"The North Sea is too far from here. I must rush over to save them as soon as possible." Long Shihun said solemnly, and then took out his flying sword: "Brother Feng, I have to go first! When I come back from the North Sea, we will drink again!"

"Okay, I'll wait for you!" Feng Yichen nodded.

Long Shihun used the sword-flying technique to rush out and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Feng Yichen's cultivation speed is too terrifying. He is now a peak powerhouse in the Qi Condensation Realm! If this continues, won't Feng Yichen become a Saint?" Feng Zhengyuan took a deep breath and felt more and more daunted.

"Brother Feng! Is Feng Zhanyun really your father!" Liu Qingyang suddenly asked, his old face flushed.

"Of course he is my father." Feng Yichen nodded.

"Brother Feng, I want to learn the art of refining from you, is that okay?" Liu Qingyang smiled respectfully, his eyes flashing with expectation and desire.

"You want to worship me as your master?" Feng Yichen asked in surprise.

"Well, I want to practice hard and strive to have enough spirit stones to buy the inner pill of spirit beasts as soon as possible." Liu Qingyang said firmly.

"Since you want to learn, I naturally have no objection. You follow me and don't call me big brother." Feng Yichen smiled.

"Thank you, big brother Feng!" Liu Qingyang smiled happily, and then said awkwardly: "Big brother Feng, I actually have another identity. I am the young master of Tianxing Tower."

"Oh? So you are the young master of Tianxing Tower!" Feng Yichen didn't expect it.

"Big brother Feng, do you know Tianxing Tower?" Liu Qingyang asked curiously. He didn't know that Feng Yichen was already the vice president of the General Union of Alchemists.

"I have heard a little about it." Feng Yichen nodded, and then asked: "What kind of force is Tianxing Tower?"

"Big brother Feng, let's go to the secret room to talk." Liu Qingyang said, and then took Feng Yichen to the secret room.

Feng Zhengxiong's residence.

Feng Zhengxiong sat on a chair with his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.

The door opened, and a man entered the room, knelt on the ground, and said respectfully: "Report to the clan leader, I messed up the mission."

"Feng Zhengyun broke through the peak of the Qi Condensation Realm, which is bad news for us, and Feng Zhengyun's cultivation level is improving faster than expected." Feng Zhengxiong slowly opened his eyes and said hoarsely: "Continue."

"I followed the clan leader's instructions and deliberately lured Feng Yichen to the North Sea, and then sent someone to assassinate him, but I never thought that Feng Wuchen would come out halfway to stop him, and I was also killed by Feng Wuchen." The man whispered.

"Waste! Can't even do such a small thing well." Feng Zhengxiong cursed gloomily.

"Clan leader, please forgive me, I didn't expect that Feng Wuchen would appear. I found out that this person has just joined the Alchemist General Union not long ago. I'm afraid he dared to be so arrogant because of the protection of the Alchemist General Union." The man said in horror.

"Hmph! It's not my turn to be protected by others, let alone the General Union of Alchemists." Feng Zhengxiong snorted coldly, looking out the window with a cold gaze.

"The Feng family is at the end of its rope, I can't let Feng Zhengyun, that bastard, take the lead! I won't allow it!" Feng Zhengxiong gritted his teeth and said angrily, his old eyes flashing with fierce and murderous aura, which made people feel palpitations and trembling.

Time passed, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Feng Yichen and Liu Qingyang still stayed in Gu Luo City, and they also needed time to recover from their injuries.

During these two days, the Alchemist Guild announced that it would hold a grand auction and invite many alchemists in Gu Luo City to participate.

Upon hearing this news, alchemists from all sides set off and gathered in Gu Luo City.

The hall of the General Union of Alchemists was already full of people, and it was very lively.

"Today's auction, in addition to precious medicinal materials and spiritual herbs, there will be many rare treasures for sale. Everyone must hurry up." The alchemist in the center of the hall smiled and waved to signal everyone to be quiet.

Everyone immediately held their breath and looked excited.

The auction was about to start, but the steward had not yet arrived.

Not long after, the steward finally appeared.

"I welcome you all very much." The steward smiled politely, then waved his hand, and dozens of exquisite and gorgeous treasures appeared one after another. Each treasure exuded a gorgeous and dazzling light, beautiful and magnificent.

Seeing the exquisite and gorgeous treasures, all the alchemists stared.

"So beautiful!" Liu Qingyang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Feng Yichen shook his head and smiled bitterly, thinking: "These things are not worth anything."

These gorgeous and exquisite treasures are disposable consumables, and they will be completely destroyed after they are used up.

"Although these treasures are not particularly precious, they are in large quantities. Each one costs 500 spirit stones. Just take them." The general manager smiled and then retreated.

"What? Only 500 spirit stones?"

