"Brother Feng is right. If Brother Feng was willing to come out, then my Feng family would definitely be able to dominate the East Region."

"If Brother Feng was willing to join the City Lord's Mansion, how dare the Zhao Imperial Family treat Brother Feng like this?"

"Alas... If Brother Feng was still alive, I'm afraid that our East Region would be in a different situation now. What a pity..."

The City Lord of Fengyi City looked at the City Lord in the hall with satisfaction, then waved his hand and smiled: "I have remembered your thoughts. I called you here today because there is another more important thing to announce. I think you have guessed that my Feng family and Brother Feng are related by blood. That is indeed the case."

"However, Brother Feng lost his memory for some reason, so he forgot the relationship between the Feng family and Brother Feng. . "

"Now that our Feng family is in trouble, Brother Feng can't just ignore it. He also wants to repay the Feng family, so he went to the God and Demon Temple, hoping to use the power of the God and Demon Temple for revenge. At the same time, he also wants to make himself stronger and protect our Feng family and my only flesh and blood. "

"Brother Feng is a trustworthy person. If Brother Feng recovers his memory one day, he will definitely come back to help our Feng family. "

"Brother Feng, we should support Brother Feng!"

"That's right, we will definitely use all our resources to help Brother Feng recover his memory. "

The city lords present were all excited. This is simply killing two birds with one stone. Not only did they solve the current dilemma, but they were also able to make friends with people like Brother Feng, and they could also let Brother Feng owe them a favor. This is really wonderful.

"Thank you all the city lords. If there is a chance, Brother Feng will naturally come back. After all, our Feng family has an unbreakable family relationship with him. "The city lord of Fengyi City laughed and said.

"Brother Feng, I think Brother Feng is in a dangerous situation now. Why don't we send troops to help Brother Feng?" A city lord said.

The city lord of Fengyi City nodded slightly and said, "Okay, you immediately dispatch troops and bring Brother Feng back safely."

"Yes." The city lord immediately took the order.

The scene that happened in the city lord's mansion was also transmitted to the ears of the Zhao imperial family through various channels.

In the palace of the Zhao imperial family, Zhao Tianxiong's face was gloomy and he roared: "The old fox of Fengyi City actually wants to win over that old immortal. Humph, don't even think about it."

"Your Majesty, who are you going to send to hunt down Feng Yichen?" A man in a black robe stood up and said respectfully.

Zhao Tianxiong thought for a moment and said, "Zhao Tianhua, you lead 3,000 elite troops to Fengyi City. Once you see Feng Yichen, kill him without mercy."

The black-robed man said, "Yes."

After the black-robed man disappeared, Zhao Tianxiong took a deep breath and murmured, "Over the years, my Zhao family has been too quiet. Now it's just right to practice with the Feng family."

In the northern part of the East Wilderness, the territory of the Zhao family.

On an ancient mountain, a young man from the Zhao family stood with a sword on his back, exuding a cold breath.

The man's name is Zhao Tianhua. He was Zhao Tianxiong's cousin at the beginning. Now he has reached the level of Immortal King and is the most talented young man in the Zhao family.

"Master, according to the spies, Feng Yichen has entered Shengquan Town." A servant beside Zhao Tianhua reported.

"Feng Yichen can't escape after all." Zhao Tianhua raised the corner of his mouth, and then said, "Are you ready?"

"Master, don't worry, I've been ready for a long time." The servant said with a smile.

Zhao Tianhua said four words indifferently, "Feng Wuji."

The servant immediately withdrew, and a moment later he came to a magnificent manor. There were dozens of houses in the manor, but these houses were basically destroyed, and the corpses inside were everywhere.

This was once a prosperous and lively street, but now it has become a ruin, which is a pity.

"Brother Feng, I killed your parents at the beginning. Although the Feng family was not destroyed by my Zhao imperial family, you were also implicated by my Zhao family, so your wife and children are also dead. We will settle this account sooner or later." A man whispered to himself.

Then, the man turned around and said to the servant: "Call Zhao Tianhua."

"Master, what do you want to do with Mr. Zhao?" The servant asked.

The man said: "Brother Feng's matter will proceed according to plan."

"Yes." The servant clasped his fists and quickly left the manor.

In the Zhao Empire's royal family, a man sat on the dragon throne with his eyes closed, and suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Where is Zhao Tianhua?"

"Your Majesty, Young Master Zhao has gone to the East Region and will probably be back soon." An old man clasped his fists and said respectfully.

The man said, "Well, tell him to be careful and not to reveal his whereabouts."

"Yes, sir." The old man replied.

The man snorted lightly and said, "Also, tell Zhao Tianyu to keep a close eye on him. No matter what the cost, you must kill Feng Yichen for me. Feng Yichen's life belongs to me."

