Then, a man in black robe suddenly appeared in front of Feng Jinghong, blocking his way. Feng Jinghong's pupils shrank for a moment, and then he said: "Who are you? Why are you blocking my way?"

"Feng Jinghong, you killed so many people from our Blood Demon Pavilion, I want you to pay with your life!" The man in black robe said fiercely.

"Are you the leader of the Blood Demon Pavilion?" Feng Jinghong asked in confusion.

"Humph!" The man in black robe said coldly: "Since you know, just follow me back and confess your sins."

Feng Jinghong's face became extremely solemn. He now knew what kind of terrible enemy he had provoked. The Blood Demon Pavilion was one of the five overlord-level forces in Beizhou. If there was a full-scale confrontation, the Blood Demon Pavilion would definitely have the upper hand.

Feng Jinghong sighed inwardly, and then said: "Sir, this is a misunderstanding. If you want me to apologize, I am willing to compensate you."

"Do you think you are still qualified to negotiate with me now?" The black-robed man said disdainfully: "I advise you not to resist stubbornly, so as not to suffer."

Feng Jinghong shook his head and said: "I don't know the leader of your Blood Evil Pavilion. I will take responsibility for this mistake. If you want to kill me, come on."

"If you don't accept my toast, you will be punished." The black-robed man snorted coldly and shot at Feng Jinghong in an instant.

Feng Jinghong circulated his spiritual power and raised his own aura to the peak state to fight against the black-robed man.


In an instant, a deafening sound came from the entire hall. The black-robed man was very powerful, and every move was full of fierce and violent aura.

Feng Jinghong tried his best to resist, but still felt it was difficult to compete.


After only three moves, Feng Jinghong was forced to retreat several steps, blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, and his face turned much paler.

"Your strength is just so-so. You can't even block one of my moves, so what's the point of talking about revenge?" The black-robed man sneered sarcastically.

Feng Jinghong's eyes flashed with cold light, and he gritted his teeth and continued to rush towards the black-robed man. He had decided to protect his sister from leaving the headquarters of the Blood Evil Pavilion at the cost of his life.

Feng Jinghong swung his sword and chopped, but the black-robed man had no fear at all. His powerful strength surged, and then his fist smashed out with a domineering force.


The black-robed man's fist landed on the long sword, and the powerful force swept over, shaking the long sword away. Feng Jinghong flew backwards, fell to the ground and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

"Unable to withstand a single blow!" The black-robed man said disdainfully.

"Feng Jinghong, prepare to die." The black-robed man growled and rushed towards Feng Jinghong again. Feng Jinghong struggled to get up and raised his sword to fight back, but was kicked away by the black-robed man.

Feng Jinghong fell to the ground, spurting blood from his mouth again, his body trembling.

The black-robed man slowly approached Feng Jinghong and said coldly: "You killed so many people from the Blood Evil Pavilion, you can't leave here alive today."

Feng Jinghong's eyes became firm, holding the long sword, and said word by word: "You want to kill me, are you qualified?"

After that, Feng Jinghong's aura surged wildly again, and a vast force surged out of his body. The whole person was like a majestic mountain, exuding a majestic aura.

"Xuanxian realm?" The black-robed man's face suddenly sank, and then he cursed: "How dare you hide your strength?"

"Only you will believe this trick." Feng Jinghong stood up and stared at the black-robed man indifferently.

"You are looking for death, I will grant you your wish." The black-robed man roared, "Kill Feng Jinghong and Feng Jingyun for me."

After the black-robed man finished speaking, many figures appeared around him, a total of nine people, all of whom were in the Xuanxian realm, and the cultivation techniques they practiced were also extremely powerful and very strong.

Feng Jinghong calmly watched these people walk in, not afraid at all. These people were indeed very powerful, but it was simply a fool's dream to want to kill the two of them.

Nine Xuanxians attacked at the same time, each with a violent aura, and the pressure enveloped Feng Jinghong, making Feng Jinghong feel suffocated.

"Xuanxian, you really think highly of me." Feng Jinghong sneered, "However, so many of you bully our two brothers, you are really thick-skinned enough."

"Humph! To kill you, we don't need so many of us to join forces. Today, you will die here." The black-robed man said coldly.

Feng Jinghong roared, and his whole body burst into brilliant light, and then he activated the Eight Desolate Thunder Art. In the sky, purple-red lightning and thunder roared, and a strong destructive aura spread.

