
Feng Wuchen appeared out of thin air on the left side of Luosha Wuqing, and his finger shot out through the air.


A metallic and harsh buzzing sound spread from the tip of Feng Wuchen's index finger, and a wisp of green smoke drifted away.

"Luosha Wuqing, my patience is not enough, you have to think about it carefully." Feng Wuchen said lightly, staring at Luosha Wuqing with cold eyes.

"You dare to kill them! I promise that all the cultivators in Luosha Temple will not forgive you!" Luosha Wuqing said gloomily, feeling scared and worried.

Feng Wuchen spread his hands and smiled lightly: "You are right, I can't bear to kill them, you can try if you don't believe it."

"Feng Wuchen!" Looking at Feng Wuchen's seemingly playful and teasing expression, Luosha Wuqing became more and more flustered.

Feng Wuchen grinned and said, "Whether you agree or not, you will die tonight."


The moment Feng Wuchen finished speaking, Feng Wuchen stomped his right foot on the floor. With a loud bang, the entire ruins shook violently, and his body turned into a black light and shot out.

Feng Wuchen's speed was very terrifying, and he appeared in front of Luosha Qingcang in a blink of an eye.

"Qingcang, be careful!" Luosha Qingtian suddenly roared.

However, Feng Wuchen punched out without any fancy moves, and directly hit Luosha Qingcang's chest.



The domineering and powerful fist force made a crisp sound, the sound of bones breaking was clearly heard, and a mouthful of blood splashed out.

Donghuang Qingcang's injuries worsened.

"How could it be so terrifying?" Donghuang Qingcang widened his eyes, his face full of horror, and he could not bear the power of Feng Wuchen's punch at all. His body shot backwards, smashing a hole in the wall, and he fainted directly.

"Donghuang Qingcang!" Luosha Qingtian screamed in horror, his body trembling.

Donghuang Qingcang was a powerful eight-star ancient immortal emperor, and Feng Wuchen killed him with one punch.

Luosha Qingtian was in deep fear, how could he have any desire to fight?

Luosha Wuqing and the three elders were completely stunned on the spot.

Who is this powerful enemy? He actually has the terrifying power to kill Donghuang Qingcang in seconds.

"Qingcang! Qingcang!" Donghuang Qingtian screamed in horror and quickly helped Donghuang Qingcang up.

"Luosha Wuqing, don't forget, I can save you, and naturally I can kill you. I will give you one last chance. Either surrender to me or be buried with Donghuang Qingcang. I count to three, and you make your choice, one." Feng Wuchen said coldly, a suffocating chill spread out, and his cold eyes swept towards Luosha Wuqing, and the cold murderous aura frightened Luosha Wuqing so much that he trembled all over.

The meaning of Feng Wuchen's words could not be more obvious.

If Luosha Qingcang and the other two refused, Feng Wuchen would start a massacre.

"Two!" Feng Wuchen shouted coldly, releasing a more terrifying chill.

"Three!" Feng Wuchen narrowed his eyes suddenly after the last word fell, and then he made a lightning-fast move, instantly pinching Luosha Wuqing's throat.

Luosha Wuqing's neck was pinched, his face turned ashen, and he had difficulty breathing.

"Feng Wuchen, you dare!" Donghuang Qingtian said angrily, surging with murderous aura.

Feng Wuchen said coldly: "I said, you have no choice!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he swung his arm hard, and Luosha Wuqing flew out like a cannonball.

Donghuang Qingtian and others were shocked and had no time to stop him. They all looked sad.

"Feng Wuchen, you are looking for death! You dare to kill them! I will grind you to ashes!" Donghuang Qingcang roared, struggling with all his strength, but unfortunately he was seriously injured and couldn't use any strength at all. He didn't know what to do at all.


In the blink of an eye, Luosha Wuqing hit the wall, and with a loud bang, Luosha Wuqing vomited blood and fainted on the spot.

Feng Wuchen slowly walked to the unconscious Luosha Qingcang and said coldly: "Donghuang Qingcang, Luosha Qingcang can't move, what about you? Do you want to gamble?"


Donghuang Qingcang swallowed his saliva with difficulty, his old face was extremely hideous, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Luosha Wuqing is dead, you can't let us surrender! Unless you kill us! Otherwise, you will never be able to recapture Luosha Temple!"

"Oh? Really?" Feng Wuchen shrugged, his cold eyes swept across the many senior executives of Donghuang Qingtian, and the corners of his mouth raised an extremely evil smile.

Seeing Feng Wuchen's weird evil smile, Donghuang Qingtian was shocked, his heart was raised to his throat, and a strong breath of death enveloped his whole body.