The old man bowed and left.

In Fengyi City, in the courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, everyone in the City Lord's Mansion celebrated all night.

The next day, the City Lord of Fengyi City personally visited the Zhao Imperial Family.

The people of the Zhao Imperial Family were also a little surprised by the arrival of the City Lord of Fengyi City.

In the Zhao Imperial Clan Hall, Zhao Tianxiong sat on a high seat and said with a smile: "How come City Lord Feng has the leisure to come to visit our Zhao Imperial Clan today?"

The City Lord of Fengyi City laughed and said: "Brother Feng returned last night, and today I came to say goodbye to the Zhao Imperial Clan."

"Brother Feng is leaving?" Zhao Tianxiong pretended to be surprised.

"Yes, if possible, I would also like to go back to the Feng family. The Feng family has not been back for hundreds of years. Some people even suspect that the Feng family has perished. As an elder, I should also go back and have a look." Feng family. The Lord of Yicheng sighed and shook his head.

Hearing what the Lord of Fengyi City said, Zhao Tianxiong pretended to be sad and said: "Brother Feng is really reluctant to leave. I also look forward to seeing Brother Feng again one day. I will definitely entertain Brother Feng well then."

"Brother Feng, you are going well on your way. If you need anything from our Zhao Imperial Clan in the future, just ask us. We, the Zhao Imperial Clan, will definitely help you." Zhao Tianxiong promised, patting his chest.

The Lord of Fengyi City laughed and said, "Then I would like to thank City Lord Zhao for his warm hospitality."

"Brother Feng, you don't have to be polite. If you encounter any trouble in the future, just come to the Zhao Imperial Clan to find me. I will forgive you." Zhao Tianxiong said very boldly.

"Then I'd like to thank City Lord Zhao first." City Lord Fengyi City thanked him with his hands.

Zhao Tianxiong waved his hand and said: "I wonder when Brother Feng will leave the northern part of Donghuang? I will send someone to see him off."

"No, City Lord Zhao doesn't have to spend any money." City Lord Fengyi City refused.

"Okay, since Brother Feng insists, I won't force it. Brother Feng, be careful on the road." Zhao Tianxiong didn't hold back much.

The Lord of Fengyi City said goodbye with clasped fists, and then left in a sedan chair.

After the Lord of Feng Yi City left, the smile on Zhao Tianxiong's face froze in an instant. He narrowed his eyes with a cold light and said coldly: "Feng Yichen, Feng Yichen, you forced me to do this. No wonder I am.”

The Lord of Fengyi City rode out in a sedan chair and quickly blocked the Feng Family Mansion.

As soon as the sedan chair stopped, the guard immediately lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and said, "Please, City Lord."

The Lord of Fengyi City walked down from the sedan chair. His eyes glanced around Fengyi City, and then he walked straight towards the Lord's Mansion.

In the city lord's palace, as soon as the city lord of Fengyi City walked into the hall, a terrifying power instantly enveloped the entire hall, and a man wearing golden brocade clothes walked out with a majestic appearance and a majestic appearance.

"Zhao Tianxiong pays homage to Brother Feng. We haven't seen him for many years. Brother Feng is still as charming as ever." Zhao Tianxiong looked at Feng Yichen and immediately clasped his fists and saluted.

"Nephew Zhao Xian, you're welcome." Feng Yichen smiled slightly, then waved his hand to signal Zhao Tianxiong to sit down.

Zhao Tianxiong immediately sat respectfully on the right side of Feng Yichen. Zhao Tianxiong clasped his fists and said, "Zhao came here this time to ask Brother Feng for help with something."

Feng Yichen frowned slightly and said, "My dear nephew, please speak."

"I hope Brother Feng can help me capture a group of spirit beast cubs." Zhao Tianxiong said.

"Oh? Capture the cubs of spiritual beasts?" Feng Yichen was stunned for a moment.

Zhao Tianxiong nodded and said: "Yes, because Brother Feng is strong enough, I dare to ask Brother Feng for help. Otherwise, I would not trouble Brother Feng."

"Spirit beast cubs?" Feng Yichen frowned even more and said, "Spirit beast cubs are protected animals. Why are you arresting spirit beast cubs?"

Zhao Tianxiong said: "Brother Feng, have you forgotten that two core members of our Zhao Imperial Clan died in the battle with the human race in Xizhou a few months ago?"

"You are suspicious..." Feng Yichen suddenly understood.

"Exactly, I think the murderer is most likely Feng Yichen." Zhao Tianxiong shouted through gritted teeth.

"Brother Feng, do you have any evidence for your speculation?" Feng Yichen asked.

"Brother Feng, my news is absolutely true. My people have seen it with their own eyes." Zhao Tianxiong affirmed.

