The speed of his punch was extremely fast and powerful, and it was even mixed with light blue energy.

This scene fell into the eyes of the passers-by around, and they all opened their eyes in horror. If an ordinary strong man was hit by this attack, his tendons and bones would definitely be broken. Moreover, this level of attack was simply not something that a thin girl like Yang Xueqing could withstand. At the least, she would be seriously injured, and if it was serious, she might lose her life.

"Alas, this girl is so willful. With her appearance, can she marry into the Xiao Mansion?"

"Even if she marries Xiao Tengyun, I'm afraid her life will not be easy!"

"Alas, these wealthy nobles, how can it be so easy to marry, especially a wealthy family like the Xiao family."

Everyone talked a lot, but they didn't go up to save people.

Yang Xueqing slowly turned around and quietly stared at the middle-aged man who rushed over, her eyes flashing with brilliance. This middle-aged man is very strong.

A grim smile appeared on the middle-aged man's face, as if he had seen Yang Xueqing's tragic death in his hands.

However, at this moment, Yang Xueqing suddenly made a move. She was extremely fast, rushing forward like a whirlwind, and then kicked fiercely.


The next second, the middle-aged man's body was blown away and hit the wall in the distance, making a dull sound.

"You" The middle-aged man struggled to get up, his eyes full of shock, and at the same time, a strong fear rose in his heart.

Yang Xueqing was only fifteen or sixteen years old, but the fighting power she burst out actually surpassed himself!

"How is this possible?" The middle-aged man murmured in a low voice, his eyes full of shock and confusion.

"Who are you?"

Yang Xueqing approached the middle-aged man and looked at him with burning eyes.

"Who am I? Does it have anything to do with you?" The middle-aged man took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, and said coldly: "I'm defeated today, I admit defeat!"

"Admit defeat?"

Yang Xueqing sneered at the words: "As the third housekeeper of the Xiao Mansion, you actually said the word 'admit defeat', don't you feel ashamed?"

Xiao Tengyun's face turned red, and he roared: "Yang Xueqing, don't be so arrogant!"

"I am arrogant, so what?" Yang Xueqing held her head high, not afraid at all, and continued to mock: "Although my father has been expelled from the family, he is still surnamed Yang, and he is still the head housekeeper of the Xiao Mansion!"

"You" Xiao Tengyun's face was ashen, and veins on his forehead bulged.

"What do you mean you?" Yang Xueqing sneered, then turned and left.

"Yang Xueqing!" Xiao Tengyun shouted angrily, "You are not allowed to step into the Xiao Mansion!"

"How dare you!" Yang Xueqing turned around abruptly and looked at Xiao Tengyun coldly: "Are you qualified to point fingers at me?"

Feeling the cold murderous intent in Yang Xueqing's eyes, Xiao Tengyun couldn't help but tremble in his heart, but thinking that he was the housekeeper of the Xiao Mansion after all, he shouldn't be so afraid of a little girl, so he insisted: "Yang Xueqing, if you know what's good for you, you'd better get out immediately, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

"What can you do to me?" Yang Xueqing said disdainfully.

"Yang Xueqing, if you don't believe it, just try it!" Xiao Tengyun's face showed a fierce look.

"Hehe, just a housekeeper, dare to threaten me!"

Yang Xueqing laughed sarcastically, and then stomped her feet. Suddenly, a vast and pure spiritual energy burst out from her body, instantly wrapping her up.


There seemed to be thunder in Yang Xueqing's body, and her aura rose sharply, reaching the peak of the ninth level of body tempering in the blink of an eye.

"Hiss! The peak of the ninth level of body tempering!"

"This girl has great potential. She has reached this level at the age of only eighteen!"

"I remember she was just over seven years old. With such talent, she can be called a top monster!"

"The Xiao family is blessed to have recruited such a monster."

Seeing this scene, everyone gasped again in shock. A child over seven years old actually has the strength of the peak of the ninth level of body tempering?

This is too exaggerated!

"You you." Xiao Tengyun was stunned in place, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"If you want to deal with my father, step over my body first!" Yang Xueqing said indifferently.

"Yang Xueqing, do you think I can't do anything to you with the strength of the ninth level of body tempering?"

Xiao Tengyun was extremely angry. He had lived for more than 30 years. When had he ever encountered such a thing? He clenched his fists, and the strong spiritual energy gathered at the tip of his fist, and finally formed a huge spiritual ball: "Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill your wish!"

Xiao Tengyun's eyes were slightly cold, and he raised his right hand and hit Yang Xueqing's head fiercely. This punch was enough to split gold and stone. If it was hit, even if Yang Xueqing was at the peak of the ninth level of body tempering, she would probably not be able to withstand it and would definitely be smashed into meat paste.

