"Junior brother Xiao, please slow down!" A Xiaoyao Palace disciple stopped Xiao Lingyu and said, "This place is only seven or eight million miles away from our Xiaoyao City. At your speed, it only takes half an hour to get back. We can take you back."

"Thank you!"

Xiao Lingyu did not refuse. He walked forward side by side with the five people and chatted.

After passing through the canyon unimpeded, Xiao Lingyu and others came to the outside of a huge city.

This city is called Xiaoyao City, which was built by Xiaoyao Immortal Emperor.

There are many masters stationed in the city, all of whom are disciples of Xiaoyao Palace, and all of them are the most outstanding young disciples of Xiaoyao Palace.

Xiao Lingyu also went deep into it without any difficulties.

After a circle in Xiaoyao City, Xiao Lingyu found a restaurant and sat down.

This restaurant not only has a clean environment, but also has many inns, so Xiao Lingyu chose to rest here.

Although Xiao Lingyu had the upper hand in the fierce battle just now, he also consumed a lot of his power. After all, he was facing five genuine God King masters.

Xiao Lingyu wanted to close his eyes and rest, but a feminine voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"What's your name?"

Xiao Lingyu frowned slightly and opened his eyes after hearing this.

There was no one else in the room except himself. He turned his head and looked around, but did not find anyone suspicious.

"Don't look around, I asked."

The feminine voice sounded again, accompanied by a scent that drifted into Xiao Lingyu's nostrils.

"Xiao Lingyu." Xiao Lingyu replied calmly.

"Hehe... I'm Liu Xuewu." The woman laughed and said, "I wonder what sect Mr. Xiao is from?"

"Xiaoyao Palace!" Xiao Lingyu said frankly.

"Xiaoyao Palace? Didn't your Xiaoyao Palace perish a long time ago? How can it still exist in the Three Heavens?" Liu Xuewu asked in surprise.

"Your Xiaoyao Palace was destroyed hundreds of millions of years ago. Although our Xiaoyao Palace is no longer as glorious as it was in the past, it can still survive. I am just a casual cultivator without a sect or school." Xiao Lingyu replied.

"So you are from the Second Heaven. No wonder your formation skills are so high." Liu Xuewu nodded and said, "My name is Liu Xuewu. How do you address me, Mr. Xiao?"

"My last name is Xiao, and my given name is Yu. You can just call me Brother Yu." Xiao Lingyu said.

"Brother Yu, please forgive me for being so presumptuous, but why do you have any grudges with Xiaoyao Palace?" Liu Xuewu asked.

"In fact, there is no grudge. I just helped my friends to avenge them and robbed them of their things. As for their life or death, it has nothing to do with me." Xiao Lingyu shook his head and said.

"Oh? I wonder what enemies Brother Xiao has?" Liu Xuewu asked curiously.

"Do you want to avenge them?" Xiao Lingyu asked back.

"Haha, Brother Xiao misunderstood. I just wanted to ask, if it's an enemy with relatively weak strength, I can do it for him." Liu Xuewu smiled and said.

"You can't afford to offend my enemy."

Xiao Lingyu pondered for a moment and said, "You should go back to Xiaoyao City quickly, so as not to be punished by your sect."

"Okay, then Brother Yu, take care." Liu Xuewu said with a fist.

"Yeah." Xiao Lingyu nodded.

Then, Liu Xuewu led the other four disciples to leave in a hurry.

After Liu Xuewu and his group left, Xiao Lingyu took out the red bead again to study it and tried to sense the space inside.

"This thing seems to be a magic weapon, and it is of extremely high quality." Xiao Lingyu thought to himself.

He put the bead away and continued to eat and drink.

Xiao Lingyu thought that this place would only be a barren desert or Gobi Desert, but to his disappointment, he had just been drinking at the table for a while, and a group of cultivators emerged on the street.

There were thousands of cultivators in this group, and each of them had reached the middle or late stage of the Divine King.

They did not approach, but gathered at the city gate, and sacrificed a number of flying boats, and then all used divine arts to attack.

Boom boom boom! ! !

In an instant, the sky was full of brilliance, dazzling and dazzling.

Xiao Lingyu took the opportunity to escape from the hotel and stood outside the restaurant to observe.

In just a moment, a series of dazzling streams of light cut through the sky and approached the door of the hotel.

Bang bang! !

The door of the restaurant collapsed in an instant.

The guests in the restaurant were blown into powder.


Xiao Lingyu was furious, and with a wave of his hands, a golden light curtain suddenly formed, covering the entire restaurant, blocking the strong wind and power generated by the explosion.

"Xiao Lingyu, you dare to kill my Xiaoyao Palace disciples, you deserve to die!"

