Qin Mingfeng nodded and said: "I do know. However, it was just a small mistake and not worth mentioning. Our Xiaoyao Sect has a long history. I don't know how many big mistakes I have made, and this one is no different."

Xiao Lingyu said: "What Headmaster Qin said makes sense, and I agree with it."

Ye Xi said: "Uncle Qin, Mingyu is your direct disciple, are you just watching him be arrested?"

Qin Mingfeng said: "Mingyu is my direct disciple. Of course I will not watch him suffer. However, the ancestral precepts of the Xiaoyao Sect are there. We cannot violate them. Only if I break through to the realm of the God Emperor can the Xiaoyao Sect return to its peak. . And I need a lot of resources and merits to break through the realm of the God Emperor. I can ask for these things from your Xiaoyao Sect. As long as you give me a corresponding reward, I don’t mind working hard for the Xiaoyao Sect. But the current situation is that I don’t know at all. How to break through, let alone help Mingyu get out of trouble, all I can do now is help you find the whereabouts of the murderer."

Ye Xi gritted his teeth and said, "Uncle Qin, can you really bear to see Mingyu being arrested?"

After Qin Mingfeng was silent for a moment, he said: "Now my cultivation has been stagnant for many years. If I want to break through to the late stage of the God Emperor, there is no chance at all without paying a very high price, so I don't want to delay my opportunity to advance by saving Mingyu. , you go."

Ye Xi said: "What if this junior doesn't leave?"

Qin Mingfeng narrowed his eyes and said, "If you are stubborn, I won't mind killing you."

Xiao Lingyu quickly intercepted Ye Xi and said: "Forget it, since Master Qin is not willing to help us, then we just leave."

After saying this, he took Ye Xi's arm and walked towards the stairs first.

Qin Mingfeng did not stop him, but a sneer appeared on his lips.

After leaving the room, Xiao Lingyu quickly left Xiaoyao City with Ye Xi and Zhao Long.

In a village near Xiaoyao City, after the four of them settled down, Ye Xi said to Xiao Lingyu worriedly: "Brother Xiao, are we going to give up on Mingyu like this?"

Xiao Lingyu frowned and said: "If Qin Mingfeng is willing to help, we will save Mingyu even if we risk our lives. Unfortunately, he has no such idea. We should try to find out what happened in Xiaoyao Sect and then make plans."

Zhao Long said worriedly: "Although Mingyu is arrogant and domineering, he is the master's direct disciple after all. If the master leaves him alone, he will probably die at the hands of the enemy."

Jiang Lan shook his head and said: "I don't think the headmaster will ignore it. We just need to wait patiently now."

Ye Xi said: "We'd better think of a way to make Headmaster Qin change his mind."

Xiao Lingyu said: "Don't act too hastily, let's take a long-term view."

Ye Xi nodded and said: "Okay, let's do what Brother Xiao wants. We are not qualified to challenge the headmaster yet."

In Ye Xi's view, Qin Mingfeng is a super strong person in the middle stage of God King, and they cannot shake it. At least she has no confidence that she can escape from the hands of a strong person in the middle stage of God King.

After Xiao Lingyu and the other five people settled in, there was an uproar within the Xiaoyao Sect.

Mingyu is a famous thorn in Xiaoyao Sect, and he is also the kind of thorn who is fearless. No matter who it is, as long as he angers him, he will definitely find ways to retaliate.

However, Mingyu's cultivation talent is extremely good. He reached the early stage of Nirvana when he was twenty years old. In just a few thousand years, he has broken through to the late stage of Nirvana.

But just half a year ago, Mingyu actually sneaked into the valley where Xiaoyao Sect hid the spirit bead crystal cores and stole seven of them. Then he walked away, not only destroying the spirit bead crystal cores in the treasure house, but also taking away them. A high-grade spiritual treasure collected by Xiaoyao Sect.

The elders who were present that day, including Qin Mingfeng, had no idea. It wasn't until one morning half a year later that someone discovered Mingyu's body, and the Xiaoyao Sect exploded and sent out all the troops to search Mingyu.

Qin Mingfeng was an extremely cautious person. After he found out that his son was dead, he immediately contacted the head of the Xiaoyao Sect.

The leader of the Xiaoyao Sect immediately led a group of powerful men to investigate, but they could not find any clues about Mingyu even after searching the entire Xiaoyao Sect.

The leader of Xiaoyao Sect was furious on the spot and threw Mingyu's body into the fire pit and burned it.

However, what Mingyu said before he died aroused the suspicion of all the elders. He said that he was wrongly accused and left a letter.

The general content of the letter was that the seven spiritual pearl cores he had stolen did not exist at all, and he did not know their whereabouts. He just wanted to use this high-grade spiritual treasure to improve his cultivation.