However, just when his fist just touched Yang Xueqing, Yang Xueqing's figure suddenly disappeared.


Xiao Tengyun was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed a ferocious look: "You can run away on the first day, but you can't run away on the fifteenth day!"

After that, Xiao Tengyun jumped up and jumped directly out of the street and rushed out of the Xiao Mansion.

The Xiao Mansion is far away from the street, so it is obviously too late for Yang Xueqing to catch up.

"This old bastard, he ran really fast." Yang Xueqing stood there, watching Xiao Tengyun fleeing, and couldn't help cursing a few words.

"Don't worry, I will help you avenge this sooner or later!" A gentle voice suddenly came over.

Yang Xueqing had a trace of confusion between her eyebrows: "Who is talking?"

At this time, two men in brocade clothes came over. They had handsome faces and extraordinary temperament.

Next to them was a woman. This woman was beautiful, with skin as white as cream, bright eyes and white teeth. Her beautiful face had a frosty aura that kept people away from her. The whole person exuded an aura of keeping strangers away.


Seeing the man and woman appear, Yang Xueqing immediately saluted.

This woman was none other than the eldest daughter of the Xiao family, Xiao Yao!

Next to Xiao Yao was a handsome and handsome young man with a good temperament. He was about twenty years old. His name was Xiao Lingyu, the son of Xiao Tengyun, that is, Xiao Tengyun's nephew.

When Yang Xueqing saluted the two, Xiao Lingyu couldn't help but glance at Yang Xueqing.

Her appearance was elegant and refined, her figure was graceful, her skin was crystal clear and jade-like, and she was as soft as a lotus out of water, which was pleasing to the eye.

It must be said that Yang Xueqing is indeed a rare beauty, and she is very imposing, and has perfectly inherited all the excellent genes of Yang Zhentian.

"Miss Yang!" Xiao Lingyu raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth and asked, "Thank you for your help just now."

Hearing this, Yang Xueqing frowned and said, "Master Xiao, I didn't mean to help you, I was doing it to protect myself."

As she said that, she walked straight forward, ready to return to the Xiao family manor.

Xiao Lingyu shook his head and smiled bitterly. He knew that Yang Xueqing didn't want to owe others a favor, so she refused to admit that she saved him.

"Miss Xiao, please stay."

Xiao Lingyu took a step and blocked Yang Xueqing, saying, "Miss Xiao, don't mind. I will remember your little help."

"Mr. Xiao is polite. My father is the owner of the Xiao Mansion. It is natural for you to save me. I am just doing my job."

Yang Xueqing waved her hand and said, then walked around Xiao Lingyu and walked towards the Xiao Mansion.

"Miss Xiao, you really misunderstood."

Looking at the gradually disappearing back, Xiao Lingyu shouted helplessly, but Yang Xueqing did not stop and soon disappeared at the corner of the street.

"Master, who is this girl?"

At this time, Xiao Tengyun came over, his eyes flickered, and said grimly: "She is the daughter of Yang Zhentian. If Yang Zhentian knew that you were having sex with her, the consequences would be disastrous!"

Xiao Tengyun did not say it clearly, but the hidden meaning was extremely threatening.

Xiao Lingyu shook his head and said indifferently: "I have no intentions towards Miss Xiao."

"Oh." Xiao Tengyun nodded, and suddenly narrowed his eyes and asked: "I heard that you offended a man named Qin Yang in the Refining Pavilion of the Imperial City, and that Qin Yang was a fourth-grade refiner. I admire Qin Yang very much, but if you go against him, it is tantamount to hitting a rock with an egg!"

"Master Xiao, this matter has nothing to do with you." Xiao Lingyu said calmly.

"Alas, I hope you can understand all this!" Xiao Tengyun sighed and said, "If you know what's good for you, you should give up revenge immediately, otherwise, you might suffer."

"You are wrong. Although Xiao is not a good person, he is never afraid of any challenge!" Xiao Lingyu said indifferently, his words were extremely firm.

Xiao Tengyun shook his head, then turned and left, obviously not believing what Xiao Lingyu said.

Xiao Lingyu looked at Xiao Tengyun's back, secretly clenched his fists, and snorted coldly: "No matter who dares to hurt my sister, I will not forgive you!"

Xiao Mansion, in the meeting hall.

"Dad, what do you think of this marriage?" Xiao Tengyun asked.

"I have agreed to send someone to deliver the betrothal gifts to the Yang Mansion to discuss the wedding date tomorrow morning." Yang Zhentian nodded.

"So soon!" Xiao Tengyun was surprised.

