"Brother Feng! Thank you! Thank you so much!" Liu Qingyang was so excited that he couldn't help but said excitedly.

Feng Yichen smiled and said, "Let's go."

"Yes! Brother Feng, please!" Liu Qingyang said happily.

In the hall of the Feng family, everyone was waiting for Feng Yichen.

The Feng family members did not dare to neglect him, and no one knew when Feng Yichen would appear.

After Liu Qingyang brought Feng Yichen back, he couldn't wait to hand the things Feng Yichen brought back to Liu Zhengxiong and said, "Dad, this is a gift from Brother Feng to you. I see that Brother Feng not only refined the seventh-grade blood stasis pill, but also refined a bottle of seventh-grade detoxification powder, which is worth a thousand gold."

"What kind of pill is this? This smell is so special, containing a hint of cool fragrance, and mixed with the fragrance of herbs. What kind of pill is this?" Xiao Lan'er asked curiously, her eyes fell on the pill bottle.

"This is a gift from Brother Feng." Liu Qingyang smiled happily, obviously very fond of this heavy gift.

Feng Zhengxiong opened the pill bottle and was immediately attracted by the rich fragrance of the pill. He was surprised and said, "It's actually a pill! And the quality is so perfect, is it a seventh-grade pill?"

"Seventh-grade detoxification powder!" Liu Zhengxiong shouted suddenly.

"What? Seventh-grade detoxification powder?" Hearing Liu Zhengxiong's words, everyone in the hall was shocked and their eyes almost fell to the ground.

"How is this possible? He is a young boy, and he can actually refine a seventh-grade detoxification powder?" Liu Tianlin was stunned.

Even Xu Changkong and Yang Linhui, who are alchemists and have great prestige in the imperial city, looked like they had seen a ghost.

"This is impossible! How old is he! Even if he has been learning to refine medicine since his mother's womb, it is absolutely impossible for him to refine a seventh-grade pill!" Liu Tianlin shook his head dully.

"This... Brother Feng is really amazing! He actually refined a seventh-grade detoxification powder! Such a pill would take at least fifty or sixty years to make, right? I didn't expect Brother Feng to do it in just two or three years! He is truly a genius in refining medicine!" Feng Zhengxiong was full of excitement and pride, even a little admiration.

Feng Yichen smiled calmly and said, "I just started to work with pills not long ago, and I just tried a little bit, and I just luckily broke through to the seventh grade."

Liu Qingyang said excitedly, "Brother Feng, you are joking, how can you just start to work with pills? You have obviously mastered it, and you just lack the right timing!"

"Brother Feng is really modest." Liu Tianlin said with a smile.

"Brother Feng is really capable! No wonder he can refine a seventh-grade detoxification powder!"

"Even my grandfather probably can't refine this kind of pill, right?"

The younger generation of the Liu family were amazed and praised.

Feng Yichen waved his hand casually and said with a faint smile: "Let's sit down and chat."

"Brother Feng, you are too polite."

"Sit down! Everyone sit down! Brother Feng is a VIP!"

Everyone said respectfully, and then lined up to sit down in order, with great doubts in their hearts, but also full of expectations.

Feng Yichen said indifferently: "Qingyang and I are friends, you can just call me Brother Feng."

"Who is this young man? He can be called "brother" by Brother Feng!"

"He looks very young, but he has a strong cultivation. He should be a strong man in the realm of Wu Wang, and even in the realm of Wu Jun, or even stronger! Such existence, looking at the entire Fengyun Empire, there are only a handful of people! I wonder where he came from? Why have I never heard of him before?"

"He doesn't seem to be from the Fengyun Empire, and he looks like an external force. He is so young, he must be the disciple of a hermit strong man!"

"It's worthy of being a genius doctor. He even knows such a young strong man."

Everyone secretly guessed Feng Yichen's identity.

Of course, they would never know that Feng Yichen was the leader of the Dragon Soul Mercenary Group.

Everyone was staring at Feng Yichen, each with their own thoughts.

Although no one spoke, everyone had different thoughts.

Feng Yichen smiled faintly and said, "Today, I gathered you all here mainly to introduce someone to you."

"Oh? Who?"

"Brother Feng, do you want to introduce Liu Qingyang?"

"This kid is so lucky to be able to make friends with a genius doctor like Brother Feng!"

"Liu Qingyang's luck is really amazing, but we have to thank Liu Qingyang's parents for taking him in, otherwise how could he have encountered such an opportunity."

Everyone was surprised and discussed.

Just as Feng Yichen was about to speak, Liu Qingyang suddenly stood up and said with a smile: "Brother Feng, let me introduce myself first."

As he spoke, Liu Qingyang took out a ring and said with a smile: "This is the engagement token I gave to my father and mother. My mother has always hoped that I would get married and have children as soon as possible, but I, a stinky boy, don't have this blessing at all."