Another part of the letter stated that Ming Yu was seeking asylum from the Xiaoyao Sect. He hoped that the Xiaoyao Sect could send people to help find the seven spirit bead crystal cores, and that what he owed the Xiaoyao Sect would be doubled in the future.

Mingyu's parents also tried to persuade Mingyu to stop messing around, but Mingyu couldn't listen at all, and even yelled at them with very strong words, which eventually forced them to run away from home with hatred.

After long discussion, the top leaders of Xiaoyao Sect decided that Qin Mingfeng would come forward to find Mingyu and let Mingyu join the treasure hunting team. However, Mingyu did not agree at all, so a bloody fight began. The result was that Mingyu was defeated miserably and was Imprisoned.

In the Xiaoyao Sect, Mingyu was also a well-respected genius, but this genius was too arrogant and domineering, and he was arrogant. He offended many people and provoked many enemies.


Ye Xi sighed with deep regret and said: "If he is really wronged, he is so wronged, and his parents must be wronged too."

Xiao Lingyu said: "Maybe, anyway, I don't think Qin Mingfeng is a good person."

Zhao Long asked, "What should we do next?"

Xiao Lingyu pondered for a moment and said, "I do have a suggestion..."

In the next few days, Xiao Lingyu took the two people to wander around Xiaoyao City and kept asking about the news of Xiaoyao Sect.

The three of them did not dare to approach Xiaoyao City. After all, Xiaoyao Sect was a first-class sect, and its deterrent power was unquestionable.

Xiaoyao Sect was far away from the town where Xiao Lingyu and others lived, so the three stayed in this town for three months and still did not gain anything.

Xiao Lingyu and others changed another place to continue exploring.

It took another ten days, and the three arrived at a town called Tianxing again.

Tianxing Town is the intersection of hundreds of mortal realms around Xiaoyao City. It gathers hundreds of millions of cultivators and monsters, as well as countless spiritual materials and treasures.

According to Ye Xi, Xiaoyao Sect would organize an elite group to go to various mortal worlds every hundred years to search for precious natural treasures or exotic treasures, and Xiaoyao Sect would also give corresponding rewards according to the properties and years of those natural treasures or exotic treasures. For example, a top-grade spirit bead is enough to exchange for ten top-grade immortal stones; while a rare treasure like a low-grade holy weapon or a top-grade spirit treasure requires more top-grade immortal stones or top-grade spirit treasures to exchange.

Tianxing Town is the only place in Xiaoyao City with top-grade spirit beads. Xiaoyao Sect would come here to purchase a large number of top-grade spirit beads every hundred years.

Although top-grade spirit beads are not as important as medium-grade spirit beads, they are very valuable. Xiaoyao Sect would purchase a considerable amount of materials from foreign regions every year to replenish the resources consumed by Xiaoyao Sect.

The purpose of Xiao Lingyu and the other three coming to Tianxing Town is to take advantage of the time when Xiaoyao Sect is purchasing materials and take back the seven spirit bead crystal cores taken away by Mingyu.

Xiaoyao Sect is a first-class sect with strong strength. If they act rashly, they will surely encounter a catastrophe. Therefore, the three of them planned to carry out this hijacking in secret, and wait for the Xiaoyao Sect to complete the purchase, and then wait for an opportunity to sneak into the Xiaoyao Sect.

During the Xiaoyao Sect's purchase, Xiao Lingyu and others had been hiding outside Tianxing Town, waiting for the Xiaoyao Sect's people to appear.

The agreed day soon arrived, and a group of powerful people from the Xiaoyao Sect came in a mighty force, with more than 3,000 people.

The clothes of these more than 3,000 people were uniform, with a golden sword-shaped pattern embroidered on their chests.

These more than 3,000 people all wore a soft sword with a cold glow on their waists, and the scabbard was also inlaid with golden beads.

The strength of these more than 3,000 people was very strong, among which there were two nine-turn sky-controlling masters, four eight-turn nirvana peak masters, one nine-turn sky-controlling master, and one eight-turn nirvana peak master.

Such a lineup is considered powerful in the entire battlefield of gods and demons. Except for the major sects in the northwest of the Eternal Continent, other forces can hardly do anything to Xiaoyao Sect.

Such a large team entered Tianxing Town and immediately caused a sensation.

"It is Xiaoyao Sect. I didn't expect that even they were alarmed."

"It is said that this is led by Deputy Sect Master Qin himself. This time, there will probably be many powerful spiritual pill masters participating. Those spiritual pill masters are very powerful."

"Hehe, Mingyu may not be able to escape this time. No matter how powerful he is, he can't beat Deputy Sect Master Qin."


