After they left, a look of doubt appeared on the face of Xiaoyao Sect Master, who said to himself: "Strange, why does this guy have such a powerful soul power? Could he be a soul cultivator?"

Xiaoyao Sect Master frowned and murmured: "Is it because of the stone tablet? But why doesn't the stone tablet have any strange signs?"

"Forget it, let's deal with him first, and then deal with the stone tablet!" Xiaoyao Sect Master looked at Mingyu and said coldly.


Xiaoyao Sect Master teleported out.


Mingyu brought Qin Lan to the top of a huge mountain, overlooking the thousands of feet of mountains and rivers under the sky, and said: "This is not far from the village where we live. I will take it away and take my mother to live in the village for a few days."

"Yeah." Qin Lan nodded happily.


Suddenly, a strong wind blew.

A black light flew over and landed beside Mingyu.

Looking closely, the black light was a black short knife.

At this time, Qin Lan was shocked to find that this was actually a short knife that was completely black and exuded a piercing sharp aura.

This was a short knife of the third-grade Yuanqi level.



Qin Lan was startled and her delicate body trembled violently.

"Ming... Mingyu, this... is this your new treasure?" Qin Lan pointed at the black short knife and said tremblingly.

Mingyu smiled slightly and said, "Well, I just got it. I don't have a name yet. How about calling it the Immortal Slaying Sword?"

"Slay... Slay the Immortal Sword?" Qin Lan opened her pink cherry mouth and was shocked.

"This... is this the legendary magic weapon that can kill immortals?" Qin Lan's pretty face froze, unbelievable.

Legend has it that the Immortal Slaying Sword can kill immortals and demons!

"Mingyu!" Qin Lan's expression became serious, "Do you know what you are doing?"

Looking at Qin Lan's solemn and worried expression, Mingyu smiled and said, "Don't worry, mother, I know what to do!"

Qin Lan sighed. She also knew Mingyu's temper, and he was very stubborn.

"Be careful, don't be stubborn." Qin Lan finally reminded him.

"Understood!" Mingyu nodded, and then turned and walked towards the foot of the mountain.


At the same time, the black short knife vibrated violently.

Immediately afterwards, the patterns on the blade lit up, dazzling and releasing dazzling light.

An extremely fierce, bloodthirsty, and tyrannical evil spirit suddenly erupted, sweeping across the entire mountain.

In an instant, all the plants and flowers inside the entire mountain withered.

Even in the forest, there were hideous and terrifying cracks spreading, which was shocking.


Suddenly, the mountain collapsed, and huge rocks rolled down, destroying countless houses and buildings.

In the blink of an eye, the entire mountain was razed to the ground.


A stream of light shot up into the sky, suspended in the air, and turned into the figure of Xiaoyao Sect Master. He stared at this scene in amazement, his pupils shrank sharply.

"How... how is this possible?" Xiaoyao Sect Master cried out: "He is obviously only in the middle stage of the True Martial Realm, how could he destroy an entire mountain, this..."

He really didn't want to believe the facts in front of him.

All this was too weird, and it simply overturned his understanding of power.


On the other side, Mingyu pulled Qin Lan and flew into the air with his sword.

His injuries had healed, leaving only some minor injuries, and his life was not in danger.

"Brother, where are we going?" Qin Lan asked in confusion.

"To find some helpers!" Mingyu replied.

"Helpers?" Qin Lan looked at Mingyu in a daze. She didn't understand what Mingyu said, "Brother, where are we going to find helpers?"

"Just follow me and you'll know." Mingyu didn't say much, and flew towards the north with his sword.

Soon after, Mingyu and Qin Lan landed over a city. This was Xuanyang County, which was under the jurisdiction of Xiaoyao Sect.

Mingyu took out a gold medal from his arms, and then urged the remaining spiritual power in his spiritual sea to inject it into the gold medal.

Suddenly, the gold medal burst out with a blazing golden light, illuminating half of the night sky.


At this moment, everyone in Xuanyang County focused their eyes on the sky above Xuanyang County, their eyes filled with horror and fear.

"This is..."

"The Sect Master's Token!"

"Run, it's the Young Master!"

In Xuanyang County, the leaders of various forces were terrified and fled in a hurry, fearing that they would be in trouble if they were half a step slower.

In a luxurious mansion in Xuanyang County.


With a muffled sound, the tea table in the hall shattered, and the debris flew everywhere.

