"Can this guy beat Liu Yixuan?"

"Liu Yixuan is at the peak of the eighth level of Zhenwu!"

"Oh my God! Mingyu is so well hidden! It turns out that the seventh level of Zhenwu can burst out the strength of the eighth level of Zhenwu!"

"Mingyu is worthy of being the first genius of Tianqi Academy!"

The people in the square were more and more shocked.

Liu Yixuan had been beaten to a state of bruises, bruises and swollen face, and was in a very embarrassing state.

All the disciples in the square knew that Liu Yixuan was bound to lose.

After all, Liu Yixuan was only at the peak of the eighth level of Zhenwu, while Mingyu was at the peak of the seventh level of Zhenwu.

Mingyu's fighting power completely defeated Liu Yixuan.

"Liu Yixuan, you are bound to lose." Mingyu sneered, his palm condensed with vigorous vitality, and then he punched fiercely.

"No! Don't!" Seeing Mingyu's punch, Liu Yixuan was so scared that his soul flew away, and he tried his best to use his body skills to retreat.


Liu Yixuan had just dodged half a meter away when Mingyu's fist instantly hit Liu Yixuan's chest, and the crisp sound of bones breaking resounded throughout the square.


Liu Yixuan spat out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person flew out and fell to the ground, his life or death unknown.


"Second brother!"

Seeing Liu Yixuan falling, Liu Yichen and Liu Feifei's faces suddenly changed.

"Second brother!" Liu Yunzhi couldn't help but shout.

"Liu Yixuan! Liu Yixuan!"

Liu Yixuan's father immediately ran over.

"Hmph! What a coward!"

"Just based on you, you want to marry my sister! Dream on!"

"You are so vulnerable!"


The disciples in the square booed.

"My junior brother Mingyu is awesome! A mere errand disciple dares to get his hands on senior sister Liu. He is really tired of living."

"I heard that senior sister Liu is the woman of an inner disciple!"

"She is worthy of being a fifth-level Zhenwu. Once senior brother Mingyu enters the sixth level of Zhenwu, he will surely become a rising star disciple of Tianqi Academy!"

"Liu Yixuan is just a waste. He is so disappointing! I really want to deal with him for his parents!"

Everyone was talking about it, mocking and ridiculing.

"This idiot actually beat Liu Yixuan in public. Isn't he worried about retaliation?"

"This kid is so stupid! If he continues like this, he will definitely be retaliated!"

"The people of the Liu family will never let Mingyu go!"

"Liu Yixuan is a relative of an inner disciple! Mingyu is in big trouble this time!"

"Mingyu is in trouble now."

Seeing this scene, the disciples in the square were gloating.

"Liu Yixuan, I'll give you a chance. Get back to the inner city immediately! Otherwise, you won't be able to step into Tianqi Academy again!" Liu Yichen roared at Liu Yixuan, furious, his old face as ferocious as a beast.

"Bah! Who am I, Liu Yixuan? How could I be threatened by you!" Liu Yixuan spat out the sand in his mouth, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked fierce.

"Since you insist on dying! Then I will fulfill your wish!" Liu Yichen growled fiercely, and the surging true energy in his body was urged out without reservation.

"Junior Brother Mingyu, you are dead today!" Liu Yichen stared at Mingyu fiercely, clenched his fists, and looked murderous.

Liu Yixuan had the same expression.

The two enemies looked at each other, their eyes filled with strong murderous intent.

In the square, everyone held their breath and waited for the wonderful show to begin.



A moment later, Liu Yixuan took the lead and kicked Mingyu in the abdomen. The terrifying force kicked Mingyu away like a gust of wind sweeping away fallen leaves.

Liu Yichen attacked fiercely and punched Mingyu in the head.


At the critical moment, Mingyu swayed slightly to avoid the fatal blow, then took advantage of the situation to grab Liu Yichen's arm and pulled it back suddenly.


Liu Yichen was caught off guard, and the harsh sound of bones breaking came from his arm. Liu Yichen screamed in pain: "Ah..."

"Stinky boy! How dare you sneak attack me!" Liu Yichen was angry.

"You rubbish, dare to snatch a woman from me?" Mingyu sneered, and whipped Liu Yichen's face with a whip kick, kicking him away.

"Asshole! Just wait and see!" Liu Yichen got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and roared angrily.

Mingyu glared at Liu Yichen with contempt and said indifferently: "Your fate is decided by me!"

Mingyu walked over slowly with a condescending attitude.

"Liu Yichen, I want to see who gave you the courage to act arrogantly in front of me?"

Liu Yixuan was beaten, this is a scandal of the Liu family, if it is spread out, it will definitely cause a sensation.

"Liu Yichen, your dog of the Liu family, dare to run wild in Tianqi Academy!"

"Looking for death! Liu Yichen dared to hurt Liu Yixuan, why don't you kneel down and admit your mistake!"

