Since Mingyu can do it, why can't he do it?

Moreover, if he is really disabled, wouldn't he lose the chance to retaliate against Mingyu forever?

Mingyu's strength has surpassed Liu Yichen by a lot, and Liu Yichen definitely doesn't want to miss this opportunity.

Liu Yichen's idea is indeed good. After all, he has the sword spirit and has the potential to become an alchemist. This is the key.

"Yes!" Liu Yichen nodded solemnly.

"Okay, I'll send two guards to take you to sign up!" Liu Changhe urged, hoping that his son could achieve some results.

When Liu Changhe adopted Liu Yichen, in addition to training Liu Yichen, he also hoped that Liu Yichen would achieve something one day.

"Thank you, Dad!" Liu Yichen was overjoyed and couldn't wait to say: "I'll go find Mingyu first. I want to step on him and let him know who is the waste!"

"Yes!" Liu Changhe nodded.


On the other side.

"Brother Mingyu, you are so awesome!"

In the inn, Lin Haiyang praised Mingyu with admiration.

Lin Haiyang's injuries had long been healed, but he still refused to leave, as if he had already identified Mingyu.

"Lin Haiyang, I advise you to leave as soon as possible, so as not to be targeted by Liu Yichen. That guy is not easy to deal with, and you are not his opponent." Mingyu frowned.

"Humph! Why are you afraid of him? With the support of Brother Mingyu, even if he is a direct descendant of the Liu family, you have to think about it!" Lin Haiyang sneered, not afraid at all.

Mingyu shook his head slightly and said nothing.

Although Liu Yichen had no background, he was also a young master of a third-rate small family, and Mingyu was just an orphan.

Whether it was Liu Yichen or Mingyu, it was not worth mentioning at all.

Mingyu was too lazy to care.


The next morning.

As soon as the sky was bright, Liu Changhe hurried to the Imperial Capital Academy to register and successfully got the registration form.

"Dad, do you think what you said last night counts?" Liu Yichen asked as he walked out of the gate of the Imperial Capital Academy, looking at his father Liu Changhe.

Liu Yichen was thoughtful and had long guessed that Liu Changhe wanted to use his identity to fight for the family business for Liu Yichen.

"Don't worry, I promised your mother that I would take care of you and I won't break my promise." Liu Changhe patted his chest and promised.

Hearing this, Liu Yichen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dad, when I become a sword apprentice, I will challenge Mingyu and take revenge for you." Liu Yichen swore secretly.

He had made up his mind to become a sword apprentice no matter what the cost!

"Chen'er, it's good that you have confidence. I believe you can succeed!" Liu Changhe encouraged.


After Liu Yichen said goodbye to Liu Changhe, he went straight to the direction of the palace.

Liu Yichen's journey to the palace was not short. It took him half an hour to arrive.

Liu Yichen walked into the palace, passed through several quiet alleys, and finally stopped.

At this time, in front of him was a magnificent, majestic, and magnificent palace!

This is the imperial city, the Tianyu Kingdom Palace.

At the entrance of the palace, there are two stone lions guarding, majestic and domineering.

In the palace, figures flickered, and the guards were strict. A solemn atmosphere came over, giving people a great feeling of oppression.

The palace is a symbol of power and status. It gathers the top existences of the entire Tianyu Kingdom.

Here, there are many strong people, including level 6 alchemists, level 6 pharmacists, level 5 weapon refiners, level 4 formation masters, level 4 inscription masters...

These are all Tianyu Kingdom strongmen!

"Who are you? How dare you trespass into the palace!" Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded.

Liu Yichen looked up and saw a young man leading two guards coming from the side.

The young man was dressed in purple and extremely gorgeous. He was obviously a noble son of the royal family and one of the three great alchemists of Tianyu Country, the alchemist Xu Feiyang!

"Hello, Brother Xu." Liu Yichen saluted with his fists.

Xu Feiyang glanced at Liu Yichen indifferently and said indifferently: "You are Liu Yichen, why are you looking for me?"

"Brother Xu misunderstood. I came to the palace because I have a news to sell to Brother Xu." Liu Yichen hurriedly explained: "This morning, something happened in the palace square. It is said that there is an alchemist who has a level 5 flame sword soul!"

"Level 5 flame sword soul?" Xu Feiyang was shocked.

Alchemists with level 5 flame sword souls are destined to achieve something in the future, and may even become powerful sword warriors.

"Is that so? Take me over to see." Xu Feiyang ordered immediately.


Refining Pavilion

"Level 5 sword spirit, it's quite interesting." Zhao Changfeng, the master of the Refining Pavilion, stroked his beard and said, "Such sword spirits are already very rare in Nanhuang County."

"Who are you?" Mingyu shouted coldly.

