"After so many years, they finally appeared again." A young man sneered.

The young man was tall and strong, and his body exuded a strong and majestic aura.

"You have been watching them all these years. Have you found anyone joining the Blood Evil Pavilion?" asked a white-haired old man.

The young man shook his head and said, "There are only more than 50 people at present."

The white-haired old man said, "These people should be hidden dangers in the dark. We need to be vigilant at all times. Once exposed, they will frantically attack us, after all, we have taken their things."

"I know." The young man said.


At this time, a deafening thunderous explosion sounded in the distance.

"What's going on? Is someone attacking us?" The white-haired old man frowned.

The young man frowned slightly and said, "It's far away, and I don't know the situation."

After speaking, the young man led more than 300 people to rush towards the source of the explosion.

After a while, the young man and others arrived at the scene, only to see two groups of people fighting fiercely.

"Feng Jingyun!" The young man's face was extremely gloomy.

Feng Jingyun fought with a group of blood-robed old men, and it was very strenuous. His body was covered with wounds and blood stained his clothes.

"Feng Jingyun, hand over the holy bone, otherwise today will be your death day!" One of the burly old men shouted angrily.

Feng Jingyun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said coldly: "Don't you think about it!"

"Stubborn!" The old man shouted angrily and attacked with all his strength.

"Hmph!" Feng Jingyun snorted coldly, urging the power of the holy bone, and his breath suddenly increased several times, and his strength became extremely powerful.

The old man felt the sudden burst of power from Feng Jingyun, his face suddenly changed, and said: "You actually refined the holy bone?"

"Are you reacting now? It's too late!" Feng Jingyun grinned, and the power of the holy bone burst out in full, performing the Overlord Sword Technique.


The Overlord Sword Technique was overbearing and sharp, and the Overlord Spear swept out. The Overlord Sword Technique combined with the Overlord Sword Technique was enough to kill the martial arts master!

The old man looked horrified and dodged quickly, but was still torn to pieces by the Overlord Sword Technique, and his body was scattered all over the ground.


After killing an old man, Feng Jingyun roared and rushed forward with the Overlord Sword Technique.


The Overlord Sword Technique condensed into a sharp sword, carrying the destructive power to chop down, the void trembled violently, and the air seemed to be split open.


A head flew out, and hot blood spurted out.

"Go!" Seeing this, the remaining two blood-robed old men all changed their faces and fled in a hurry.

Feng Jingyun was not willing to let the two blood-robed old men go, and chased them with all his strength.


In the blink of an eye, the sword energy formed by the Overlord Sword Technique pierced the hearts of the two old men.

The old man died on the spot, completely cutting off his last chance of survival!

After killing the two, Feng Jingyun took a breath and put away the Overlord Sword Technique.


Feng Jingyun relaxed and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"The Blood Demon Pavilion is indeed in charge of strong people. I almost failed just now. Fortunately, I was not entangled by them." Feng Jingyun muttered with relief.

During this period, Feng Jingyun has been staying in the Blood Demon Pavilion, replacing a group of new people every once in a while, using new people to replace the old ones.

And the strength of this group of new people is relatively weak, but Feng Jingyun gave them a Yuanying Pill and some treasures.

Under the effect of the Yuanying Pill, the cultivation of these new people has increased dramatically. In just half a month, their strength has made a qualitative leap.

"Is this the power of the martial soul? It's so wonderful and so comfortable!"

"Haha... I'm already a one-star martial artist. It's so refreshing."

"This life is worth it!"

In a luxurious courtyard, a group of young men and women cheered excitedly with excited smiles on their faces.

Not only did their strength increase greatly, but more importantly, they finally transformed from trash to geniuses.

Feng Jingyun saw all this and smiled with satisfaction: "It's worthy of the effect of the Nascent Soul Pill. It has reached the level of a one-star martial artist in just a few days. If you can get more Nascent Soul Pills, won't you be able to enter the Xiantian realm quickly?"

Afterwards, Feng Jingyun found a group of newcomers and taught them the method of cultivation.

In a room in the main hall of the Blood Evil Pavilion.

Feng Qianyang sat cross-legged on the bed, pinching the seal with both hands, running the "Burning Heaven Art", absorbing the fire attribute aura to refine the toxins in the body.

Although Feng Qianyang had detoxified, the toxins were still rampant in the body, so the remaining toxins in the body had to be refined.

"This power is so overbearing!" When refining the toxins, Feng Qianyang was shocked. This overbearing power completely crushed his power, causing severe pain in his meridians.