Feng Jinghong spread his arms and shouted loudly: "Thunder Nine Heavens."

In the sky, purple-red lightning rolled in, turning into purple-red lightning. These lightnings covered the entire sky, forming a sea of ​​thunder with infinite power.

The nine Xuanxians saw the scene in the sky, and their faces changed slightly. They did not expect Feng Jinghong to release such a powerful attack.

The black-robed man looked even uglier. He knew that it was unlikely to kill Feng Jinghong or Feng Jingyun today.

Feng Jinghong's attack became more and more terrifying, and the faces of the nine Xuanxians gradually showed fear. They immediately used their powerful martial arts to resist Feng Jinghong's attack, but even so, they were still forced to retreat step by step.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The black-robed man's chest, abdomen, legs and other parts were pierced by lightning, leaving shocking bloody holes on his body.

The other seven Xuanxian's faces were pale. They were all Xuanxian, but they were unable to parry Feng Jinghong's attack. This was a completely crushing battle.

"What should we do? Are we just waiting to be killed?" A man said angrily.

"How on earth did this guy reach the realm of Xuanxian?" Another person frowned.

"I'm not willing to die like this. I must kill Feng Jinghong to avenge the pavilion master." A woman screamed.

Immediately, after several people glanced at each other, they nodded, and together they burst out with powerful force and attacked Feng Jinghong. Nine terrifying forces blasted over at the same time, as if they wanted to fight Feng Jinghong to the death.

Facing this terrifying force, Feng Jinghong shouted coldly: "Thunder Territory!"

Immediately afterwards, a huge thunder net suddenly appeared in the sky, trapping Feng Jinghong and the nine Xuanxian. The terrifying lightning struck down, leaving several people with bruises.

"Damn you bastard!" The man in black robe roared angrily.

Feng Jinghong smiled lightly and said: "I'm sorry, although my minefield is small, it is enough to kill you."

As he said that, Feng Jinghong waved his Qinghong Sword and killed the man in black robe.

When the man in black robe saw Feng Jinghong rushing over, his expression suddenly changed. He hurriedly shouted: "Retreat! Retreat quickly."

After the black-robed man shouted loudly, the eight Xuanxian immediately retreated and fled.

"Can you run away?" Feng Jinghong shouted coldly, holding a long sword and chasing after him.

The man in black robe kept dodging, but Feng Jinghong was faster. He caught up with him in a few breaths, and then pierced the man in black robe's chest with his sword.


The chest of the man in black robe exploded, and a cloud of blood mist floated out...

Feng Jinghong put away the Qinghong Sword, turned around and disappeared into the night...

In the early morning of the next day, there was a commotion in Fengyi City, because what happened in front of Feng Mansion last night was completely spread throughout the city, and no one knew about it.

Outside Feng Mansion, there were more and more people watching, and many people were talking about what happened in Feng Mansion last night.

"It is said that something happened in Shangfeng Mansion last night. Someone broke into Feng Mansion. The ancestor of Feng Mansion came out and fought with a mysterious master. In the end, the ancestor of Feng Mansion was seriously injured and escaped..."

"Who is the ancestor of Feng Mansion? This ancestor of Feng Mansion is a super strong man. How could he be injured?"

"I heard that the ancestor of the Feng family was once in the Xuanwang realm, but later fell to the Celestial Immortal realm, so his longevity was exhausted and he died..."

"Xuanwang Realm..."

After hearing this, many people were secretly shocked that a being in the realm of Xuan King had fallen... This incident caused quite a stir.

On the streets of Fengyi City, someone saw a carriage slowly approaching. An old man and a child were sitting in the carriage. The old man had his eyes closed and his face was a little solemn, as if he was sleeping.

"Isn't this the city lord's palace in Fengyi City? Why are you here?" Pedestrians on the roadside asked confused when they saw this.

"Isn't this the return of the city lord of Fengyi City?"

The carriage stopped, and the old man opened his eyes and looked at the City Lord's Mansion. The door of the City Lord's Mansion was open, obviously ready to welcome his return.

The old man's mouth raised a faint arc, and then he led the child towards the City Lord's Mansion. The door of the City Lord's Mansion opened, and the old man and the child walked into the City Lord's Mansion. In the hall, the City Lord of Fengyi City was already sitting on a chair.

"City Lord, I'm back." The old man cupped his hands and said with a slight smile.

