"This guy actually has the Samsara Eye! What's going on?" Yang Yifeng and others were stunned and shocked, and they all showed expressions of disbelief.

The existence of Feng Wuchen simply subverted their three views, and even made them think that Feng Wuchen was a freak.

"Ancient Immortal Lord, what is going on? Does Feng Wuchen really have the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone? Isn't his cultivation level at the Saint Transformation Realm?" Liu Qingyang couldn't help but ask via voice transmission.

"He not only possesses the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone, but also possesses extremely pure Ancient Immortal Holy Qi. The purity of the Ancient Immortal Holy Qi is higher than that of the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone. This kid must have a huge treasure hidden in his body." Yang Yifeng said via voice transmission, The old face looked greedy, and his eyes looked at Feng Wuchen with burning eyes.

The purity of the Ancient Immortal Holy Qi is far better than that of the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone, which makes the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone lose its value.

"Ancient Immortal Lord, isn't he more powerful than the young master? The young master's qualifications are weaker than him, isn't it?" Liu Qingyang was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and his head shook like a rattle.

The Holy Qi of the Ancient Immortal is countless times more precious than the Holy Stone of the Ancient Immortal, and it is extremely valuable.

"I don't know. The Ancient Immortal Holy Stone and the Ancient Immortal Holy Qi both belong to the power left by the powerful Ancient Immortal Emperor of the five immortal clans. It has been hundreds of years since the ancient Immortal Emperor fell. Whether they left the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone behind, I don't know. It’s clear, but the secret of this kid Feng Wuchen is not simple, you will know it in the future,” Gu Xianzun said secretly.

Feng Wuchen had followed Chu Junshan to the forbidden area of ​​the Chu family.

"Master Chu, your father was reborn because of the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone. You must take good care of him. I'll leave first." Feng Wuchen said with a faint smile.

"Thank you, Master Feng! Master Feng, walk slowly!" Chu Junshan clasped his fists respectfully in thanks.

"call out!"

After Chu Junshan finished speaking, Feng Wuchen disappeared and arrived outside the Chu family gate in an instant.

"Master Feng's speed is really terrifying. This speed is even more impressive than even the Ancient Immortal Lord." Liu Qingyang couldn't help but marvel.

Ancient Immortal Lord frowned slightly and said: "Feng Wuchen's speed is indeed terrifying. This kid's identity is definitely not an ordinary human cultivator."

Chu Junshan said respectfully: "Father, Master Feng said that the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone has a huge improvement effect on cultivation. Master Feng's strength is only in the realm of becoming a saint. Even if he has the Eye of Reincarnation, there is still no hope unless the Ancient Immortal Lord It’s okay to take action, but his strength is not as good as the Ancient Immortal Lord.”

The Ancient Immortal Lord shook his head and said calmly: "The Ancient Immortal Lord is not strong enough. There must be a huge secret hidden in Feng Wuchen's body. Perhaps it is a cave left by a top expert."

"Ancient Immortal Lord, have you already investigated it?" Chu Junshan asked quickly.

"Not only have I checked, Dragon Soul has also checked, but unfortunately nothing was found. Moreover, they also said that Feng Wuchen is just a casual cultivator without any power backing." Ancient Immortal Lord shook his head.

Hearing this, Chu Junshan frowned slightly and said: "Ancient Immortal Lord, this doesn't make sense, right? How can a casual cultivator get the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone? It's impossible for him to get the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone just by relying on his own ability! He His identity is extraordinary!”

"Well, that's true. Otherwise, the Ancient Immortal World would have been in chaos a long time ago. However, there is indeed nothing unusual about Feng Wuchen. This is what makes me strange. However, this kid's luck cannot be ruled out." Ancient Immortal Lord nodded. .

"Lord Ancient Immortal Lord, what should we do next? Since Feng Wuchen has the Samsara Eye, he should know about the Samsara Eye. Do you want to arrest him and torture him?" Liu Qingyang asked via voice transmission, his eyes rolling.

"No hurry." Ancient Immortal Lord waved his hand.

