Feng Yichen said calmly: "It seems that Brother Zhao Heng has a strong character. I like it."

"Lord Feng Yicheng, this traitor is handed over to you." Zhao Heng pointed at Feng Yichen and said to Feng Yichen.

"Don't worry." Feng Yichen showed a calm smile, then turned to the guard beside him and said: "Take him away and lock him up."

The guard beside Feng Yichen nodded, and immediately carried Zhao Heng away.

"Brother Feng, I'll take my leave first. You should pay more attention to safety." Zhao Tianxiong clasped his fists.

Feng Yichen waved his hand and said: "You can go and do your work. I will be careful."

Zhao Tianxiong nodded, and then left.

Feng Yichen sat on the chair and fell into deep thought. After a while, Feng Yichen murmured to himself: "Since you want to play, I will play with you, and let them fight each other. It's best to have a dead end."

Outside Fengyi City, Zhao Tianxiong came to the outside of the city with three men in black.

"Master, do we really want to help Zhao Tianxiong? Although Feng Yichen is a little stupid, he is not weak." A man in black said.

Another man in black said: "The price Zhao Tianxiong offered is generous enough, and we don't need to work for him. Besides, this is Zhao Tianxiong's private matter. What does it have to do with us?"

"That's right, why should we interfere in their personal grudges? We just need to follow Zhao Tianxiong's instructions."

"Let's go."

Zhao Tianxiong took the three men in black and left quickly.


When Zhao Tianxiong and others left Fengyi City, a terrifying cold air rushed into the sky.

The whole Fengyi City was shrouded in a biting cold current.

In Fengyi City, everyone felt trembling all over, shivering constantly, and even shivering.

Inside the Feng Family Tower, Zhao Tianxiong and the others' faces suddenly changed, and they all said in horror: "What kind of momentum is this? Isn't this momentum too terrifying?"

"What a terrifying cold air! What's going on?"

"Is there a strong man coming? This breath is too terrifying, could it be a strong man in the Spiritual Venerable Realm?"

Everyone present was panic-stricken and terrified.

On the mountain peak thousands of meters southeast of Fengyi City, two figures were suspended, looking down at every move in Fengyi City.

"Finally they made a move? It seems that the Zhao family really wants to rebel." Feng Zhenbei sighed lightly.

Feng Xiaotian shook his head and said, "They just want to use the Zhao family as a stepping stone."

"Feng Yichen and Zhao Heng are both genius disciples. Their deaths are a tragic loss for the families behind them." Feng Xiaotian frowned.

Feng Zhenbei said, "You have to live to enjoy it."

"I hope they fight as hard as possible, so that we can reap the benefits." Feng Zhenbei's mouth curled up coldly.


In Zhaojia City, in a luxurious mansion, a middle-aged man listened to Zhao Tianxiong's report and said coldly, "You said Zhao Heng has recovered his Dantian and has the power of the Spirit King level?"

"That's right." Zhao Tianxiong nodded.

"What about Feng Yichen? How is he?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Feng Yichen was seriously injured and is dying." Zhao Tianxiong said.

"Very good." The middle-aged man said coldly, "Since Feng Yichen can't be saved, then we should completely eradicate him. I want everyone to know that the rise of our Zhao family is not because of him, Feng Yichen, but because of the strength of our Zhao family."

"Yes." Zhao Tianxiong replied.

"Zhao Tianxiong, whether the Zhao family can rise again depends on you this time. If you can't even deal with Feng Yichen, then even if I support you to take the position, I will destroy the Zhao family sooner or later. Do you understand?" The middle-aged man solemnly warned.

"Dad, I know what to do." Zhao Tianxiong said respectfully, and then turned and left.

In Feng Yichen's mansion.

Feng Yichen was sitting cross-legged on the bed to heal his wounds, while Zhao Heng sat beside him, waiting quietly.

"Feng Yichen, today's revenge will be repaid one day." Zhao Heng's eyes flashed with strong hatred and murderous intent.

Feng Yichen opened his eyes, then took out a pill and swallowed it.

After taking the pill, Feng Yichen's blood and qi suddenly surged, his momentum soared, and his body injuries healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon after, Feng Yichen was healed.

"The Fengyun mercenary group in Fengyi City is quite powerful. If Feng Yichen cannot be dealt with as soon as possible, the Feng family may be in trouble." Zhao Heng narrowed his eyes and said secretly.

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and Feng Yichen said, "Come in."

After the door was opened, an old woman walked in.

"Grandma." Looking at the old woman, Zhao Heng bowed slightly and said respectfully.

The old woman said kindly: "Heng'er, we are ready to leave. I'm sorry for keeping you here during this period of time."

