The purple rocket suddenly exploded, turning into a sky full of purple smoke and disappearing into thin air.

The woman was stunned for a moment, then she squatted down slowly, holding her throat.


"The lady was killed!"

There were noisy exclamations in the floor, but no one dared to rush up to help.

The woman slowly fell down, holding her throat, and finally had no breath, obviously dead.


With a sound of breaking through the air, a black afterimage swept over at high speed and appeared in the floor in an instant.

"You... you are... Xiaoyao Sect Master Xiaoyao Sect Master!"

"How could Xiaoyao Sect Master appear here?"


The appearance of Xiaoyao Sect Master immediately caused an uproar, and the whole hall was boiling.

Xiaoyao Sect Master had a blank expression on his face, stepped on the chest of Qin Mingfeng who had just stood up, looked down at the people below, and his cold voice spread to every corner of the hall.

"Where are the rules of my Xiaoyao Sect?"

When the Xiaoyao Sect Master said this, everyone trembled all over, knelt down in fear, and said: "Please forgive us, Sect Master! We didn't know that this was ordered by the Sect Master..."

"You bunch of trash, what's the point of Xiaoyao Sect keeping you?" The Xiaoyao Sect Master roared angrily: "Do you know? Mingyu, who I spent all my efforts to cultivate, died outside, and now you actually told me that you didn't even know he was dead!"

"I have cultivated you in the Xiaoyao Sect, provided you with food and clothes, and even made you a powerful martial king. Now that he is dead, you want to leave the Xiaoyao Sect and escape alone. You are really a group of wolves and dogs. I am so good to you!"

The more the Xiaoyao Sect Master spoke, the more excited he became, and the higher his voice became.

His eyes were red, as if he wanted to eat everyone in the Xiaoyao Sect alive.

Everyone was trembling with fear. They were not afraid of the Xiaoyao Sect Master, but the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall standing behind him.

Although there were only four martial kings among the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall, two of them were at the peak of the martial king realm, and the other two had even reached the late stage of the martial king realm, which was enough to sweep across the entire Qingyang City.

Therefore, how could the people of Xiaoyao Sect dare to resist?

"Master... spare my life..." The people of Xiaoyao Sect begged bitterly.

"Spare my life? What's the use of sparing my life?" The master of Xiaoyao Sect said coldly: "You don't deserve it!"

After that, the master of Xiaoyao Sect stretched out his big hand, grabbed a person's head fiercely, and broke the person's neck alive.

Immediately, he threw the body of the person aside, looked at the remaining people of Xiaoyao Sect again, and said coldly: "Since you are so ungrateful, I will fulfill your wish."

After speaking, he flicked his finger and a strong wind flew out.


Blood sprayed, and a small crack appeared between the eyebrows of a law enforcement disciple of Xiaoyao Sect.

In the blink of an eye, all the disciples of Xiaoyao Sect were killed in his hands.

"Master...what are you doing?" the shopkeeper asked with a pale face.

The Xiaoyao Master grinned and said, "What? Of course, to destroy the Xiaoyao Sect."

"I have asked someone to calculate, and your death anniversary is coming soon."

"What do you mean?" Qin Mingfeng said with a puzzled look on his face.

"I mean, you are going to die soon." The Xiaoyao Master said.

Hearing this, Qin Mingfeng frowned and said, "We have never met you, why do you want to kill us?"

"If you are not Mingyu's relatives and friends, do you think I would say so much nonsense to you?" The Xiaoyao Master said sarcastically.

Qin Mingfeng sighed and said, "Are we destined to die here tonight?"

"You are quite smart, but unfortunately too stupid." The Xiaoyao Master said lightly.

"In this case, let's fight to the death." Qin Mingfeng suddenly said sharply.

"Haha, you ants want to fight me?"

The leader of Xiaoyao Sect glanced at Qin Mingfeng and Mingyu with contempt, and said: "To tell you the truth, the person who came to kill you tonight was not Mingyu, but an elder of my Xiaoyao Sect."

Qin Mingfeng's heart skipped a beat.

He guessed that Mingyu was killed by his enemy, but he never thought that it would be the elder who did it himself, and Mingyu's enemy was not just an elder.

But this is normal. Which force doesn't want to take a genius like Mingyu for themselves?

Once Mingyu died, Xiaoyao Sect would suffer huge losses.

This also led to the leader of Xiaoyao Sect sending an elder to sneak into Xiaoyao City to assassinate Mingyu and destroy Xiaoyao Sect.

Qin Mingfeng took a deep breath and said, "What did Mingyu do wrong that you should sacrifice him for your benefit?!"

"Hehe, Mingyu is indeed a very good kid, but he is a loner and doesn't like to make friends, and you are the ones he cares about the most, so..."