"Hmph! Just relying on this little poison, you also want to control me?" Feng Qianyang shouted coldly, running the Burning Heaven Art to resist the impact of the toxins on the meridians, and began to force this power out of the body.

As time went by, Feng Qianyang became more and more accustomed to the toxins in his body. Gradually, the toxins in his meridians were forced into a thin black line and could no longer spread.

"The power of this poison has been weakened a lot. Don't worry. The next step is to recover your cultivation as soon as possible!" Feng Qianyang took a deep breath, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

Then, Feng Qianyang took out the holy bone that Feng Jingyun gave him and studied it carefully, saying: "The holy bone has a strong defensive power, which can be said to be both offensive and defensive!"

"The sacred bones contain powerful power. If you can get more sacred bones, you will definitely be able to surpass the Martial Lord in your cultivation!"

Feng Qianyang grinned and said: "It's a pity that there is no way to find Qi's holy bones now!"

"Holy Bones, you are my exclusive possession, Feng Qianyang, and I will never allow anyone to covet you!" Feng Qianyang clenched his fists, his eyes flashing with cold light.

Feng Jingyun left the Northern Territory and returned to the Wind Clan.

When Feng Jinghong saw Feng Jingyun returning, he immediately asked: "Jingyun, are you in danger during this experience?"

"My strength is not afraid of any danger now, unless Emperor Wu takes action." Feng Jingyun smiled lightly.

"I thought you encountered some kind of danger." After Feng Jinghong heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said: "By the way, the Blood Demon Pavilion seems to be looking for some treasure during this period, and has sent a large number of troops. Disciple, you have to be careful to avoid disaster."

"I understand. I will pay attention. Don't worry about me. Just take good care of my mother." Feng Jingyun warned.

"Don't worry, my mother is very healthy now." Feng Jinghong patted his chest and assured.

"Yeah." Feng Jingyun smiled and returned to his house.

"What treasures the Blood Demon Pavilion is looking for has nothing to do with me, but since they want to rob me, even if I don't go to them, they will take the initiative to provoke me. Instead of doing this, it is better to take a preemptive strike." Feng Jingyun said to himself. road.

Afterwards, Feng Jingyun took out the jade slip and checked it.

"It turns out that this is how to use the holy bones. Fortunately, I have the holy bones. Otherwise, I might have died here today. But now that the holy bones have been integrated into my body, I only need to refine this power." Feng Jingyun Secret passage.

Feng Jingyun gradually became familiar with the use of the holy bones according to the steps recorded on the jade slips, and then began to practice.

"Xuesha Pavilion, I'm looking forward to your performance." Feng Jingyun raised an evil arc at the corner of his mouth, and his body shook violently. Thick purple spiritual energy surged out, covering the entire body, forming a solid armor. .


At this moment, there was a loud noise, and the entire mountain gate shook. Feng Jingyun suddenly opened his eyes.

"What's going on?" Feng Jingyun immediately walked out.

"To report to the alliance leader, something happened outside. Four deputy hall masters of the Blood Demon Pavilion were seriously injured and fled back to the main rudder of the Blood Demon Pavilion to seek help." The elders of the Blood Demon Pavilion came to report.

Hearing this, Feng Jingyun frowned slightly and said, "No wonder I felt a little restlessness in the Xuesha Pavilion. It turns out something happened in the Xuesha Pavilion."

"Let's go out and take a look." After Feng Jingyun finished speaking, he tiptoed and rushed out of the mountain gate in an instant.

Outside the Blood Fiend Pavilion, a middle-aged man was nailed to the mountain gate, covered in blood and screaming repeatedly.

"The third deputy hall master of the Blood Evil Pavilion, Hall Master Luo Han, was actually killed..." Everyone onlookers took a breath. Among the three deputy hall masters of the Blood Evil Pavilion, Arhat was the most ferocious existence. Unexpectedly, Died here.

"Who did this? Those who dare to touch my Blood Demon Pavilion, are you tired of living?" A violent aura swept over, and a burly man roared and rushed towards the mountain gate.

"Deputy Leader of the Blood Slaughter, you've come back just in time, go and save the Deputy Leader!" A disciple of the Blood Demon Pavilion shouted.

The burly man glanced at Arhat's body, his face was extremely gloomy, and he said: "Who did it?"

"That man killed the deputy hall master and injured us. He is in the backyard now. You should go quickly." Another Blood Demon Pavilion disciple said anxiously.

"Let's go." The burly man shouted in a low voice, and then immediately disappeared.

