"Zhao Heng is the head of the Zhao family. If we anger the Zhao family, the consequences will be disastrous." Feng Lihen shook his head helplessly.

"Feng'er, have you thought it through? The Zhao family is not only powerful, but Zhao Heng is also the leader of the four top geniuses of the Tianjian Dynasty." Liu Xu also began to worry. Zhao Heng was too scary.

Feng Yichen snorted coldly and said, "Haven't our Feng family encountered many assassinations in recent years? The Zhao family will kill us sooner or later. Why not take this opportunity to kill the Zhao family!"

"Xiaochen..." Feng Lihen wanted to say something else, but Feng Zhentian stopped Feng Lihen.

Feng Zhentian's deep old eyes flashed with determination. After a moment of silence, he gritted his teeth and said fiercely: "Okay, in this case, then I will agree to your request. The Zhao family must be destroyed!"

"Grandpa is wise!" Feng Yichen said respectfully.

Feng Zhentian looked at Feng Yichen and sighed: "Xiaochen, it would be best if you can think it through. This is also for your own good."

"Grandpa, don't worry, I know what to do." Feng Yichen said solemnly.

"Okay, let's go." Feng Zhentian waved his hand, and Feng Yichen, Feng Zhentian and others walked out of the house.

"Big brother, are you going to deal with Zhao Tianxiong? He is the head of the Zhao family, with terrifying strength, and he is protected by several masters of the Qi Condensation Realm." Ling Xiaoxiao looked at Feng Yichen worriedly, and she also wanted to help Feng Yichen.

"Don't worry, big brother will be fine." Feng Yichen touched Ling Xiaoxiao's head and left the yard.

Under the night, Feng Yichen quietly slipped out of the yard alone and walked towards the city gate.

"This young master of the Feng family is really bold, he actually dared to come." A cold and sarcastic voice came from the room of the Zhao family inn.

"Hehe." A cold laugh came from the room: "This stupid boy is really stupid. With his strength, he can't beat Zhao Tianxiong at all. He wants to kill me with his useless material. It's really wishful thinking!"

Feng family.

"The young master is finally back." In the hall of the Feng family mansion, Feng Zhengxiong and Feng Zhentian sat on chairs, and Yang Zilan, Lin Yun and others sat beside them. The top leaders of the Feng family gathered together.

"Father, mother, grandfather, uncle, second uncle." Feng Yichen entered the hall and clasped his fists.

"Xiaochen, where have you been during this period? Why didn't you even leave us a message?" Feng Zhentian blamed, his tone was a little low, and he was obviously a little angry about Feng Yichen's leaving without saying goodbye.

"Dad, Xiaochen must have gone into seclusion to break through the innate realm." Yang Zilan explained, defending Feng Yichen.

After hearing what Yang Zilan said, Feng Zhentian calmed down a little, and then said: "Xiaochen, what are your plans for coming here today? Zhao Heng has led a large army to encircle the Feng family. It is estimated that he will send troops to attack the Feng family soon. At that time, you must try to delay time and let us prepare."

"Grandpa, don't worry, Zhao Heng will never kill me, even if he breaks through the innate realm." Feng Yichen smiled confidently, his eyes swept to Lin Yun on the side, and said: "By the way, I will introduce you to a new friend."

"What friend?" Feng Zhentian asked in confusion, and followed Feng Yichen's gaze, but saw Lin Yun, and was immediately surprised and said: "Who are you?"

Feng Zhentian and everyone in the Feng family were at a loss, and had no idea who Lin Yun was.

"Grandpa, his name is Lin Yun, and he is the helper I invited. With his assistance, Zhao Heng's conspiracy will not work, and we can safely and boldly deal with the Zhao family." Feng Yichen said.

"It turns out that he is the expert invited by Yichen. No wonder Xiaochen is so confident. With his help, it should be no problem to deal with the Zhao family." Feng Zhentian breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Feng, let's go back and make arrangements." Lin Xiaotian clasped his fists and left the Feng family immediately.

"Brother Lin, thank you for your trouble." Feng Yichen smiled faintly.

"Brother Feng, you are too polite." Lin Xiaotian clasped his fists and then left.

"Big brother, I will go back to help too." Ling Xiaoxiao said playfully.

"Go ahead." Feng Yichen smiled slightly, and it can be seen that Ling Xiaoxiao is a sensible and well-behaved girl.

"Xiaofeng, when are you going to take action? Zhao Heng is cultivating a fifth-grade martial soul, and his combat power is very terrifying. The general early stage of the Qi Condensation Realm may not be his opponent. What are your chances of winning?" Liu Xu frowned and asked, looking a little worried.

Although she knew that Feng Yichen's cultivation had reached the late stage of the Qi Condensation Realm, Liu Xu still felt uncertain.

"Husband, be careful. Zhao Heng is the head of the Zhao family after all. He should not be underestimated, especially since the Zhao family has a strong force." Feng Zhanyuan reminded him hurriedly.

Feng Zhengxiong took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Xiaochen, are you sure?"

