"Brother Xiao, don't worry, I have a way to make money."

Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a slightly strange expression: "Wait for me for a moment."

After saying this, Ye Xuan turned into a beam of light and shot into the ground.

After about half a cup of tea, Ye Xuan suddenly emerged from the ground. He took out a fist-sized spar and said to Xiao Lingyu: "Brother Xiao, this is a spiritual stone. It is a very high-level currency. As long as you are willing, When you join the Xiaoyao Sect, the disciples in the Xiaoyao Sect will issue bounty tasks, and you can collect spiritual stones in exchange for training resources. "

Xiao Lingyu shook his head and said: "I still like to make money on my own, let's go to Eternal City first."

Ye Xuan did not force it, he put away the spar and headed towards Xiaoyao City with Xiao Lingyu's sword.

"Brother Xiao, what kind of force is Xiaoyao Sect?"

Ye Xuan asked on the way.

"The Xiaoyao Sect has only three Nirvana stage elders in Xiaoyao City. They are all named Qin, but they do not live in the city. They live in seclusion in the mountains and forests outside the city." Xiao Lingyu explained.

Xiaoyao City is not too far from the mountain. With Xiao Lingyu's escape skills, he can reach Xiaoyao City in just one meal.

Xiaoyao City is the only main city in Xiaoyao City. It covers a large area and is comparable in scale to an ordinary dynasty.

Outside the gate of Xiaoyao City is a vast grassland. At the end of the grassland, there are several huge palace-style attics, and there is a row of houses next to the attics, which looks like the camp of Xiaoyao Palace.

Xiao Lingyu and Ye Xuan flew straight to the house area.

"Who are you two, who dare to break into Xiaoyao Palace without permission?"

When Xiao Lingyu and Ye Xuan flew to the building area, six young men wearing uniforms flew out of a house and intercepted Xiao Lingyu and them.

Xiao Lingyu glanced at the six men, then cupped his hands and said, "The two of us are casual cultivators who want to go to Xiaoyao Palace to see the ancestor of the noble sect."


One of the older men snorted disdainfully and said: "What kind of place is Xiaoyao Palace? How can you allow casual cultivators to come in at will? Get out of here, otherwise I will be rude to you!"

Xiao Lingyu said calmly: "What if we insist on going in?"

After the six men looked at each other, they all used their weapons to attack Xiao Lingyu.

"Since you want to die, then I will make it happen for you!"

A cold smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Lingyu's mouth, and then he waved his sleeves and robe, and six spears roared out, blasting six people away in an instant.

Although these men are still relatively young, they are all in the realm of God Kings. In the eyes of ordinary monks, they are already considered masters, but in front of Xiao Lingyu, they are not worth mentioning at all.

"You...how do you have the cultivation level of the Divine Lord?"

The older man who spoke just now said with a panicked expression: "Don't kill innocent people indiscriminately, otherwise you won't be able to get out of Xiaoyao City!"

"Are you threatening me?"

Xiao Lingyu asked with a fierce look in his eyes: "Since you are so ignorant of praise, let me send you on your way!"

The older man gritted his teeth and said: "I am a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect. If you kill me, I, the Xiaoyao Sect, will definitely fight you until death!"

Xiao Lingyu squinted his eyes and asked, "Which elder of Xiaoyao Sect are you under?"

The older man held his head high and said: "My master is the leader of Xiaoyao Sect. If you are not afraid that my master will chase you, just kill me."

Xiao Lingyu shook his head indifferently and said, "If your master chases me, you will die too."

The older man sneered: "Are you worthy?"

Xiao Lingyu was too lazy to talk nonsense. He grabbed it with his right hand and the older man flew in front of him.

Immediately, Xiao Lingyu's left arm suddenly reached out, grabbed the man's neck, and then lifted the man up.

Xiao Lingyu didn't use any skills or means, he simply relied on physical strength, so after the man was pinched, his cheeks turned red, his eyeballs bulged, and his entire face seemed to be deformed and distorted.

When Ye Xuan saw this scene, his expression suddenly changed and he hurriedly shouted: "Don't kill him."

Xiao Lingyu let go of the young man, and the young man fell down like a green onion.

After the older man fell to the ground, he coughed violently and it took him a long time to calm down.

"You...you dare to kill the disciples of Xiaoyao Sect, my master will never spare you!"

The older man glared at Xiao Lingyu and shouted.

"Let me ask you again, who are you from the Xiaoyao Sect?" Xiao Lingyu asked in a deep voice.

"I...I am..."

As soon as the young man opened his mouth, he was interrupted by Ye Xuan, who accused: "Senior Brother Xiao is helping you, please don't mess around."

"shut up!"

The older man turned to glare at Ye Xuan and reprimanded: "How can you call us Xiaoyao Sect disciples names casually? Do you know that my master's name is resounding throughout the Southern Wilderness!"

"Oh?" Xiao Lingyu asked with great interest: "What is your master's name?"