"Am I seeing right? It's actually 500 spirit stones?"

"How can it be so cheap? Is it a scam? It shouldn't be!"

The hall exploded, and everyone was stunned.

No one believed that these gorgeous treasures were 500 spirit stones.

"These treasures are indeed disposable consumables. Just take them." At this time, an indifferent voice sounded.

"Feng Yichen?" All the alchemists looked at Feng Yichen in shock.

"Feng Yichen actually knows these treasures?"

"How can Feng Yichen know these treasures?"

"He said that he bought them for 500 spirit stones. Did I hear it right? Where did he get so many spirit stones? He can't be an alchemist?"

The alchemists were all stunned. No one thought that Feng Yichen would know these treasures.

"Brother Feng? How do you know these things?" Liu Qingyang asked in surprise.

Feng Yichen shrugged and smiled, "Vice President of the Alchemist General Union, what can they not give me?"

"This..." Liu Qingyang widened his eyes.

Feng Zhengxiong and Xiao Lan'er were both shocked.

Feng Yichen is actually the vice president of the Alchemist General Union!

No wonder Feng Yichen's performance in recent years has been so mediocre, and I have never heard that Feng Yichen is an alchemist. It turns out that he has been the vice president of the Alchemist General Union for a long time.

"I thought Feng Yichen was unwilling to help the head of the family, but I didn't expect him to be the vice president!" Feng Zhengxiong said in astonishment, his eyes almost fell out.

"Vice President of the Alchemist General Union?" Liu Qingyang was also petrified on the spot.

Feng Yichen is simply too terrifying!

"Haha! Brother Feng is indeed worthy of being an alchemist. He is actually the vice president. I'm sorry." Liu Zhengnan laughed excitedly.

"Are all these treasures given to me by Brother Feng?" Liu Qingyang was confused again, his head buzzing.

Liu Qingyang had never seen such precious and dazzling treasures, just like works of art. He had lived for so many years and had never seen such luxurious treasures.

This was even more luxurious than the palace, it was simply a waste of heaven's gifts.

"Brother Feng, this is too expensive!" Liu Zhengnan waved his hand and refused hurriedly. Although it was Feng Yichen's, he still felt unworthy of it.

"Uncle Liu, just accept it. These things are of no use to me. It would be a waste for me to take it." Feng Yichen smiled lightly.

"This..." Liu Zhengnan hesitated a little, and it seemed that he still didn't dare to accept it.

"Brother Feng, I dare not accept it. I don't deserve such an expensive treasure." Liu Qingyang shook his head repeatedly.

Feng Yichen smiled and said, "Uncle Liu, you are my grandfather's sworn brother, so let's not be polite. We are leaving Guluo City soon. I will find you to reminisce when I have time. I am leaving first."

"Uncle Liu, I will take them around first and come back to you after the auction is over." Feng Yichen smiled and clasped his fists slightly, and then left Guluo City with Feng Xiaotian and the others.

"Brother Liu is so lucky. He will definitely be successful in the future if he can make friends with Brother Feng!"

"That's right!"

"Brother Liu is lucky. If it were someone else, who could climb up to the position of vice president? They would be so lucky in this life!"

In the hall, countless envious and jealous eyes looked at Liu Qingyang.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will definitely rescue my father!" Liu Qingyang said firmly in the Feng Mansion Hall.

Feng Zhenghong frowned deeply and said solemnly: "Qingyang, Grandpa is worried that Lord Feng and his family will not agree. After all, Lord Feng and his family have a strong background and are also closely related to the Ancient Immortal Sword Sect."

"I don't care what the relationship between Lord Feng and his family is with the Ancient Immortal Sword Sect. I just like Xue'er. Even if I die, I will not give up." Liu Qingyang's tone became more and more resolute, even revealing a crazy obsession.

"Dad! Brother Feng is already the vice president of the Alchemist General Union. Since he is willing to help you, I believe he can definitely cure Xue'er. With such a great favor, we must repay Brother Feng's kindness no matter what." Liu Qingyang pleaded.

"Qingyang, don't act impulsively! Lord Feng may help you because of Miss Feng. The Feng family has a very good relationship with the Ancient Immortal Sword Sect. Lord Feng may help us for Miss Feng's sake. We'd better not mess around, so as not to embarrass Lord Feng." Liu Zhenghong said seriously.

"Then what should we do? We only have half a month. If Miss Feng wakes up, she will definitely not want us to take risks." Liu Qingyang was extremely anxious.

"Dad! Mom! Please help me think of a solution!" Liu Qingyang looked at Liu Zhengxiong and Xiao Lan'er again.

Liu Zhengxiong pondered for a moment and said, "Since Master Feng is an alchemist, he must know how to treat Miss Feng's cold. Let's go and ask him, maybe there is still a chance."

