"Oh." Liu Laner pouted, a hint of disappointment appearing on her pretty face.

Seeing the change in Liu Lan'er's expression, Liu Wuhen immediately became happy. He patted Liu Lan'er's shoulder and comforted him: "Lan'er, don't worry. Dad believes that one day, Mr. Feng will like him." Fuck you."

Liu Laner nodded and chuckled, "I believe it."

Having said that, Liu Laner didn't completely believe it, it was more like comforting herself.

After all, in terms of talent, Feng Wuchen was indeed terrible, and Liu Laner herself felt unworthy.

"Dad, you go out first, I will practice alone." Feng Wuchen said.

"Okay! Brother Feng, if you need anything, just ask your servants at any time." Liu Wuhen said with a happy smile, and then exited the hall.

In the main hall, only Feng Wuchen and Bei Douyan were left.

"Brother Feng, are you really giving us such precious armor and shoes?" Beidou Yan asked dully.

"Of course it's true, the combat effectiveness has been improved a lot." Feng Wuchen said with a happy smile, and immediately stimulated the power of his bloodline to inject it into the battle clothes and boots, instantly turning into a pair of black armor, majestic.

"Sure enough, it's amazing!" Bei Douyan was so excited that he wanted to run around in his armor.

"The battle suit is made of special crystals and contains extremely pure energy. It can not only protect the body, but also attack. It has strong defense. You can try attacking." Feng Wuchen said with a smile.

Beidou Yan immediately mobilized the power of the Six Stars of the Ancient Immortal Lord to inject it into the suit, and then heard a crisp sound of "ding", but the suit was unscathed.

"Such a terrifying defensive power can definitely withstand the attack of the Nine Stars of the Ancient Immortal Lord!" Bei Douyan's eyes widened, as if he was in a dream.

"I'll try it now!" Beidou Yan rushed to the center of the hall excitedly and slashed with a high-grade sword.


The bright sword light burst out, slashing the suit fiercely, and there was an explosion. The suit didn't move at all, not even shaking.

"What a strong suit. With such a weak strength, I can't shake it!" Bei Douyan exclaimed.

"The battle suit is a first-grade battle suit in the Tianxuan Realm. It has the power of two stars of the Ancient Immortal Lord. It can not only protect the master, but also absorb the master's power and enhance the strength of the battle suit. Unless the master's power exceeds the master's own realm by too much, otherwise It can't hurt the suit at all," Dragon Killer Soul explained.

"Brother Feng, how much do you plan to sell the suit for?" Nangong Tianchou asked curiously.

"I won't sell it, keep it for self-defense." Feng Wuchen shook his head and said: "I plan to use these armors to refine a few armors in case of emergencies. Our Dragon God Alliance should also cultivate powerful enough warriors. Armor is good. One day you will encounter an enemy. If the enemy is too strong, this kind of armor can still come in handy. "

"Brother Feng is right. You have consumed too much strength in this battle, and the battle armor can help you recover." Dragon Killer Soul said with an appreciative smile: "The price of the battle armor is not high, a hundred Yuanshi Crystals are enough. ”

Feng Wuchen smiled and said, "Well, once I earn Yuanshi Crystal this month, I'll buy some materials."

"It's a pity that the armor is not for sale." Liu Qingyang sighed with regret.

Long Xiaoyang said: "You want to sell it, but I can't afford it."

Feng Wuchen smiled and said: "Don't worry, the armor will be sold soon. This retreat, I plan to try to reach the level of Dzogchen. I estimate it will take about half a year at most."

"Brother Feng is going to reach the Dzogchen realm?" Long Nitian, Ling Xiaoxiao and others were shocked, their faces full of shock, and they stared at Feng Wuchen without blinking.

Long Nitian frowned and said, "You brat, are you crazy? Is it possible for you to achieve the Great Perfection at your age?"

"I don't know if I can rush forward, but I have to break through as soon as possible." Feng Wuchen shook his head slightly. This was already Feng Wuchen's fastest speed.

"The realm of Dzogchen is no joke. If there is a slight mistake, you may lose your life!" Dragon Killing Soul said solemnly.

Long Xiaoyang also persuaded: "You have just reached the peak of the Ancient Immortal Emperor. It is not worth rushing to break through the Great Consummation. Moreover, it takes a very long time to break through the realm of the Ancient Immortal Emperor. You should consolidate your cultivation now and take the Ancient Immortal Emperor by the way." Once you become proficient in the art, it will be easier to break through in the future. I don’t think this is the right time to hit the Great Perfection.”

Feng Wuchen shrugged helplessly and said: "I don't want to make an impact at this time, but what can I do if I don't make an impact? Who makes your talent so rubbish? Otherwise, I will let you directly break through to the Great Perfection state."

Long Xiaoyang and the others were speechless, feeling that they had been hit hard and stung deeply.

"You brat, how dare you say that if it weren't for you, I would have ascended to the immortal world long ago, and it's your turn to show off here." Dragon Killer Soul shouted angrily, his face turning red.

