"Crack..." The sound of bones breaking rang out, and the two men knelt on the ground at the same time, with blood gushing out of their mouths.

"You..." The man in green looked at the two men in disbelief.

"You are too weak, I am not interested in taking action." Mingyu shook his head, then took Qin Lan's hand, stepped forward, and prepared to leave.

Looking at Mingyu who was gradually walking away, the man in green said angrily: "Asshole, stop right there."


Mingyu's figure stayed in place, slowly turned around, locked his eyes on the man in green, and said indifferently: "What's the matter?"

The man in green pointed at Mingyu and roared with gritted teeth: "You dare to hurt my Xuanyang Sect disciples, today, don't think about leaving here safely!"

"Really?" Mingyu shrugged and said: "In that case, let's change places, I'm afraid I'll scare you later."

Hearing this, the man in green trembled fiercely.

After seeing Mingyu's terrifying attack just now, how dare he show off his power?

At that moment, he waved his hand and said, "No need to bother."

"You're welcome." Mingyu grinned, pulling Qin Lan and quickly disappeared into the night.

Seeing this, the man in green secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately asked everyone to leave.

However, they had just walked a few meters away when a burst of wind suddenly sounded, and then a black afterimage came in an instant.

"Bang bang!"

Accompanied by the dull sound, five or six Xuanyang Sect disciples did not even make a sound, all fainted, and their lives were unknown.

"You... what are you going to do?" The remaining two men in green changed their faces and panicked.

Mingyu glanced at the two of them coldly and said disdainfully, "Coward."

The two people's faces twitched, and deep hatred flashed in the depths of their eyes. They were elite disciples of Xuanyang Sect, but they were called cowards.

But they did not have the courage to compete with Mingyu. After all, the fighting power displayed by Mingyu was too terrible, even more brutal than a beast.

"Tell me where your lair is." Mingyu asked, his eyes slightly cold.

The green-shirted man swallowed his saliva and trembled, "What do you want to do?"

"Answer my question." Mingyu shouted, and his body instantly approached the two people, saying coldly: "If you dare to hide a word, I promise that I will let you accompany your brothers and sisters in the next second."

Hearing Mingyu's warning, the hearts of the green-shirted man and the other person were beating wildly, and beads of sweat oozed from their foreheads.

"You..." The green-shirted man swallowed hard and said, "You... don't mess around, otherwise our Xuanyang Sect will never forgive you."

"Really?" Mingyu smiled playfully and said, "You can try now."

Mingyu was not worried at all, because he knew that the disciples of Xuanyang Sect did not dare to lie.

Seeing that Mingyu was not afraid at all, the faces of the two stiffened, and a trace of fear flashed across their eyes.

If the sect knew that they deceived their fellow brothers, they would be severely punished.

"Tell me." Mingyu shouted coldly, with a chilling breath wafting from his body, oppressing the two men so much that they couldn't breathe.

"I... we are just following orders. The one who really wants to catch you is... Brother Yang!" One of the disciples said tremblingly, his eyes full of fear.

Mingyu's face suddenly changed, and he asked, "Yang Haoyu?"

The disciple nodded and said, "Brother Yang Haoyu has practiced the Soul Devouring Skill, and his Soul Devouring Spear is a low-level treasure with great power. You'd better be careful."

Hearing this, Mingyu narrowed his eyes and said, "I want to see what he can do!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mingyu raised his feet and walked deep into the mountains.


In the mountains, ancient trees are towering, with luxuriant branches and leaves, blocking the light of the stars and the moon.

The dark night covers every corner of the mountains, and you can't see your fingers when you stretch out your hand.

Somewhere in the mountains, two disciples are sitting in the grass to recuperate and chat.

"Alas! It's a pity that our cultivation is not even at the initial stage of Xuanwu Realm. Even if we go back, there is no future." One person sighed, quite helpless.

"Who said that Senior Brother Yang is the only son of the elder? Only he deserves to be called the young master!" Another person echoed.

Listening to their conversation, not long after, a ray of cold murderous intent suddenly flashed.


The next moment, in the darkness, a dark blue dagger appeared out of thin air, strange and swift, and reached their throats in the blink of an eye.


The dagger cut through the skin, the sharp energy stung, and the severe pain swept through the body, and the two people suddenly woke up.

"You... who are you?" One person asked in panic.

"Whatever I ask, you answer it. If you make me unhappy, I will send you to the west." Mingyu's cold and ruthless voice resounded in the mountains and forests, like a demon in the underworld.

"We don't know anything, please let us go." The two begged, their faces full of horror, completely losing their fighting power.