The corner of Xiaoyao Sect Master's mouth drew a trace of arc, and he smiled and said, "Mingyu can only die."

After listening to Xiaoyao Sect Master's explanation, Qin Mingfeng finally understood, and couldn't help shaking his head and smiling bitterly, "It turns out that Mingyu's death was just because of us."

Xiaoyao Sect Master said lightly: "Mingyu is my only son, how can I leave him alone, don't worry, you die for Mingyu, and when Mingyu is resurrected, I will definitely train him into a top genius."

Qin Mingfeng's heart was full of sorrow.

The son he had worked so hard to teach died in the hands of his most respected father.

Qin Mingfeng will never be able to bear this kind of pain and blow!

"Mingyu was killed by you, you should pay for his life!" Qin Mingfeng said hoarsely.

"We are his parents, and we have the right to decide his life and death. Besides, we killed him to protect you and save your lives!"

"If we had discovered the clues earlier and rescued Mingyu in time, maybe something like this wouldn't have happened."

Xiaoyao Sect Master was silent for a moment, then his words changed slightly, and he said: "But because Mingyu died for you, I will give you a way to live. As long as you promise me one thing, I will not kill you. Otherwise, I will Don’t blame me for being cruel!”

"Don't even think about it!"

Qin Mingfeng gritted his teeth and said: "You despicable villain, I would rather go to hell with Mingyu than live!"

"Hmph! You are so stubborn!" Xiaoyao Sect Master snorted coldly.

Seeing this, Qin Mingfeng closed his eyes and prepared to die generously.

But at this moment, Qin Mingfeng felt a tap on his shoulder.

He opened his eyes and found that the person filming him was Mingyu.

Mingyu looked at Xiaoyao Sect Master with an expressionless face and said calmly: "Master, my disciple is unfilial and I can't share your troubles with you anymore. I will take the first step."

Before he finished speaking, Mingyu crushed the jade token directly.

Immediately afterwards, in the shocked eyes of Qin Mingfeng and others, Mingyu's body surface flashed with dazzling white light, and his body expanded rapidly.

In just a few breaths, Mingyu's body suddenly swelled to five meters high.

He looked up to the sky and roared, then swung a huge fist and hit his chest. With a bang, his chest collapsed, his sternum was completely broken, he vomited blood, and his breath was sluggish.

"This..." Seeing this scene, Qin Mingfeng's face twitched violently.

"Hahaha, are you finally willing to call me master?" Master Xiaoyao laughed, with a look of ecstasy and excitement on his face.

"Mingyu..." Qin Lan's pretty face turned pale instantly, and tears burst into her eyes.

Mingyu's body slowly fell to the ground, completely losing his breath.

Qin Mingfeng trembled all over. He knew that from now on, there would never be Mingyu again.

When Mingyu died, their family of three was separated.

"Master, please forgive me for not being able to accompany you," Qin Lan murmured, heartbroken.

Qin Lan felt extremely regretful. She regretted why she had left her hometown. If she had stayed in the village, things like today would not have happened.

But there is no regret medicine in the world, everything has become a foregone conclusion.

Seeing Mingyu's figure gradually disappearing, Qin Mingfeng felt panicked, and he suddenly rushed towards Mingyu.


Suddenly, Qin Mingfeng's figure paused, and a terrifying force poured into his body like a tide, suppressing him and leaving him powerless to resist.

"You...why aren't you dead?!" Qin Mingfeng looked at Mingyu in shock. He didn't notice Mingyu's existence at all, let alone Mingyu's breathing.

Mingyu lowered his head and said in an extremely hoarse voice: "Master, I don't want to die, so I can only let you die in my place."

As he spoke, Mingyu slowly raised his head, with a gentle smile on his face, as if he had seen through Qin Mingfeng's thoughts, and said with a smile: "Master, I'm sorry."

After saying this, Mingyu suddenly activated his power and directly knocked Qin Mingfeng away.


Mingyu crashed through the wall and flew out, finally falling outside the house.

At this moment, a bright light shone on the surface of Mingyu's body, and the light became stronger and stronger, gradually covering the entire room.

"Mingyu!" Qin Lan cried heartbreakingly, tears streaming down her face, and she felt extremely distressed.

"Mingyu..." Qin Mingfeng looked at Mingyu blankly, feeling extremely sad in his heart.


The air fluctuated, and Mingyu turned into a brilliant flame that burned and merged quickly.


Qin Lan ran out like crazy.

"You brat!" Xiaoyao Sect Master's gloomy old face became ferocious, "Since you want to die, then I will help you!"

Qin Mingfeng's body collapsed on the ground.

"call out!"

Xiaoyao Sect Leader jumped up and shot towards Qin Mingfeng.


Xiaoyao Sect Master stepped on the ground with his feet and punched Qin Mingfeng with the power to destroy mountains and rivers.

