"Feng Wuchen! Don't be so arrogant! One day, you will regret your stupid decision tonight!"

Everyone started shouting.

"Shut up! You useless trash!" Donghuang Qingtian yelled angrily and hatefully.

The hall was silent except for the angry roar of Donghuang Qingfeng.

"Feng Wuchen! If you dare to kill me, the Rakshasa Temple will never let you go. You will definitely be hunted down by the Rakshasa Temple!" Donghuang Qingfeng threatened.

"Haha, I'm so scared, but it's a pity that you will never see that day, because..." Feng Wuchen's cold and cold voice slowly reached Donghuang Qingfeng's ears.

An extremely ominous omen suddenly surged in Donghuang Qingfeng's heart.


The next second, Feng Wuchen pulled the trigger in vain, and the dark gun muzzle spurted out a dazzling blue energy beam, which instantly penetrated Donghuang Qingfeng's eyebrows.

Donghuang Qingfeng's eyes bulged, full of fear and unwillingness, and finally he slowly stopped struggling.


An elixir flew out of his finger and instantly entered Donghuang Qingfeng's mouth. Then it turned into pure soul power and surged into Feng Wuchen's body, restoring the injuries to Feng Wuchen's soul body.

After a few minutes, Donghuang Qingfeng became completely quiet.

A vast and powerful aura spread from Donghuang Qingfeng's body.

Donghuang Qingfeng actually stepped into the realm of the five-star ancient immortal!

"call out!"

Donghuang Qingfeng opened his eyes and appeared in front of Donghuang Qingfeng's body like lightning.

Feng Wuchen sneered: "As expected of the leader of the Rakshasa Temple, his cultivation speed is quite fast."

"Feng Wuchen, what do you want to do?" Dong Huang Qingfeng glared at Feng Wuchen and asked.

Donghuang Qingfeng was angry and confused.

"Of course I will kill you, or recruit you into the Rakshasa Temple!" Feng Wuchen said with an evil smile, staring at Donghuang Qingfeng teasingly.

"Incorporating the Rakshasa Temple? Haha" Donghuang Qingfeng was stunned, then laughed and said sarcastically: "Feng Wuchen, you are not afraid of Feng Da's tongue flashing! Just you? Are you going to incorporate the Rakshasa Temple? Do you really think that the Rakshasa Temple is a weak persimmon?”

Feng Wuchen shrugged and said with a smile, "It's up to you whether you believe it or not."

"If you kill me, my father and the others will not let you go! You will regret it!" Donghuang Qingfeng said coldly.

"I gave you a chance just now, but you refused." Feng Wuchen spread his hands and said.

Donghuang Qingfeng's face was ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm warning you, Feng Wuchen, if you dare to touch anyone in our Rakshasa Temple, you must bear the consequences."



Feng Wuchen directly crushed Donghuang Qingfeng's throat, blood spurted out, and screams were heard.


Donghuang Qingfeng's head was twisted off by Feng Wuchen, and blood spattered out, scaring hundreds of senior officials in the hall. Their eyes widened in horror, and there was a chill behind them.

"Hmph! I've never seen anyone dare to threaten me, Feng Wuchen!" Feng Wuchen said fiercely, and then disappeared.


"Uncle Qingtian!"

The guardian disciples of the Rakshasa Temple were extremely frightened and cried out in grief.


At the same time, the space where Donghuang Qingtian was located suddenly shook violently, and the terrifying energy swept through the entire mountain like a tsunami.


Donghuang Qingfeng's body burst out with destructive energy, domineering and terrifying energy. In an instant, it exceeded the peak level of the Six-Star Ancient Immortal Lord, and was even more terrifying than the One-star Ancient Immortal Emperor.

"Eight Star Ancient Immortal Emperor! Feng Wuchen! I will definitely settle this debt with you!" Donghuang Qingfeng suddenly raised his head, looking into the void with resentful and hateful eyes, clenching his fists tightly and making a creaking sound.

This terrifying power is enough to make Donghuang Qingfeng proudly stand among the top powerhouses in the third heaven!


Chapter 2833 Donghuang Qingtian

"Eight-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor! This little beast Feng Wuchen's strength has improved so horribly!"

Donghuang Qingtian frowned deeply, his face became solemn, and he was extremely fearful in his heart.

The strength displayed by Feng Wuchen completely overturned Donghuang Qingtian's understanding of the realm of the Ancient Immortal King.

"call out!"

In the blink of an eye, Feng Wuchen appeared again.

"Donghuang Qingfeng, I will give you one last chance to join the Rakshasa Temple! Otherwise, I guarantee that your life will be worse than death!" Feng Wuchen said coldly.

"Feng Wuchen! You don't have to waste your efforts, unless you kill me!" Donghuang Qingfeng said fiercely, he would rather die than bow his head.

"Since you are stubborn, then I will help you!" Feng Wuchen said coldly, suddenly kicked the ground with his right foot, and his body turned into a green rainbow and shot out.

"call out!"

