"Nine-pattern healing pill and Nine-curve exquisite pill?" Liu Xiyue's pretty face showed a shocked expression.

"What? Nine-pattern healing pill and Nine-curve exquisite pill? How is this possible?" Long Shitian and Long Shihun were shocked.

Long Qianye said in shock: "As expected of the master, he even mastered the Nine-curve exquisite pill and Nine-pattern healing pill."

"Dad, grandpa, aunt, after taking these two pills, your soul power cultivation can reach the peak of the seven-star ancient immortal." Liu Xiyue said excitedly.

"What? Peak of seven stars?" Long Shitian and others were shocked.

Liu Xiyue nodded and said: "After the seven-star immortal infant realm is the immortal emperor realm, and the immortal infant realm is also divided into the fifth and sixth levels. The cultivation after the seven-star immortal infant realm is the ancient immortal. This is what grandpa and grandma told me. I have never seen grandpa and grandma come out of retreat, so I don't know."

"So, grandpa and grandma are immortal ancestor-level alchemists?" Yang Qingyang asked dully, his heart thumping non-stop, totally unbelievable.

"Let me put it this way. My grandparents are very powerful, but I don't know exactly how powerful they are." Liu Xiyue nodded, her beautiful eyes full of yearning.

"Haha!" Donghuang Wuji laughed heartily and said, "Good! Good! I really didn't make a mistake! Brother Feng is the disciple of the master alchemist, and his strength is definitely not simple."

"Young Master, the Soul-Destroying Grass has been brought back, and there are also 1 billion top-grade fairy stones." Not long after, the general manager hurried into the palace to report.

Donghuang Ao Yu smiled hopefully and said, "Thank you, general manager."

"Young Master, the Soul-Destroying Grass has been obtained."

"Young Master, 1 billion top-grade fairy stones!"

"Young Master, the Soul-Destroying Grass has been delivered."

Only two hours later, four guards appeared one after another and knelt down respectfully to report.

The cultivation of the four guards is all at the level of two-star ancient immortal monarchs.

"The Soul-Destroying Grass is indeed a good treasure." Donghuang Ao Yu thought to himself, and then checked the Soul-Destroying Grass, saying: "It is indeed useful! Brother Feng is really amazing! I will practice immediately and strive to enter the realm of Ancient Immortal King within a month!"

"Young Master, don't worry. Since Brother Feng promised to help you, he must have a way. Brother Feng is the apprentice of the master alchemist. It is easy for him to refine high-quality elixirs. Brother Feng will never break his promise. Just practice with peace of mind." The four guards hurriedly persuaded.

Donghuang Ao Yu nodded, flashed into the palace secret room, and practiced in seclusion with all his strength.

"So many days have passed, and Brother Feng should come back." Donghuang Ao Yu murmured, but he was reluctant to come out of seclusion.

Because Donghuang Ao Yu was worried that he would be killed as soon as he entered the realm of Ancient Immortal King.

"Young Master, Brother Feng is here and is chatting with the clan leader." Long Qinghun smiled and seemed extremely excited.

"It's good that he's here." Donghuang Ao Yu smiled with a sigh of relief.


In the secret room, Donghuang Ao Yu suddenly burst out a brilliant white light, and the terrifying momentum surged like a flame, suffocating people. His cultivation instantly soared from the early stage of the ancient immortal monarch to the perfect realm of the ancient immortal monarch.

"Finally stepped into the perfect realm of the ancient immortal monarch, one step closer to the immortal emperor realm, and closer to the peak of the immortal monarch!" Feeling the surging and vast power in his body, Donghuang Ao Yu was overjoyed, and a smile appeared on his face.

Donghuang Ao Yu had never been as excited as today. It was only since he met Feng Wuchen that his cultivation made rapid progress.

Feng Wuchen was Donghuang Ao Yu's benefactor!

"Brother Feng, are you sure you can enter the realm of the eight-star ancient immortal monarch within a month?" Outside the palace, the master of the Luosha Temple asked in astonishment.

Feng Wuchen smiled lightly and said, "Don't worry, the master, if nothing unexpected happens, I will definitely break through the eight-star ancient immortal monarch within a month."

"Are you sure so soon?" The master of the Luosha Temple was quite shocked and even a little bit unbelievable.

Feng Wuchen smiled, but did not explain. He looked at the square in the distance and said with a smile: "It seems that many merchant families have arrived."

"Swish, swish, swish!"

At this moment, several figures flashed out of thin air and appeared in the Luosha Temple.

"Greetings to all the seniors." The masters of the Luosha Temple clasped their fists and bowed respectfully.

The visitors were Donghuang Wuji's relatives and friends, and they were all immortal masters.

"Donghuang Wuji, that old fox, dared to betray us. He really doesn't take us immortal masters seriously." An old man in a black robe shouted angrily, and the cold murderous aura spread out, frightening everyone in the Luosha Temple.

"Hmph! I want to see who gave him the courage!" A blue-robed strong man said viciously.

"Let's go, find Donghuang Wuji first! Then we can deal with him!" Another person said coldly.

