"What a pity?" Mingyu frowned.

Liu Yixuan smiled and said, "It's a pity that you can't condense the soul power seed, and you are destined not to be an inner disciple."

"Soul power seed, what is that?" Mingyu asked puzzled.

"You don't even know the soul power seed?" Liu Yixuan said in astonishment: "No wonder your cultivation can't reach the ninth level of Zhenwu!"

"Soul power seed is a special power that combines mental power and spiritual power. It exists in the mind. It can only be condensed when the spiritual power or mental power reaches a certain level."

"The higher the spiritual power level and the stronger the mental power level, the easier it is to condense the soul power seed."

"Soul power seed is the source of spiritual power for cultivators, and it is also the key to improving the strength of cultivators. It can help cultivators comprehend martial arts."

"Oh, that's it." Mingyu suddenly realized.

"I understand, thank you for telling me." Mingyu smiled gratefully.

"You're welcome." Liu Yixuan smiled slightly.

"Are you an inner disciple?" Mingyu suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"Well, my name is Liu Yixuan, ranked seventh." Liu Yixuan said casually.

"Seventh Senior Brother." Mingyu smiled and clasped his fists.

Liu Yixuan patted Mingyu on the shoulder and said, "Junior Brother Mingyu, you have a very good talent. I hope you will work hard to practice and enter the peak of the Zhenwu Realm as soon as possible."

Mingyu grinned and said, "Don't worry, Seventh Senior Brother, I will work hard to practice."

"Well, here is a Qi Gathering Pill. Take it first and break through the Zhenwu Nineth Layer as soon as possible. I look forward to you becoming an inner disciple." Liu Yixuan took out a Qi Gathering Pill and handed it to Mingyu.

"Okay." Mingyu smiled and nodded.

"Mingyu, you are lucky. You got the Qi Gathering Pill just after you were promoted to the Zhenwu Nineth Layer." Several Zhenwu Nineth Layer disciples next to him envied.

Mingyu smiled and said, "The Qi Gathering Pill is not precious to me. I am happy to give it to my friends."

"Junior Brother Mingyu is generous." Liu Yixuan smiled.

Mingyu shook his head slightly and smiled bitterly: "Don't praise me. Compared with Yang Haoyu, I am nothing."

"Who is Yang Haoyu?" Liu Yixuan frowned and asked.

"Yang Haoyu is our inner sect genius, with a wind attribute spiritual vein." A disciple said.

"I see." Liu Yixuan nodded slightly, thinking in his heart: "Yang Haoyu, you want to enter the inner sect, forget it!"


Time flies, two days later, Yang Haoyu and others successfully passed the outer sect disciple test and obtained the qualification to enter the inner sect.

The assessment of the inner sect disciples is very simple, that is, to defeat the warriors of the same level.

Of course, the assessments of these inner sect disciples have their own restrictions.

After all, not everyone is as perverted as Mingyu and his friends, with extraordinary talents.

Of course, most of the inner sect disciples are core disciples of Xuanhuang Hall.

They have only one goal, that is to sprint to the core disciples!


"Bang Bang Bang!"

Above the core square, Mingyu fought with three Zhenwu ninth-level warriors, fighting fiercely and evenly matched.


After a moment, Mingyu used the "violent fist" to repel the three people.

Mingyu took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Three Zhenwu ninth-level peaks were defeated in three moves. It seems that entering the inner gate this time should not be a problem."

"Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu!"

"Come on, Yang Haoyu!"

The inner gate square was filled with cheers.

"Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu!"

"Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu!"

Hundreds of people in the entire core square shouted in unison, deafening and overwhelming.

"Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu!"

"Brother Mingyu is mighty!"

"Brother Mingyu will win!"

The cheers of the core disciples made the disciples outside the square rush to the core square to watch the assessment of the inner disciples.

"Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu!"

Waves of sound spread throughout the city, causing a sensation in the city.

"Haha! It's so refreshing!"

Yang Haoyu laughed, extremely happy, and his body was filled with explosive power.

Seeing Yang Haoyu's crazy state, the surrounding disciples were all scared and their faces were stiff and sluggish.

Is Yang Haoyu crazy?

"This kid dared to do this, he's finished! He's dead!" An inner disciple cursed with a gloomy face.

"He must be crazy!" Another inner disciple gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Yang Haoyu is crazy!" The other disciples gritted their teeth and glared at Yang Haoyu, with murderous intent.

"Mingyu, you are crazy!" An inner disciple said angrily: "If you want to die, don't drag us into the water!"

Yang Haoyu couldn't hear what the man said at all, because he was in a frenzy.

"Bang bang bang!"

Yang Haoyu rushed out like a tiger pouncing on prey, attacking frantically, suppressing the three inner disciples.