The more than 3,000 people of Xiaoyao Sect flew straight to Tianxing Restaurant.

The reason why Xiaoyao Sect chose to purchase supplies near Xiaoyao City is because the walls of Xiaoyao City are strong enough and the defense is tight. Even if a strong person breaks in, he can't easily break through the walls of Xiaoyao City, let alone attack Xiaoyao City. If the walls are broken, even if all the cultivators in Xiaoyao City are dead, they will not frown.

The guests in Tianxing Restaurant saw the people from Xiaoyao Sect coming here, and they all avoided them.

"Look, the one wearing the green brocade robe is Qin Mingfeng, and his parents are here too." Someone pointed at Qin Mingfeng and whispered to his companions beside him.

"Well, his parents do look abnormal, their faces are pale, and their eyes are red."

"Alas, their son made a mistake, they must feel bad."

"Qin Mingfeng is the son of the deputy leader of Xiaoyao Sect, they will definitely not escape this time."


Qin Mingfeng and his parents went up to the second floor amid the discussion of the crowd.

"Hello, Deputy Leader Qin."

"Deputy Leader Qin, welcome to Tianxing Town."

The hotel owner and an old man hurried over and greeted them with a smile.

Qin Mingfeng nodded indifferently and took his parents into a guest room.

"Dad, Mom..."

After entering the guest room, Mingyu couldn't help but kneel down.

"My son, we are sorry for you. Now we have implicated you." Mingyu's mother burst into tears.

"My son doesn't blame you. This matter has nothing to do with you. I did something wrong." Mingyu shook his head and said.

"Humph! I knew you would shirk responsibility. Do you think it's over if you don't admit it?"

At this moment, a clear and pleasant female voice came, and then a beautiful woman in a goose yellow dress and graceful figure walked in.

The woman was tall, with white skin and beautiful facial features. She exuded a charming style in her every frown and smile.

Mingyu looked up at the beautiful woman and asked calmly: "Who are you?"

The woman snorted coldly and said: "You don't need to care who I am. You just need to remember that I came here today to seek justice for Xiaoyao Sect!"

Then, she took out a jade slip and handed it to Qin Mingfeng.

Qin Mingfeng put the jade slip against his forehead. After a while, he opened his eyes with a shocked expression and said, "Where is Junior Brother Mingyu?"

"Do you still want to pretend to be stupid?" the woman asked.

"It wasn't me. I really didn't know Mingyu had died." Qin Mingfeng said with a blank look on his face.

"No need to act. When Junior Brother Mingyu killed a powerful beast that was comparable to the Tribulation Stage outside Xiaoyao City, you were not present." The woman shook her head.


Qin Mingfeng couldn't help but widen his eyes when the woman mentioned this matter.

"Since you know that Junior Brother Mingyu is dead, you should pay the price and hand over the storage bag obediently." The woman said confidently.

Qin Mingfeng hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Sorry, I don't have a storage bag on me."

The woman's face changed slightly, her tone became much colder, and she said: "Without a storage bag, you must have carried a lot of spirit stones, right? Hand over the spirit stones, otherwise your family of three will only become food for the Xiaoyao Sect. "

"I... don't have spirit stones." Qin Mingfeng shook his head.

"No spiritual stone?"

The woman said angrily: "I don't believe it!"

Then the woman waved her hand and shot out a ray of black light, hitting Qin Mingfeng.

Qin Mingfeng immediately released his shield to resist.


A clear sound came out, and his shield was pierced by the woman's black light.

When the woman saw this, her expression suddenly changed and she quickly withdrew her black light.

"How... is this possible?!" The woman was horrified.

Qin Mingfeng also had a look of surprise on his face.

"I don't care if you have spiritual stones on you or not. You and your family of three must hand over your storage bags immediately, otherwise you will wait to be eaten!" the woman shouted.

The three members of Mingyu's family looked at each other and remained silent.

Seeing that the other party seemed determined to eat his parents, Mingyu gritted his teeth and said, "It's just a few high-grade spiritual stones. I'll give them to you."

Qin Mingfeng pulled Mingyu's sleeve to stop Mingyu.

Qin Mingfeng looked at the woman and said, "What do you want?"

The woman said: "It's very simple. We will search every part of your body. If there is no spirit stone, we will kill you."

Mingyu took out a Na ring from the Qiankun ring and threw it towards the woman.

"Senior Brother Mingyu!"


The shopkeeper and the old man both shouted eagerly.

"I'm willing to cooperate!"

Mingyu, however, resolutely threw Najie to the woman.

"Haha...you know what's going on."

The woman laughed and reached out to grab Na Na Ring.

Just when Najie was still half a meter away from her, she suddenly felt a chill on her neck, and then found that an arrow emitting purple flames had pierced her throat.


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