All the maids and servants of the Xiao family were guarding the courtyard, so there were no outsiders in the boudoir.

Yang Zixi was already dressed and washed, looking much more delicate and refined than usual.

After Xiao Lingyu entered the room, he sat down directly at the table, picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"I have a question for you, and I hope you can answer it truthfully."

Yang Zixi stared at Xiao Lingyu, her eyes flickering, as if hesitating.

"Are you worried that I will reject you?" Xiao Lingyu asked calmly.

"Yes, I admit that I do like you, but I hope you can become my man. I think you should be able to understand my feelings." Yang Zixi mustered up her courage and gritted her teeth.

"Haha, I like you too. Otherwise, when your grandfather brought you to our house, I wouldn't have kept you for dinner. I also have a girlfriend, and I have three wives and four concubines." Xiao Lingyu grinned. He smiled, and then said: "I know your scruples. You are just worried that I will reject you, but you don't have to do it, because you already have many outstanding young talents pursuing you, and with your grandfather's arrangements, I I believe your vision should be higher than mine, they are not a good match."

Yang Zixi was stunned, and a complex look appeared on her pretty and delicate cheeks, and said: "I admit that your conditions are excellent, but if I don't marry into the Xiao family, my life will not change. Maybe I will be in the imperial family." I’ll travel around the city for half my life, and maybe go to live in seclusion in a certain city. I’ll just be an ordinary monk, so how do you know I don’t like it?”

Xiao Lingyu was silent for a moment, and said after a moment: "We are still young. Maybe you only like me temporarily. When you get tired of it, you will switch to others. None of this is absolute. I can't take risks. I would rather be with The one you love will stay together for the rest of your life, no matter whether you are poor or rich, you will share the glory and honor, and you will not leave her behind. "

"Since you have already decided, why did you tell me and let me be happy for nothing?" Yang Zixi was a little disappointed. She originally had a lot to say to Xiao Lingyu, but she was rejected outright.

"Because you are a kind girl, and I, Xiao Lingyu, don't want to hurt you." Xiao Lingyu said with a smile.

"What a fool!" Yang Zixi rolled her eyes at Xiao Lingyu, then turned and walked out the door, looking a little sad.

Xiao Lingyu looked at Yang Zixi's back, sighed secretly, and said, "I don't know whether my choice is right or wrong."

Yang Zhenyu has caused great trouble for the Yang family, and he must find ways to deal with this threat.

The Yang family must deal with the royal family, but how to do it is not Xiao Lingyu's concern. He just wants to get rid of the royal family's entanglement as soon as possible.

"That kid Xiao Tengyun is not simple. When he came back this time, he even broke through to the martial arts realm, and he also has eighth-grade blood. If he breaks through again, I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything to him." Yang Zhentian frowned and said.

"It doesn't matter whether he breaks through or not. The key is to improve his cultivation as soon as possible and strive to break through to the Nine Tribulations when the royal family attacks the imperial city. This is our only chance to compete with the royal family. If we cannot stop the royal family from persecuting the Qin family, then The dynasty will probably unify the continent within a few hundred years," the old man in black said.

"I understand, it's just too difficult to break through to the Nine Tribulations in a short period of time, unless there is a chance encounter." Yang Zhentian said with a bitter smile.

"If you have an ambergris fruit, your cultivation speed will be doubled." The old man in black said.


Yang Zhentian frowned and said: "Although the ambergris is rare, I have never heard of anyone getting it. Its value is no less than a top elixir."

The old man in black shook his head and said: "Ambergris is a fruit grown on the ambergris tree. Not only is it extremely effective, it also has extraordinary effects on cultivating the body and tempering the muscles and bones. Taking one ambergris will It can resist a fire-type poison for fifty years. In this way, one ambergris fruit can increase the life of a Nine Tribulations monk by three thousand years."

Yang Zhentian narrowed his eyes and said, "There should be a treasure like ambergris in the palace, right?"

"There is indeed an ambergris tree in the palace, but every ten or twenty years, the ambergris tree will wither and die, and new ambergris will grow. This ambergris is also limited, and there is no unlimited supply. Emperor Your Majesty will not allow ambergris to be distributed indiscriminately."

The old man in black said: "I remember that the ambergris tree in the palace was transplanted to the palace seven thousand years ago, and the transplanting process was also very dangerous. The ambergris tree was almost destroyed. Later, I didn't know that the emperor How did your majesty get that ambergris tree?"

