Feng Wuchen checked it for a moment, and was secretly stunned: "It's really useful, there are so many techniques here."

Feng Wuchen looked at it for a moment and carefully read through all the techniques. He then sat down cross-legged and took out a Na Ring.

"This is Liu Wuhen's storage ring. There are a lot of things in it, including pills and crystal stones. The leader of the Liu clan is really not an ordinary person. I don't know how many cultivators dream about it." Feng Wuchen said with a grin. .

"Liu Wuhen is the second-generation direct male member of the Liu clan, the second-generation clan leader of the Liu clan, and the clan leader of the Liu clan." The voice of the leader of Dragon Soul sounded in his mind.

Feng Wuchen grinned and said, "Now that we're here, let's pick some."

Half a day later.

At the gate of Liu Mansion, Zhang Junlan flew out of the mansion with Liu Qingyang and Xiao Laner.

Zhang Junlan waved his hand and threw one hundred and fifty sixth-grade holy healing pills over, saying: "Brother Feng, these pills belong to you, and the remaining 500 billion immortal coins will be my gift to you. "

Liu Qingyang was immediately frightened and looked at Zhang Junlan with wide eyes.

"Brother Feng, Uncle Zhang gave you so many elixirs. What elixirs are they? Is it a holy healing elixir?" Liu Qingyang couldn't help but ask.

Feng Wuchen nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, it is the sixth-grade healing holy pill. These are all for you. Your cultivation has reached the perfection state of the nine-star ancient immortal king. Taking the sixth-grade healing holy pill should be able to break through to the seventh-star." The Ancient Immortal King may be able to enter the realm of the Eight-Star Ancient Immortal King.”

"What? Sixth-grade healing holy pill?" Liu Qingyang said in extreme shock, with huge waves in his heart.

Xiao Laner was also completely stunned on the spot.

Liu Qingyang never expected that Zhang Junlan actually gave Feng Wuchen a sixth-grade healing pill, which was completely beyond Liu Qingyang's expectations.

"Lan'er is about to break through to the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal King realm. I'll give you each one hundred sixth-grade healing pills." Feng Wuchen smiled, then took out a dozen pills and handed them to Xiao Lan'er.

Liu Qingyang swallowed hard and said in shock: "Lan'er has reached the realm of the Seven-Star Ancient Immortal King!"

"Lan'er, your cultivation speed is very fast." Feng Wuchen praised.

"Hehe, Lan'er must work hard to practice." Xiao Lan'er cheered happily, her beautiful eyes flashing with tears of excitement.

Looking at Xiao Laner's smile, Feng Wuchen was quite touched.

"This brat is very lucky to have such a heaven-defying friend. If Brother Feng is in the ancient immortal world, he will definitely be the most dazzling existence, and he will definitely become a powerful Immortal Emperor in the future."

"Feng Wuchen, I believe that you will definitely be more than an Immortal Emperor in the future, and you will even reach the rumored realm of Eternal True Immortal."

"There will never be a second Feng Wuchen in the Immortal Continent."

"No matter who provokes Feng Wuchen, there will be no good end, unless it is a powerful Immortal Emperor."

"With such a terrifying talent, his future achievements are immeasurable."

The two people beside Feng Wuchen were all envious, jealous, and more determined to befriend Feng Wuchen.

At this time, the senior officials of the Liu family appeared one after another.

"Qingyang, tell grandpa quickly, who are they?" Liu Wuhen asked urgently.

Seeing everyone from the Liu family appear, Liu Qingyang's heart beat faster and he said excitedly: "They are Brother Feng. My father said that Brother Feng can help us improve our cultivation, and he can also teach us how to practice."

Hearing this, Liu Wuhen and others instantly became excited.

"Brother Feng, please come in quickly! Come in quickly!" Liu Wuhen warmly invited Feng Wuchen.

"Master Feng, you are a good friend of Qingyang's father, you saved my granddaughter, and you are also my benefactor, Liu Wuhen. Please accept my respect." Liu Wuhen solemnly bowed and thanked me.

Feng Wuchen supported Liu Wuhen and said, "Clan Chief Liu is serious. It's just a little effort. Why should you be polite?"

"Brother Feng, come in quickly and have a cup of tea." Liu Wuhen said quickly, looking particularly enthusiastic.

Liu Qingyang led Feng Wuchen and others into the mansion. Feng Wuchen began to select exercises and martial arts, and took a bunch of exercises and martial arts to check.

"Clan Leader Liu, I don't like these martial arts skills. Can I change them to other martial arts skills?" Feng Wuchen asked, throwing a bunch of martial arts skills on the table.

"You don't like it?" Liu Wuhen was stunned. He didn't even like so many precious martial arts and martial arts?

But considering that Liu Wuhen felt that he was too greedy, Feng Wuchen could give Liu Qingyang a healing holy pill, which was already very good.

Liu Qingyang was also stunned. He didn't expect that Feng Wuchen didn't like these martial arts.