Feng Wuchen said thoughtfully: "The Eye of Reincarnation is created by heaven and earth, and the power it contains is extraordinary. My cultivation level is still low and I cannot use the power of the Eye of Reincarnation, but I can learn from it and maybe have a chance to control the Eye of Reincarnation."

"Learn from it? Brother Feng wants to use the ancient immortal holy stone to make elixirs?" Chu Junshan asked in shock.

"Well, I need the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone to temper my body." Feng Wuchen said with a smile.

"Master Feng really hides it well, Feng Wuchen, I am determined to be your friend!" Chu Junshan smiled excitedly, feeling more and more that he had made the right bet.

"Thank you, Uncle Chu." Feng Wuchen thanked him happily, and then began to refining the ancient immortal stone.

Although the grade of the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone is high, there are only three pieces left, so Feng Wuchen must speed up his progress.

Feng Wuchen's soul power burst out in full force, crazily urging the soul flame to burn the ancient immortal stone, and the speed of refining the weapon was extremely terrifying.

In Lingxu Pavilion.

"The death of Ling Xuzi has attracted the attention of all major forces. The name Feng Ying must have spread throughout the ancient immortal world. These days, I have never seen anyone dare to provoke Feng Ying." Elder Ling Xiao said solemnly.

"Feng Ying is indeed extraordinary. He has a combat power comparable to the Seven-Star Ancient Immortal Lord just after he stepped into the Saint Transformation Realm, and he also knows the power of the Samsara Eye. There must be a super strong person behind him." An elder said solemnly.

"The existence of Feng Wuchen always makes me feel uneasy." Another elder said solemnly, his eyes full of fear, obviously very afraid of Feng Wuchen.

"No matter whether there is strong support behind him or not, as long as we have no evidence, there is nothing we can do about Feng Wuchen. Feng Wuchen is not afraid at all, but I am worried about the Chu family." Another elder said coldly: "Master Gu Xianzun has already come down. Order, if anything goes wrong with the Chu family, I will not spare them."

"I have sent people to investigate, and I believe there will be news soon." Elder Ling Xiao said solemnly, and immediately disappeared.

"The order from the Ancient Immortal Lord has been issued. The Chu family will be in dire straits this time." As soon as Elder Ling Xiao left, an old man walked in slowly.

"Second Elder!" Everyone saluted respectfully.

"Where is Zhuge Qingwu?" the second elder asked indifferently.

A guard respectfully reported: "I am reporting to the Second Elder that Master Zhuge was kicked out of Lingyun Pavilion and out of Lingyun City after his cultivation was abolished. He has already left Lingyun City and is probably fleeing to other places."

"What?" The second elder suddenly became furious. He waved his sleeves and robes suddenly, and his shouts resounded throughout the entire Lingyun Pavilion space. He angrily shouted: "You bastard! You have disgraced my Lingyun Pavilion's face! It's just a waste of cultivation. What's more? Expelled from Lingyun City? Is this brat tired of living?"

"Second Elder, please calm down. Young Master Zhuge was also angry and spoke indiscriminately. After all, it was Ling Haoran who gave the instructions, and he also knew he was wrong. I beg you to forgive him." An elder said respectfully, wiping the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Hmph! Sooner or later, I will settle the score with Ling Haoran for this matter!" the second elder said coldly, and then walked away.

"The second elder has been researching ways to break through the peak realm of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor during this period. Once he is successfully promoted to the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor and equipped with ancient immortal weapons, the comprehensive combat effectiveness of our Lingyun Pavilion will inevitably skyrocket." The first elder said quickly and respectfully.

"Dad, our goal is not only Lingyun Pavilion, but also to win the recognition of the great forces in the Ancient Immortal World. As long as we have enough resources and the help of powerful people, we can grow our power and even surpass the power of the Ancient Immortal Emperor!" Chu Junshan said with great excitement.

"I understand what Jun'er means." Elder Ling Xiao nodded, a bright smile appearing on his old face.