In the Xiao family courtyard, Xiao Lingyu was chatting with Ye Qiu. Ye Qiu's attitude towards Xiao Lingyu was much more polite than before, and he still very much approved of the two of them being together.

"Dad, when are we going home?" Xiao Tengyun suddenly ran up to Xiao Lingyu, pulled his father's sleeve and asked.

Xiao Lingyu glared at Xiao Tengyun and said, "Why are you so anxious? Dad is also planning to help you find a few beautiful wives so that you can marry them in style."

"Isn't it? Didn't you say that I am over sixteen years old?" Xiao Tengyun said in shock.

"You are still young. Your mind is not on cultivation at all right now. If you don't work hard, won't you just be like me and wait to die?" Xiao Lingyu retorted.

"Hmph, I don't want to be like you. I still have to establish my own power, and I still have to conquer the world." Xiao Tengyun pouted.

"You have great ambitions, but unfortunately you are not smart. How can you be so fun?" Xiao Lingyu shook his head.

"You... hum, I'm too lazy to argue with you. You can't force me to marry a wife anyway. I don't want to become a showman." Xiao Tengyun threw off his father's arm, turned around and ran towards the back hill.

"This naughty kid is becoming more and more lawless!"

Xiao Lingyu muttered, and then continued to communicate with Ye Qiu.

However, Xiao Tengyun came back soon, carrying two wine jars in his hands.

He first threw the wine jar to Ye Qiu, then opened the mud seal, raised his head, took two sips of strong wine, and said, "Good wine!"

"Don't get drunk. I'll ask you to help me with something later." Xiao Lingyu warned.

"Don't worry, I've been an alcoholic since I was a child, and this little drink won't make me drunk." Xiao Tengyun wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth, handed a jade bottle to Xiao Lingyu, and said: "This is for you, this is It’s a good thing. I went to someone to buy it. It’s called ‘Fire Yang Pill’. It’s very helpful for monks to improve their cultivation.”

"Thank you." Xiao Lingyu took the jade bottle and said with a smile.

"I haven't bought a gift for my wife yet, so I'll borrow your gift first."

Xiao Tengyun wandered into the room and came out not long after, holding a set of pink women's clothes in his hand. He threw the women's clothes to his mother and said: "I have to be away for a while. For a while, mother, please help take care of me." Come on, my sister."

Yang Xueying looked pitiful and said plaintively: "Brother, where are you going? You promised me you would protect me."

Xiao Tengyun smiled and touched his sister's soft hair and said, "Don't worry, as long as I am here, I will never allow anyone to bully you!"

"But... you can't stay away from home for the rest of your life, right?" Yang Xueying pursed her lips and said.

"No, I will take you home after I finish handling some personal matters."

Xiao Tengyun said with a smile, and then said to his mother: "Mom, you have to watch her for me and don't let her get into trouble."

"Don't worry, my mother will definitely take good care of her." Mrs. Sun assured.

"You girl, just stay here." Xiao Zhenhai also smiled and comforted his granddaughter.


Yang Xueying pouted her mouth to express her displeasure.

"Brother, I'm waiting for you to come back."

Xiao Tengyun patted his sister on the shoulder and said to his mother: "Then I'm leaving."


Mrs. Sun sighed and said, "You are now a grown man. I have to find you a wife."

Xiao Tengyun walked out of the yard with a smile, and disappeared into the night a moment later.

"Oh, I don't know what kind of trouble this child will cause." Sun shook her head and sighed.

"Don't worry too much. I believe he won't cause too much trouble. After all, he is a good boy who knows how to measure things." Xiao Zhenhai said with relief.

"I hope so."

Mrs. Sun nodded, and then took her daughter into the house to sleep.

Everything seemed to have returned to calm, but there were many people lurking near the Xiao family mansion, including an old man in the Nirvana realm.

Xiao Lingyu also felt the danger, but did not panic.

His mental power has been scanned, and there are many masters hiding around him. It is estimated that these masters should all belong to a certain force, and they should be coming for him.

"I'm really not afraid of death. Since you dare to come to me, I'll let you be buried here forever!"

Xiao Lingyu thought to himself, and then lay on the bed to rest without fear at all. He hoped that these masters would take action as soon as possible.

That night, the moonlight poured down and fell on the Xiao family mansion, making this simple and heavy mansion look more solemn.

Xiao Tengyun quietly went out in the middle of the night without attracting anyone else's attention.

