"Yang Ji? I know." Blacksmith Wang's eyes lit up: "Are you the grocery store opened by the mysterious Mr. Yang?"

Yang Haoran was stunned when he heard this, and then nodded: "Yes, this grocery store is opened by my second brother."

"Haha, that's a coincidence, we are just on the way!" Blacksmith Wang was very happy.

He originally planned to ride a horse to the county to buy medicinal materials, but now that he was sending someone on the way, he was naturally happy to have some free time, not to mention saving a sum of money.

So Blacksmith Wang drove the ox cart and took Yang Haoran and Yang Xueqing to Yang Ji Grocery Store.

Soon, Blacksmith Wang brought the two of them to the door of Yang Ji Grocery Store.

After Yang Haoran got off the car and helped Yang Xueqing get off the car, Blacksmith Wang tied the ox cart to the yard and turned to walk into the grocery store.

At this moment, Yang Xuancheng on the roof of the third room of the Yang family was still groaning in pain.

"Xueqing, go to Yang Tiezhu to borrow money, I'll take care of my second uncle." Yang Haoran said.

Yang Xueqing nodded, turned around and walked out of the grocery store.

"Little girl, I see you seem very weak, what's wrong, are you sick?" Just as Yang Xueqing was about to walk into Yang Tiezhu's house, suddenly, a figure blocked her way.

Yang Xueqing looked over and saw that the person blocking her way was an old man in his sixties. He was thin, but his eyes were bright and energetic. Obviously, he was also a martial artist.

Yang Xueqing was slightly startled, then shook her head and said, "I'm fine."

"Really fine? You have cold sweat on your forehead, purple lips, and red cheeks. You can tell you're seriously ill." The old man stared at Yang Xueqing and said, "Little girl, if you're sick, go see a doctor right away. Don't force yourself. You look so pitiful. You can tell you come from a poor family."

"Uh... I'm really fine. I've taken medicine. Thank you for your kindness." Yang Xueqing explained again, "Please get out of the way. I want to go home."

"Hey, hey, don't go." Seeing that Yang Xueqing was about to leave, the old man quickly grabbed Yang Xueqing and said, "I just took your pulse. You're indeed ill. You must hurry to the town clinic for treatment."

"But I don't have money." Yang Xueqing said with a wry smile.

Hearing this, the old man rolled his eyes and said, "How about this, how about you learn martial arts from me? When you have mastered peerless martial arts, no one will dare to bully you in the future. What do you think?"

"Practice martial arts?" Yang Xueqing blinked and said, "I don't want to practice martial arts, I just want to study and take the imperial examination."

"Silly girl, how can you study with your qualifications?" The old man curled his lips and said, "I can teach you martial arts."

"No, I'm not interested in learning martial arts." Yang Xueqing shook her head and said, "I'll leave first."

After saying that, she struggled to get rid of the old man's pull and ran out of the village.

Looking at the figure that gradually disappeared at the entrance of the village, the old man frowned slightly and whispered, "It's really strange. Although her body is relatively thin, her muscles are knotted all over her body, her bones are strong, and she also knows some martial arts."

Although Yang Xueqing doesn't know martial arts, she has been practicing "Five Animal Play" with Yang Ling since she was a child. Her physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary people, so she will behave like this.

"Forget it, forget it, forget about her, let's help treat the wounded first!" The old man sighed and walked into the house.

The door of the second room of the Yang family was closed, and next to the door sat a woman holding a swaddled baby in her arms, and she was wiping the baby's urine with a towel.

"Aunt Xiulan." Yang Xueqing called out and walked towards the woman.

"Xueqing, why are you here?" Zhang raised her head and looked at Yang Xueqing with a loving look.

Yang Xueqing looked at Yang Xuancheng who was lying unconscious on the bed, and said, "Aunt, do you know where there is a doctor in town? My second uncle is seriously ill."

"Oh, you kid, why didn't you say it earlier!" Hearing Yang Xueqing's words, Zhang suddenly became anxious and said, "Come with me to my house first to change into clean clothes, I will go and ask your grandfather right away. Your grandfather must know a doctor. He is the best here!"

After that, she stood up and reached out to pull Yang Xueqing's arm.

Yang Xueqing dodged: "Don't bother Second Aunt, I'm dressed cleanly enough."

"You kid..." Zhang looked at the worn-out cotton jacket on Yang Xueqing, sighed, and didn't force it. She said to Yang Xueqing: "Okay, then be careful, I'll go call your grandfather right away."

Yang Xueqing nodded, followed Zhang into the main hall, took a new cotton jacket and put it on, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Soon, Yang Tiezhu came back from the field with a hoe on his back. When he saw Yang Xueqing, a happy look suddenly appeared on his face, and he said: "Sister!"