There is a tense and depressing atmosphere in all areas of the Ancient Immortal World, and everyone feels the danger coming.

The news about the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone and the Ancient Immortal Stone has reached the ears of the Ancient Immortal Lord.

"There are actually other people who own the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone. It seems that the Ancient Immortal World is not peaceful anymore. Feng Wuchen, your appearance seems to have brought changes to the Ancient Immortal World. I hope it will not affect my cultivation." The Ancient Immortal Lord narrowed his eyes slightly. , murmured with a smile.


The Ancient Immortal Palace shook suddenly and violently, and a majestic momentum spread.

"Breakthrough!" Sensing the fluctuations in the Ancient Immortal Lord's aura, Elder Ling Xiao and others were extremely surprised.

The Ancient Immortal Lord has been practicing in seclusion, and it has been a long time since he reached the peak of the Six-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor. This aura is a sign of reaching the peak of the Six-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor.

"Dad's cultivation level has finally broken through." Ling Xiaoxiao smiled happily.

In Lingyunge Square, hundreds of disciples and elders gathered here.

"Listen, Lingyun Pavilion disciples, today I have reached the peak of the six-star Ancient Immortal Emperor. I plan to go to the Immortal Soul Realm to attend the Ancient Immortal Realm Conference. News about the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone was leaked. Feng Ying killed Chu Tianshu. There must be a strong person protecting him secretly. Therefore, during this period, when I am away, you must be careful not to be targeted by the enemy." The powerful and domineering voice of the Ancient Immortal Lord resounded throughout Lingyun Pavilion.

"I obey!" Hundreds of disciples and elders knelt down on one knee and respectfully accepted the order.

"Okay, all of you, please step back. I will summon you if something happens." Ancient Immortal Lord said again, with a hint of command in his tone.


The next second, an even more terrifying force swept through Lingyun Pavilion.

"call out!"


In the blink of an eye, the figure of the Ancient Immortal Lord appeared out of thin air in front of Ling Junshan, making Ling Junshan tremble in fear.

"Lord Immortal!" Ling Junshan was scared to death.

The Ancient Immortal Master said expressionlessly: "Ling Junshan, as the master of Lingyun Pavilion, I am very disappointed in you. Your son insulted the Ancient Immortal Master's disciple Feng Wuchen in the street, and threatened to destroy Feng Wuchen. This account is worth it to me." remember."

"I" Ling Junshan was full of fear and despair.

"Lord Ancient Immortal Lord, please calm down! It's okay for me to teach you! Please forgive me! Please forgive me!" Ling Junshan immediately kowtowed and begged.

"Ling Junshan, you'd better explain this matter to me clearly, otherwise I will investigate to the end!" Ancient Immortal Lord said coldly.


Chapter 2833 The Great Elder’s Decision

The main hall of the Ancient Immortal Sect.

Everything Lingyun Pavilion did was taken into account by the great elder.

"Father, now that the Ancient Immortal Lord has broken through the six-star Ancient Immortal Emperor, the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone has also fallen into the hands of the Ancient Immortal Lord. With the strength and intimidation of the Ancient Immortal Lord, we can completely control all the major forces in the Ancient Immortal World. Even if we annex the major forces and control the Ancient Immortal Realm, we will not be afraid of any alliance between the major forces in the Ancient Immortal Realm." Ling Xiaoyang said respectfully, with great ambition.

"The news about Feng Wuchen has spread throughout the ancient immortal world. Feng Wuchen's strength is not simple. If we can win him over, it will definitely be of great benefit to our Lingyun Pavilion." Ling Xiaonan agreed.

The gloomy face of the Great Elder slowly relaxed, and he said: "You are right, Lingxian Pavilion is the top power in the ancient immortal world, how can you let a young boy bully it? This Feng Wuchen is definitely a trouble ”

"Father, why don't you take this opportunity to get rid of Feng Wuchen? Feng Wuchen has a huge treasure. Keeping it will definitely be a disaster." Ling Xiaoyang frowned.