Three Zhenwu ninth-level peaks, but couldn't resist Yang Haoyu, who was Zhenwu eighth-level, and couldn't even resist.

In just five or six seconds, all three fell to the ground wailing, seriously injured, and covered in blood.

"Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu!"

"Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu!"

Seeing Yang Haoyu crushing the three inner disciples with his thunderous and domineering attitude, everyone was boiling.

"Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu!"

"Yang Haoyu must be eliminated!" The disciples gritted their teeth and looked fierce.

"Mingyu, congratulations on passing the test and becoming an inner disciple." Liu Yixuan smiled calmly.

"Thanks to the kindness of Senior Brother Seven, I will definitely work hard to practice." Mingyu bowed and smiled.

Liu Yixuan waved his hand and said, "Since you are already an inner disciple, you must work harder in the future and strive to enter the top five."

"Top five?"

Hearing this, Mingyu was immediately confused and opened his mouth, not knowing how to speak.

Mingyu only knew that in the outer sect, only the most powerful Zhenwu Eighth Layer had the opportunity to become a core disciple.

"Seventh Senior Brother, my strength has not reached the eighth level of Zhenwu, and... and my strength is too weak. If I enter the inner sect, I will probably be at the bottom." Mingyu smiled awkwardly. Although Yang Haoyu's strength is good, he knows that there is a huge gap compared to the core disciples.

"Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu! Yang Haoyu!"

When Yang Haoyu was about to refuse, the square rang out a deafening shout again, like the roar of a prehistoric beast, which was terrifying.

"My God! I'm being watched again." Mingyu looked depressed.

Mingyu couldn't help but turn his head and glance around. In an instant, he saw thousands of eyes staring at him. This made Mingyu shudder. He couldn't help but shudder, and then rushed into the inner gate square as if he was running for his life.

"Mingyu, stop right there!" Liu Yixuan roared.

"Junior brother Mingyu, run quickly. They hate you so much. If you stop, you will be beaten to death." Liu Haoyun worried and immediately chased after him.

"Damn it, Yang Haoyu, you wait and see!" Liu Yixuan stared at Mingyu's back angrily and gritted his teeth.

Mingyu didn't care so much? He ran desperately.

"Yang Haoyu, this year I must step on your bones to enter the inner gate! You wait!" Liu Yixuan roared.

"Junior brother Mingyu, wait to be beaten." Some inner disciples sneered with gloating.

"Yang Haoyu is really a troublemaker. Isn't this looking for death?" Liu Qingyang shook his head and sighed.

"He is now at the seventh level of Zhenwu. In the core square, he is rampant and no one dares to provoke him." An inner disciple smiled bitterly.


Somewhere in the square, a strong breath suddenly burst out, shaking the square directly.

"What a terrible breath!" The moment the breath was felt, the disciples in the square looked over in amazement.

"What a powerful breath! Seventh level of Zhenwu?" Mingyu blinked in shock.

In a blink of an eye, a tall and beautiful woman in white walked onto the stage.

The woman was about 20 years old, with an icy beauty, and a misty and holy temperament, like a fairy descending to the earth.

"Her name is Liu Yan'er, and she is said to be the granddaughter of the sect master."

"Wow! The granddaughter of the sect master! No wonder she is so beautiful."

"Liu Yan'er is Liu Yixuan's sister."

"Aren't Liu Yixuan and Mingyu on good terms?"

"Mingyu offended Liu Yan'er, and he will probably be miserable."

Everyone whispered.

Liu Yaner said coldly: "You are a 7th level Zhenwu trash, come up and die."

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was silent.

A 7th level Zhenwu trash?

Liu Yaner's words completely angered all the disciples.

Liu Yaner's words meant that Mingyu was trash and could not stand a single blow.

"Hmph!" Mingyu snorted coldly and jumped onto the stage.

"What did you say just now? Say it again." Mingyu stared at Liu Yaner coldly.

Liu Yaner said coldly: "Mingyu, I said you are a 7th level Zhenwu trash, you can't even beat a trash like me, you will never become a core disciple in your life!"


As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar.

Liu Yaner's words were simply a great insult to Mingyu.

"What a conceited girl! She actually said that Junior Brother Mingyu is trash. I really want to kill her!"

"A trash of the seventh level of Zhenwu dares to challenge Senior Brother Mingyu? Is she crazy?"

"A Zhenwu seventh level is also qualified to challenge a core disciple? You are overestimating yourself!"

"Hehe, isn't this just the right time for us to get revenge?"

Everyone in the square sneered with gloating.

Mingyu's face was very ugly, with veins bulging on his forehead and anger bubbling.

"Stinky girl! I will teach you a lesson today!" Mingyu said angrily, with a surging momentum, and rushed towards Liu Yan'er mercilessly.