A puzzled expression appeared on Xiao Laner's pretty face, and she whispered: "Brother Liu, I think Brother Feng doesn't seem to like these martial arts and martial arts."

"This" Liu Qingyang was dumbfounded.

Feng Wuchen really didn't like it.

Liu Wuhen frowned deeply and said solemnly: "Brother Feng, why don't you think about it again? These exercises and martial arts are the most precious treasures of our Liu family. Each of them has very powerful power, especially The Shura Sword Technique and the Soul-Destroying Fist are very powerful and domineering, and can be called heaven-defying."

Feng Wuchen shrugged and said, "No need, thank you Chief Liu for your kindness. I already have the martial arts and martial arts, so I don't need anything else for the time being."

"Master Feng, I wonder what kind of martial arts skills you want? As long as I have it, I will definitely give it to you." Liu Wuhen asked politely with a smile.

"I plan to build a set of battle armor, called the battle suit. Can Chief Liu sell it?" Feng Wuchen asked with a smile.

"Battle uniform?" Liu Wuhen shook his head and said with a wry smile: "Sorry, I have never seen a combat uniform, but it should be very expensive. With my current strength and status, I simply can't afford it."

Although Liu Wuhen is the head of the Liu family, his status is very low. All the resources of the Liu family are controlled by the Elders' Council. Even if Liu Wuhen has the power of the head of the family, he is still not qualified to buy martial arts.

"It's normal to be ignorant." Zhang Junlan said with a smile: "The battle suit is priceless. One piece costs at least tens of millions of Yuanling stones. Brother Feng, if you want it, I will send someone back to the chief instructor to get it."

"No hurry." Feng Wuchen smiled lightly: "Patriarch Liu is the head of the Liu family and has a noble status. How can I take advantage of you? Patriarch Liu can accept these martial arts. There is no use for me to keep them."

Liu Wuhen frowned slightly and said: "Brother Feng, you can't do this."

"Patriarch Liu, listen to me first." Feng Wuchen smiled and said: "The battle suit I want is different from ordinary Unlike the combat suit, this combat suit contains space attributes, has extremely high defense, and has even more amazing attack power. It can absorb the enemy's injuries and transform them into its own strength, and is not afraid of life and death. "

"What?" Liu Wuhen's expression changed drastically, his face was full of horror, and he stared at Feng Wuchen with astonishment, and asked tremblingly: "There is such a heaven-defying treasure in this world? Mr. Feng, you... you are not teasing me, right?"

"Brother Feng, what you just said is true? How is this possible? Is there really a method in the world that can absorb the enemy's injuries and feed back to itself?" Liu Qingyang was also shocked and speechless.

"Brother Feng, please don't lie to us. If people know that our Liu family has this kind of martial arts, they will definitely kill us to take it away." Liu Lan'er also asked worriedly.

Feng Wuchen smiled lightly and said lightly: "Don't worry, this matter will not be spread, because only I can perform it."

"Brother Feng, is it true? Can you really perform it?" Liu Lan'er asked happily.

"Well, I have comprehended the rules of space, so I can use it. Not only that, I have also comprehended time and space travel, time stop, and I have cultivated the power of time." Feng Wuchen smiled confidently.


When they saw Feng Wuchen, Liu Wuhen and everyone in the Liu family were shocked.

"Mr. Feng, have you really comprehended the rules of space? The rules of time!" Liu Wuhen took a deep breath and looked at Feng Wuchen with ecstasy on his face.

Liu Wuhen's ecstasy was not fear, but excitement, because the words from Feng Wuchen's mouth were enough to prove that he was not lying and could really use it.

"Well, I also have a powerful fire attribute divine fire, which is why I came to Tianxuan Immortal Realm." Feng Wuchen nodded.

"Fire attribute divine fire." Liu Lan'er looked at Feng Wuchen with a dull look.

"I not only practiced the fire attribute formula, but also cultivated it." Feng Wuchen smiled lightly, then flicked his finger, and a wisp of purple-red flame floated out.

The flame was very small, but it gave people a very scary feeling.

"So powerful! I can't even feel the breath of this flame!" Liu Lan'er widened her eyes, and her heart was surging.

Liu Lan'er couldn't see through this small flame at all.

It would take a terrifying power to suppress Liu Lan'er's divine perception.

"Brother Feng, what is your cultivation level?" Liu Wuhen took a few deep breaths and asked with great effort to suppress the shock in his heart.

"Nine-star titled Ancient Immortal King." Feng Wuchen smiled.

"Nine-star. Nine-star titled Ancient Immortal King!" Liu Lan'er was stunned on the spot, and her delicate body suddenly trembled violently.

Feng Wuchen actually has such a terrifying cultivation level!

"Brother Feng is definitely no more than 20 years old. The realm of the Nine-star titled Ancient Immortal King is something I have never heard of!" Liu Wuhen said in greater shock.

Everyone in the Liu family looked at Feng Wuchen in horror, and their hearts seemed to burst with pain.