Donghuang Qingfeng stepped forward to meet him, his two palms collided, and the explosion was deafening.


Two extremely terrifying energy ripples raged, destroying all the surrounding buildings, and the space within a radius of several thousand meters collapsed.

Feng Wuchen remained motionless, but Donghuang Qingfeng slid back a few feet, his face becoming even more ferocious.

"Feng Wuchen! Who are you? Why do you have such terrifying fighting power? You are definitely not an ordinary human being!" Donghuang Qingfeng said in a dark and angry voice, staring at Feng Wuchen with an increasingly serious expression.

Feng Wuchen grinned and said coldly: "You'll know right away!"


The moment he finished speaking, Feng Wuchen suddenly transformed into dozens of blurry figures.

Every figure exudes suffocating ice-attribute power, which is breathtaking.

Feng Wuchen's movement technique was performed by the Dragon God Sword, and its attack power was extremely terrifying.

"What? This is a dragon. Dragon God Shadow! How is this possible!" Donghuang Qingfeng's face was dull and unbelievable, and his eyes widened.

"You don't need to know too much, because you won't live long. Remember, my name is Feng Wuchen." Feng Wuchen said coldly, and dozens of afterimages suddenly shot out.

Donghuang Qingfeng had no time to dodge and could only fight back desperately.

But the ending was no surprise.

Even though Donghuang Qingfeng was a nine-star ancient immortal, he was still beaten and crawled, with no power to resist, seriously injured, and spitting blood.

"Donghuang Qingtian, I advise you to consider my suggestion. I can spare your life." Feng Wuchen said coldly.

"Feng Wuchen! If you dare to kill me, my father will never let you go! Luosha Temple will not let you go either!" Donghuang Qingtian said fiercely, his eyes were full of blood.

"If your father doesn't come to provoke me, maybe I can still spare your life, but if you want to die, then I will have to send you to see the King of Hell first." Feng Wuchen said coldly, his words were chilling and chilling.

"Feng Wuchen, the Rakshasa Temple will disappear soon. If nothing unexpected happens, the Rakshasa Temple will be razed to the ground tomorrow. Don't forget that my father is the Rakshasa Lord. My father will not let you go." Donghuang Qingfeng roared.

Feng Wuchen's eyes suddenly stern, and he said coldly: "Your father is gone."

"Feng Wuchen! What nonsense are you talking about?" Donghuang Qingfeng's old face changed drastically, and he said in horror: "Impossible!"



A domineering and brutal force hit Donghuang Qingfeng's chest, the explosion was deafening, and a golden figure flew out, spitting blood.

Donghuang Qingfeng's injuries were extremely serious and he was dying.

"Feng Wuchen, you lied to me!" Donghuang Qingtian roared angrily, tears flowing out, heart-wrenching grief.

"What's wrong with lying to you? I said, I don't want to hear nonsense!" Feng Wuchen said fiercely, staring at Donghuang Qingfeng fiercely. Feng Wuchen urged the God Pearl of Heaven, and the domineering and majestic power was continuously injected into the Ancient Origin Sword, and merged with the Dragon God Sword, and the momentum surged again.


Feng Wuchen waved the Ancient Origin Sword, slashing through the void with one sword, and the dazzling black sword light slashed towards Donghuang Qingfeng with a devastating force. Wherever it passed, dark cracks spread, and the momentum was breathtaking, as if it could swallow everything.

"Feng Wuchen! You dare to kill me! You are dead! I will definitely kill you! I will definitely kill you!" Seeing the terrible sword light coming, Donghuang Qingfeng roared hysterically, his eyes filled with endless hatred.

Unfortunately, no matter how Donghuang Qingfeng struggled, he could not escape the coverage of the sword light, and watched the sword light hit him.


The sword light hit Donghuang Qingfeng, and the explosion shook the earth. The terrible energy ripples rolled and raged. Donghuang Qingfeng's body exploded on the spot and turned into ashes.


Feng Wuchen flicked his finger, and the storage ring flew out, which was Donghuang Qingfeng's body.

"Feng Wuchen, this elder will not let you go!" A cold and hateful voice came, and then disappeared.

"Huh?" Feng Wuchen frowned slightly and said inwardly: "Soul body? Or residual soul?"

Feng Wuchen could not sense the existence of Donghuang Qingfeng.

However, Donghuang Qingfeng's voice was quite familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

"No matter what kind of soul body it is, you must die before tonight!" Feng Wuchen gritted his teeth and angrily said, took the storage ring, and then disappeared like lightning.

As night fell, the prosperous and noisy Luosha Temple was bustling.

The major cultivation cities in the Holy Realm have sent strong men to visit the Rakshasa Temple.

The Rakshasa Temple Square is crowded with many cultivators, with a number of millions. It is vast and boundless, and the bustle is comparable to the cities in the Ancient Immortal Realm.

"Is this the Ancient Immortal Realm? It is indeed not simple." Feng Wuchen said secretly. Although he did not feel any soul power, he could feel the powerful breath of the true spirit.