Yang Xueqing nodded and said to Yang Tiezhu: "Tiezhu, you carry my second uncle in first, I'll go to the next door to borrow a few copper coins, and then I'll go to the clinic with you to see my second uncle."

"Oh!" Yang Tiezhu nodded repeatedly and carried Yang Xuancheng into the house.

A moment later, Yang Xuancheng was carried into the main hall by Yang Tiezhu.

"Uncle, I'll take you to the town to see a doctor." Yang Tiezhu said.

At this time, Yang Xuancheng opened his eyes, slowly sat up, looked at Yang Xueqing, and said: "Little sister, Dad is not going to the town, I'm fine."

"What's fine, you fainted." Yang Xueqing said worriedly.

"It's okay, just a little tired." Yang Xuancheng shook his head and said: "Go to the next door to borrow a few copper coins."

Yang Xueqing gritted her teeth, she understood what Yang Xuancheng meant, this is to save her money.

Yang Xueqing took a deep breath: "I'll go right away."

"Yes." Yang Xuancheng nodded: "Go and come back soon."

"Yeah!" Yang Xueqing responded and quickly left the Yang family's old house.

Yang Tiezhu looked at Yang Xuancheng and said, "Dad, why don't you agree to sell the greenhouse vegetables this time?"

Yang Xuancheng shook his head and sighed: "Your uncle is unwilling to give us the greenhouse vegetables to sell. What can I do? We can only find a way to raise the money ourselves."

"Dad, there is an abandoned temple at the east end of our village. Let's go there to scrape together some money. If that doesn't work, I'll go steal some food and come back. We'll talk about it after tonight." Yang Tiezhu was silent for a while, then suddenly said: " After all, you can’t make any mistakes, Second Uncle!”

Yang Xueqing walked out of the village and immediately ran towards the town. Soon she came to the abandoned temple in the southern suburbs of the west end of the town.

"Elder brother, please do me a favor." Yang Xueqing jumped directly into the ruined temple with a light leap.

In the ruined temple, a young man sat cross-legged on a futon. He had a handsome face, a well-proportioned figure, and long hair shawl. At this time, his eyes were slightly closed, as if he was asleep.

"Huh?" Yang Xueqing was confused, then squatted next to the young man and asked, "Elder brother, can I ask you for something?"

"Say first, if I can do it, I will try my best to satisfy you." Li Yichen opened his eyes and said calmly.

"Elder brother is so kind." Yang Xueqing laughed and said: "I want to ask you to help me treat a young man named Xiao. He saved me yesterday and he is seriously injured now. I hope that Can you help him?"

"Your surname is Xiao?" Li Yichen frowned. After a moment of hesitation, he nodded in agreement and said, "Let's go, follow me."

Immediately, Li Yichen got up and walked towards the outside of the ruined temple, while Yang Xueqing hurriedly chased after him.

Soon, the two of them arrived outside Yang Xueqing's house.

Li Yichen pushed the door open and walked in. Then, he said to Yang Xueqing: "Just stay here. These are the cakes and candied haws I bought for you. You can eat them yourself. However, don't waste the candied haws. I will keep them all for you." Second uncle and second aunt.”

"Thank you, Senior Brother." Yang Xueqing thanked me cheerfully.

"Go." Li Yichen waved his hand.

After Li Yichen walked away, Yang Xueqing walked into the room, helped Yang Xuancheng onto the kang, and covered him with a thick quilt.

Then, she ran to the kitchen, dug out three eggs from the cupboard, cooked them in the bottom of the pot, then brought them into the room and handed them to Yang Xuancheng.

"Dad, these are the eggs I boiled for you. You can drink the porridge while it's still hot." Yang Xueqing said, "Don't worry, I've cooked the rice till it's done. It won't burn your mouth."

Yang Xuancheng looked at the richly fragrant egg custard in the bowl, his eyes were a little moist, and said: "Xiaoxue, dad is not hungry, you can eat by yourself first, and take a rest when you are full. Dad is fine."

"Dad, I'm used to it. It's like this every day. I take a break after eating, otherwise I won't be able to hold on at all." Yang Xueqing insisted: "I'm not just your daughter, I'm the only granddaughter of the Yang family. ”

Yang Xuancheng smiled helplessly: "Okay, then let dad taste the egg custard you cooked by yourself."

As he spoke, he picked up the spoon, scooped the egg custard into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it.

After eating a mouthful of egg custard, Yang Xuancheng's face suddenly turned red, and his originally pale cheeks were faintly filled with blood. It was obvious that his body had regained a lot of energy.