After saying that, Mingyu flipped his wrist lightly, and the dagger turned into a streak of light and shot through the eyebrows of the two people.

Mingyu retracted the dagger and continued to go deeper into the mountains.

Deep in the mountains, in a valley, a young man in a green robe sat cross-legged on a huge rock. He was pale, bloody, and looked embarrassed.

At this time, he was healing.

This is where the disciples of Xuanyang Sect live.

Mingyu sneaked in quietly, did not disturb the young man in green robe, and quietly approached.

Mingyu quietly poked his head out and listened carefully for a moment. After confirming that there was no danger around, he slowly approached the young man in green robe.

The green-robed young man was seriously injured, his cheeks were swollen, and his whole body exuded the smell of decay.

He closed his eyes and meditated, unaware that death was approaching.

Mingyu frowned slightly. Living in this world, such a person simply tainted life.

Without any hesitation, Mingyu took out the elixir and fed it to the green-robed young man, and then used needles to seal his meridians to prevent him from escaping by using his energy.

After doing this, Mingyu left.

Although Mingyu is strong, he is only a first-level alchemist after all. He is not strong enough and cannot save the young man in green robes, and may even get into trouble.

Mingyu is not stupid, he naturally knows how to measure things.

The next morning, when the morning light spread over the mountains and forests, the whole college was boiling.

All the new disciples gathered in the square, waiting for the Xuanyang Sect disciples to be summoned.

"Mingyu, did you sleep well last night?"

Mingyu came to the square, and a group of people gathered together.

"Very good, why did you all come here?" Mingyu glanced around and found that Luo Honglian was not there, so he couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, do you remember Junior Sister Luo? She is so beautiful!" A girl said sweetly, looking like a nymphomaniac.

Mingyu shook his head and said, "I don't remember."

Luo Honglian's beauty has long been engraved in her heart.

However, Mingyu is not a playboy and has never had any evil thoughts.

Mingyu secretly thought: Luo Honglian may have left Tianxuan City.

"Huh? Mingyu, where did you get your clothes? They fit you very well." Suddenly, someone noticed Mingyu's clothes and couldn't help but be shocked.

"Hey, yesterday I met Junior Brother Mingyu, chatted with him for a few words, and got him a set of clothes." Another person said with a smile, his tone revealing the meaning of flattery.

"Junior Brother Mingyu, these are your clothes. Put them on quickly." The female disciple handed over a brand new set of clothes.

Seeing the brand-new clothes, Mingyu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment and asked, "Are these clothes new?"

"Yes! I saw that your figure is similar to that of Senior Brother Yang, so I found one for you. I hope you like it." The female disciple said with a faint smile.


With that said, Mingyu took the clothes.

Mingyu thanked him and started to put it on.

After finishing dressing, Mingyu felt much more comfortable and his complexion improved a bit. He smiled lightly and said, "You go ahead."


A group of disciples responded one after another, and then walked towards the center of the square, waiting for the call.


Suddenly, a familiar and angry voice came into my ears.

Looking around Xun Sheng, he saw Yang Haoyu leading dozens of people walking quickly, his eyes locked on Mingyu, his face full of gloom and murderous intent.

Yang Haoyu came over and said viciously: "You brat, let's see how I torture you to death today!"

"Yang Haoyu, this is a fight between students. I advise you not to interfere, so as not to suffer physical pain." Mingyu said disdainfully.

"Hmph! Stop pretending! Even if you are a core disciple, I, Yang Haoyu, still don't look down on you!" Yang Haoyu said fiercely.

He clenched his fists hard and his bones crackled.

"You are indeed good. You are worthy of being a genius that Xuanyang Sect has not seen in a century."

"But you are too conceited!"

"The consequences of being conceited are often tragic!"

Yang Haoyu's face twitched, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You don't need to talk nonsense. Since you are seeking death yourself, then I will help you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yang Haoyu rushed towards him with his sword, the speed was very fast, and the blade of the sword flashed with cold light.



Mingyu had quick eyes and quick hands. He stretched out his palm and grasped the blade of the sword. With a slight twist, the sharp sword was snatched away and dropped to the ground.

"Asshole!" Yang Haoyu was furious, his body shook, and the tyrannical force knocked Mingyu away, and he cursed angrily: "You bastard!"

Yang Haoyu waved his sword again and attacked Mingyu with a sharp attack.

Mingyu was not willing to be outdone and faced the challenge.

Yang Haoyu possesses three-star true energy and is very powerful in combat.

However, it was difficult to gain the upper hand against Mingyu who was at the same level.