The backyard of Xuesha Pavilion was in a mess, and the ground was covered with bright red bloodstains.

"The bloody massacre is coming."

At this time, someone discovered the burly man. The burly man rushed into the backyard with anger. When he saw the body lying on the ground, his face suddenly sank.

"Who dares to touch my people from the Blood Fiend Pavilion!" Xue Tu roared angrily.

When the people present heard this roar, they were all trembling with fear. This was a master at the King of Martial Realm, and they were not able to compete with him at all.

Feng Jinghong came over and said apologetically: "Jingyun, this is an internal matter within my family and you should not be involved."

Feng Jingyun said: "This is my home, and naturally it is also my home. No matter what, I don't want anyone to act wild in my home, let alone in front of my parents' graves."

Feng Jinghong sighed, and he admired Feng Jingyun's actions.

Feng Jinghong said: "This senior, junior Jinghong, is the son of Feng Zhanting, the head of the Feng Mansion. May I ask your surname, senior?"

"Feng Jinghong, are you Feng Jingyun?" The burly man stared at Feng Jinghong.

Feng Jinghong cupped his hands and said, "I'm down here, Feng Jinghong. I wonder who your senior is?"

"I am your grandfather." Feng Aolong said straightforwardly.

"Ah?" Feng Jinghong was stunned. This sentence made him shocked on the outside and tender on the inside.

After Feng Jinghong came to his senses, he immediately knelt down and said, "Grandpa!"

"I am your ancestor." Feng Aolong said again, then walked to Arhat's body and squatted down to check it, and said: "Arhat died from the explosive talisman, and the explosive talisman is extremely powerful. It seems that it was planned for a long time. Damn it, these bastards!"

"Father, mother, the child is unfilial and failed to come back in time to see the two elders." Feng Jinghong knelt in front of the tombstones of Feng Aolong and Shen Biyue, his knees touched the cold stone, and tears flowed from his eyes.

"Father, mother, I will definitely avenge you!" Feng Jinghong gritted his teeth.

Feng Jingyun stood beside Feng Jinghong, gently supported him, and comforted him: "Brother, I will definitely help you get justice."

Feng Jinghong wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, showing a resolute look, and said: "This account will be settled with them sooner or later."

The two brothers supported each other and walked out of the tomb of Feng Zhanting and Shen Biyue, and then walked into the hall. Feng Xiaotian was sitting on a chair drinking tea. Seeing Feng Jingyun and Feng Jinghong coming back, a bright smile appeared on his face.

"You are back?"

"Yes." Feng Jinghong nodded slightly, then sat on the left side of Feng Xiaotian, and Feng Jingyun sat on the right side.

"How did you gain this trip?" Feng Xiaotian asked with concern.

Feng Jinghong said: "It's OK. We killed three martial commanders and there are hundreds of martial lords and above. But we also suffered a lot of losses. Jingyun and I were injured. Now the people from the Blood Evil Pavilion are probably preparing to attack."

As soon as Feng Jinghong finished speaking, a noisy discussion came from outside the Blood Evil Pavilion, "The masters of the Blood Evil Pavilion are all rushing here. Should we evacuate?"

"Wouldn't it be too easy for them to retreat now?"

"Then what should we do?"

"Let's wait until the Blood Evil Pavilion arrives."

Feng Jinghong said: "They are coming soon , you should return to Feng Mansion immediately to take shelter. ”

Feng Jingyun said: "I am with my elder brother. If there is any crisis, I can still help him."

"You staying here will distract me. I need to heal my wounds and recover as soon as possible." Feng Jinghong said seriously: "This matter has nothing to do with you. Don't interfere."

Feng Jingyun said: "Brother, I will not leave."

"Jingyun, listen to your elder brother. Don't worry about me here. These few escape talismans are enough. We must hurry up to recover our strength." Feng Jinghong said solemnly.

Although Feng Jingyun was reluctant, he also understood the urgency of the matter. He took a deep breath, then took out two escape talismans and handed them to Feng Jinghong, saying: "Brother, be careful."

"Don't worry, I'll go first." Feng Jinghong put the two escape talismans on his body, and his figure disappeared in front of him.

After Feng Jingyun saw Feng Jinghong disappear, he turned to Feng Jinghong and said, "Brother, let's leave here too."

"Okay." Feng Jinghong nodded, and then left the house with Feng Jingyun.

"Feng Jinghong, none of you can escape today!" Just as Feng Jinghong and Feng Jingyun walked out of the house, a roar was heard.

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