"It's okay. It's a good thing to be able to avoid being hunted down." Zhao Heng said calmly.

"Well, your father has asked the city lord for instructions. Now you can follow us." The old woman said.

Zhao Heng nodded, and then followed the old woman out.

"Heng'er, during this period of time, your cultivation speed has made great progress. I believe that it won't be long before you can successfully break through the realm of the Spirit King." The old woman said with relief.

"Thanks to my mother's elixir." Zhao Heng smiled indifferently.

"Heng'er, you must work hard. Whether the Zhao family can return to its peak depends on you." The old woman urged.

"I know." Zhao Heng nodded solemnly.

Zhao family's ancestral residence, in the meeting hall.

Zhao Tianxiong said with worry on his face: "Master, why did you agree to his conditions just now?"

Zhao Tianxiong's father, Zhao Heng, said coldly: "This is the condition proposed by Feng Yichen. Feng Yichen wants one-fifth of our Zhao family's wealth. If the Zhao family does not agree, I'm afraid the Zhao family will not be able to keep it."

"One-fifth of the property..." Zhao Tianxiong was stunned. The price was too high.

"The Zhao family is blocked, and the children of the Zhao family are trapped in the Zhao family. They can't get out at all, let alone escape. Only by relying on Feng Yichen can they continue to survive. The rest of the Zhao family are not willing to die, so Zhao The only thing we can do is agree." Zhao Heng sighed lightly, his eyes filled with sadness.

"Alas..." Zhao Tianxiong sighed and said, "What ability does Feng Yichen have that makes the head of the family so fearful?"

Zhao Heng's deep eyes narrowed slightly and said: "Feng Yichen is not simple. We still can't figure out his true and false identity for the time being. Therefore, we cannot act rashly and must be fully prepared before taking action."

Zhao Heng nodded and said: "Feng Yichen's strength has not only reached the Great Perfection of Qi Gathering Realm, but his combat power is beyond imagination. If you are not careful, you are likely to fall into his hands, so you must be foolproof."

"Well, the life and death of the Zhao family is in your hands, Zhao Heng. I leave everything to you." Zhao Tianxiong said solemnly.

"Father, don't worry, my child will definitely live up to your expectations." Zhao Heng nodded.

"Well, then go down and prepare." Zhao Tianxiong waved.

"Yes." Zhao Heng clasped his fists and exited the meeting hall.

In the sky not far away from the Zhao family's ancestral house, a middle-aged man in green robes who had been hiding in the dark glanced at the Zhao family's ancestral house, with a cold glint in his eyes.

"Zhao family, you'd better pray that Feng Yichen can survive, otherwise..." the middle-aged man said coldly to himself, and then disappeared into an afterimage.

Time passed quietly, and soon it was night.

Feng Yichen walked out of the room, and his strong breath gradually dissipated.

"Huh~ I finally healed the injury, but now I'm left with exhausted energy and lack of energy." Feng Yichen took out a breath and murmured.

"Xiao Chen, how do you feel?" Feng Zhentian asked calmly.

Feng Yichen smiled lightly and said, "Grandpa, I'm fine."

Hearing this, Feng Zhentian felt relieved and said, "I have already asked people to prepare the food. Let's eat first."

Feng Yichen nodded, and then walked to the dining hall with Feng Zhentian.

Feng Zhentian specially ordered the catering hall to prepare many sumptuous and delicious dishes for Feng Yichen.

In front of the dinner table, Feng Yichen and Feng Zhentian were chatting while tasting fine wine.

Feng Yichen suddenly stopped drinking, then looked at Feng Zhentian and said, "Grandpa, does your Feng family have any secret treasure house?"

"Secret treasure house?" Feng Zhentian was stunned for a moment, looked at Feng Yichen in confusion, and said, "Why do you suddenly ask about this?"

"There are several waves of powerful people coming to assassinate me today, and these people are all coming for me. I suspect that they are not from the Feng family." Feng Yichen said.

"What! Someone assassinated you?" Feng Zhentian was shocked after hearing this.

Feng Yichen told Feng Zhentian the whole story. After hearing this, Feng Zhentian frowned and said, "It seems that Zhao Tianxiong really has a problem."

"Brother Feng, do you mean that Zhao Tianxiong wants to kill you and then blame the Feng family?" Yi Shuihan guessed.

Feng Yichen nodded and said: "Although Zhao Tianxiong and I have never met, judging from all the signs I have, I suspect that Zhao Tianxiong was sent by the Zhao family to kill me."

"Then what are you going to do? Is that all? Zhao Tianxiong already knows that you have terrible soul power. If he doesn't die, it will definitely be your nightmare. Zhao Tianxiong is much more powerful than Feng Yichen." Zhang Junlan said calmly. vocal channel.