Thousands of cultivators, all of them were Xiaoyao Palace disciples, a total of six people.

The six of them were riding a huge, agile black dragon.

The six of them simultaneously drove the black dragon and rushed towards Xiao Lingyu.

"Are these people crazy? They actually used forbidden weapons without any regard for the consequences!"

"With so many forbidden weapons coming at me, even I had to retreat, but that guy didn't hide. He wouldn't be blown into pieces, but he would definitely be reduced to ashes, right?"

"Tsk tsk, so miserable, he was blown into pieces!"

The drinkers around were talking about it. Based on the previous fighting scene, they thought Xiao Lingyu would definitely die because Xiao Lingyu's cultivation was too low.


Xiao Lingyu was indeed blown into pieces, but before he died, he let out a shrill howl.

"Pretending!" A male cultivator sneered.

Bang! !

Before the man could finish his words, Xiao Lingyu's head was smashed into pieces by the exploding palm.

"The bold thief dares to sneak attack on our Xiaoyao Palace disciples, you must die!"

An old man with a long beard was furious, jumped towards Xiao Lingyu, and grabbed Xiao Lingyu's shoulder.

Xiao Lingyu did not dodge. He raised his left arm and resisted the palm of the long-bearded old man.

puff! ! !

As the blood mist flew across, the long-bearded old man's right arm was broken by Xiao Lingyu, and he staggered back, his face full of shock.

"He's alive! He's not dead!"

"He's not dead, let's run away!"

"He must have deliberately pretended to be dead to deceive us! Let's go!!"

When the thousands of monks in Xiaoyao Palace saw Xiao Lingyu's situation clearly, they immediately became confused and scrambled to flee.

"Want to run?"

Xiao Lingyu narrowed his eyes, and then turned into a white light and chased the Xiaoyao Palace monks.

The long-bearded old man was seriously injured and could not wield the sword, and his speed was much slower.

"Xiao Lingyu, please remember that if one day comes, I, Xiaoyao Palace, will slaughter your entire family!"

When the long-bearded old man saw this, he yelled angrily, took out two communication talismans, crushed them, and then ran forward with all his strength.

However, he didn't run very far before he stopped again.

Xiao Lingyu had already stopped in front of him and was staring at him with a playful look on his face.

"I, Xiaoyao Palace, are at odds with you!" The long-bearded old man gritted his teeth.

"Haha, do we have any grudge? I'm just a casual cultivator who came to Xiaoyao City to visit. Whether your Xiaoyao Palace has any grudge against me is none of my business." Xiao Lingyu laughed and said, "Since you're here, save your life!"

"How can I, Xiaoyao Palace, allow you to act wild?"

The long-bearded old man suddenly roared, and thick blood mist shot out from his body, and he himself turned into a skeleton in the blink of an eye.


At this moment, the crushed communication talisman suddenly released a red spiritual light that shot straight into the sky.


After the red spiritual light exploded, a huge phantom appeared out of thin air, and it reached out to grab Xiao Lingyu below.

At this time, Xiao Lingyu was still a hundred feet away from the long-bearded old man, but the huge shadow had already covered nearly half of the distance.

Xiao Lingyu's face changed slightly, his thoughts changed rapidly, then he jumped up and waved his palm to face the giant claw.

Tsk! !

The palm print tore through the void and hit the giant claw.

But the giant claw only trembled a few times, and then continued to press down as steadily as a mountain.

Xiao Lingyu's body was caught by the giant claw, but the giant claw quickly disappeared into the sky.

"Junior Brother Xiao!!"

Xiao Lingyu heard a familiar call and turned around to see Ye Xuan, dressed in plain clothes, flying over anxiously.

Xiao Lingyu didn't expect that he would meet the person he was most worried about here.

"Senior Brother Xiao, I'm sorry!"

Ye Xuan arrived in front of Xiao Lingyu, threw his sword to Xiao Lingyu, and said ashamedly.

"How did you become enemies with Xiaoyao Palace?" Xiao Lingyu asked in surprise.

"Oh, don't mention it..."

Ye Xuan sighed and said: "My junior sister and I passed by the gate of Xiaoyao City, and those six Xiaoyao Palace disciples came out of the city and insulted us with their words, so..."

Xiao Lingyu immediately understood what was going on. He pulled Ye Xuan aside and said, "You should leave quickly. There must be someone stronger in Xiaoyao Palace."

"Where's Senior Brother Xiao?" Ye Xuan asked in surprise.

"I can get out of trouble on my own, I don't need your help." Xiao Lingyu said calmly.

"We can't leave our benefactor and run away alone. We have to go together. Even if we die, at least we will die together." Ye Xuan shook his head and said.

