Crack, crack...

The sound of bones breaking continued. In just ten seconds, the entire right palm of the gray-robed man turned into white bones.

The gray-robed man screamed in pain, but it was useless because Xiao Tengyun's two fingers were firmly clamping his right arm.

"I warn you one last time. If you retreat now, I will spare your lives." Xiao Tengyun stared at the gray-robed man and said.

The gray-robed man had a ferocious look on his face, but he could only endure the severe pain and nodded in agreement, and then asked everyone to leave quickly.

Xiao Tengyun looked at the direction where everyone disappeared, his eyebrows raised, and muttered: "It seems that the number of cultivators on this continent has increased a lot in recent years, but I don't know what level the top masters on this continent are."

After a little hesitation, Xiao Tengyun performed a earth escape technique and drilled into the ground.

Xiao Tengyun did not realize that not long after he left, a handsome man in a green shirt appeared here.

"Strange, I just noticed the fluctuation of the aura of a cultivator here, could he have run away?"

The man in green frowned and continued to observe, but found nothing, so he flew away on his sword.

Not long after Xiao Tengyun left, a burly man with a shiny beard suddenly popped his head out of the grass on the hillside.

"Xiao Lingyu, you really escaped to the Southern Wilderness, and you dare to be so arrogant, let me see how I play with you."

The burly man sneered sinisterly, and then quietly followed.

"Xiao Tengyun is too cunning, I must hide my whereabouts, otherwise I will alarm him."

Xiao Lingyu hid in the dark, his mind was racing, and then his figure flashed and merged into the dense grass next to him.

Xiao Tengyun tracked for half an incense stick of time, and finally found a narrow and winding canyon passage.

"This guy must have escaped here!"

After whispering, Xiao Tengyun ran directly along this narrow passage.

After about an incense stick, Xiao Tengyun heard the sound of fighting in front of him, and he hurriedly slowed down his pace.

Soon, Xiao Tengyun saw six or seven monks arguing outside the door of a stone cave, including the gray-robed man whose arm was broken by Xiao Tengyun.

"Junior sister, please get out of the way and let me go in to kill that bastard." The gray-robed man gritted his teeth and said.

"Senior brother, Xiao Tengyun is a direct descendant of the Xiao family after all, and he has a supernatural talent. It is very dangerous for you to go in rashly." The woman said worriedly.

"Humph, this Xiao has killed so many disciples of our Xiaoyao Palace, and he still wants to get away safely? Our Xiaoyao Palace will never let it go. You don't have to stop me. I must kill him with my own hands!"

After the gray-robed man finished speaking, he led five people into the stone cave. His target was of course Xiao Lingyu.

Xiao Lingyu hid in a corner and silently watched the six people rushing towards him, and they were all Nirvana-stage monks.

"Are you here to die?"

Xiao Lingyu pretended to be angry, raised his hands, and took an attacking posture.

The six people obviously did not expect Xiao Lingyu to have such an attitude, but since they were here, they no longer hesitated.

"Little beast, die!"

The gray-robed man in the lead jumped up and swung his sword to cut Xiao Lingyu's neck.

Xiao Lingyu slightly turned his body to avoid the opponent's sword, and then rushed forward and punched the opponent's chest.


The man immediately spit out blood and moved sideways. A large area of ​​his chest collapsed, and at least more than ten ribs were broken. He lay on the ground wailing.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

Seeing this, the other five people all swung their swords and chopped at him, and all used powerful sword skills. The sword light was sharp, and the cold light surged, blocking the surrounding space.

Xiao Lingyu did not dodge or evade. He clenched his left fist and made a gesture with his right hand. In an instant, he set up two protective shields, and then he punched out with both fists.

Bang Bang Bang...

The sword lights flew, and the sound of sword blades colliding came one after another. The strong wind caused by each collision was enough to blow away the smoke and dust within a few feet around, making it difficult for those people to see the situation in the field.

Xiao Lingyu relied on his strong and tough body to resist the attacks of those Xiaoyao Palace disciples. Although he was protected by the protective shield and was not injured, his clothes were still seriously damaged.

And those people became more and more courageous as the battle went on. A stream of sword energy crisscrossed and enveloped Xiao Lingyu, as if they wanted to grind Xiao Lingyu into powder.

However, Xiao Lingyu's defense was indeed watertight. He always stood in place and let those people attack wildly.