"Haha!" Liu Wuhen and others burst into laughter.

Feng Wuchen rolled his eyes and ignored Long Slaying Soul and the others.

"Brother Feng, since it's so dangerous, let's forget it. Our current cultivation level is enough to cope with various situations." Liu Xi said with a smile.

"Sister Xi'er, Brother Feng is more talented than you, and definitely better than me. He can break through to the realm of the Ancient Immortal Emperor, and so can we." Ling Xiaoxiao smiled.

"Brother Feng, do you want to think about it? Maybe there is a chance to reach the realm of the Ancient Immortal Emperor." Liu Wuhen looked at Feng Wuchen and said.

"It's no joke to hit the Dzogchen realm. Brother Feng, are you really sure?" Nangong Tianchou frowned.

"I don't know, I'll just have to give it a try." Feng Wuchen shrugged.

Liu Wuhen nodded and said, "Okay, then we'll go first. We'll come to get the battle suit tomorrow. Brother Feng, we'll see you tomorrow."

Watching Liu Wuhen and the other two leave, the matter of Lingyun Villa also came to an end, and Feng Wuchen prepared to go back to retreat and make pills.

"Brother Feng, have you really decided?" Before Liu Wuhen and the other two returned to the Liu family mansion, Nangong Tianchou asked, his old face full of worry.

"Well, I've thought about it. Don't worry, I know my limits." Feng Wuchen nodded.

"Brother Feng, you must be cautious. Our cultivation is too low. Even if we have battle armor, we can't avoid being assassinated." Liu Lan said with a serious face, and he still didn't want to see Feng Wuchen risk his life.

Feng Wuchen smiled faintly and said, "Dad, Mom, have you forgotten? I'm Feng Ying."

"You stinky boy! You must come out alive. Dad is still counting on you to lead our Liu family to rise." Liu Lan glared at Feng Wuchen and said.

"Brother Feng, I'm waiting for you!" Liu Lan encouraged, her playful appearance made people love her.

"Okay, don't delay Brother Feng's retreat." Liu Wuhen waved his hand, then turned and entered the Liu family, and Liu Lan followed him in.

"Brother Feng, I wish you success!" Seeing Feng Wuchen enter the secret room, Long Shitian and the others clasped their fists and congratulated him.

Long Shihun said: "I hope so."


Feng Wuchen flashed into the holy space.

"After comprehending the five-fold space ring, my soul power has greatly increased. I should be able to try to break through the eighth-level soul realm." Feng Wuchen said secretly, and then sat down cross-legged.

"Let's start." Feng Wuchen said lightly, his soul body floated in the void, and a wisp of mental power spread out and gradually merged into the world.

Then all rushed to the location of Shenluo Fairy Palace.


Just hundreds of meters above Shenluo Fairy Palace, a halo suddenly lit up on a giant tree.

A breath emanated from that figure.

"Brother Feng's soul power has actually broken through the seven-star soul realm!" Liu Wuhen noticed something strange and was stunned for a moment, then said in great surprise.

"Seven-star soul realm!" Long Shihun, Long Xiaoyang and Ling Xiaoxiao were all shocked.

"How is this possible? Brother Feng's soul power has broken through so quickly? He broke through the one-star soul realm tonight, and the next day he reached the seven-star soul realm?" Ye Tianwei widened his eyes and couldn't believe it.

Long Nitian and Long Shihun were also shocked beyond compare.

"Isn't this too scary?" Long Qing was also stunned on the spot, completely dumbfounded.

"This soul power is indeed Brother Feng's, there is no doubt about it." Yang Meir nodded.

"Brother Feng actually broke through the seven-star soul realm!" Long Zhanye and Ling Xiaoxiao were completely stunned and sluggish.

Feng Wuchen's cultivation level was so terrifying that it seemed like he couldn't stop at all.

In just three days, Feng Wuchen's cultivation level has risen from the six-star ancient immortal king to the four-star ancient immortal king realm, and now he has broken through the seven-star soul realm. It's just like a dream.

Liu Xi's beautiful eyes flashed with shocking light, and she thought to herself: "Monster, what a monster! I must practice hard! Otherwise, I can't catch up with him."



Feng Wuchen's cultivation level instantly soared to the nine-star ancient immortal king realm, and the fierce and domineering power swept unscrupulously, and the entire Liu family compound trembled violently.

Feng Wuchen's cultivation level actually broke through the seven-star soul realm!

"Huh!" Feng Wuchen slowly opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and said to himself: "Finally broke through, the seven-star soul realm, my soul power has become even greater."



Just as Feng Wuchen finished speaking, suddenly, a storage ring appeared in front of Feng Wuchen out of thin air.

In the storage ring, there was a pitch-black long sword, filled with cold air.

"Mysterious Thunder Sword!" Feng Wuchen recognized it immediately after seeing the pitch-black long sword.

The Mysterious Thunder Sword is a treasure of the Sky Demon Clan, and it is a top-grade immortal weapon.