“Bang bang bang~~~”

In the square, there were constant explosions, strong winds were raging, and the aftermath was rolling out.

The two fought fiercely and were inseparable.

"Mingyu is much stronger than Yang Haoyu, but it's not that easy to defeat him." The crowd discussed.

Thousands of people gathered from all sides of the square, watching.

Yang Haoyu became more and more impatient as he fought, but Mingyu still responded calmly, showing no signs of panic.

"Yang Haoyu, you are too weak!" Mingyu said scornfully, looking like he was sure of victory.

"You...you dare to look down on me!" Yang Haoyu was furious, and his murderous intent became even stronger.

"If you can beat me, I will lose." Mingyu smiled proudly, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

"Asshole!" Yang Haoyu cursed angrily, and the true energy surged from his body, crazily suppressing Mingyu.



Two terrifying energy ripples spread crazily, causing the surrounding disciples to get out of the way, creating a commotion.


After a brief stalemate, Yang Haoyu spat out a mouthful of blood and staggered backwards, with scarlet blood hanging from the corner of his mouth.

Mingyu stood there, motionless.

"Senior Brother Yang!" all the disciples shouted.


Yang Haoyu coughed violently, and wisps of bright red blood spilled from the corners of his mouth.

He suffered a loss from the head-on attack just now.

Mingyu, on the other hand, was just out of breath and not hurt at all.

Mingyu slowly raised his head, stared at Yang Haoyu, and said solemnly: "Yang Haoyu, you are defeated!"

"Damn it!" Yang Haoyu shouted, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and rushed forward again, ready to fight.

"Enough!" At this moment, a majestic and angry voice came from the high platform.

Hearing this voice, Yang Haoyu stopped immediately, not daring to disobey the elder on the high platform.

"Mingyu, Su Yaoyao!"

There were a total of six people on the high platform. Except for the high-ranking Elder Wang, the other five were all core disciples of Xuanyang Sect.

The middle-aged man at the front was Zhao Yunlong, the second-ranked core disciple!

"Greetings, Elder Zhao!"

"Greetings, Elder Zhao!"

The disciples saluted respectfully.

Zhao Yunlong waved his hand and said, "The main reason I called you here today is because of the test."

"Test?" The disciples were full of confusion, obviously not knowing what the test was.

"I will select a group of outstanding disciples to enter the inner gate for cultivation." Zhao Yunlong continued.

"Enter the inner gate!" The crowd was instantly excited and extremely excited.

Although the training conditions for the inner sect disciples are excellent, the competition is extremely cruel.

"Elder Zhao, are you saying that we can enter the inner sect?"

"Great! Finally, we can enter the inner sect to practice!"

"I can't wait!"

The crowd was excited, as if they saw the dawn of entering the inner sect, and they were ready to fight.

Zhao Yunlong said: "The inner sect is the holy place for Xuanyang Sect to train core disciples. No matter how arrogant you are, you must abide by the rules of the inner sect when you enter the inner sect. If you dare to break the rules, you will be expelled from Xuanyang Sect!"

"Disciples will follow your teachings!" Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Mingyu, I will kill you with my own hands!" Yang Haoyu roared fiercely.

Mingyu sneered: "Yang Haoyu, if you can enter the inner sect, say this again."

"Asshole!" Yang Haoyu roared.

"Yang Haoyu, I am the champion of this newcomer assessment, and you are doomed to lose."

"We'll see!" Yang Haoyu glared at Mingyu fiercely, and then left with a group of people in anger.

"Hmph! Yang Haoyu, you talk too much nonsense." Mingyu sneered disdainfully.

Not long after Yang Haoyu left, a young man came to the square. This person was Liu Yixuan.

"Huh? Junior Brother Mingyu is still alive?" Liu Yixuan raised his eyebrows, quite surprised.

Liu Yixuan is a three-star Zhenwu realm peak cultivation. He is Yang Haoyu's cousin and Yang Haoyu's most loyal pursuer.

When he was training outside, Liu Yixuan once saved Mingyu's life.

From that time on, Mingyu decided to make friends with Liu Yixuan.

"Mingyu, I heard that you are very talented and a cultivation genius. Is that true?" Liu Yixuan asked with a faint smile, with a hint of coldness hidden in the depths of his eyes.

Mingyu glanced at Liu Yixuan calmly and said with a smile: "You have heard it all, how can I, Mingyu, get my reputation for nothing?"

"Haha!" Liu Yixuan shook his head and smiled, saying: "Junior Brother Mingyu, you have now broken through the ninth level of Zhenwu, and are only half a step away from the peak of Zhenwu realm. What a pity..." (End of this chapter)

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