Another cup of tea passed, and Xiao Lingyu suddenly turned his body and kicked a man in the abdomen, and then with the help of the impact, his body was instantly ejected.


The body of the Xiaoyao Palace disciple who was kicked flew out, a lot of blood spurted out of his mouth, and his body fell more than a hundred meters away before falling to the ground. He twitched a few times and was completely silent.

The other five people were horrified and retreated at the same time.

"Haha, is this all you can do? You still want to destroy my Xiaoyao Palace? You are just wishful thinking."

Xiao Lingyu shook his head sarcastically, and then stepped forward.


A black sword light suddenly stabbed.

Xiao Lingyu was prepared, and his body quickly turned to avoid the attack of the sharp sword.

Immediately afterwards, a silver-white sword light shot from the side, fierce and tricky, pointing directly at Xiao Lingyu's dantian and heart.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi...

Xiao Lingyu's palms were like dragon claws, grabbing three long swords. At the same time, his right leg kicked out in succession, kicking five long swords away in an instant.

The man who attacked was slapped to the ground by Xiao Lingyu.

Xiao Lingyu did not pursue the victory, but looked down at the man in black who fell to the ground and asked, "Why did you attack me?"

"Haha, I just like to attack." The man in black sneered.

"Oh, then today I will not only beat you to tears, but also peel off your skin and make you my dog."

After laughing twice, Xiao Lingyu stepped on the chest of the man in black, causing him to spit blood.

The five Xiaoyao Palace disciples did not withdraw immediately, but looked at Xiao Lingyu and the man in black who fell to the ground with caution.

"Tell me, why did you attack me? Who sent you?"

Xiao Lingyu shouted in a deep voice.

The man in black grinned coldly for a while and said, "Guess."

"I don't care who sent you here. I'll strip you naked and make you kneel down and beg for mercy."

While Xiao Lingyu was speaking, he had already bent down and grabbed the man in black, and then dragged him back to the depths of the cave.

It was already dark here, and Xiao Lingyu covered it up, so the Xiaoyao Palace disciples naturally didn't know that there was someone else in the cave.

Xiao Lingyu didn't do anything to the man in black, but just let him curl up in the corner of the cave, and he took out a black robe and put it on himself.

After all, this place is close to the depths of the canyon and very close to the underground magma lake. Although it was night, the fiery red light still shone through the cracks in the rock wall and shone in the cave, making the temperature here extremely high.

Xiao Lingyu sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and concentrated, opened the Chaos Spectrum to absorb the essence of the Fire Spirit.

This flame cliff is the gathering place of the earth flame, and this magma lake contains a large amount of fire essence.

Not only Xiao Lingyu, but also the disciples of Xiaoyao Palace are absorbing the essence of the fire spirit. They all feel that they are gradually getting stronger.


Xiao Lingyu, who was absorbing the essence of the fire spirit, suddenly heard the man in black screaming in pain.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Lingyu suddenly opened his eyes and asked.

"I am enduring humiliation! I don't believe that these fire spirit essences can't do anything to you. When your power is exhausted, it will be my turn."

The man in black stared at Xiao Lingyu with resentment, his face twisted and hideous.

"Really loyal, but you think too simply."

Xiao Lingyu smiled indifferently and continued to refine the essence of the fire spirit.

"Damn it, I don't believe I can't kill you!" The man in black roared.

Not long after, Xiao Lingyu slowly opened his eyes, because all the fire spirit essences in the underground space were absorbed.

He stood up, shook his shoulders, stretched his muscles, then squinted his eyes and looked at the man in black, saying, "You are quite patient. But it doesn't matter. I won't kill you now, but it doesn't mean I dare not kill you. Anyway, there is magma everywhere in this Flame Mountain Range. I can find a deserted place to kill you at any time."

"If you really have the guts, kill me now." The man in black sneered.

"Do you think I dare not? Hehe!"

Xiao Lingyu curled his lips and chuckled a few times, then raised his right hand and pointed at the man in black, and then a purple light shot out from his brow.

The purple light was extremely fast, and it sank into the brow of the man in black in the blink of an eye.

"This is a fatal nail, specifically targeting the cultivator's Nascent Soul. No matter how advanced your cultivation is, as long as it gets into your head, it will be difficult for you to die even if you want to."

As soon as the man in black finished saying this, his face suddenly changed drastically, and then he was full of fear.