Feng Wuchen glanced at it, then flashed to the other side of the square, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes to heal his wounds and recover the consumed pure energy.

"Brother Feng! How is your injury?" Ling Xiaoxiao asked with concern, her beautiful eyes full of worry.

"It's okay, I can heal myself." Feng Wuchen smiled lightly, ignoring the injury and devoting himself to healing.

Half an hour later, Feng Wuchen stopped healing and his injury was completely healed.

"Disciples of the Rakshasa Temple, listen to the order! Enter the palace quickly." Feng Wuchen gave a voice transmission order, and his figure disappeared out of thin air.



Tens of thousands of strong men flew in from all directions and gathered in the square in the blink of an eye.

Donghuang Hao and other high-level officials flashed over.

"Greetings to the deputy commander!" Everyone saluted respectfully.

Donghuang Qingfeng frowned and asked, "Where is Feng Wuchen?"

"Commander, the young master just left the Rakshasa Temple, and he ordered us to enter the palace immediately." An elder said respectfully, obviously not knowing what happened.

Donghuang Qingfeng nodded, and then disappeared with everyone.

"Rakshasa Temple actually hides such a large team of cultivators, and their strength is very strong." In the distant void, Luosha Yan, Donghuang Qingfeng and others flashed.

"The strength of the Rakshasa Temple is indeed very strong, but if this power is compared with the Rakshasa clan, it is far behind. Feng Wuchen's cultivation is only at the two-star true immortal realm, which is insignificant at all." Another man said disdainfully, obviously looking down on Feng Wuchen.

“This power is indeed huge, but compared with Feng Wuchen’s power, it is completely insignificant.” Donghuang Qingfeng shook his head, his face extremely solemn.

"Donghuang Qingfeng, do you think he can really deal with the Rakshasa tribe?" An elder frowned and guessed.

"Humph! I don't believe he can destroy our Rakshasa tribe. Even if there is a three-star ancient immortal emperor, he is not a match!" An elder gritted his teeth and said.

"Do you think Feng Wuchen has this ability?" Donghuang Qingfeng asked back, his face full of sarcasm and teasing.

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

"Feng Wuchen is not only at the peak of the seven-star ancient immortal emperor, but also controls the power of six attribute laws. He has a six-star true immortal realm, plus six kinds of law power, enough to fight against the five-star ancient immortal emperor, and even defeat the five-star ancient immortal emperor!" Donghuang Qingfeng added, and at this moment he was more and more sure that Feng Wuchen had a way to deal with the Rakshasa tribe.

"What? Six-star ancient immortal emperor?" Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Who dared to believe that a mere three-star ancient immortal emperor actually had such a terrifying combat power?

"Donghuang Qingfeng, do you know why I asked you to come to the Rakshasa Temple?" Feng Wuchen suddenly appeared strangely in the square.

Everyone was stunned.

Donghuang Qingfeng said gloomily: "This elder does not need you to tell me the reason."

"How did your soul come back to life?" Feng Wuchen asked, his face extremely cold.

Donghuang Qingfeng said fiercely: "You will know soon! This elder will let you die now!"

Donghuang Qingfeng shouted coldly, and instantly sacrificed the Xuanhuang Ding and Xuanhuang Tower, and at the same time activated the ancient immortal formula, and the two ancient immortal artifacts burst out with monstrous power.


Donghuang Qingfeng stepped on the Xuanhuang Ding and performed the ancient immortal formula. The Xuanhuang Ding madly absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to grow stronger, and then flashed brilliant golden light.


The Xuanhuang Ding suddenly shot out, like a cannonball, and rushed straight to Feng Wuchen.

"What a fast attack!" Feng Wuchen suddenly widened his eyes, and could not see the moving trajectory of the Xuanhuang Ding clearly.

"This is definitely not the power of the Three Star Ancient Immortal Emperor!" Feng Wuchen was secretly surprised and had already sensed the breath of danger.

The powerful force that Donghuang Qingfeng suddenly burst out made Feng Wuchen feel a huge sense of oppression.

Feng Wuchen immediately used his phantom clone to avoid the attack.

"Swish, swish, swish!"


Feng Wuchen dodged one after another. In a few breaths, Donghuang Qingfeng actually shot out thousands of terrifying golden energy balls, bombarding like dense artillery shells.



In the square, a huge pit collapsed in an instant, and hard stone slab fragments flew everywhere.

"Is this a magic array?" Dongfang Wushan's old face suddenly changed, and he looked at the ancient and complex array performed by Donghuang Qingfeng in shock.

"What an ancient array!" Ling Tianyun looked at the array performed by Donghuang Qingfeng in horror.

"As expected of the Eight Desolate Rakshasa Formation, Donghuang Qingfeng has already mastered it." Luosha Yan said solemnly, his eyes fixed on Donghuang Qingfeng's figure.

"Feng Wuchen is very powerful, and it is rare that he can resist Donghuang Qingfeng for so long." Dongfang Qing said, his eyes still looking at the formation.

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