"Haha, the sooner this matter is resolved, the better it will be for our Xiao Mansion." Yang Zhentian stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Not long ago, His Majesty the Emperor has issued an order to grant marriage to our Xiao Mansion. You and Yang Zixi, the only daughter of the chairman of the Yang Group, are engaged since birth. Now Yang Zixi has reached the age of marriage, so it is appropriate to advance the wedding date."

"How did His Majesty the Emperor know about this?" Xiao Tengyun asked in confusion.

"Every hundred years, the royal family will select several princes and concubines to accompany His Majesty the Emperor in the palace. Naturally, a small family like ours cannot hide it from them." Yang Zhentian explained.

"That's much easier." Xiao Tengyun breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can't do anything reckless. If Yang Zixi really doesn't like you, forcing her to marry you will backfire." Yang Zhentian said seriously.

"My son understands, but this matter cannot be rushed, we have to plan slowly. Besides, Yang Zixi is already 18 years old. According to the royal family rules, the imperial concubine can get married at the age of 16. I have waited for more than five years until today, how can I give up easily? Moreover, Yang Zixi is beautiful and has a good personality. If we marry her, our Xiao family will definitely live a more comfortable life in the future." Xiao Tengyun looked determined.

"You can decide for yourself." Yang Zhentian pondered for a moment, then waved his hand to signal Xiao Tengyun to leave, and his face suddenly darkened.

In this huge imperial city, there is a huge monster, that is, the imperial family. Except for the Taiwei and the Imperial Censor, everyone else has to obey the emperor, even the Xiao family is no exception. Although the Xiao family is one of the super wealthy families in the imperial capital, with strong strength and superior status, they still have to be cautious when facing the imperial family.

At this moment, two black-robed old men were standing respectfully in front of Yang Zhentian. Both of them had cultivation in the Xuanling realm.

Yang Zhentian sat in the first seat, silent, as if thinking about something.

"Lord Yang, the kid from the Xiao family is ungrateful. How do you plan to deal with him?" an old man in black robe asked.

Another old man in black robe bowed his head and said nothing. He was the Xiao family's worshiper and was responsible for protecting Xiao Tengyun's safety on weekdays.

"Don't rush to do it." Yang Zhentian shook his head slowly.

"Hmm?" The two old men in black robes looked puzzled at the same time.

"This kid is quite powerful. According to my estimation, he should be in the early stage of Xuan Dan, or even in the middle stage of Xuan Dan. He can be called a genius to reach this level at such an age." Yang Zhentian pondered for a moment and said, "I see that he can practice the Golden Bell Cover to perfection at such a young age. This talent is enough to attract the attention of the royal family. If we can win him over, it will be of great benefit to the development of our Xiao family."

"Lord Yang means to adopt him as his adopted son? This is not appropriate. After all, he is Yang Zhenxuan's son." Another old man in black robe said.

"Yang Zhenxuan is his father. After his mother died, he was all alone. There is nothing wrong with adopting him as an adopted son."

"But Lord Yang has also promised the head of the Xiao family. Is it inappropriate to do so?" said the old man in black robe.

"What we need to consider now is how to bring down the royal family!" Yang Zhentian snorted coldly and said, "As long as the royal family is destroyed, the situation of the entire Qinhuai Kingdom will change, and the Xiao family will also get huge benefits. As for the matter of taking Xiao Lingyu as an adopted son, we will talk about it later."

After a pause, Yang Zhentian said, "There are several forces in the royal family that are quite active now, especially the Dongjun Prince's Mansion has been very popular recently."

The black-robed old man said, "The Dongjun Prince's Mansion has a deep foundation in Nanjun. It is not difficult for the royal family to bring down the Dongjun Prince's Mansion. The difficulty lies in how to control those forces."

"The royal family has controlled the imperial power for many tens of thousands of years and is deeply rooted. His Majesty the Emperor also has very powerful means. How easy is it to completely bring down the royal family? It is enough to suppress those forces." Yang Zhentian said.

Xiao Tengyun thought for a moment and said, "I think it's very difficult to rely on my Xiao family alone. I have to find allies."

Yang Zhentian looked at Xiao Tengyun and said, "Tengyun, you must be cautious and careful. Don't ruin the big things because of a momentary impulse."

Xiao Tengyun nodded solemnly and said, "Please rest assured, father, I will never let you down."

After Xiao Tengyun walked out of the hall, he immediately summoned his confidants and several brothers. He needed to come up with a detailed plan as soon as possible.


Xiao Lingyu naturally didn't know that there were so many twists and turns in the Xiao family. Not long after he came back from the Xiao Mansion, he was called to his boudoir by Yang Zixi. (End of this chapter)

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