The fatal nails darted around the black-clothed man's eyebrows, and finally rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness and exploded.


The sea of ​​consciousness collapsed, the Nascent Soul self-destructed, and the black-clothed man died on the spot.

Xiao Lingyu reached out and took the other party's storage magic weapon, and then took the fatal nails out of the body.

The sword intent, spear power, and other weapons released by the black-clothed man before his death were all blocked by Xiao Lingyu, and without any waste, he put them into his own storage magic weapon.

"Not bad, not bad, this time I have gained a lot."

Xiao Lingyu looked at his wide cuffs, and was extremely happy. Then he turned around and walked out of the stone cave, and said to the five Xiaoyao Palace disciples: "Let's go back."

Although the Xiaoyao Palace disciples did not know Xiao Lingyu, they all knew the storage magic weapon in his hand.

"He... He is Sect Master Xiao, how come he is here?"

"No wonder he can resist the burning of those fireballs, it turns out that he is already a master of the Divine Lord Realm!"

"It seems that we have a grudge against him in Xiaoyao Palace, we should not get involved with him, otherwise it will be dangerous."

The five Xiaoyao Palace disciples whispered.

However, Xiao Lingyu ignored them and swam directly under the waterfall.

He didn't want to get involved, and he didn't have a bad impression of Xiaoyao Palace, but he was not satisfied with the quality of Xiaoyao Palace disciples.

"How strong is this guy, we can't deal with it?" A female disciple said worriedly.

"Humph! He is indeed a master of the Divine Lord Realm, but we can fight him together." Another disciple said.

"In that case, let's give it a try."

After the five Xiaoyao Palace disciples looked at each other, they all jumped and chased Xiao Lingyu.

Xiao Lingyu did not use the power of moving stars and changing constellations to escape, but swam slowly with his hands behind his back. He did not deliberately avoid the five Xiaoyao Palace disciples, as if he wanted them to catch up with him.

"You don't have to pretend. With your cultivation, you are definitely not a match for the five of us."

"That's right, not to mention that you are only in the early stage of the God Lord, even if you advance to the late stage of the God Lord, you will still be defeated by the five of us brothers and sisters."

"If you are willing to hand over the storage magic weapon, we may let you go."

The five people said one after another. They obviously didn't know that Xiao Lingyu had just killed two Xiaoyao Palace disciples.

Xiao Lingyu ignored those guys, but silently chanted a spell to activate the imprisonment formation in the identity token.

In an instant, a rope emerged and tied up the five Xiaoyao Palace disciples.

"What? This..."

The five people were shocked. According to their judgment of Xiao Lingyu and the information they had, Xiao Lingyu was at most in the late stage of Nirvana. They never thought that Xiao Lingyu could set up a powerful imprisonment formation that even their master could not break.

Xiao Lingyu took a step forward and was already in front of the five disciples.

"Throw out your storage magic weapons, and I will leave you a whole body!"

Xiao Lingyu said coldly.

Those people were naturally unwilling. They struggled constantly, but they could not get rid of the rope.

Pa pa pa pa!

Xiao Lingyu slapped them one slap after another, and they were beaten so badly that their noses and faces were swollen and their teeth fell to the ground.

Xiao Lingyu didn't want to waste any more time, so he said while smoking: "If you keep talking nonsense, don't blame me for destroying you!"

The five Xiaoyao Palace disciples immediately became obedient, and obediently took out their storage magic weapons and handed them to Xiao Lingyu respectfully.

After taking the storage magic weapons, Xiao Lingyu checked them and found that there was nothing special hidden in them, so he returned them to them.

"Get lost!"

After that, Xiao Lingyu threw the five storage magic weapons to the five Xiaoyao Palace disciples, and turned around and ran away while speaking.

"Junior Brother Xiao, you are really amazing. You can kill a mid-level God King master and steal his storage magic weapon. You are getting stronger and stronger."

"Junior Brother Xiao, your combat power may have surpassed Xiao Changfeng, the first genius of the younger generation of our Xiaoyao Palace."

"Are you Xiao Changfeng's father?"

"Haha! Junior Brother Xiao, we have heard in Xiaoyao Palace that you are a genius who defies the heavens for a long time. Now it seems that the rumors are true!"

The disciples of Xiaoyao Palace gathered around and said excitedly.

"Haha, thank you for your praise." Xiao Lingyu humbly bowed and said, "I'll take my leave first!" (End of this chapter)

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