Zhao Changfeng was startled, then smiled and said, "Mingyu, don't you know me?"

"No!" Mingyu shook his head.

"Hehe." Zhao Changfeng smiled awkwardly, pointed to the wall behind him, and said, "Look for yourself!"

Mingyu turned his head, and when he saw the portrait on the wall clearly, his face changed instantly.

Mingyu widened his eyes and stared at the man in white in the portrait, breathing rapidly.

Mingyu never thought that he would meet an old friend when he was at his most miserable!

"Mingyu, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Changfeng asked in confusion, "Do you know him?"

Mingyu took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and then said to Zhao Changfeng respectfully, "Master, my name is Mingyu, and I am Liu Yichen's friend."

Mingyu did not hide anything, but told the truth, because he did not want to deceive Zhao Changfeng, otherwise it would leave a bad impression.

Zhao Changfeng nodded slightly: "So that's the case, no wonder the Liu family wants to recommend you to Tianyu College."

Zhao Changfeng muttered in his heart, but did not show it on his face. He continued: "Since you are Liu Yichen's friend, we can't neglect you. Come with me and go through the entry procedures first."

Zhao Changfeng took Mingyu to the office of the Refining Pavilion.


Liu Family.

Liu Changhe sat in the room, thinking in his heart: "Liu Yichen is a talented child. If he can join Tianyu College, it will be very helpful for his future practice, but..."

Liu Changhe thought of what Liu Yichen had just said, and his eyes suddenly became gloomy.

"Damn Mingyu, dare to refuse me."

"Humph, don't think that you can turn the world upside down with a level 5 sword spirit. You will never be able to beat me!"


A giant bird flew across the sky, and Liu Changhe stood up suddenly.

Liu Changhe witnessed the entire process of the competition between Liu Yichen and Mingyu. Now, Mingyu has been arranged to enter Tianyu College, and he must leave immediately and go to the imperial city!

"Grandfather, I am unfilial and I am afraid I can't serve you."

After Liu Changhe finished speaking, he turned and walked out.

Liu Changhe walked out of the Liu residence and galloped on the mountain road, his speed getting faster and faster.

Liu Changhe's goal was very clear, and he went straight to the imperial city.


Liu Changhe's horse galloped, constantly speeding up, and finally arrived at the imperial city of Tianyu Kingdom, Tianyu Imperial City in the evening!


Liu Changhe tightened the reins, reined in the horse and slowly landed. After getting off the horse, he walked towards the imperial city.

"Stop!" The soldiers guarding the city gate blocked Liu Changhe's way.

"I am Liu Changhe." Liu Changhe bowed.

"It turns out to be Lord Liu, please come in!" The soldiers guarding the city gate saluted hurriedly.

"Yeah." Liu Changhe nodded and stepped into the imperial city. Everything was so familiar.

"Huh? Isn't that Lord Liu?"

"He's still alive? Not only is he not dead, he's back!"

As soon as Liu Changhe entered the imperial city, he attracted everyone's attention and cast surprised glances.

Liu Changhe nodded as if he was used to it.

Not long after, Liu Changhe walked around the imperial city and finally stopped at the Beast Taming Building.

The Beast Taming Building is the headquarters of the Tianyu Country Beast Tamer Association, and it is also the highest-level Beast Tamer Alliance in the entire Tianyan Dynasty.

Liu Changhe's target is Zhang Hao, the deputy leader of the Beast Tamer Alliance.

Zhang Hao is a nine-star beast tamer, and his status in the entire Tianyan Dynasty is very high.

"Alliance Leader Zhang should be refining treasures and will not see guests for the time being. Please go back." The guard said unceremoniously.

Hearing this, Liu Changhe frowned and said, "Please tell Alliance Leader Zhang that I have something urgent to ask for."

"Who do you think you are? Why should I tell you?" The guard sneered, "I warn you, leave quickly, or we will be rude!"

Looking at the guards, Liu Changhe knew that they would not tell him, so he sighed and turned to leave.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Suddenly, a sound of breaking through the air came, and then several black-armored guards rushed over.

"Who are you? Who allowed you to approach the Beast Taming Building?" The black-armored guard stood in front of Liu Changhe.

"I am Liu Yichen's uncle. I want to see Alliance Leader Zhang Hao. I have something important to ask for." Liu Changhe said.

The black-armored guard looked at Liu Changhe and asked, "Do you have any evidence to prove what you said?"

Liu Changhe took out his ID card and handed it over.

The black-armored guard checked the ID card and said, "Wait here. I'll report to Alliance Leader Zhang."

The black-armored guard left and returned a moment later, making a "please" gesture to Liu Changhe, motioning him to go in.

"Thank you." Liu Changhe clasped his fists and then entered the Beast Taming Building.

