haoran looked at Yang Xueqing and asked.

"It should be fine." Yang Xueqing hesitated and said, "Although my second uncle is a bit lazy on weekdays, he is quite honest."

"Huh!" Yang Haoran took a deep breath and said, "Let's send our second uncle to the hospital as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Yang Xueqing nodded in agreement.

Yang Xueqing and Yang Haoran carried Yang Xuancheng to the largest medical center in Yangjiacun.

"Hey, why did you bring such seriously injured people!"

As soon as Yang Xueqing and Yang Haoran put Yang Xuancheng on the bed, the doctor in the medical clinic frowned.

"Doctor Liu, please save me, please save my second uncle!" Yang Haoran begged with a sad face.

"Okay, stop kneeling, I'll treat your second uncle first!" Dr. Liu waved his hand to signal Yang Haoran to stop kneeling, then took out the medicine box and prepared to start treatment.

He checked for a moment and said: "Your second brother is seriously injured. Two ribs are broken and internal organs are damaged. If it is delayed for a long time, his life may be in danger!"

Hearing this, Yang Xueqing's face changed color: "Then Doctor Liu, what should we do?"

"Bring the injured person in immediately!" Dr. Liu pondered for a moment and said, "I'll prepare the styptic powder immediately and let him take it!"

When Yang Xueqing heard this, she immediately said: "Okay, let's go lift it now!"

"Little girl, don't touch your uncle, I'll carry it for you." A rough man's voice suddenly came from the side.

"It's Uncle Wang!" Yang Haoran turned around and found that it was Blacksmith Wang.

"Uncle Wang, please help!" Yang Xueqing shouted happily.

"Okay!" Blacksmith Wang nodded, then reached out to support Yang Xuancheng and helped him out.

Soon after, there was a sound of footsteps.

Blacksmith Wang walked in with Yang Xuancheng on his back, put him on the bed, and said: "Brother, sister-in-law, please come and help me, take off your cotton-padded jacket and cover your second brother."

Soon, Yang Xuanzong and his wife took off their clothes and covered them with their second uncle.

"Little girl, take off your cotton-padded jacket and let us put it on for your second uncle," Blacksmith Wang said.

"I don't have a cotton-padded jacket." Yang Xueqing muttered, then pointed to a gray cloth singlet and said, "Uncle Wang, just put it on the second master. I don't need this singlet anyway."

"Okay." Blacksmith Wang nodded and put the gray cloth shirt on Yang Xuancheng.

"Little girl, you are right to do this. Your second uncle will definitely not dare to bully you in the future. He will definitely be grateful to you!" Blacksmith Wang said with a smile.

Yang Xueqing smiled but said nothing.

When Yang Xuanzong and his wife saw this, they didn't say anything. After all, Yang Xueqing was only nine years old, and they couldn't bear to blame her.


At this time, Yang Xueqing was panting heavily, wiping sweat while walking back home.

Because of her physical condition, Yang Xueqing needs to replenish her physical strength every once in a while.

"Little sister!" Yang Haoran looked at Yang Xueqing and said, "Let's go to the town to buy some things first? I think everything in our house has been robbed."

"Well, let's go to town." Yang Xueqing thought for a while, nodded, and said: "We don't have money to buy it now. Buying some herbs can be considered as a precaution, and it can also reduce the burden on my parents."

"Okay." Yang Haoran agreed with a smile.

Yang Xueqing nodded, and she and Yang Haoran walked towards the outside of Yangjia Village, planning to go to the market to buy some medicinal materials, as well as some oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, cloth and so on.

"Xueqing, wait for me!"

Just after Yang Xueqing and Yang Haoran walked out of the village, a bullock cart slowly drove over and stopped on the side of the road.

"Uncle Zhou? Why are you here?" Yang Xueqing asked in slight shock.

Zhou Haitao jumped out of the bullock cart and said anxiously: "Xue Qing, I heard from the village chief that your second uncle fainted? You must not tell your grandma. If your grandma finds out, she will kill me!"

"Well, I understand, Uncle Zhou, don't worry." Yang Xueqing nodded: "It's just, what's wrong with my second uncle? He was fine last night, but he's like this this morning."

"Oh... forget it, your second uncle met a bandit. He was slashed twice by the bandits and almost died. Fortunately, he met Blacksmith Wang and me, otherwise your second uncle would be dead!" Zhou Haitao sighed: "Your second uncle is also very unlucky. Who knew he would meet a bandit!"

After a pause, Zhou Haitao said again: "Okay, let's not talk so much for now. Your second uncle is still lying on the kang. Send him to the hospital in the town quickly."

"Okay." Yang Xueqing nodded, and then called Yang Haoran to carry Yang Xuancheng to the town hospital.

"Little brother, where is your home? I'll take you there!"

Blacksmith Wang asked.

"Thank you, Brother Blacksmith. We are not far ahead. You can send us there directly." Yang Haoran pointed to the front and said with a smile, "This is Yang Ji's Grocery Store. Do you recognize it?" (End of Chapter)

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