"I...my master's name is Qin Mingfeng, and he is a super strong man in the late stage of the Heavenly Tribulation!" the older man replied confidently.

"Qin Mingfeng, haha, I remember it." Xiao Lingyu nodded, then raised his eyebrows at the young man and said, "Tell me, where is Qin Mingfeng retreating?"

"Hmph - you don't even want to know that if you kill me, Master Qin will definitely avenge me." The young man replied arrogantly.

"Okay then, I'll cripple your skills first, and then throw you outside the walls of Xiaoyao City to feed the wild beasts!"

Xiao Lingyu said coldly, and then pointed at the young man's eyebrows.

The young man fell into a coma before he could even scream, and Xiao Lingyu performed the soul-searching secret technique to obtain all the information.

Qin Mingfeng was indeed the headmaster of Xiaoyao Sect, and his cultivation was at the peak of the Divine King realm. He was extremely powerful, but Xiao Lingyu did not think it was difficult to deal with Qin Mingfeng.

"Let's go to the north of the city!"

After putting the unconscious young man into the storage ring, Xiao Lingyu took Ye Xuan and continued to walk to the north of the city.

The north of the city is the core area of ​​Xiaoyao Palace, and it is also the place where Xiaoyao Palace recruits cultivators.

There are a large number of casual cultivators gathered there. They are all eager to join Xiaoyao Palace, not only because they have the opportunity to obtain the divine magic weapons and immortal magic powers bestowed by Xiaoyao Sect, but also because Xiaoyao Sect has extremely rich divine crystals for them to practice.

No matter which sect it is, divine crystals are always the most important thing. It can make cultivators practice more diligently and diligently, and it can also make cultivators have a higher success rate when crossing the Divine King Thunder Tribulation.

Of course, Xiaoyao Sect is a first-class force after all, and its resources should be very abundant, but Xiaoyao Sect rarely accepts disciples.

As for Qin Mingfeng, he is the elder of Xiaoyao Sect. He is responsible for recruiting independent cultivators and guarding Xiaoyao City on weekdays. His actual duties are equivalent to a general manager of Xiaoyao Sect.

Xiao Lingyu and Ye Xuan came to the north of the city and found that there were many independent cultivators here, but no one dared to challenge Xiao Lingyu and the others.

After the two settled down in an inn, Ye Xuan took out a communication bead and sent a message, telling him that he had found Xiao Lingyu's whereabouts and hoped that Xiaoyao Sect could send experts to support as soon as possible.

Half an hour later, an old man with white hair and a youthful face hurried over with a group of cultivators. He was Qin Mingfeng, the head of Xiaoyao Sect.

"Headmaster Qin, you are here!"

The young man saluted respectfully.

"You can leave now. The rest of the matter will be handled by the master himself." Qin Mingfeng waved his hand.

After the young man left, Qin Mingfeng frowned and asked, "My friend, what are you doing in Xiaoyao Palace?"

Xiao Lingyu replied, "I heard that Qin Mingyu, the beloved disciple of Qin Zongjiao, was thrown out of Xiaoyao City by me after his dantian was destroyed. I came to see Qin Zongjiao and hope that he can give me an explanation."

Qin Mingfeng said, "You hurt my beloved disciple and threw him out of the city. Do you still need me to explain to you?"

Xiao Lingyu shrugged and said, "Qin Zongjiao misunderstood me. Qin Mingyu bullied the good and was cruel and vicious. I couldn't stand him, so I defeated him and destroyed his dantian. Now he wants to kill me again. I didn't kill him directly. I have already let him go. If you don't give me an explanation, Explanation, then I can only seek the truth myself. "

Qin Mingfeng narrowed his eyes and stared at Xiao Lingyu for a moment, and asked: "Who are you?"

Xiao Lingyu replied: "Junior Xiao Lingyu."

Qin Mingfeng said: "Do you recognize the Xiaoyao Order?"

Xiao Lingyu shook his head and said: "Junior I don't know."

Qin Mingfeng said meaningfully: "Xiaoyao Sect has 3,000 disciples, and every disciple has the Xiaoyao Order in hand. If you are a disciple of Xiaoyao Sect, you should not be unaware of the Xiaoyao Order. No matter where you come from, since you are a disciple of Xiaoyao Sect, I advise you to surrender obediently, otherwise I guarantee that you will be in trouble!"

"Do you think I will surrender?" Xiao Lingyu asked back.

"Hmph! You are not my opponent. If you want to escape, you can win as long as you leave the range of Xiaoyao City. But if you stay here and fight against me, the result may not be optimistic. You'd better give up as soon as possible to avoid physical pain." Qin Mingfeng said lightly.

Although Xiao Lingyu didn't quite understand what the Xiaoyao Order represented, he guessed that the Xiaoyao Order should be a symbol of the Xiaoyao Sect.

"Sorry, I'm not a coward who is afraid of death. I'm here to seek justice. You Xiaoyao Sect must give me a proper explanation!" Xiao Lingyu said firmly.