Feng Yichen was silent for a long time, and finally said: "I can't promise you now. After all, I'm not completely sure that Feng Yichen is talking about it."

Zhao Tianxiong said hurriedly: "Brother Feng, you must know that Feng Yichen's strength is extraordinary, and when Feng Yicheng was attacked, it happened to be about half an hour apart from the time when Feng Yicheng's shops and industries were attacked. What a coincidence."

"I know that you are worried that Feng Yichen will betray him and that Feng Yicheng's business will fail, so you want to use my power to get rid of him. But Brother Feng, you have to understand that I also hate Feng Yichen, but I don't If you’re not stupid, you can’t risk my country.”

"Besides, I have no enmity with Feng Yichen. Do I deserve to kill him?"

"Besides, don't get me wrong. I don't want to use the sword to kill people. I want to use Feng Yichen's hands to eradicate dissidents." The Lord of Feng Yi City said solemnly.

Zhao Tianxiong looked at the Lord of Fengyi City, and then said: "I believe you."

"Then how do you plan to deal with Feng Yichen?" asked the Lord of Feng Yi City.

Zhao Tianxiong smiled sinisterly and said: "There are many enemies of Feng Yichen in Feng Yi City. As long as I incite them a little, it will be enough to make Feng Yichen the target of public criticism."

"Okay, I understand, I will handle this matter." The Lord of Fengyi City nodded with satisfaction.

"Brother Feng, I'll take my leave first." Zhao Tianxiong clasped his fists, then turned and left.

Zhao Tianxiong had not gone far when suddenly several men in black appeared in front of Zhao Tianxiong.

"Who are you?" Zhao Tianxiong looked at a few people and his expression suddenly changed.

"Kill!" the leader of the men in black shouted coldly.

These five men in black were all in the Xuanhuang realm. Zhao Tianxiong was unable to resist and was killed instantly.

In the hall of the Lord's Mansion of Fengyi City, corpses were scattered all over the place, and the floor was stained red with blood, which was shocking.

All the servants and maids in the lord of Fengyi City's palace were killed, and Feng Yifei, the son of the lord of Fengyi City, also died in the hall.

"Father..." Feng Yifei cried out in grief while lying in a pool of blood.

"Fei'er..." An old and sad voice came into the hall.

Feng Yichen then walked in from the door of the hall. Looking at the corpses on the ground, Feng Yichen's deep eyes became ferocious, and he roared: "Who is it! Who dares to challenge the majesty of Feng Yichen! Who is it!"

"Are you Feng Yichen? Sure enough, you are brave but not wise. Do you think that if you kill the father and son of the Zhao family, the father and son of the Zhao family will let you go? It's just a foolish dream! If you kill them, how can the Zhao family let you go?" Feng Yichen said coldly.

"It's you, Feng Yichen!" After hearing this, Feng Yichen stared at Feng Yichen with his eyes spitting fire and roared: "Zhao Tianxiong, I will destroy your Zhao family."

"Destroy my Zhao family? Haha, I will destroy you first today." A voice full of cold murderous intent sounded from behind Feng Yichen, followed by a sword light slashing at Feng Yichen's head.

The sword light was extremely fast. Feng Yichen sensed the danger and immediately waved his spear to resist. With a loud clang, the sword light was shattered, and Feng Yichen was knocked back seven or eight steps before he stabilized his body.

"Who?" Feng Yichen raised his head suddenly, looked around, and then his pupils shrank and shouted: "Feng Yichen!"

"Zhao Tianxiong, you are so despicable. How dare you join forces with Feng Yichen to deal with me." Feng Yichen was extremely angry.

Zhao Tianxiong stood up and said in a condescending manner: "I am despicable? If it were you, I would be more despicable than me."

As Zhao Tianxiong finished speaking, a young man appeared beside him.

"Zhao Heng, you are still alive!" Feng Yichen looked at the young man in front of him and his face changed again.

This young man was the one Feng Yichen saved from the Baili family. When Zhao Heng's dantian was abolished, the Zhao family abandoned him and did not give him any cultivation resources.

Over the years, Zhao Heng has been struggling to survive while looking for opportunities to restore his cultivation, but unfortunately, there is no trace of him.

However, Zhao Heng did not expect that he would meet Feng Yichen here. This is like a new hope after a dark period, which makes him extremely excited.

"Feng Yichen, I will take revenge sooner or later." Zhao Heng glared at Feng Yichen with gritted teeth.

Feng Yichen sneered: "Zhao Heng, if I hadn't arrived in time, you would have been killed by Zhao Tianxiong. Now you dare to show off in front of me. Do you think you still have a chance?"

Zhao Heng snorted coldly and said: "I know you came here for Fengyun City, but I won't appreciate your kindness. I, Zhao Heng, would rather die than succumb to you, Feng Yichen." (End of this chapter)

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