Liu Wuhen and Liu Lan'er were in a state of shock and disbelief. They even suspected that they were dreaming.

"Patriarch Liu, I believe you have seen it too. This is a gift from Feng Wuchen. If you want it, discuss it with Liu Qingyang to see if it costs money." Feng Wuchen smiled lightly and handed over the battle suit.

"No, no, no, it's too expensive. I dare not accept it. Brother Feng, please take the battle suit back." Liu Wuhen refused hurriedly and did not dare to take the battle suit at all.

"Patriarch Liu, I am sincere. This set of battle suit is really useless to me. I don't lack Yuanling Stone. This thing is almost like garbage to me. I don't want you to waste it in vain. This set of battle suit may be very expensive to you, but for me, only fighting can make me excited. I won't waste time on fighting. Patriarch Liu, you don't have to be polite." Feng Wuchen smiled.

"In this case, I won't be hypocritical. Young Master Feng has such a treasure. Liu will naturally not be polite." Liu Wuhen respectfully clasped his fists.

"Brother Feng, if you have any needs in the future, you can come to me, and the Liu family will do their best to help." Liu Wuhen continued, his tone was grateful and solemn.

"Thank you!" Feng Wuchen clasped his fists and thanked.

After leaving the Liu Mansion, Liu Wuhen immediately summoned the core members of the Liu family to discuss the ownership of the battle suit.

Everyone in the Liu family speculated that within half a month, the price of the battle suit would definitely skyrocket.

Liu Wuhen couldn't wait to take the battle suit to retreat and practice.

"Dad, why are you so anxious?" Liu Lan'er asked in confusion. Her father would not be so anxious at ordinary times, but he was so impatient today.

Liu Wuhen said excitedly: "Feng Wuchen gave such a valuable gift this time, and it can also help the Liu family improve its combat effectiveness. How can I miss this opportunity? This is better than any elixir or weapon."

"Liu Wuhen actually broke through the eight-star ancient immortal emperor realm! When did this happen?"

"What a terrifying power!"

"The strength of the patriarch has increased by more than five times!"

Everyone in the Liu family felt the surging and vast power in Liu Wuhen's body, and they were all terrified.

Three days later.

Tianxu Holy Temple.

In the main hall of Tianxu Palace, Feng Wuchen, Long Shihun and Beidouyan sat in the first seat.

Long Shihun smiled faintly and said, "Don't waste this time. I plan to teach you how to practice so that you don't go astray."

"Master, please speak." Beidouyan and Liu Qingyang said respectfully.

"The technique I am passing on to you two is called "Overlord Jue". It is a high-grade ancient immortal technique suitable for ancient immortal emperors and Daluo Jinxian to practice." Long Shihun said.

"High-grade ancient immortal!" Beidouyan and Liu Qingyang were shocked and completely stunned on the spot.

Even though they had expected Feng Wuchen to pass on the inheritance to them, they still couldn't believe it was true.

This is simply a great gift from heaven.

"To practice the Overlord Art, you should take a spirit gathering bead every seven days." Long Shihun said with a faint smile: "As for other practice resources, Brother Feng should have prepared them."

"Thank you, Brother Feng! Thank you, Brother Feng!" Liu Qingyang and Beidouyan said in unison, jumping up with excitement.

"Thanks to you, we can step into the world of cultivators, and thanks to the battle suit you gave us, otherwise we would never have won." Long Xiaoyang smiled happily, looking at Feng Wuchen with admiration.

Long Shiyun also smiled and said: "Brother Feng, thank you."

"You're welcome, we are all friends." Feng Wuchen grinned.

Long Xiaoyun waved his hand and smiled: "No, no, no, this is a great favor, Brother Feng, we will always remember this friendship."

"Haha! Good boy! You have courage!" Long Shihun laughed heartily.

Feng Wuchen shrugged, but didn't say anything more.

"By the way, Brother Feng, what's the name of that beautiful lady just now?" Liu Qingyang asked curiously, looking outside the hall door, as if he was expecting something, his eyes flashing with bright brilliance.

Feng Wuchen shook his head and smiled bitterly: "How can I know her name? I only know Luo Yanran."

Hearing Luo Yanran, Liu Qingyang and Beidouyan were silent for a moment.

"Luo Yanran" Liu Qingyang muttered in a low voice, and a stunning face appeared in his mind.

Long Xiaoyun said awkwardly: "What's the name of that girl?"

Long Xiaoyun and Liu Qingyang also prayed secretly, hoping that Luo Yanran could come in.

"Brother Feng, what do you think that girl looks like? Is she beautiful? How's her figure?" Liu Lan'er asked with expectation, her eyes flashing a sly smile.

"." Liu Qingyang and Beidouyan's faces were stiff.

Feng Wuchen spread his hands, indicating that he didn't know, and said: "What does she look like, how do I know? Anyway, I haven't seen her." (End of this chapter)

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