A burly man with fire in his eyes cursed angrily: "Asshole, Mingyu, that bastard dared to go against my will and seek death!"

"Master, calm down!" The people below whispered to comfort him.

"Calm down, how can you ask me to calm down?" The burly man roared: "Mingyu is the person I hand-picked, and he is also the hope of the future of Xiaoyao Sect. I have high hopes for him, but who would have thought that this beast would not know what is good for him!"

"Master, please be patient." The gray-clothed old man sitting next to him pondered for a moment and said: "Although I don't know why the young master rebelled, but..."

At this point, the old man stopped, glanced at the people below, and said: "The majesty of my Xiaoyao Sect must not be violated. Since the young master chose to betray, we must eliminate him."

"Eliminate him?" Everyone in the hall frowned, they did not agree to kill Mingyu.

After all, Mingyu's qualifications are there. If he is trained properly, he will surely grow up and add a strong fighting force to Xiaoyao Sect.

The old man continued: "That's right! Our Xiaoyao Sect has been based in the southern region of Xuanzhou for hundreds of years and has already made countless enemies. With the qualifications and potential of the young sect leader, we will be targeted by our enemies sooner or later. By then, our Xiaoyao Sect will be in danger. Therefore, in order to avoid causing trouble to us, I propose to expel him from the division and never recall him!"

Hearing this, everyone looked thoughtful.

The old man continued: "Secondly, although the young sect leader has not reached the realm of King Wu, with his talent, he will definitely surpass King Wu in time!"


"If we keep the young sect leader, it will be a hidden danger!"

"Sect Master, I support Deacon Zhao's idea!" Everyone spoke up and agreed with the old man's proposal.

"Hmph!" The burly man snorted coldly and said: "Deacon Zhao, I think your approach is a bit too much. No matter what, Mingyu will always be a disciple of our Xiaoyao Sect. Besides, with his potential, it won't take long for him to become a disciple of Xiaoyao Sect." If you can reach the Martial King realm, you have the heart to kill a genius?"

Deacon Zhao smiled calmly, shook his head and said: "Sect Master, Mingyu is indeed a talent, but he betrayed us. This kind of person is not worthy of our training. If he stays, he will only be a disaster."

"I think the sect leader is right." Others in the hall spoke up and agreed with the old man.

"Okay! Since everyone thinks so, I will act according to your opinions." The burly man took a deep breath, suppressed the overwhelming anger in his heart, and said: "From now on, he is not a disciple of my Xiaoyao Sect. People are supervising him and don’t let him step out of Xuanyang County.”

"Yes!" Deacon Zhao clasped his fists respectfully.

"Let's go." The burly man stood up and walked out of the hall.


The rest of the people in the hall exited the hall.

"Alas! I hope the young master will not disappoint me." Deacon Zhao sighed and followed with several deacons.

Mingyu pulled Qin Lan's sword and flew at a very fast speed, cutting through the void like lightning and disappearing into the dark night.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The harsh sound of breaking wind continued to sound, attracting attention.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Qin Lan blinked her eyes and asked confused.

Hearing Qin Lan's words, Mingyu smiled slightly and said, "Guess."

"No guessing." Qin Lan muttered.

"Take a closer look." Mingyu smiled mysteriously and pointed into the distance.

Qin Lan looked up and saw a group of monks rushing towards them with great momentum.

" this a disciple of the Xuanyang Sect?" Qin Lan was stunned and couldn't believe it.

In her impression, the Xuanyang Sect was the top sect in the Xuanhuang Continent and was powerful in all directions.

But now, the posture of this group of people is exactly like bandits robbing homes.


The group of Xuanyang Sect disciples instantly arrived above the heads of Mingyu and the others.

The leader looked down at Mingyu and said solemnly: "You brat, you are so courageous, how dare you steal our sect's treasure?"

Hearing this, Qin Lan's face suddenly changed, and she quickly protected Mingyu and shouted: "What do you want to do?"

The man smiled sinisterly and said jokingly: "Do I need to tell you what I want to do? Hand over your identity jade pendant, otherwise, I will force you to survive or die."

Hearing the man's words, Qin Lan felt endless anger in his heart, his delicate body trembled, and she wanted to tear the other man's face that deserved a beating to pieces.

"What should I do?" Feeling the aura emanating from those vicious Xuanyang Sect disciples, Qin Lan panicked, and her heart sank to the bottom.