"Feng Wuchen! Don't mess around!" Donghuang Qingtian said in panic. He knew Feng Wuchen's strength very well. Once he attacked, he would definitely die. Luosha Wuqing was knocked unconscious. It was easy for Feng Wuchen to kill them. "Feng Wuchen! We are elders of the Luosha Temple. Our lives are worthless, but the disciples of the Luosha Temple are not! I advise you not to mess around. If you touch us, the disciples of the Luosha Temple will not give up! Although we are elders, they are elite forces. If they unite, they are enough to compete with first-class forces!" Donghuang Qingtian threatened. "I hate others threatening me the most." Feng Wuchen frowned slightly, raised his palm, and clasped Luosha Qingtian's head with five fingers. Luosha Qingtian was immediately terrified to the extreme, his whole body stiffened, and he dared not resist at all. "You'd better not mess around! It doesn't matter if we die, but the disciples of the Luosha Temple will never give up!" Beidou Yan shouted angrily. "Pah, pah, pah!"


Feng Wuchen pulled the trigger with his palm, and accompanied by a series of crisp clapping sounds, blood spurted out of Donghuang Qingtian's seven orifices, and his head exploded instantly. He was tragically pierced through the body by the Soul-Destroying Spear, and died beyond death.

"Donghuang Qingtian!!" Beidou Yan and others roared with grief and anger.

"Brother Feng, please let them go." Rakshasa Qingyu begged, tears streaming down his face, crying helplessly in pain.

"Are you going to kneel down by yourself, or should I help you personally?" Feng Wuchen asked coldly, his cold eyes sweeping towards Rakshasa Wuqing and the others.

Rakshasa Ruthless, their faces were pale, their bodies were cold, and their bodies were so stiff that they were motionless.

"I'll give you two ways. Kneel down and surrender. Maybe I can spare your lives." Feng Wuchen said coldly. The cold voice sounded like falling into the Nine Nether Purgatory, which was terrifying.

"Hmph! Just kill if you want!" Donghuang Qingfeng glared fiercely at Feng Wuchen. He would rather die standing than live on his knees.

"It's so pitiful that the head of a dignified sect actually wants me to die with my own hands. You are worthy of being from the Rakshasa Temple. You are indeed strong enough." Feng Wuchen said sarcastically.

"Young Master, don't waste time, just kill them directly." Liu Qingyang said disdainfully.

"call out!"

The moment he finished speaking, Feng Wuchen immediately flicked his finger, and a golden needle flew out.


"Puff puff!"

In the blink of an eye, the golden needle pierced the Dantian of the seven ruthless Rakshasa elders and pierced their souls.


Seven shrill screams sounded at the same time, and the seven elders all covered their Dantians and howled heartbreakingly.

"You are too weak." Feng Wuchen said coldly, and then let go of Donghuang Qingfeng.

"Donghuang Qingtian, do you choose to surrender or let me kill your son?" Feng Wuchen looked at Donghuang Qingtian and asked coldly.

"Feng Wuchen, kill me if you dare. I, Donghuang Qingtian, will never surrender to anyone!" Donghuang Qingtian said angrily, his face was ferocious and twisted, and his eyes were full of viciousness and malice.

"Okay." Feng Wuchen shook his head, then flicked his finger, and another golden sword light burst out, as fast as lightning.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

There was a sound of tearing flesh, blood spurted out from Donghuang Qingfeng's chest, and a horrifying bloody mouth appeared on his chest.

"Dad!" Donghuang Qingfeng said weakly and hoarsely.

"Qingfeng!" Rakshasa Qingfeng burst into tears and roared in grief.

"Donghuang Qingfeng, have you thought about it now?" Feng Wuchen asked lightly.

Donghuang Qingtian gritted his teeth and said, "Don't even think about it!"

"Since you insist on seeking death, I have no choice but to help you." Feng Wuchen said coldly, his eyes narrowed, and he waved his hand.


The domineering and powerful force was activated and instantly turned into a violent wind that swept through the hall. Feng Wuchen stamped his foot on the ground and rose into the sky.


With a single thought, the terrifying force that destroyed the heaven and earth fell from the sky, and the deafening sound shook the entire Rakshasa Holy City.

"call out!"

The thunder chains condensed from one thought whipped down crazily, at an extremely terrifying speed.


Seeing the terrifying chains being pulled off, Donghuang Qingtian's old face changed drastically, his liver and gallbladder split with fear, and his pupils were full of despair.

Donghuang Qingfeng and the other six people also showed extremely shocked and frightened expressions.

Although Donghuang Qingtian's cultivation has reached the realm of the four-star ancient immortal, he is like an ant in front of this terrifying chain, with no power to resist. Even if he mobilizes all his strength to protect his body, it still does not help.



The terrifying thunder chain fiercely struck Dongfang Huangqingfeng, and with a bang, an unimaginable brute force destroyed Dongfang Huangqingfeng's power and broke his chain.

One stick smashed Donghuang Qingfeng's immortal armor, and another stick smashed Donghuang Qingfeng's head.


Donghuang Qingtian let out a shrill scream, his body was separated, and he was completely dead.

"Clan leader!"