On the periphery of the square, three young men flew over, all of them were second-grade alchemists, and their aura was very strong.

The three young masters were the cousins ​​of Liu Yunzhi, Liu Yichen and Liu Yixuan.

"Yichen!" Liu Yixuan hurried over.

The three brothers of Liu Yichen arrived and were immediately furious.

"Don't come over!" Liu Yichen shouted in a deep voice.

The three brothers of Liu Yunzhi frowned and stopped.

"Liu Yichen! Who on earth offended you? How did you end up like this?" Liu Yixuan asked, full of doubts and at the same time feeling a hint of danger.

"I was at Tianqi Academy, sparring with someone, and accidentally killed him, so I was punished." Liu Yichen said.

"You lied! He is not your opponent at all. How can you not kill him?" Liu Yixuan shouted angrily.

"You are useless. Even if you win, it is not shameful." Liu Yichen said sarcastically.

"You..." Liu Yixuan was furious.

"Liu Yixuan, don't you like Fei'er? I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible, so as not to waste Fei'er's beauty." Liu Yichen said coldly: "I advise you not to bother her anymore, otherwise I will make you pay for it!"

Mingyu said coldly: "You two useless people are not worthy of Fei'er!"

"You...you...Puff!" Liu Yixuan was stimulated to vomit blood again and almost fainted.

Liu Yichen said with a gloomy face: "You two useless people, it's not too late to get out now!"

"I will kill you!"

"Mingyu, I want to fight you one-on-one!"

Liu Yixuan and Liu Yichen gritted their teeth and said, obviously angry.

The strength of the two is not much different. If they want to decide the winner, it will take at least several months.

"Mingyu's cultivation is one level lower than Liu Yixuan's. If they really fight, the outcome will be very different."

"Let's stay away and watch the fun."

Liu Yixuan and Liu Yichen teamed up to deal with Mingyu, and the disciples around the square all showed contempt.

Who among the disciples of Tianqi Academy doesn't want to see this kind of thing?

"One-on-one, right? I'll take it!" Mingyu said coldly.

Before he finished speaking, Mingyu went up to him.



Mingyu's attack was swift and domineering, and his attack was fierce and violent.

Liu Yichen was a ninth-level Zhenwu third-level, but unfortunately he was no match for Mingyu, and was beaten to a pulp by Mingyu.

"Damn it!" Liu Yichen felt very aggrieved and angry.

However, what made Liu Yichen even more aggrieved was that every time he used a powerful move, he was always a beat slower, causing the move to fail to hit the opponent.

"Bang, bang, bang!"


"Crack, crack!"

In the square, dense muffled sounds rang out, accompanied by the crisp sound of bones breaking.

"Mingyu's speed is getting faster and faster. Liu Yichen is no match for him at all."

"Mingyu's body is too strong."

Liu Yichen only lasted less than two hundred moves before he was defeated by Mingyu, and his defeat was extremely embarrassing.

"Liu Yichen, aren't you very arrogant? Keep going!"

Mingyu stepped on Liu Yichen's chest and sneered.

Liu Yichen's face was full of resentment and his heart was full of regret.

I should not have offended Mingyu earlier.


Liu Yichen was about to beg for mercy, but Mingyu raised his foot and kicked out with a force, instantly kicking him out.

Liu Yichen fell on the tree trunk at the edge of the square, and blood spurted out.

Liu Yichen's ribs were broken several times, and he grimaced in pain.

Mingyu's actions shocked everyone present.

Liu Yichen was beaten so badly that he had no power to fight back.

Liu Yichen covered his waist and climbed up with difficulty. He stared at Mingyu with a resentful look and gritted his teeth and cursed: "Boy, I will not let you go!"

"If you want to fight me, I will accompany you. I will let you know how big the gap is between you and me." Liu Yichen said grimly: "Mingyu, I want to challenge you!"

"Liu Yichen dared to challenge Mingyu. Is this kid tired of living?"

"Although he has some ability, his realm is always a flaw. He is definitely not Mingyu's opponent!"

"Haha, Liu Yichen will definitely be happy to see it happen."

Listening to the discussions of the disciples around him, Liu Yichen was secretly happy and thought to himself: "Mingyu, I am not your opponent, but your strength is not strong."

"I want to show Fei'er that I, Liu Yichen, am a truly excellent person."

"You won't have this opportunity." Mingyu shrugged and walked towards the square with a leisurely pace, looking amused.

"Hmph!" Liu Yichen snorted coldly, clenched his fists, and rushed forward.

Liu Yichen's speed was very fast, and he approached Mingyu in the blink of an eye.

"Liu Yichen has indeed broken through to the second level of the ninth stage of Zhenwu!" Mingyu narrowed his eyes slightly, with a nonchalant look, as if to say, you are still far away.