She knew that there was no way she could be her opponent, she didn't even have a chance to protect herself, and she had absolutely no chance of winning.

Mingyu held Qin Lan's delicate hand tightly and said: "Lan'er, I will send you to the Xuanyang Sect's forbidden area later. You must not come out. Do you understand?"

"Forbidden land?" Qin Lan was stunned and said, "Brother, aren't you coming with me?"

"Don't worry, I have a way to get out of here." Mingyu grinned, then jumped onto a boulder.

Seeing Mingyu's calm look, Qin Lan's pretty face showed a trace of worry and asked: "Brother, do you really have a way to escape?"

"Haha, have you forgotten what my brother once said?" Mingyu smiled, as if he was confident and not worried.

"Brother..." Qin Lan hesitated, but finally closed his mouth and stood quietly waiting.

Mingyu took out a dagger and cut his left arm. Blood spurted out, immediately staining the entire arm red.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Qin Lan asked in surprise.

Mingyu smiled and said, "Silly girl, my brother lied to them. How can he escape?"

Hearing this, Qin Lan's pretty face stiffened and she didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It turned out that she was just playing tricks.

At this moment, a group of Xuanyang Sect disciples rushed over. The leading man in green shirt looked down at Mingyu and said sternly: "Hand over the storage ring in your hand!"

Mingyu shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Do you want it? Unfortunately, it is no longer available."

"Seeking death!" A Xuanyang Sect disciple was furious and suddenly swung his sword towards Mingyu.


However, as soon as the long knife came within three inches of Mingyu's body, it stopped abruptly and could no longer advance another half minute.

"Huh?" The man looked startled, and immediately his eyes widened as if they were about to fall out.

How is this going? Why did his attack suddenly stop?

" cast an illusion on me?" The man asked in surprise, looking at Mingyu in horror.

"Hehe, I don't have such a great ability." Mingyu grinned, and then he shook his wrist lightly, and a terrifying force burst out, directly blasting the man away.


The man shot back dozens of meters, and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Hiss——" Everyone around couldn't help but gasp, their eyes were dull, and their minds were blank.

Just relying on the strength of the body to knock a congenital seventh-level warrior away?

Isn't this too strong?

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on Mingyu, and their eyes were filled with strong fear and fear.

"Who else wants to take action?" Mingyu restrained his smile and glanced at everyone, his eyes were sharp and intimidating.

Feeling Mingyu's cold eyes, everyone trembled all over, stepped back violently, and didn't dare to look at him at all.

Although they were many, no one dared to take action.

Because Mingyu's fighting power was too strong, even if he had the advantage in numbers, no one dared to act rashly, unless they were tired of living.

Seeing the cowering expressions of the crowd, Mingyu grinned and said proudly: "Get out!"


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and turned around and ran away.

"Hehe, brother is so awesome." Qin Lan jumped for joy and threw herself into Mingyu's arms, her beautiful face blooming with a charming smile.

"Silly girl, your brother is really awesome." Mingyu smiled dotingly and touched Qin Lan's hair.

At this time, Mingyu suddenly realized something, raised his eyebrows, and said: "Since you are here, why are you hiding? Get out."

As Mingyu finished speaking, two men slowly walked out of the dense forest in the distance.

Both of them were around 20 years old, with ordinary looks, but the brilliance in their eyes was chilling.

"Two trash, kill him for me!" The leading young man ordered coldly.

"Yes!" The two men responded respectfully, then drew the swords at their waists and killed Mingyu with a strong momentum.

"Hmph!" Mingyu snorted coldly, condensing a layer of light golden energy shield outside his body, and urged the energy to be injected into his palm.


In an instant, the light golden energy quickly flowed through Mingyu's arm, emitting extremely terrifying fluctuations.

Mingyu clenched his right hand into a fist, and met the attack of the two men like a cannonball.

"Bang bang bang!"

The four fists collided with each other, and the explosion spread, and the terrible energy ripples stirred in all directions.

"Thump thump thump..."

Mingyu did not move at all, while the two men were shocked and staggered backwards, their faces pale.

"How... How is it possible?" Feeling the terrible energy fluctuations contained in Mingyu's palm, the two people's pupils suddenly shrank, and their faces were full of horror.

"Bang bang!"


The two had no time to think, Mingyu took a step forward and swept out with his legs. (End of this chapter)

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