"Engagement token?" Feng Yichen was stunned.

"Liu Qingyang's parents are getting married?" Xiao Lan'er's pretty face showed a trace of disappointment. She has always regarded Liu Qingyang as her own brother and has always been looking forward to their marriage.

"So that's it, Qingyang, don't worry about your parents' affairs. Your parents must hope that you will get married and find your own happiness as soon as possible." Feng Yichen smiled indifferently. He was also happy for Liu Qingyang. After all, this is his only relative.

"Haha! Uncle Liu, Auntie, Qingyang has grown up. We should decide our own affairs. I am also grown up and can take responsibility for our marriage." Liu Qingyang said awkwardly, then looked at everyone and said loudly: "My marriage with Lan'er has been decided. Let's just make it while everyone is here today."

"Qingyang, you kid!" Liu Tianlin was stunned, and immediately rushed over to grab Liu Qingyang's ear, cursing: "You are so bold, you dare to make your own decision! I haven't agreed yet!"

"Ouch! It hurts so much! Dad, it hurts!" Liu Qingyang screamed in pain.

"Miss Lan'er, I'm sorry." Yang Yunfeng apologized.

Xiao Lan'er shook her head and smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect that he would secretly go to propose marriage, but since it was Qingyang who proposed it, of course I don't object."

"Uncle Feng, I also hope you can support me and Lan'er." Liu Qingyang looked at Feng Yichen with a playful smile.

"Brother Feng, my mother is very beautiful, right? Lan'er is also very beautiful. Qingyang and Lan'er are a perfect match. Besides, you saved Grandpa Liu, so you can help us." Liu Qingyang said with a smile.

"Ahem!" Liu Tianlin coughed a few times and rolled his eyes helplessly. This was simply nonsense.

"This brat!" Feng Wuchen didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then he said seriously: "Qingyang, you are too careless about this matter. You haven't considered Lan'er's feelings."

"Of course I have considered it. I know Lan'er has always liked me, and my parents have been very kind to me. I will definitely repay them. I will buy them a big house and provide them with retirement." Liu Qingyang vowed.

"Miss Lan'er, what do you think? Are you willing to marry Qingyang?" Feng Yichen looked at Xiao Lan'er and asked.

Xiao Lan'er said shyly: "As long as Qingyang doesn't despise me, I am willing."

Feng Yichen smiled slightly, then took out a storage ring and handed it to Liu Tianlin, and said with a smile: "Brother Liu, Qingyang and Lan'er's affairs are troublesome to you."

"This" Liu Tianlin was dumbfounded. He didn't expect Feng Yichen to give him the storage ring.

The storage ring is not an ordinary thing. There is inestimable wealth in it.

This kind of thing, Liu Tianlin is reluctant to give it to Liu Tianlin!

"Brother Feng, how can this be done? The treasure in the storage ring is too precious." Liu Tianlin quickly refused.

"Brother Liu, you don't have to postpone it. The storage ring originally belongs to your Liu family." Feng Yichen smiled.

"Brother Feng" Liu Tianlin looked at Feng Yichen in a daze.

Feng Yichen patted Liu Tianlin on the shoulder and smiled: "You don't have to worry about anything. I have a very good relationship with Brother Liu, so I did this. Don't worry, this is not just because Lan'er likes Qingyang, but Qingyang is special to me. He is my nephew."

Liu Tianlin suddenly realized, and a warm current surged in his heart. He was more grateful to Feng Yichen.

"Thank you, Brother Feng!" Liu Tianlin thanked solemnly.

Liu Qingyang was also very moved.

"Brother Feng, you can't tell grandpa and dad about our affairs. They will kill me." Liu Qingyang whispered.

"Don't worry." Feng Yichen grinned.

Feng Yichen changed the subject and said, "By the way, Qingyang, your parents are in seclusion recently to heal their injuries. When they come out, I will take you to see them and discuss the marriage. When do you plan to get married?"

Liu Qingyang scratched his head and said, "I don't know for the time being. I have to ask them what they think, but I think it should be soon. After all, it won't be long since they recovered from their injuries."

"Well, that's fine." Feng Yichen smiled and didn't say much.

At this time, Liu Tianlin suddenly said, "Brother Feng, I heard that your alchemist's level of refining is outstanding. Are you interested in joining our Chamber of Commerce?"

"Chamber of Commerce?" Feng Yichen frowned slightly.

It was the first time that Feng Wuchen heard the word Chamber of Commerce.

"Brother Feng, the Chamber of Commerce is a force. It not only has huge power and resources, but also has information from all aspects. If you need it, the Chamber of Commerce will do its best to help you solve it." Yang Yunfeng said hurriedly, obviously wanting to invite Feng Wuchen to join the Chamber of Commerce.

"Brother Feng, you might as well consider it." Liu Qingyang nodded.