"What a good thing!" Yang Xuancheng praised with emotion.

Although Yang Xueqing didn't say anything just now, he could guess that the value of this egg custard was definitely many times higher than what the medicine shop owner said.

"Dad, does it taste good?" Yang Xueqing asked with a smile.

"It tastes good, very delicious." Yang Xuancheng smiled and nodded: "Xiaoxue, you are so good."

The more Yang Xuancheng looked at Yang Xueqing, the more satisfied he felt. He had a good wife and a good daughter who was smart, sensible and filial. What else could he hope for in this life?

"Dad, when I find Mr. Xiao, he will help you treat your injuries. By then, your illness will be completely cured." Yang Xueqing smiled and said, "I will go to the town to find the money shopkeeper right now. You can rest in peace and recover. "When I come back, we will go to the county town to sell vegetables."

With that said, Yang Xueqing opened the door and walked out.

After Yang Xueqing walked out of the room, she turned to look at the man in green beside her and said, "Brother Lin, please take me to town."

"Okay, I happen to be rushing to Qingfeng Town." The man in green said with a faint smile.

"Thank you." Yang Xueqing smiled sweetly and said, "I wonder where Young Master Xiao lives?"

"His home is on Zhenbei Street. I don't know which courtyard exactly." The man in Tsing Yi said, "His name is Xiao Tengyun."

"Well, okay, thank you." Yang Xueqing smiled sweetly, then turned and left.

"Xiao Tengyun" Yang Xueqing muttered secretly, and then disappeared into the alley.

Yang Xueqing came to Zhenbei Street and knocked directly on the door of Xiao Mansion.

When the servant guarding the door saw Yang Xueqing standing outside the door, his face instantly turned ugly and he yelled, "Who are you? You dare to break into a rich family's house. Believe it or not, I will kill you in anger!"

Hearing this, Yang Xueqing was stunned for a moment, then frowned and snorted: "You are a slave who relies on human power!"

After that, Yang Xueqing turned and left, and she stopped knocking on the door.

However, just after she turned around and walked a few steps, a middle-aged man walked out of the mansion. This middle-aged man was about forty years old, wearing a luxurious brocade robe, with a gloomy face, piercing eyes, and a fierce look all over his body. momentum.

"Who are you? How dare you break into my Xiao Mansion!" the middle-aged man asked coldly.

"You are Xiao Tengyun, right?" Yang Xueqing stopped and looked up at the middle-aged man in front of her.

The middle-aged man frowned, stared at Yang Xueqing, and said, "Who are you? Why did you break into my Xiao Mansion!"

Yang Xueqing looked at the middle-aged man and said, "I'm here to find my father."

"Are you Yang Xuancheng's daughter?" The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes and said, "Since you are looking for your father, why don't you go to his house?"

"Because my family is poor!" Yang Xueqing spread her hands and said without shame.


The middle-aged man sneered: "Don't think I don't know your father's situation. If my parents hadn't been soft-hearted, Yang Xuancheng would have died long ago!"

Yang Xueqing curled her lips and said: "You are the ones who rebelled because of the money. My father has never owed you anything. Instead, you have forced my father again and again. What kind of heroes are you?"

"You are so sharp-tongued and stubborn!" The middle-aged man's face suddenly turned cold, and a majestic pressure enveloped Yang Xueqing. He said in a cold tone: "Your father owes my parents a debt, and he should pay it back with his life!"

As he said that, the middle-aged man was about to take action.


At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly sounded, and then the middle-aged man was seen retreating several steps, and then he felt a severe pain in his chest. His face turned pale in an instant, and he looked at Yang Xueqing in horror: "Are you a warrior?"

"How is it possible? You are just an ordinary person!" The middle-aged man exclaimed.

Martial arts practitioners are warriors, and warriors are divided into nine grades, namely the skin refining realm, body tempering realm, meridian opening realm, dan gathering realm, yuan transformation realm, fusion realm, rebirth realm and dan condensation realm!

There are six levels of warriors, martial apprentice, martial apprentice peak, martial apprentice perfection and martial apprentice great perfection!

If the skin refining realm is only equivalent to ordinary people, then the body tempering realm is equivalent to the warrior of the warrior, and above the warrior is the martial master! As for above the martial master, there is the martial king!

There is not a martial king in the entire Nanling City!

This shows how rare martial kings are.

"You actually hid your strength!"

Yang Xueqing glanced at the middle-aged man, snorted coldly, then turned and walked towards the Xiao Mansion.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, endured the severe pain, and rushed towards Yang Xueqing quickly: "Want to enter the Xiao Mansion? Dream on!"

As he spoke, the middle-aged man waved his fist and hit Yang Xueqing's shoulder.

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