Ling Xiaoyun shook his head and said: "Ignore Feng Wuchen for the time being. Let's get the Ancient Immortal Holy Stone first. Lingyun Pavilion and the Ancient Immortal Holy Mountain are evenly matched. Lingyun Pavilion is not weaker than the Ancient Immortal Lord, but if you want to compete with the Ancient Immortal Lord, you still need to Improve the cultivation level of the Ancient Immortal Lord, and now the Ancient Immortal Lord has broken through the peak of the six-star Ancient Immortal Emperor. The big forces in the Ancient Immortal World may not have this ability. "

Ling Aoqiong said solemnly: "The cultivation level of the Ancient Immortal Lord is too heaven-defying. Once he reaches the realm of the Seven-Star or Eight-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor, it will be difficult for anyone in the Ancient Immortal World to match him."

The Great Elder said solemnly: "The Ancient Immortal Lord is indeed very powerful. I have never seen such a terrifying young man."

The horror level of the Ancient Immortal Lord is far higher than that of the three great Immortal Lords.

"Dad, big brother, is Feng Wuchen really an ancient immortal alchemist?" Ling Junshan couldn't help asking.

"I don't know, but it should be true." Ling Aoqiong shook his head and guessed: "Although the ancient immortal master didn't reveal it, since the ancient immortal stone is on Feng Wuchen, and Feng Wuchen is unwilling to hand over the ancient immortal stone, there is only this possibility."

"Ling Qing, follow me." Ling Aoqiong suddenly turned around and looked at Ling Qing, called out, and then left the hall first.

Ling Qing looked at his father's back in confusion, and Ling Qing couldn't help whispering: "What did Dad call me for?"

"Your father must have something to talk to you about." The second elder said calmly.


Feng Wuchen's figure appeared out of thin air, on the mountainside of Lingyun Pavilion.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The senior executives of Lingyun Pavilion appeared one after another.

"Young Master!" Many senior executives of Lingyun Pavilion saluted with fists, their faces full of fanaticism and awe.

"Well, no need to salute." Feng Wuchen waved his hand calmly.

"Young Master, we just learned that Gu Xianzun has broken through the peak of the six-star ancient immortal emperor, and will go to the immortal soul world to attend the conference." The second elder reported respectfully, looking quite worried.

Feng Wuchen raised a devilish arc at the corner of his mouth and said, "Did Gu Xianzun break through?"

"Gu Xianzun is the most powerful existence in my ancient immortal world. His breakthrough will surely shake the entire ancient immortal world. At that time, the major forces in the ancient immortal world will definitely be ready to move." The third elder said solemnly, looking at Feng Wuchen with deep eyes, and was secretly shocked in his heart: "Feng Wuchen didn't even notice it."

"Dad!" Ling Junshan rushed in outside the hall.

"Why are you so flustered? You have lost face for my Lingyun Pavilion!" The eldest elder scolded.

"Father, I just saw Dad!" Ling Junshan said in horror, not noticing that the eldest elder was angry.

The eldest elder's face suddenly changed.

In the hall, many senior officials were shocked by Ling Junshan's words and widened their eyes.

Ling Junshan's head was dizzy, and he still couldn't believe his ears.

"Who did you see just now?" The elder asked in astonishment.

"Father, I saw Gu Xianzun, just now!" Ling Junshan said in shock, his body trembling slightly.

Ling Junshan's words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky exploding in the hall.


The elder slammed the table and chairs, his old face was ferocious and fierce, and he gritted his teeth and cursed: "Asshole! You actually led Gu Xianzun to Lingyun Pavilion!"

"I can't do anything, I can't stop him at all, and father, he didn't know how to avoid Lingyun Pavilion's formation, and I didn't expect him to appear here!" Ling Junshan said with shame and guilt, wishing he could find a piece of tofu to hit himself to death.

Ling Junshan did regret it.

"How could Gu Xianzun appear in Lingyun Pavilion? How is this possible? Lingyun Pavilion is so heavily guarded, he can't break in quietly." The second elder was surprised, and was obviously stunned. (End of this chapter)

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