The Sky Demon Clan does not have many immortal weapons, and each one is priceless, not to mention that it is a top-grade immortal weapon of the immortal weapon level.

"It is indeed an immortal weapon!" Feng Wuchen said happily: "But although this Mysterious Thunder Sword is very powerful, it is far inferior to the Blood Evil Sword in Xue Tu's hand. I want to see how terrifying its power is."

"Chi Chi!"

Feng Wuchen urged the fire attribute power to be injected into the Mysterious Thunder Sword, and the sword body burst out with dazzling golden sword power.



Feng Wuchen flicked his finger, and a golden sword light burst out, fiercely slashing on the stone pillar. With a bang, the hard rock wall was as fragile as a piece of tofu and could not withstand a single blow.

"So strong!" Feng Wuchen was overjoyed. The power of this Mysterious Thunder Sword exceeded Feng Wuchen's expectations, and it could definitely kill the ancient immortal master.

"The Black Thunder Sword is indeed a top-grade immortal weapon! It is indeed powerful." Feng Wuchen was extremely excited.

"Master, our current strength has increased several times. If we work together to perform the sword formation, our combat power will definitely be even stronger!" The sword embryo's excited voice came.

"Sword embryo, I plan to use you to devour the Immortal Emperor Beast Crystal to practice, strive to break through the eight-star immortal monarch level as soon as possible, and then use your power to fight against the power of the Immortal Emperor Beast Crystal. What do you think?" Feng Wuchen asked in a voice transmission.

"Okay, okay, the sword embryo is very happy, master, come on!" The sword embryo's excited and expectant voice came.



Putting away the Black Thunder Sword, Feng Wuchen flashed and disappeared, and appeared again the next second, and was already on the tenth floor of the Shenluo Tower.

Feng Wuchen did not hesitate to sacrifice the most precious treasure of Shenluo Immortal Palace - Tiangang Immortal Stone.

"To absorb the power of the Tiangang Immortal Stone, you must break through the seven-star soul realm as soon as possible, so that you can transform the power of other treasures into soul power for training." Feng Wuchen said to himself.

The soul power contained in the Tiangang Immortal Stone is extremely huge and very pure.

Feng Wuchen frantically circulated the divine energy and ancient immortal arts, greedily absorbing the power of the Tiangang Immortal Stone.


The majestic power of the Tiangang Immortal Stone was sucked into Feng Wuchen's body. The incomparable power surged through the body, and the overbearing power seemed to destroy Feng Wuchen's physical body.

"Brother Feng actually absorbed such a huge power, and it was also the Tiangang Immortal Stone. Brother Feng really doesn't know how he did it." Long Nitian frowned deeply, sighing more and more in his heart.

"The power of the Tiangang Immortal Stone is too overbearing. Fortunately, Brother Feng is an alchemist. Otherwise, if it had been anyone else, even the powerful Ancient Immortal Emperor would not be able to withstand it." Ye Tianwei said solemnly.

"I didn't expect Feng Wuchen's cultivation speed to be so fast. It has only been three days, and his cultivation level has actually improved again. Did he really only spend half a year cultivating?" Liu Yunshan was shocked.

On the other side is the mansion where Donghuang Wuji is located.

Donghuang Aoyu has taken the lead to leave Donghuang Realm and rush to the headquarters of the mysterious force.

At this moment, Donghuang Aoyu is negotiating with the strong men in the headquarters.

"General Manager, I need a medicinal material called Soul-killing Grass, and I would like to ask the General Manager to make it convenient." Donghuang Aoyu said politely.

"Young Master, the soul-killing grass you need is very rare. My subordinates have only heard of one plant and have never seen it." The chief steward shook his head, looking helpless.

Donghuang Aoyu frowned slightly, and immediately took out the Qiankun bag left by Feng Wuchen, handed it to the manager and said: "I have found the news about the Soul-Destroying Grass. The pills in it are enough to buy the Soul-Destroying Grass." , please help the general manager to buy it, I will pay the deposit, and the remaining money belongs to the general manager.”

"This" Looking at the dozens of Immortal Origin Stones and hundreds of bottles of elixirs inside the Qiankun Bag, the manager's eyes widened in shock.

"Thank you, young master!" the chief steward thanked him quickly, feeling extremely excited and quickly ran out of the palace with the Qiankun Bag.

"The chief steward is very fast. The results will be available within a quarter of an hour." Donghuang Aoyu said with a faint smile, and then sat down to recover from his injuries.


Chapter 2472 Xuanhuang Yan of Heaven and Earth (2)

"Young Master, these elixirs should be able to be sold for a lot of money. Why don't you let the alchemist refine them? With his level as an alchemist, wouldn't the elixirs he refines be more effective? "Dragon Killing Soul asked in confusion.

"Father, you are too underestimated, Brother Feng. He can refine the Nine-marked Healing Pill and the Nine-Line Exquisite Pill. The mere soul-killing grass cannot defeat Brother Feng at all." Long Shiyun said with a smile.

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