"I said that I will definitely save my mother, so Zhao Heng will definitely die." Feng Yichen said fiercely, his eyes flashed fiercely, and the murderous aura was chilling.

"Okay! I believe you are sure, and now it's the last step." Feng Zhengxiong made a decision: "I will send someone to the Zhao family immediately and try to lure the people from the Zhao family out."

Feng Zhentian said: "Xiaochen, you go and rest first, and leave the rest to me and your father."

"Thank you, Grandpa, father, mother, you are also tired for a day, rest early, and I will take you away from the Zhao family tomorrow." Feng Yichen said respectfully, and then left the hall.

After Feng Yichen walked away, Feng Zhengxiong sighed and said, "Alas, I hope Xiaochen can succeed."

"Father, I always feel that Xiaochen is not as simple as he seems. Maybe he has broken through the innate realm and is just hiding it." Feng Zhenghao guessed, looking in the direction where Feng Yichen had just left.

"Oh? Hasn't Xiaochen broken through to the innate realm yet?" Feng Zhengxiong's face showed a hint of joy, he stood up hurriedly, and quickly chased after him.

"Dad?" Feng Zhenghong and others asked in shock, wondering why Feng Zhengxiong was chasing after him.

On the other side, Feng Yichen returned to his room.

"Big brother, you're back, it's time to eat." Ling Xiaoxiao came over with the dishes.

"Xiaoxiao, why aren't you sleeping yet?" Feng Yichen asked.

"Xiaoxiao is not sleepy, big brother, why are you ignoring Xiaoxiao? Xiaoxiao is unhappy." Ling Xiaoxiao pouted and muttered his cheeks.

"I'm going to take a shower right now, and I'll come out to play with you soon. Go to bed obediently." Feng Yichen lovingly stroked Ling Xiaoxiao's head and smiled.

"Well, I'll go to bed first." Ling Xiaoxiao smiled sweetly and jumped out of the room.

Feng Yichen walked to the tub and took off his clothes.


Feng Yichen entered the tub without hesitation, lying comfortably in the hot water with his feet resting comfortably on the tub.

Hot steam filled the surroundings of the tub, making the entire room hazy, like a fairyland.

During the bath, Feng Yichen suddenly felt a familiar scent.

"The aura of the bloodline seal!" Feng Yichen secretly thought in his heart. Feng Yichen had experienced this familiar aura before in the capital of Dongyang Empire.

Back then, in the royal family of the Dongyang Empire, there was a soul traveler, and there was a blood seal in his body!


Suddenly, two silver needles flew with violent force, directly towards Feng Yichen's forehead. The speed was very fast, and they were in front of Feng Yichen in the blink of an eye.

"Hmph!" Feng Yichen snorted softly, flicked out two sword fingers, and instantly shot down two silver needles. Then his figure flickered and turned into an afterimage and rushed out.


The next moment, a man in black robe jumped down from the roof. This man was in the third level of Qi Gathering Realm, exuding a gloomy cold air.

"Who are you? How dare you sneak attack me!" Feng Yichen shouted sharply, staring at the man in black robe with cold and piercing eyes.

"Jie Jie, you brat, tonight is the day you die." The man in black robe said with a ferocious smile, his body transformed, and he quickly rushed towards Feng Yichen, and used the martial skill 'Iron Claw Hand', the attack was extremely fierce.

"call out!"



However, Feng Yichen's movement was extremely fast and he instantly dodged the black-robed man's attack. He immediately punched him forward with a fierce and domineering punch. At the moment of the head-on collision, the black-robed man vomited blood and flew backwards, smashing the wall.

"You are at the pinnacle of the Qi Gathering Realm! You are at the pinnacle of the Qi Gathering Realm!" The face of the man in black robe changed drastically, with a look of horror on his face.

"I don't care who you are, if you dare to sneak attack on my Feng family, you will die!" Feng Yichen shouted coldly, and shot out again, and another whip leg swept out, the air seemed to be torn apart, the terrifying power Heart-warming.

"call out!"


Feng Yichen kicked the man in black robe on the chest. The man in black robe was seriously injured. His body was shot backwards, collapsing the wall several meters away, blood spurting from his mouth, and he had lost his fighting ability.


Feng Yichen jumped up, landed in front of the black-robed man, stepped on the black-robed man, and held him firmly in his palm.

"Who are you? What grudges do I have with you?" Feng Yichen shouted coldly, and a murderous aura spread out.

"Master Feng, spare your life! This subordinate also obeyed the order of the family master!" The man in black robe begged for mercy and shouted, unable to resist Feng Yichen's terrifying oppression.

"Trash! If you tell the truth, you may still have a way to live. Since you want to die, then I will send you to hell to meet the King of Hell!" Feng Yichen said coldly, the veins on his arms bulged, and his strength suddenly increased.

"Ah~" The man in black robe screamed and struggled desperately.

"I say! I say! I just followed the order of the old family master to assassinate you. I don't know him. He asked me to kill you and then destroy the Feng family." The man in black robe said painfully.

Feng Yichen waved his hand and threw the black-robed man out, saying coldly: "Get out!"

The man in black robe didn't dare to stay, he was so frightened that he ran away.