The three immortal masters ran straight to the Luosha City Inn, with a violent and violent momentum, and the pressure was breathtaking. Everyone on the street retreated in panic.

"What a domineering aura."

"This aura is too terrifying. Even if I just feel the fluctuation of the aura, I feel trembling all over. I don't know who has offended the three immortal masters."

"The auras of these three immortal masters are very terrifying. Who are they?"

"I heard that the young master of Luosha Saint Sect is nearby."

The passers-by panicked and talked, and more and more people came to watch.

Donghuang Wuji was sent to protect Donghuang Ao Yu. These three immortal masters were responsible for protecting Donghuang Ao Yu.

"Donghuang Wuji! How dare you betray us!" The three immortal masters rushed into the inn angrily, roaring and roaring. The sound resounded throughout the restaurants and teahouses in Luosha City, causing countless cultivators to exclaim.


The three immortal masters just rushed into the inn, and then swept out with a sword, and the door of the inn instantly turned into pieces and exploded.

Donghuang Aoyu, Liu Wuhen and others appeared in the hall at the same time, with extremely cold expressions.

"Three seniors came here late at night, what's the matter?" Liu Wuhen said calmly, as if he had expected these people to come.

"Liu Wuhen, where is my son?" A man in red robe asked coldly. This man is the deputy master of the Rakshasa Temple, Donghuang Qingtian.

"Oh? Is Donghuang Aoyu dead?" Liu Wuhen asked pretending to be confused.

Donghuang Qingtian's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted angrily: "Liu Wuhen! Stop talking nonsense, how could my son die in your hands?"

Liu Wuhen shook his head and said, "Don't believe it? If you don't believe it, you can call the elders of the Rakshasa Holy Land for questioning."

"What do you want to do? Don't think that because Rakshasa Temple has a close relationship with Donghuang Aoyu, you dare to act wild and be careful of getting into trouble." Yang Jiansen said coldly, as if he was not afraid of the three powerful immortals.

"Does the death of Donghuang Aoyu have anything to do with you? Where is his body now?" the master of the Rakshasa Temple asked with a frown.

Liu Wuhen said indifferently: "I did kill Donghuang Aoyu, and we also acted under orders."

"Brother Feng, your alchemist ancestor is here too!" Yang Jian narrowed his eyes and looked at Feng Wuchen sitting in the corner of the hall, with a bright smile on his face.

Although Yang Jian said he didn't know Feng Wuchen, he guessed that Feng Wuchen was the ancestor of Feng Wuchen's alchemist.

"The ancestor of alchemists? Brother Feng is actually the ancestor of alchemists? He is younger than me!" Donghuang Aoyu stared at Feng Wuchen with wide eyes.

"Feng Wuchen is the ancestor of alchemists? How can he be so young?" An old man was extremely surprised.

"No wonder he can refine the seventh-level bone-forging marrow-cutting liquid and the nine-turn golden jade body-tempering liquid. It turns out that he is the ancestor of alchemists." The master of the Rakshasa Temple was shocked and enthusiastic. He did not expect that Donghuang Aoyu would get to know such a person. An incredible character.

"The ancestor of the alchemist?" Donghuang Qingtian was suddenly confused.

"Liu Wuhen, you bastard, how dare you frame Aoyu!" Donghuang Qingtian gritted his teeth and said angrily, with overwhelming anger spurting out.

"Hmph! We are acting under orders. Don't forget that you are the deputy master of the Rakshasa Temple!" Donghuang Qingtian stared at Liu Wuhen with angry eyes and said fiercely: "Liu Wuhen, I will take over for Donghuang Wuji today. Teach you a lesson, you beast!"



Donghuang Qingtian suddenly shot out, and a palm hit Liu Wuhen with overwhelming terrifying energy. Wherever the palm print passed, the void collapsed crazily and was annihilated.

This simple and crude attack did not consider the consequences at all, and had no regard for the interests of the Rakshasa Temple.

"Father, stop!" Donghuang Aoyu shouted suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he was extremely panicked.

"call out!"

The moment Donghuang Qingtian took action, Feng Wuchen flicked his finger, and a wisp of purple flames burst out, meeting Donghuang Qingtian's domineering and terrifying power with destructive power.

"Huh?" Feeling the dangerous aura approaching, Donghuang Qingtian's expression changed, and he hurriedly withdrew his terrifying power, then turned over and stepped back on his toes.

"call out!"

However, the purple flames still caught up, extremely fast.

"So fast!" Donghuang Qingtian was secretly surprised and immediately used teleportation to dodge. His heart was beating loudly. He had almost been hurt just now.

"Dad!" Donghuang Aoyu shouted quickly: "This is the soul body of Brother Feng! Stop it!"

"Brother Feng's soul body!" Donghuang Qingtian's old face suddenly changed, and his heart was trembling.

"Feng Wuchen's soul body!" The two powerful immortals were also frightened.

Liu Wuhen looked dazed and confused. He didn't know why Donghuang Qingtian and the others were so shocked.

"Feng Wuchen's soul actually came to the Ancient Immortal Realm!" Donghuang Qingtian's heart was filled with panic, and his heart almost jumped out of his chest.