He went straight to a forest less than a kilometer away from the Xiao family's mansion, stood there, waved his arms, and recited an obscure incantation.

In less than a cup of tea, Xiao Lingyu saw bursts of mist flying out of the woods.

Xiao Tengyun sat cross-legged in the open area shrouded in mist, then closed his eyes to recuperate.

After a night of practice, Xiao Tengyun opened his eyes with a faint smile on his cheeks.

"Haha, I have already practiced the 'Xuanhuang Jue' to the late stage of entering the subtle realm."

Xiao Tengyun stood up, then raised his hand and fired a ball of fire, which hit a pine tree as thick as a bowl and exploded immediately.

boom! !

The tree and its debris were turned into powder.

"This power is pretty good. I wonder if I can win against a monk in the Spiritual Silence Stage?"

Xiao Tengyun murmured to himself, then jumped up and left the place without returning to his residence.

After flying north for millions of miles, Xiao Tengyun stopped, turned to face the north, and said: "Friends, please come out and fight with Xiao."

Boo hoo hoo hoo…

As a sound broke through the air, thirteen masked men in black appeared around Xiao Tengyun, surrounding him.

A cold and contemptuous smile appeared on Xiao Tengyun's face, and he said: "You still want to kill me, Xiao Tengyun, with this little strength? I advise you to get out as soon as possible to avoid disaster."

"Ha ha……"


"Arrogant boy, I will teach you a lesson today!"

A group of black-clothed monks were furious and all attacked Xiao Tengyun. Each of them used their weapons to launch a tyrannical attack.

"Hehe... looking for abuse, I like it!"

Xiao Tengyun gave an evil laugh, and then his body shape suddenly changed, instantly turning into more than twenty phantom clones to face the attacks.

More than 20 clones, although they were all phantoms, had combat power comparable to 80% to 90% of Xiao Tengyun's original body, while Xiao Tengyun himself still stood proudly in the same place without moving.

Puff puff...

Almost at the same time, more than 20 black-clothed monks were hit one after another, their bodies exploded, and blood rain gushed all over the sky.

In just a moment, the group of masked black-clothed monks were completely wiped out.

Xiao Tengyun restrained his clones, then collected the corpses and crushed a jade pendant into pieces.

"Oh... why did so many brothers die!"

"I just broke through to the initial stage of Yinming and was about to show my skills, but I didn't expect to die like this!"

"Who killed our brothers, who?"


Just as Xiao Tengyun put the corpses into the storage bag, more than ten fierce roars came over, followed by more than ten figures coming from far and near.

"Hey, isn't this guy Xiao Lingyu?"

"I didn't expect it was him who did it."

"This guy is still alive. He must have an extraordinary background. Should we take him back?"

More than a dozen cultivators approached quickly and whispered.

"Xiao Tengyun, you are quite courageous. You dared to sneak attack our Xiaoyao Palace. I think you are too proud to die!"

The leader was a gray-robed man at the peak of the Spiritual Silence Stage. He shouted arrogantly.

"Stop talking nonsense. If you want to fight, fight quickly. If you don't want to fight, get out of here." Xiao Tengyun said.

"Our Xiaoyao Palace and your Xiao family are mortal enemies. You killed our Xiaoyao Palace disciples, so you must give us an explanation." The gray-robed man shouted in a deep voice.

"Explanation? What do I need to explain to your Xiaoyao Palace?" Xiao Tengyun asked coldly.

"You killed more than ten of us. Do you still want to deny it?" The gray-robed man asked again.

"I don't want to waste time talking to you. If you want revenge, just come. But I advise you to leave quickly if you want to live." Xiao Tengyun narrowed his eyes and said.

"Hmph! We thirteen people joined forces. Are we afraid of you? Let's capture you together first." The gray-robed man shouted coldly, and then swung his sword to slash at Xiao Tengyun.

"Then you try it."

Xiao Tengyun was not afraid. He stretched out his right hand and grabbed the sword.

Clang! !

With a sound of metal trembling, the sword flew out of his hand.

"So powerful!!"

The gray-robed man was shocked. He had never encountered such a situation before, because he could not shake this flying sword before, let alone seize it.

Xiao Tengyun was also shocked by the performance of the gray-robed man, but he was also skilled and brave. He rushed to the gray-robed man in a flash and stretched out two fingers to clamp the gray-robed man's right hand holding the sword.

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