Feng Yichen said indifferently: "Zhao Tianxiong wanted me to die, but the Zhao family did not dare to risk the Feng family, so Zhao Tianxiong could only swallow his anger and pay for atonement, and I need money. I am short of money now, and I want to pay to kill Zhao Tianxiong. "

"Kill Zhao Tianxiong?" Everyone was shocked. Is Feng Yichen going to risk his life?

Feng Zhentian quickly tried to dissuade him: "No, absolutely not. Zhao Tianxiong is at the Dzogchen Qi Gathering Realm, and he is stronger than all of us in Beizhou City combined. You want to kill him with your Qi Gathering Dzogchen Dzogchen Realm. Too difficult."

Feng Yichen said calmly: "Grandpa, although Zhao Tianxiong is very strong, there is still hope for me to kill him, but what happens after killing him? The Zhao family will never give up, and the people of the Zhao family will definitely go crazy. To take revenge on me, we must eliminate the root cause and nip the danger in the cradle, leaving no threat behind.”

Feng Zhentian was silent for a while, then he sighed and said bitterly: "Xiao Chen is right, the Zhao family is not a good person, they will not let it go. In this case, the only way is to abandon the Feng family and completely eliminate the future troubles. This will at least eliminate worries.”

Feng Yichen nodded and said, "Yes, only by destroying the Zhao family can the crisis be completely eliminated."

"But Xiaochen, if we kill Zhao Tianxiong, Zhao Heng will definitely fight back. Even if we join forces this time, it will be difficult to defeat Zhao Heng. After all, Zhao Heng has already entered the Great Perfection realm of Tongxuan Realm, and his strength is extremely terrifying, and Your body is still seriously injured," Feng Zhentian said worriedly.

Feng Yichen said with a confident smile on his lips: "Grandpa, you don't have to worry. Although I am indeed physically injured, Zhao Heng is not very strong. He is just a Dzogchen martial artist in the Tongxuan Realm. I have 80% You can defeat him or even kill him."

"80% sure!" Feng Zhentian and others took a breath of cold air, their eyes filled with shock. They were 80% sure to kill the martial arts cultivator of Tongxuan Realm Dzogchen!

This is incredible!

"Zhao Heng is the head of the Zhao family and has a distinguished status. The storage ring he carries must contain many precious resources. If you kill him, you can get a lot of money." Yi Shuihan said excitedly.

"As expected of an alchemist, his head turns very fast." Feng Yichen praised with a smile.

Yi Shuihan chuckled and said, "Of course, don't forget my identity. I am the deputy general manager of Yi's Trading Company."

Feng Yichen said: "In that case, let's go find Zhao Tianxiong tomorrow, tell him the plan, and then sneak attack and kill him while he's not paying attention."

Feng Zhentian said: "Xiaochen, are you sure you can defeat him? Zhao Tianxiong is extremely powerful, and it is said that he has also understood the secret."

Feng Yichen said confidently: "If it were done before, it might be difficult to do it, but it is different now. I have condensed the third-level runes and my strength has increased dramatically. I am still very confident about killing him."

"Xiao Chen, if that's the case, then I will immediately send experts from the Feng family to follow you to Nanyang County. Shui Han and I will also rush to support you." Feng Zhentian said seriously.

Feng Yichen shook his head slightly and said: "Grandpa, I don't want to be too high-profile about this matter, because many people are already targeting me. If I call on the Feng family masters to help, it will definitely arouse vigilance and suspicion from all sides. "

"So I decided to go alone."

"Alone?" A look of worry appeared on Feng Zhentian's face.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will escape unscathed. Besides, I still have a defensive weapon on me." Feng Yichen smiled and took out a jade pendant with two mountain peaks engraved on it.

Looking at the defensive weapon that Feng Yichen took out, Feng Zhentian and others were shocked.

The defensive formation on this defensive spiritual weapon has reached the second level, which is enough to withstand the attacks of the peak Qi Gathering Realm experts, not to mention that Feng Yichen himself is at the Dzogchen Qi Gathering Realm.

With the defensive spiritual weapon to protect his body, Feng Yichen can easily handle even if he encounters a strong person at the peak of the Qi Gathering Realm.

"Xiao Chen, you must not be reckless and be cautious in everything." Feng Zhentian warned.

"Well, I will be careful, but..." Feng Yichen nodded and was about to say something, but his words stopped abruptly.

Seeing this, Feng Zhentian asked: "Xiao Chen, what is it?"

Feng Yichen took a deep breath and said, "But Zhao Heng must die, and he must die in my hands. This is my condition."

Feng Zhentian was stunned, and the others were stunned. (End of chapter)

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