The Beast Taming Building has a total of nine floors, and each floor is arranged with formations and restrictions.

At the entrance of the Beast Taming Building, there is a statue, which is the statue of Zhang Hao.

"Greetings, Alliance Leader." Liu Changhe bowed to the statue and then walked in.

"The Alliance Leader is refining treasures, please wait a moment." A trusted disciple of Zhang Hao said.

"Okay, I'll wait for him here." Liu Changhe nodded.

Not long after, Zhang Hao appeared.

He looked at Liu Changhe and said, "I wonder what Brother Liu wants to talk to me about?"

"Alliance Leader Zhang, this Soul Jade Card, I hope you will accept it." Liu Changhe took out the Soul Jade Card and handed it to Zhang Hao.

"The Soul Jade Card?" Zhang Hao was stunned.

Liu Changhe nodded and said, "I heard that Mingyu was admitted, but I am worried that he will hate Yichen, so I give you this Naling Jade Card. I believe that if you have it, Mingyu will not be able to retaliate against Yichen."

When Zhang Hao heard Mingyu, a trace of disgust appeared on his face.

He was originally a servant of Liu Yichen. He betrayed Liu Yichen because of Liu Changhe's threat.

Although Zhang Hao was very loyal to Liu Yichen, he did not like Mingyu. He was disgusted by Mingyu's arrogance and hated Mingyu's bossing Liu Yichen.

If possible, Zhang Hao was willing to draw a clear line with Mingyu, but unfortunately, Liu Yichen's character was too stubborn and he would rather die than give up Zhang Hao.

This was also the most painful part for Zhang Hao.

"Thank you very much." Zhang Hao thanked softly.

"It's just a little help." Liu Changhe smiled lightly and said, "But Mingyu's identity is very special. I hope that Zhang Alliance Leader can educate him well."

Zhang Hao nodded, then waved his hand to let Liu Changhe leave.

After leaving the Royal Beast Tower, Liu Changhe went straight to the palace.

"Your Majesty, I would like to see you at last." Liu Changhe knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"I love you." On the dragon chair, Long Xiaotian raised his hand.

Liu Changhe stood up, looked at Long Xiaotian, and said apologetically: "Your Majesty, this time my Liu family was wiped out."

"What?" Long Xiaotian suddenly stood up, his eyes narrowed, murderous intent flashed, and he asked in a deep voice: "What's going on?"

Liu Changhe lowered his head and told what happened to him.


After saying that, Long Xiaotian stood up and roared: "The Liu family was destroyed. I have known about it for a long time, but I didn't care about it and allowed it to develop. I didn't expect that they would attack the Liu family today!"

"Your Majesty, I suspect that the forces behind the Liu family did it." Liu Changhe said respectfully.

Long Xiaotian took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I will investigate this matter clearly. No matter who is behind the scenes, I will make his life worse than death!"

"I will retire." Liu Changhe bowed and exited the Jinluan Palace.

"Liu Changhe, I will never let this matter go!" Long Xiaotian clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

"Your Majesty, what do you think?" Long Xiaotian suddenly asked Li Wenbo next to him.

Li Wenbo shook his head and said: "The affairs of the Liu family are not simple. The Liu family has risen rapidly in recent years. There is no guarantee that the person behind Liu Changhe is not Mingyu."

"It can't be Mingyu!" Long Xiaotian immediately retorted.

"Oh? Why is it impossible?" Li Wenbo asked.

Long Xiaotian pondered for a while and said: "For the Liu family to become an eighth-grade family, there must be strong support behind it. Liu Changhe has no right to order Liu Yichen."

Li Wenbo nodded in agreement and said, "Your Majesty's analysis is correct. The Liu family is indeed not the fault of Mingyu."

"Besides that, there is one more thing." Li Wenbo paused and continued: "The Liu family can have such strength, I am afraid someone is secretly helping them. Otherwise, with Liu Changhe's strength, he would not dare to provoke Mingyu."

"You mean Liu Yichen's mother?" Long Xiaotian frowned slightly.

"Yes." Li Wenbo nodded and said, "It's just...she is not close to Liu Changhe, and Liu Changhe never mentioned it, which makes the veteran feel strange."

Long Xiaotian nodded thoughtfully and said: "No matter what the reason is, since the Liu family has been destroyed, this matter is over here and don't mention it again."

Li Wenbo nodded slightly and said, "Your Majesty is wise."

On the other side, in the Beihuang Mountains, at the Blood Demon Pavilion headquarters, there were more than 300 people standing on a giant square.

These more than 300 people were all wearing uniform clothes with red cloud patterns embroidered on their chests.

Around the square, there were still more than twenty men, women, and children standing, all of whom had reached the realm of the Martial Lord.

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