Liu Yan'er's pretty face changed slightly, and her body dodged lightly, avoiding Mingyu's fist.

"Your strength is far from enough!"

Liu Yan'er smiled teasingly, and then moved her feet, breaking the sound barrier at a speed, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.



A sharp and piercing tearing sound was heard, followed by blood splattering.

A sharp dagger cut through Liu Yan'er's throat, bringing out a trace of scarlet blood, staining her neck red.

Mingyu was killed on the spot!

"Mingyu is dead! Mingyu was killed!"

"Mingyu, who was at the seventh level of Zhenwu, died just like that!"

"How terrifying! Liu Yan'er killed the seventh level of Zhenwu with one sword!"

"This, this."

Seeing Mingyu being fatally cut in the throat by Liu Yan'er, the square was immediately filled with surging waves, and all eyes fell on Liu Yan'er.

"The peak of the eighth level of Zhenwu! She is actually a cultivator at the peak of the eighth level of Zhenwu!"

"What a terrible cultivation talent! The cultivation of the eighth level of Zhenwu!"

"This is the top demon genius of Tianqi Academy? Too terrible!"

Looking at Liu Yan'er, the disciples in the square were deeply shocked, their faces full of awe.

"Liu Yan'er! What are you doing!" Liu Yixuan roared in anger and rushed towards Liu Yan'er frantically.

Liu Yixuan has reached the peak of the eighth level of Zhenwu cultivation, which shows how terrifying his anger is.

Liu Yixuan had never thought that Liu Yan'er would dare to openly kill a disciple of the same clan.

Liu Yan'er was not afraid of Liu Yixuan's roar. She glanced at Liu Yixuan with cold eyes and said indifferently: "Liu Yixuan! Don't forget your identity. You should respectfully call me sister. Who do you think you are!"

"Asshole!" Liu Yixuan's face was ferocious and murderous, and he looked like he wanted to eat someone.


Before Liu Yixuan could make a move, Yang Haoyu took the initiative and slapped him.


Liu Yixuan cried out in pain and flew backwards.

"Junior Brother Mingyu is mighty and domineering!"

"Junior Brother Mingyu is really powerful!"

Seeing Mingyu slap Liu Yixuan away with a slap, the disciples in the square excitedly cheered and applauded.

"Mingyu! You dare to hit me! You actually dare to hit me!" Liu Yixuan covered his swollen face and roared angrily.

"You are just a errand boy! How dare you hit me! Are you looking for death!"

Liu Yixuan cursed, suddenly summoned the magic sword, swung it, and attacked Mingyu.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Boom boom!"

The two of them started a fierce collision, fierce collision again and again, and the explosions continued.

"Haha! Good fight!"

"Kill him!"

"Good fight! Come on Mingyu!"

"Junior brother Mingyu is mighty and domineering! Kill that pretentious bastard!"

Seeing Liu Yixuan fighting Mingyu, everyone cheered.

Although Liu Yixuan was just an errand boy, his status was already far behind the outer courtyard disciples because he had reached the eighth level of Zhenwu.

What's more, Liu Yixuan bullied men and women and did many evil things in the outer courtyard.

The square disciples, who had long been fed up with Liu Yixuan's arrogant attitude, all applauded at this moment.

Above the square, Mingyu completely suppressed Liu Yixuan, and every fight made Liu Yixuan spit blood.

After a few minutes, Liu Yixuan could no longer hold on, and retreated step by step, covered with wounds.

The more Liu Yixuan fought, the more panicked he became, and the more panicked he felt.

"What's wrong with this kid? How can he be so powerful? The cultivation of Zhenwu Seventh Level is stronger than me! Is this kid a monster?" Liu Yixuan was extremely frustrated and helpless.

"Mingyu, I warn you! Don't fight anymore, or I will kill you!" Liu Yixuan said angrily. He was no match for Mingyu and was even a little scared.

"Haha!" Mingyu smiled grimly.

"Liu Yixuan! Don't be too arrogant! How could I, Mingyu, be afraid of you?" Mingyu grinned, his face full of contempt, "I, Mingyu, will kill all the people of the Liu family!"

"Do you think I will believe you?" Liu Yixuan said disdainfully.

"If you don't believe it, you can try it." Mingyu smiled grimly.

Liu Yixuan gnashed his teeth, wishing he could kill Mingyu right now.

"Waste! I wonder how long you can be so arrogant!" Liu Yixuan shouted angrily.

"Bang, bang, bang!"


In the square, two afterimages flashed rapidly, fiercely and fiercely colliding.

One fierce attack after another made the ring tremble violently.

In the short fight, Mingyu had an absolute advantage and suppressed Liu Yixuan, leaving him no room for resistance.

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