Mingyu hit out with a palm, as fast as lightning, the space shook violently, and the explosive force directly penetrated Liu Yichen's body protection aura, and a domineering force invaded his body.

"Hiss" Liu Yichen's face suddenly changed, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out.

With just one palm, Liu Yichen was completely defeated!

"How is it possible!" Liu Yichen widened his eyes, unbelievable.

"Is this your strength? Rubbish!" Mingyu slapped him, and with a crisp sound, the other half of Liu Yichen's cheek became red and swollen in an instant.

Liu Yichen was completely stunned and his head was dizzy.

The terrible power frightened Liu Yichen terrified.

"Liu Yichen, if you bully Fei'er again next time, I will cut off your fingers. Do you understand?" Mingyu warned fiercely.

"Woo woo~" Liu Yichen burst into tears and cried aggrievedly: "If you dare to hit me, Dad and brother will not let you go. Just wait for me."

"Your threats are meaningless to me. I told you to remember my words. My name is Mingyu. Don't mess with me in the future!" Mingyu said coldly, and then turned away, leaving a group of stunned Tianqi Academy disciples.

Liu Yichen covered his swollen left face, his face full of pain and humiliation, and his heart was extremely sad.

Liu Yichen never dreamed that he would be humiliated like this!

Liu Yixuan and Liu Yifeng were also shocked. They never dreamed that such a situation would occur.

"Liu Yixuan! I will remember today's revenge!" Liu Yichen glared at Liu Yixuan fiercely, his eyes gloomy.

Liu Yichen left with many servants. He wanted to take back today's humiliation, wash it off, and even cut Mingyu into pieces!

Liu Yifeng took a deep breath, quickly helped Liu Yichen up, and comforted him: "Brother Chen, don't rush home, go to the clinic for treatment first."

"No need!" Liu Yichen shook off Liu Yixuan's support and roared: "Let's go back. I want my father to avenge me! Mingyu dared to humiliate me like this, I must kill him!"

Liu Yichen has been arrogant since he was a child. How could he have suffered such a great humiliation?

Chapter 8 Liu Yichen's Decision

Chapter 8 Liu Yichen's Decision

Liu Yichen was humiliated, and Liu Yixuan was also very angry. He thought about going back to report to Liu Yichen's father.

After Liu Yichen returned home, he went straight to the hall.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Liu Changhe practicing martial arts, while Liu Changfeng stood by and watched.

"Dad! Brother!" Liu Yichen greeted respectfully.

"Chen'er is back." Liu Changhe opened his eyes, glanced at Liu Yichen, and said, "What's the matter?"

Liu Yichen immediately knelt down.

"Chen'er, what are you doing? If you have anything to say, just say it!" Liu Changhe frowned and asked.

"Dad, you must help me kill Mingyu! Mingyu stole my beloved woman and crippled me!" Liu Yichen said with resentment on his face.

Liu Yichen's beloved woman, naturally, refers to Su Fei'er.

"If you hadn't said it, I would have forgotten that this matter really needs to be dealt with!" Liu Changhe's old face darkened, and after a moment of silence, he sighed and said, "It's a pity that your sister is already engaged to the young master of Yunshan Sect, and Mingyu is the grandson of the Seventh Prince, so we can't touch him."

"Yunshan Sect?" Liu Yichen was stunned.

"Yunshan Sect is the largest weapon refiner union in Tianqi City. It has a strong background and powerful strength. Even the major families in Shengling City have to give way to it." Liu Yixuan whispered.

"So that's it!" Liu Yichen nodded suddenly.

"Chen'er, your cultivation resources have been used up. Go and practice quickly." Liu Changhe urged.

"Dad..." Liu Yichen hesitated.

"Just tell me if you have something to say." Liu Changhe frowned slightly.

"It's like this." Liu Yichen smiled awkwardly and said, "I have awakened the fifth-grade sword soul. I am already the peak of the fourth-grade swordsman. If I can be promoted to the fifth-grade sword apprentice, then my strength will definitely surpass Mingyu!"

"Fifth-grade sword soul?" Liu Changhe was stunned, then shook his head and said, "No, you are only a two-star alchemist. It takes a lot of energy to practice. How can you have time to improve your strength?"

Liu Yichen paused and said, "Dad! I have thought about it. I plan to take the assessment."

"What? Take the assessment?" Liu Changhe was shocked.

"I'll sign up now!" Liu Yichen said excitedly, his heart was filled with excitement.

"Chen'er, you have a high talent, but it's very difficult to take the test." Liu Yixuan said solemnly.

"Chen'er, have you figured it out?" Liu Changhe was also a little surprised.

Liu Yichen said firmly: "I'm going to take the test! Mingyu humiliated me, I can't stand it!"

Liu Yichen thought he was already useless, but Mingyu suddenly appeared to save him, and even crippled Liu Yichen's arm. This made Liu Yichen angry, but also gave him hope.

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