The Lord of Fengyi City quickly stood up and said with a smile: "Haha... I was waiting for my old friend. I didn't expect that my old friend came by himself. We haven't seen each other for a long time and we miss him very much."

The Lord of Fengyi City personally welcomed the old man into the Lord's Mansion, and then asked his servants to serve tea.

"City Lord, you're welcome. I came here uninvited, but I still want to see Haihan." The old man clasped his fists and said with a smile.

The Lord of Fengyi City said: "If you are an old friend, now that you are back, you will be my friend in Fengyi City from now on."

"I also like this place very much. It is not only rich in spiritual energy, but also has an elegant environment." The old man said.

The city lord of Fengyi City said: "I came here specifically to thank the city lord for his life-saving grace."

The Lord of Fengyi City said: "It's just a small effort, don't worry about it, let's sit down and talk."

The old man nodded, and the two of them sat on the chairs. The Lord of Fengyi City asked: "Where has Brother Feng been practicing during this time? Isn't his strength increasing too fast?"

The old man sighed softly and said: "Hey, don't mention it, it's hard to explain..."

With that said, the old man told the Lord of Fengyi City what he had experienced.

After hearing what happened to the old man, the Lord of Fengyi City also felt very sad, and then asked: "Brother Feng, who is your enemy?"

The old man gritted his teeth and said: "I have been searching for these years, but there are no clues. I suspect that my son and grandson were killed by them. I will never spare them."

The Lord of Fengyi City sighed and said: "Brother, if you need help, just ask. As long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

The old man clasped his fists and said solemnly: "Then I will first thank the city lord on behalf of my children and grandchildren. I must avenge this."

"Brother Feng, I wonder who Feng Jinghong is to you?" the Lord of Fengyi City suddenly asked.

The old man was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "It's not really a relationship, it's just that we met by fate."

The Lord of Feng Yi City nodded, and then asked: "I heard that Feng Jinghong is a fool?"

"I just learned that Feng Jinghong has been frail and sick since he was a child and has a low IQ. Our Feng family has been hiding this matter for fear that he would not be able to bear it," the old man said.

"Oh..." The Lord of Fengyi City nodded, and then said: "I also heard that you have a grudge against the Zhao Imperial Clan?"

The old man said: "Yes, when I was in the royal family of Fengyue Kingdom, the Zhao imperial family and the Feng imperial family united to force me to give up my identity as the heir. If I didn't give up, the Feng imperial family would be destroyed."

"I had to leave Fengyue Kingdom and came here to become the city lord of Fengyi City."

Hearing this, the Lord of Fengyi City showed surprise and said: "I see, no wonder there are so many stories about our old brother circulating in our city. I didn't expect that my old brother is still alive. God has blessed my Feng family."

The old man said: "At the beginning, I didn't expect that I would be able to come back alive."

The Lord of Fengyi City smiled and said: "Since old brother is back, the Feng family will definitely help us. What is the plan for old brother?"

"I only have this grandson left now. As long as the child is safe, that's fine. As for the rest, let me plan slowly." The old man sighed.

The Lord of Fengyi City said: "Since I'm here, brother, I will stay in Fengyi City temporarily so that I can take good care of you."

"Then I'll excuse you, we brothers are reminiscing about old times." After the old man finished speaking, he left the city lord's mansion, and then the city lord of Fengyi City convened all the city lords' councils.

After all the city lords gathered together, the city lord said: "I have called you all together today because there is a very important thing to talk about. You should have heard of Brother Feng, right?"

All the city lords were startled, and then they all shook their heads, expressing their ignorance.

"The new city lord of Fengyi City is Feng Yuntian who left the Zhao imperial clan." The city lord of Fengyi City said.

After hearing this, all the city lords took a breath, and some people said in horror: "Back then, Brother Feng was not only terrifying in strength, but also wise and brave. If Brother Feng was willing to join our City Lord's Mansion, the strength of our City Lord's Mansion would definitely increase. More than twice that.”

"Brother Feng has extremely terrifying potential in martial arts. It's a pity that Brother Feng is devoted to cultivation and refuses to participate in the struggle for power. Otherwise, with Brother Feng's strength, how would the Zhao imperial family dare to bully the Feng family like this? "The Lord of Fengyi City said with emotion.

When the city lord of Fengyi City said this, all the city lords present understood what was going on, and immediately they all agreed. (End of chapter)

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