"If that's the case, then it's not my fault."

Qin Mingfeng finished speaking and slapped Xiao Lingyu with a slap. A mighty force, mixed with a strong destructive force, swept over with a rumble.

This slap was so powerful that even an ordinary Divine Lord cultivator would probably not be able to withstand it.

However, Xiao Lingyu was not afraid at all. He sacrificed the Hongmeng Xuanhuang Ding and blocked it in front of him after activating it.


The moment the palm print hit the Hongmeng Xuanhuang Ding, Xiao Lingyu was pushed several feet away by a huge force, but he did not move at all.


Qin Mingfeng was quite surprised. He didn't expect that his full-strength palm could not do anything to this young guy.

After Xiao Lingyu stabilized himself, he immediately activated the Chaos Magic Fist and punched Qin Mingfeng's head.

Qin Mingfeng did not dodge and raised his hand to meet Xiao Lingyu.


Xiao Lingyu was blown away.


Qin Mingfeng was obviously surprised.

"I want to see what you are so powerful!"

Qin Mingfeng shouted and slapped Xiao Lingyu again.

Xiao Lingyu raised his fist to fight.

Bang! Bang! Bang! ...

Xiao Lingyu relied on the Chaos Xuanhuang Cauldron to fight against Qin Mingfeng, the head of Xiaoyao Sect.

Not only is Xiao Lingyu's body comparable to the level of a Nine-turn Loose Immortal, but he also contains five ancient void roads in his body. In terms of the defense ability of his body alone, it is definitely not inferior to that of a late-stage Nine-turn Loose Immortal cultivator.

Xiao Lingyu was constantly blown away by Qin Mingfeng, but he did not suffer any damage.

"Headmaster Qin is indeed extraordinary."

After Xiao Lingyu stabilized himself, he bowed and said.

Qin Mingfeng sneered a few times and asked: "Your Excellency, you are really not simple. Where are you from?"

Xiao Lingyu pondered slightly and said: "This junior comes from the sky star."

Qin Mingfeng nodded and said: "It turns out you are a monk from the Cangqiongxing. No wonder you have the Chaos Magic Weapon."

Xiao Lingyu shook his head and said: "This junior only has the Chaos Demon Infant, and has not yet given birth to the Nascent Soul."

Qin Mingfeng asked doubtfully: "Then why is your body so powerful?"

Xiao Lingyu replied calmly: "This junior has a puppet body, and that puppet's physical body is extremely strong."

Qin Mingfeng nodded and said, "You are indeed from Cangqiongxing."

Xiao Lingyu said: "I took the liberty of visiting this time and asked Master Qin to help me find Mingyu."

Qin Mingfeng pondered for a moment and said: "Mingyu was indeed injured, but he has not died yet. Come with me, and I will take you to find him."

After saying that, Qin Mingfeng walked towards the top floor of the pavilion.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to take a few friends with me." Xiao Lingyu reminded.

Qin Mingfeng did not object and took Ye Xi, Zhao Long, Jiang Lanshang and Ye Xi's mother to the top floor.

There is a wooden door on the top floor. There is a golden talisman on the door, which looks like a forbidden formation.

After Qin Mingfeng took out the Xiaoyao Ling, he pasted it on the right side of the golden talisman paper.

Buzz! !

The wooden door suddenly opened, and there was a completely different world inside.

Qin Mingfeng stepped in first, then turned around and closed the wooden door.

"Let's go in." Qin Mingfeng said to the people behind him.

Ye Xi hesitated for a moment, then followed through the door.

"You all should follow," Qin Mingfeng said to Zhao Long and others.

Ye Xi and others entered the room one after another.

There are four chairs in the room, a chessboard, a pot of tea, and a black and white jade tablet. Other than that, there are no extra decorations.

"Sit down and talk."

Qin Mingfeng pointed to the two chairs next to him.

Everyone sat down as instructed, Xiao Lingyu and Ye Xi were naturally next to each other, and the others sat on the left and right respectively.

"If you want to ask me for help, I will naturally do my best, but I hope you can show some sincerity, such as spiritual beads or crystal cores. After all, our Xiaoyao Sect has a rule a long time ago that we are not allowed to collect any people or items without authorization, let alone It is allowed to exchange the spirit pearl crystal core for the treasure," Qin Mingfeng said calmly.

"Headmaster Qin, you heard what I just said. This junior doesn't know what the disciples of your sect have done, so there are no spirit beads or crystal cores." Xiao Lingyu shook his head.

"Since you don't understand, I'll tell you."

Qin Mingfeng sighed and said: "Mingyu, this child, is extremely talented and hard-working. He is the most outstanding genius of Xiaoyao Sect in millions of years. He has a proud and arrogant personality and always likes to cause trouble with his sword. This is something I don't want to do." Would like to see it.”

"Headmaster Qin, you are also an elder of Xiaoyao Sect. Don't you know about Mingyu's bad deeds outside?" Xiao Lingyu asked. (End of chapter)

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