In the backyard of Feng Mansion.

"Master, you are back." Zhang Yunshan reported respectfully.

Feng Yichen nodded calmly: "Yes."

"Master, the elder of the Feng family came just now and seemed to want to find you. I didn't tell him." Zhang Yunshan reported respectfully.

"Oh?" Feng Yichen raised a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth and sneered: "I know, go down."

Zhang Yunshan saluted respectfully and turned to leave the backyard.

"Dad, you guys go and get busy. I want to rest." Feng Yichen smiled softly and then returned to his room.

"Yichen is such a sensible kid." Feng Zhengxiong smiled with relief.

"He must have suffered a lot to be so sensible." Xiao Lan'er whispered.

Liu Zhengxiong nodded, sighed, and said: "Qingyang, you should accompany Yichen well these days, make him happy, and persuade him by the way."

"Yes! I know!" Liu Qingyang nodded.

Feng Yichen just entered the training room and immediately entered the storage space, took out a large amount of medicinal materials and various spiritual liquids, and took them without hesitation.

"Feng Yichen, what kind of elixir is this? It feels so powerful!" Liu Qingyang was very confused.

"Ding! The host broke through the realm of the nine-star war king!"




The power in Feng Yichen's body broke through six realms in succession, and all advanced to the six-star war king!

"Brother Feng has become so powerful!" Looking at the improved realm, Liu Qingyang's face was full of disbelief.

What has Feng Yichen done during this period? Why has his strength improved so much?

"Seven-star War Lord, I wonder if he has reached the realm of Eight-star War Lord." Feng Yichen grinned.

"But there are still two sixth-grade soul-gathering pills left. It should be not far from breaking through to the Seven-Star War Lord." Feng Yichen secretly smiled expectantly and did not stop practicing.

Feng Yichen's retreat lasted half a month.


Half a month later, Feng Yichen opened his eyes, exhaled a breath, and said with a satisfied smile: "I have finally reached the peak of the five-star war master, and I am one step closer to the six-star war master."

"Brother Feng, your strength has improved a lot." Liu Qingyang was shocked.

Feng Yichen smiled and said: "The Feng family's techniques and spiritual weapons are very suitable for cultivation, that's why the speed is so fast. If my strength were outside, I'm afraid it would take about three years to reach the peak of the war master."

"So long?" Liu Qingyang's eyes widened, secretly shocked and a little ashamed.

Feng Yichen smiled indifferently, and then planned to go to the Ancient Immortal Sword Sect.

Liu Qingyang immediately said: "Brother Feng, I will go with you."

"You stay at home and take care of your parents." Feng Yichen shook his head. Liu Qingyang had no idea how powerful the Alchemist Guild was.

It is natural for Liu Zhengxiong and Xiao Laner to be worried.

"Brother Feng, I am already a second-grade alchemist. I must cure Miss Feng for my parents." Liu Qingyang gritted his teeth.

"Oh! Qingyang, don't go and cause trouble." Liu Zhengxiong quickly stopped him and said worriedly: "Brother Feng won't agree. Besides, Lord Feng doesn't know the eldest lady of the Ancient Immortal Sword Sect. You go." It’s no use.”

Feng Yichen was a little interested and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter if I go with you to have a look. It's just a chance to see the Alchemist Guild."

Although the Feng Family is not as powerful as the Xuanhuang Sect controlled by Emperor Feng in the Alchemist Association of the Holy Land of Alchemists, it is still one of the largest and top forces in the entire martial arts world.

"Mom and dad, don't worry, I will protect Brother Feng, and Brother Feng is very strong. With him taking action, we will definitely succeed." Liu Qingyang reassured.

Liu Zhengxiong sighed helplessly and said: "Oh! Qingyang, why can't you understand? Master Feng is an alchemist from the Alchemist Association. How could he be willing to interfere in this matter? Master Feng is an alchemist. A magician is not as simple as you think."

"Dad, don't you believe it?" Feng Yichen asked.

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just that hey!" Liu Zhengxiong shook his head helplessly.

Feng Yichen smiled lightly and said: "Uncle Feng, today I gave Dad a bottle of Seven-grade Blood Stasis Elixir and Jiedu Powder. Dad, please take it back and give it to Miss Feng to try. Maybe it can cure Miss Feng's injuries." Woolen cloth?"

Hearing this, Liu Zhengxiong was stunned and said in shock: "What? Did you give me the Huayu Pill and Jiedu Powder?"

"Not bad." Feng Yichen nodded and said, "Uncle Feng, you guys try it first."

Feng Yichen is not short of essence stones now, let alone elixirs. He doesn't mind taking them out to honor Feng Zhengxiong.

To the Feng family, Feng Yichen's actions were absolutely generous. How could Feng Zhengxiong not be excited? (End of chapter)

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