"Brother Feng, this is a token. You can enter with it. Come and visit us often when you are free." Yang Yunfeng took out a purple token and handed it to Feng Wuchen.

"Thank you." Feng Wuchen took the purple token and bowed his hands to thank him.

Yang Yunfeng smiled politely and continued to drink.

"Brother Feng, let's go too." Liu Qingyang urged.

"Yes." Feng Wuchen nodded and was about to leave.

Feng Wuchen just took two steps and stopped again. He turned his head to look at Liu Qingyang and asked with a smile: "By the way, the Liu family tree and the cultivation method of the Liu family bloodline, you have all recorded it, right?"

"Why does Brother Feng want the family tree?" Liu Qingyang asked in confusion.

"Have you forgotten? I am the blood of the Liu family. I must be familiar with these family trees, right?" Feng Wuchen shrugged.

Feng Wuchen did have this idea.

"There's nothing interesting about the family tree. Apart from my mother, my father is the only male in the Liu family. There are basically no secrets in the family tree except for some ancestral teachings. However, the Liu family has quite a few cultivation techniques." Liu Qingyang smiled, as if he saw through Feng Wuchen's thoughts.

"Then I'll go take a look first and choose a suitable technique to practice. My cultivation is too weak now. It's easier to break through the cultivation by practicing a more powerful technique. The spiritual essence stone left by my father is enough for me to practice for a long time. As for other martial arts, I will learn them after I break through the Immortal Infant Realm." Feng Wuchen smiled, and his figure disappeared in the yard in an instant.

"Dad, you won't blame me for doing this, right? After all, I can't delay the good years of Brother Feng and Lan'er." Liu Qingyang asked.

Liu Tianlin said with a smile: "Qingyang, Brother Feng's strength is far beyond mine. If you follow Brother Feng, you will definitely become stronger in the future. I am so happy. I hope Qingyang can marry more wives. Brother Feng doesn't mind."

"That's good. I'm afraid that Brother Feng will be angry." Liu Qingyang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Qingyang, Lan'er, you guys chat first. I'll go back to my room first." Liu's mother smiled slightly and turned to walk to her room.

"Qingyang, I've wronged you these days." Feng Xiaotian smiled kindly.

"No, as long as I can be with Lan'er, I don't mind anything." Liu Qingyang said honestly, with a happy smile on his face.

"Haha! Good! Good! Let's go see what kind of martial arts Brother Feng has chosen, so that Lan'er can practice as soon as possible." Liu Xiaotian laughed happily.

"Yes, yes, let's go." Liu Qingyang hurriedly pulled Xiao Lan'er to follow.

Liu Tianlin also followed immediately.

At this moment, Feng Wuchen has appeared on the top floor of a loft in the Feng family mansion, standing in front of the window, overlooking the street scene below.

"The Liu family is indeed prosperous and has a large number of people. There are more than 30,000 people in the Liu family alone." Feng Wuchen smiled faintly, looking into the distance, as if revealing a trace of reminiscence.

"Master, although the Feng family is huge, it is nothing compared to the ancient fairy world. Not to mention those super empires, just Ling Xuzi alone can shake the entire ancient fairy world." The voice of the Dragon Soul leader sounded in his mind.

"The Dragon God Temple is about the same." Feng Wuchen smiled faintly.

"Master, the Feng family is one of the eight ancient fairy domains in the ancient fairy world." The Dragon Soul leader said respectfully: "Master, the patriarch of the Liu family is called Liu Wuhen, who is at the peak of the eight-star ancient fairy emperor realm. He is the only male in the Liu family and has a very respected status, but he is a lovelorn man."

"Lovelorn man?" Feng Wuchen was stunned and said in astonishment: "Is it difficult for girls in this world to get married? There are actually lovelorn men."

"Hehe." The Dragon Soul leader smiled awkwardly: "Master, in the fairy world, polygamy is very common, unlike the mortal world, where women only have monogamy, so the probability of girls finding men is much smaller, and most girls are unwilling to abandon their husbands and marry others. Of course, there are also many women who find good relationships, but most of them die."

"So that's it, it's worthy of being the fairy world, there are so many rules." Feng Wuchen sighed and shook his head.

"Brother Feng!" Liu Qingyang and the other two came up.

Feng Wuchen calmed down and looked at Liu Qingyang and the other two and asked, "What are the Liu family's cultivation methods?"

Liu Qingyang pointed to an attic and said, "Brother Feng, it's in that attic. I have asked people to record all the cultivation methods, but Brother Feng, please don't leak it out, otherwise the Liu family will suffer."

"I know the severity of it, don't worry, whoever dares to leak it, I won't forgive him." Feng Wuchen smiled lightly.

"I trust Brother Feng!" Liu Qingyang smiled, and then took Feng Wuchen into a palace. This is the attic where the cultivation methods are recorded, and there are many books and scrolls inside. (End of this chapter)

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