"Hey!" Xiao Lingyu took a deep breath and said, "In that case, let's go together."

Although Ye Xuan has reached the state of Nirvana at a young age, there is only one person after all. It is simply difficult for the two of them to get rid of the huge shadow.

The phantom moved extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it caught up with them, and the phantom's huge open fingers had already clasped towards Xiao Lingyu.

Xiao Lingyu immediately took out the Silver Moon Broken Knife and slashed the phantom's wrist with all his strength.

Bang! !

The Silver Moon Broken Knife struck the huge wrist, only cutting a thin mark on the wrist.

However, the phantom also stopped moving and just stood still in the void.

"What a powerful magic weapon, it can actually cut my wrist!"

There was a look of shock on the face of the phantom, and then he said: "Boy, who are you?"

Xiao Lingyu did not answer, but offered the Chaos Spectrum.

As soon as the Chaos Spectrum appeared, a stream of devouring power surged out, making the phantom disappear in an instant.

"Brother Xiao, what was that just now?"

Ye Xuan couldn't help but ask.

"It should be a clone formed by some kind of magical power."

After Xiao Lingyu put away the chaos spectrum, he said: "I will take you to find your parents."

Ye Xuan nodded and followed Xiao Lingyu to Xiaoyao City.

After wandering around Xiaoyao City for a long time, Xiao Lingyu couldn't find Ye Xuan's father and mother.

Xiao Lingyu did know a place called Xiaoyao Sect, which was one of the eight branches under Xiaoyao Palace.

"Senior Brother Xiao, let's find another way."

Ye Xuan frowned and pondered for a moment, then said: "There are Nirvana-stage experts in Xiaoyao Palace. It is impossible for us to retaliate against them. Furthermore, there are nine Nirvana-stage experts in Xiaoyao Palace, and there are even more monks."

Xiao Lingyu said: "Take me to your Ye family first. Maybe you have clues there, or your parents may be there."

Ye Xuan hesitated for a moment, but agreed, and then took Xiao Lingyu to the southwest.

The mountain peak outside Xiaoyao City originally belonged to a giant python monster. The giant python has been dead for countless years, but the mountain range still maintains its original appearance, except that the surrounding peaks have been shaved off. , forming a flat and broad basin.

Xiao Lingyu stood on the top of the mountain, looking at the mountains and rivers in the distance, recalling the years he had lived here in his mind.

Once here, Xiao Lingyu could be regarded as a powerful figure, looking down on everyone, but now he is reduced to a prisoner.

Ye Xuan took Xiao Lingyu half a circle around the entire mountain range, but still found nothing special.

"No wonder my parents said there is a secret here. They thought the ancestor from Xiaoyao Palace might come here to hunt for treasure."

Ye Xuan shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity that they all guessed wrong. The ancestor has died long ago. He came here just to kill those monks who dared to insult him."

"How did you provoke Xiaoyao Palace?" Xiao Lingyu asked with a frown.

"It was the Xiaoyao Palace disciples who bullied us first. They blocked us in the valley and used despicable means to force us to hand over the materials we obtained..."

Ye Xuan recounted his experience and finally said: "Xiaoyao Palace is too overbearing. They even dug up the ancestral graves of our Ye family. We, the Ye family, were not willing to be humiliated, so we resisted desperately. My parents retreated in order to cover me." , all died in battle. After they died, I killed two more Xiaoyao Palace disciples before I broke out of the siege, but I was too weak and could not escape their pursuit in the end. "

"Alas!" Xiao Lingyu sighed, patted Ye Xuan's shoulder, and comforted: "Don't be sad, your parents love you very much, they hope you can cheer up and rebuild the Ye family, and I believe that one day, You will avenge them."

"I know, brother Xiao, you have to be good too." Ye Xuan said seriously.

"Yes." Xiao Lingyu nodded in agreement, and then left with Ye Xuan Yujian.

After flying three thousand miles, Ye Xuan asked again: "Senior Brother Xiao, where should we go?"

Xiao Lingyu said: "I don't know either, but I plan to go to the vicinity of Eternal City to check the situation first."

Ye Xuan nodded and said: "That's what I planned. The Eternal City is the most prosperous and lively place in Xiaoyao City. It is said that there are many rare treasures in Xiaoyao City. If you are lucky enough, you can also find some very powerful weapons. and elixirs.”

Xiao Lingyu smiled bitterly and said: "We are penniless now, and Xiaoyao City is definitely in chaos. It is hard to say whether we can enter Eternal City smoothly, let alone hunt for treasures. Even if we can enter smoothly, we may not be able to buy it. What a good thing." (End of chapter)

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