"Donhuang Qingtian, you're all right. I didn't expect you three powerful immortals to attack a child. It's really embarrassing." At this moment, Feng Wuchen on the second floor slowly stood up, and a wave of An invisible momentum spreads.

Hearing Feng Wuchen's voice, Donghuang Qingtian and the others looked at Feng Wuchen.


The next second, Feng Wuchen clasped his hands together, and then drew a talisman in the air. In the blink of an eye, the talisman turned into hundreds of golden lights and flew out through the air. Each golden light flew like a meteor, carrying an extremely powerful A sharp and harsh sonic boom.

Hundreds of golden lights contain very terrifying deterrent power.

"Puff puff!"


Rays of golden light instantly penetrated the chests of the three powerful immortals, and blood splattered everywhere.


"Puff puff!"

The three powerful immortals vomited blood and fell down in a miserable state, seriously injured and defeated!

"Three or three powerful immortals, but they have no power to resist!"

"They were actually injured!"

"How could this happen? Who is this guy? How can his physical strength be so terrifying? He is not inferior to the Immortal Realm at all!"

"His physical body has actually reached the level of a fifth-grade immortal weapon!"

Seeing Feng Wuchen injuring three powerful immortals with a wave of his hand, everyone in the Rakshasa Temple couldn't believe their eyes, let alone disbelief, and even wondered if they were dreaming.

"I killed Donghuang Aoyu, and I'm too lazy to talk nonsense. Since you are so stubborn, you must pay the price today!" Feng Wuchen said coldly, his cold eyes glanced at the people in the Rakshasa Temple and ignored him.

"Brother Feng, these three old guys have gone too far! You must not forgive them! We must not swallow our anger!" Yang Jian shouted angrily, wishing to cut them into pieces.

Feng Wuchen grinned and said with a teasing smile: "Don't worry, they won't live long."

"What?" Donghuang Qingtian and the others were shocked.


At this moment, suddenly, several black shadows shot out from thousands of feet away like lightning, with majestic momentum.

"High-level officials of Rakshasa Palace!" After seeing clearly who was coming, Donghuang Qingtian's old face became extremely gloomy, his fists clenched loudly, and his eyes were full of hatred.

Everyone in the Rakshasa Temple has noticed it, and they all cast surprised and fearful glances.

Thousands of feet away, it arrived almost instantly.

Hundreds of burly and strong men are all powerful Immortal Emperors.

The sturdy young man headed by him was none other than the Lord of Rakshasa Palace, the Holy King of Rakshasa.

"See you, young master!" Hundreds of strong men knelt down respectfully, lowering their noble heads one by one in endless respect.

Seeing hundreds of powerful Immortal Emperors saluting respectfully, Liu Wuhen and Donghuang Wuji were completely dumbfounded, their eyes bulging out.

The Rakshasa Temple actually sent hundreds of powerful Immortal Emperors to protect Feng Wuchen!

"Young Master, why are you here? I just came back from the Immortal Soul Sect." The Holy King of Rakshasa asked respectfully, with great respect and humility.

"Master of Rakshasa Hall, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, have you, you, you, you, you,", people, people, people,,,--,,,,,,,,,, - t-, members of the people to recognize, Master of the Rakshasa Hall, have you mistakenly recognized the wrong person? How can this boy be your young master? He is just the guest elder of the Rakshasa Hall.” Rakshasa Qingtian said sluggishly, his head a little confused. Confused.

The cultivation levels of Liu Wuhen, Donghuang Wuji, Rakshasa Saint King and others are all above the Three-Star Divine Lord, and they call Feng Wuchen ‘Young Master’, which is obviously true!

How could the elder of Rakshasa Palace have such a transcendent status?

"Rakshasa Palace?" Feng Wuchen was stunned.

"This brat is the elder of Rakshasa Hall?" Rakshasa Qingtian was shocked again, and he was so shocked that he couldn't believe it.

Feng Wuchen actually came from the Rakshasa Temple!

The more Donghuang Qingtian thought about it, the more frightened he became, because they had just killed Donghuang Aoyu.

Feng Wuchen glanced at Liu Wuhen and said with a faint smile: "Brother Wuhen, they are not only senior officials of the Rakshasa Temple, they are also my fathers."

Liu Wuhen was stunned, and Donghuang Aoyun and the others were also petrified on the spot.

"Dad! Dad, save me!" Donghuang Aoyu cried and asked for help.

"Young Master!" Hundreds of people, including the Rakshasa Saint King, all looked at Feng Wuchen in horror.

"Dad? You are Feng Wuchen!" Rakshasa Qingtian and the other two people exclaimed at the same time.

Donghuang Qingtian and the other three knew that Feng Wuchen was the reincarnation of Feng Wuchen, but they didn't know Feng Wuchen's real name.

"Young Master of the Rakshasa Temple! Feng Wuchen!" Everyone in the Rakshasa Temple turned to stone again, staring at Feng Wuchen with wide eyes in horror.

"Feng Wuchen!" Rakshasa frowned deeply with an expression of disbelief on his face.

"Are you the young master?" Liu Wuhen was dumbfounded.

Feng Wuchen smiled lightly and said, "That's right."

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