Beidou Yan and the other six people were all dumbfounded and stunned on the spot. No one expected that Feng Wuchen would actually take action.

"Asshole! Beast!"

"Feng Wuchen! I'll fight you!"

"Donghuang Qingtian is the pillar of our Rakshasa Temple, and you actually killed him! You are simply too deceptive!!"

The remaining six people became furious and cursed one after another. They had lost their minds and pounced on him crazily.

"Hmph!" Feng Wuchen snorted disdainfully, and then waved his hand, hundreds of dark red fireballs burst out, carrying an overwhelming momentum, the attack was sharp and swift, swallowing up six people in an instant.

"call out!"

"Puff puff!"


In the blink of an eye, all six elders were hit by the fireball. They vomited blood and fell to the ground in embarrassment. They were seriously injured and dying.

With just one move, he killed the seven elders of Donghuang Qingfeng in an instant, which showed how terrifying his strength was. Feng Wuchen's combat power completely defeated the eight elders of Rakshasa Qingtian.

Feng Wuchen's power is far beyond the reach of others.

"Donghuang Qingfeng, your son, granddaughter, and even the people in the Rakshasa Temple are all dead. Now it's your turn. I will let you know the consequences of betraying me." Feng Wuchen looked down at Dong Huang Qingfeng said with an expressionless face and a cold tone.

"I will not betray the Rakshasa Temple! If you kill me, the Rakshasa Temple will definitely be at odds with you!" Donghuang Qingfeng said ferociously.

Feng Wuchen grinned and said coldly: "Really? Then I want to see what the Rakshasa Temple can do to me. Today I will kill you, this waste!"

Before Feng Wuchen finished speaking, his left hand suddenly reached out, grabbed Donghuang Qingfeng's neck, and lifted him up.

"Ahem. You dare to kill me? You will pay the price." Donghuang Qingfeng struggled fiercely and said fiercely.

Feng Wuchen said coldly: "I will kill all of you in the Rakshasa Temple."

"Feng Wuchen!" Rakshasa Qingfeng became more and more panicked, fear spread all over his body, and he couldn't control it at all.


Feng Wuchen's other hand suddenly swung over with force, and with a muffled bang, Donghuang Qingfeng's cheek exploded with a bloody hole again.

"Feng Wuchen, let me go. No matter what, I am still the patriarch of the Rakshasa Temple. As long as I am alive, the Rakshasa Temple will never disappear, let alone perish." Donghuang Qingfeng begged for mercy hurriedly, and was extremely panicked at this moment.

"Really?" Feng Wuchen asked coldly.

"Absolutely true." Donghuang Qingfeng nodded hurriedly.

"Oh? Really? In that case, I will spare your life. After the Rakshasa Temple is disbanded, I will naturally let you go." Feng Wuchen said coldly, and then threw Donghuang Qingfeng away, turned around and walked out of the palace, and his figure disappeared into the night.


"Thank you, Master Feng, for showing mercy!"

Seeing Feng Wuchen leave, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and their tense spirits finally relaxed.

"Feng Wuchen, you will not die well!" Donghuang Qingtian roared gloomily.

"Your strength is too rubbish. To deal with the enemy, you only need to crush it with the strongest force. I don't know what the Rakshasa Temple is. Are you worthy of being called the patriarch of the Rakshasa Temple?"

"Where are your people from the Rakshasa Temple? Where are they? I don't like to kill chickens to scare monkeys. I hope they will roll out and die obediently."

"And you, Donghuang Qingfeng, I gave you a chance to live, but you just want to die. Don't blame me for not telling you that my patience is not high. If I kill your son, do you think I will let the Rakshasa Temple survive?"

Feng Wuchen's figure flashed outside the hall strangely, and his icy voice reached everyone's ears.

Hearing Feng Wuchen's words, everyone in the hall was terrified.

"Feng Wuchen, what are you going to do?"

"Don't mess around. You should have heard of the name of Feng Alliance Leader. If you dare to kill us, he will definitely not let you go."

"Yes, Feng Wuchen dare not do anything to us."

The elders and disciples in the hall all tried to dissuade him in panic.

Rakshasa Qingfeng also felt Feng Wuchen's murderous aura.

Donghuang Qingfeng gritted his teeth and shouted: "Feng Wuchen! Come at me if you have the guts, don't hurt them! I am willing to submit to you, as long as you promise not to kill them, I will do anything!"

Hearing this, Feng Wuchen frowned slightly and thought to himself: "This guy really cares about his people."

The more Donghuang Qingfeng cares, the more Feng Wuchen feels that he is a disaster.

But Feng Wuchen was not in a hurry to kill him, anyway, there is plenty of time.

"You all retreat." Feng Wuchen's cold voice came again.

The elder knelt on one knee respectfully and said, "Yes! I obey your command!"

"Save my father! Save my father!"

"Great elder, bring people to save my father."

"Go and invite the high priest and the second priest!" (End of this chapter)

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