"Crack, click, click!"

Wherever the fist strikes, the void shatters into pieces, all air is annihilated, and the power is unparalleled!


In an instant, Qin Mingfeng spurted out several mouthfuls of blood, with a look of despair on his face.

Is this the attack of a strong man in the True Martial Realm?

It was absolutely terrifying.

Even though they were far apart, Qin Mingfeng still felt a destructive energy coming towards his face, a suffocating feeling in his body, and his muscles and bones were numb.

"Mingyu, I'm here to find you..."

Qin Mingfeng gently caressed the sleeping baby in his arms, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a kind smile, and then turned around resolutely to face the domineering and fierce punch.


When Qin Mingfeng passed by his fist, a golden brilliance passed by.

A majestic figure appeared in front of Qin Mingfeng.

"Master, I'm late." Mingyu saluted respectfully, looking extremely excited and excited.

The person who came was surprisingly Qin Mingfeng's newly accepted disciple - Mingyu.

"Mingyu?" Xiaoyao Sect Leader raised his eyebrows.

"Mingyu, it's me!" Qin Lan shouted hurriedly, her beautiful eyes filled with tears.

Mingyu immediately picked up Qin Lan and asked with concern: "Mother, why are you here?"

"Woo..." Qin Lan couldn't help crying and said, "Your father was captured by bad guys. Mother was afraid that you were in danger, so she rushed over to help you."

Hearing this, Mingyu's expression turned cold and he said in a cold voice: "Who is it? If you dare to bully my father, I will never forgive him!"

Looking at Mingyu at this time, Qin Mingfeng froze on the spot, sluggish.

This young man is completely different from his previous appearance.

He had grown much taller, and his face was firm and angular.

He is tall, slender and handsome, and his green shirt is blowing in the wind.

Qin Mingfeng has never seen a boy as good-looking as Mingyu.

Especially the temperament around Mingyu at this time makes people feel a little misunderstood.

He seems to have become a different person!

Although Mingyu's body was filled with the strong smell of blood, he looked sunny, healthy, and energetic, as if he was a different person.

Looking at the strange yet familiar Mingyu in front of him, Qin Mingfeng had a dreamlike feeling, as if everything did not belong to him.

He suddenly remembered that when Qin Mingfeng brought his daughter back to worship his father, he met this senior brother Mingyu.

Mingyu is about the same size as Mingfeng. Because Qin Mingfeng has been practicing in the mountains all year round, Mingyu has always called Qin Mingfeng his uncle.

Qin Lan also knows Mingyu.

However, they didn't know how Mingyu came back from the dead.

"Could it be that this little beast pretended to be dead to deceive us so he could escape?" Master Xiaoyao's eyes were sharp and he thought to himself.

"Father, mother, it was Mingyu who caused you trouble this time, Mingyu apologizes to you!" Mingyu hugged Qin Lan and said with tears in his eyes.

With that said, Mingyu knelt down towards Qin Mingfeng.

Seeing this scene, Qin Mingfeng's heart tugged hard. He quickly helped Mingyu up and choked up: "Silly boy, don't say that, it's us who have caused you trouble!"

Qin Lan shook her head, her eyes were red, and said: "Mingyu, mother doesn't blame you. On the contrary, mother is sorry for you and caused you to suffer such hardship."

With that said, Qin Lan stretched out her hand to wipe the blood from Qin Mingfeng's face, and said seriously: "Mingyu, don't worry, my mother will not give up revenge, she will definitely kill the Xiaoyao Sect Master!"

"Mother, I..." Mingyu wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Qin Lan. She touched Mingyu's head and comforted: "Mingyu is good, listen to your master, he will protect you and take good care of you. Your sister’s.”

"Yes." Mingyu nodded and watched Qin Lan walk into the living room. He looked at Sect Master Xiaoyao and said, "Sect Master, this punch is the kindness I owe you, and I have already used it to repay you."

"Hmph, I don't care." Xiaoyao Sect Master said indifferently: "How can my son be a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death?"

Qin Mingyu smiled and said: "Sect Master, don't worry, I will let you enjoy happiness in the future."

Xiaoyao Sect Master sarcastically said: "Just you? Haha..."

Qin Mingyu ignored Master Xiaoyao and looked outside the courtyard door with a cold light in his eyes, "Let's get out!"

After that, Qin Mingyu pulled Qin Lan and left the yard.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Xiaoyao Sect Leader flashed a hint of amusement in his eyes, and said with a faint smile: "Those who don't know the heights of the world actually try to fight against the sect alliance? You are destined to be slaughtered!"

Xiaoyao Sect Leader waved his sleeves, and the space around him suddenly distorted for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the space returned to normal and the courtyard door was closed.

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