"It is indeed Feng Zhanyun." Feng Yichen squinted his eyes and said. Feng Yichen's father, Feng Zhanyun, was a peak powerhouse in the Qi Gathering Realm.

Although Feng Zhanyun was the head of the Feng family, he was more like a puppet in the Feng family, and Feng Yichen didn't take him seriously at all.

The Feng Family Courtyard.

"Feng Zhanyun?" Feng Zhengyuan frowned and said, "Isn't this little beast a useless person? When did he recover? No wonder he came back tonight, it turns out he has recovered!"

"His strength has reached the peak of the Qi Gathering Realm!" Feng Zhengxiong said solemnly, obviously aware that Feng Yichen was a peak powerhouse in the Qi Gathering Realm.

"Peak Qi Gathering Realm!" Feng Xiaotian's eyes suddenly widened and he was extremely shocked.

Feng Zhenghong's face was dull: "My second brother's son actually broke through the Qi Gathering Realm! How is this possible?"

"Uncle, Dad, isn't Feng Zhanyun a waste? How did he break through to the peak of the Qi Gathering Realm? How could his Dantian and meridians have recovered? There's something wrong." Feng Xiaoyun said in confusion, looking in disbelief.

"I heard that Feng Zhengxiong sent five alchemists, and they were all killed!" Feng Xiaotian said solemnly: "Who else has this ability besides our Feng family?"

"Dad, are you saying that Feng Zhengxiong sent five alchemists to assassinate his second uncle?" Feng Xiaoyu asked.

"Feng Zhengxiong indeed has this suspicion, otherwise how could Feng Yichen have broken through the peak of the Qi Gathering Realm in just a few days!" Feng Zhengyuan said solemnly, and then looked at Liu Qingyang and Ye Tianwei.

Ye Tianwei shook his head and said, "Qingyang and I don't have this ability."

"I don't even have the ability." Liu Qingyang shook his head and looked at Feng Yichen, his eyes full of envy.

"Feng Zhengxiong's target is me! If anything happens to me, Feng Zhengxiong will definitely suspect you!" Feng Yichen said seriously, his deep eyes flashing with brilliance.

In order to deal with him, Feng Zhengxiong did not hesitate to ask the alchemist to assassinate him!

This hatred is too terrifying!

"You are right! If something happens to you, we will be finished too!" Feng Zhengyuan nodded hurriedly, feeling quite worried.

Feng Zhengxiong is the head of the Feng family. With just one sentence, he can mobilize all the forces to flatten the Feng family and even destroy the entire Nanling City.

Feng Yichen will never allow himself to get into trouble!

"Feng Zhengxiong is so cruel that he actually assassinated me." Feng Yichen gritted his teeth and said angrily, with a raging anger in his heart.

"Second brother, let us handle this matter. We guarantee to find out the person behind the scenes!" Feng Zhengyuan said in a deep voice, his face extremely gloomy.

"Feng Yichen, this bastard, caused me to lose 1 billion, and almost hurt my eldest brother!"

"Damn it! Feng Zhanyun actually betrayed our Feng family! Our Feng family treated him well!"

Feng Zhanyun's actions completely angered Feng Zhengxiong.

"Master Feng, we should now find a way to find out who sent someone to kill you. This black-robed man is quite powerful, and we don't have enough evidence to prove that it was Feng Zhanyun who sent someone to do it." Liu Qingyang frowned.

"Second Master, we have to tell the master about this." Ye Tianwei suggested.

"Feng Zhanyun is the master of the Feng family, and every move he makes is related to the interests of the Feng family. If there is no sufficient evidence, the master will definitely not believe it." Liu Qingyang shook his head slightly.

"Brother Feng!" At this time, Long Shihun's call came from outside the Feng family.

"What is Long Shihun doing here?" Feng Yichen was stunned.

"Second brother, it's Mr. Long!" Feng Xiaoyu said happily.

"Brother Feng! Open the formation restriction! Young Master Long is here to see you for something urgent!" Long Shihun shouted.

Hearing this, Feng Yichen immediately lifted the restriction, opened the door, and strode out. Seeing Long Shihun standing outside the door, Feng Yichen was surprised and said, "Brother Long, why don't you come in now that you are here?"

"Brother Feng, I have something important to talk to you about. I have delayed some time. I hope Brother Feng doesn't mind." Long Shihun apologized.

"Haha! It's okay. What's so urgent?" Feng Yichen laughed.

Long Shihun said solemnly, "I just received news that my friend had an accident in the waters near Beiming Sea."

"Your friends?" Feng Yichen asked in astonishment, secretly guessing in his heart that the friends Long Shihun was talking about were most likely Ye Tianwei and Liu Qingyang.

"Yes, I have made a lot of friends in the past few years. They were training in Beiming Sea and recently returned, but were hunted by the enemy. Fortunately, they met me, otherwise they would be in danger." Long Shihun said solemnly, with great worry in his heart.

"Brother Long, don't worry. The North Sea is very far away from the East Emperor Immortal Palace. They are very safe." Feng Yichen smiled faintly. (End of this chapter)

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