Ling Junshan didn't understand either.

Gu Xianzun broke through the peak of the six-star ancient immortal emperor. No place in the ancient immortal world could escape his eyes. Ling Junshan had no idea where Gu Xianzun had gone.

The high-level officials of Lingyun Pavilion were more and more shocked.

"What is so special about Feng Wuchen? Gu Xianzun actually subdued the immortal beast Xuanxian Jiaolong for him. Could it be that he knows a strong man at the level of Immortal Emperor and Immortal Venerable?" Ling Aoqiong frowned deeply.

"Feng Wuchen definitely has a secret!" The elder squinted his eyes and said greedily.

Ling Junshan hurriedly said: "Father, Gu Xianzun broke through the peak of the six-star ancient immortal emperor. His strength has skyrocketed several times. Lingyun Pavilion is not Gu Xianzun's opponent at all. It is even more impossible to snatch the ancient immortal holy stone back. Feng Wuchen will definitely not come back alive."

"Humph! Gu Xianzun, so what? Lingyun Pavilion is not a vegetarian!" Ling Aoqiong shouted domineeringly, his eyes flashed with fierce murderous aura, and the thick and surging momentum instantly spread out, giving people a suffocating and oppressive feeling.

"Grand Elder, you should take people to protect the young master these days. You must ensure that the young master is safe!" Ling Xiaofeng urged.

"I obey your orders!" The Grand Elder respectfully accepted the order.

"Ling Qing, this battle is related to the life and death of our Lingyun Pavilion. You go with your father to welcome the Ancient Immortal Venerable." Ling Xiaofeng looked at Ling Junshan and smiled.

"Okay!" Ling Junshan nodded, and then followed Ling Xiaofeng and others to fly out and rushed towards the Ancient Immortal Venerable's mansion.



Shortly after leaving Lingyun Pavilion, the Lingyun Mountains began to shake violently. The destructive collision sound was deafening, and the soul body shook violently.

"What kind of power is this?" The Grand Elder was shocked.

The Great Protector and others looked terrified because they all sensed the breath of the Ancient Immortal Venerable.

"Oh no! Quickly notify the President!" The Second Elder said in panic and quickly cast the sound transmission talisman.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

After a while, dozens of strong men rushed to the Ancient Immortal Mountain like lightning, with a terrifying speed.

These were all ancient immortal masters, five of whom were ancient immortal sect masters.

In less than two minutes, dozens of ancient immortal masters arrived.

"Report to the sect master! Ancient Immortal Master broke through the peak of the six-star ancient immortal emperor!" An ancient immortal master knelt on one knee to report.

"What? Six-star ancient immortal emperor peak?" Ling Aocang and others' faces suddenly changed.

"It's over! It's all over now!" Ling Xiaofeng collapsed to the ground in fear, trembling all over.

"Lingyun Pavilion is in danger. With the strength of the ancient immortal masters, the disciples of Lingyun Pavilion can't resist it at all." Another ancient immortal master said in horror, his heart almost jumped out, and cold sweat broke out on his face.

The expressions of the senior leaders of Lingyun Pavilion were extremely ugly, and they even felt the strong breath of death enveloping their bodies.

"Ling Aofeng, you are quite courageous." A bone-chilling voice entered the hall, and Ling Aoqiong led Feng Wuchen into the hall.

Ling Aoqiong stepped out step by step, majestic and breathtaking, like a devil.

"Feng Wuchen?" Ling Aoqiong and many senior members of the Ling family were shocked.

"Ancient Immortal Venerable!" Ling Junshan exclaimed.

Ling Junshan couldn't believe that Feng Wuchen was actually an ancient immortal-level alchemist, and was related to the ancient immortal.

"Greetings to the ancient immortal senior." The elder immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

"Greetings to the ancient immortal senior!" All the cultivators in the hall, including the second elder and others, knelt down respectfully, extremely terrified.

Ling Aoqiong sat down slowly and threatened: "You all retreat."

"Yes! Ancient Immortal Venerable!" Dozens of ancient immortals responded respectfully at the same time, and then disappeared in a flash.

"Dad, save me!" Ling Junshan shouted in fear, wanting to beg for mercy, but couldn't say it.

"Feng Wuchen, didn't you say that my son bullied you? Today I want to see who dares to bully you, Ling Junshan, even if your father comes today, he can't save you!" Ling Aoqiong said gloomily, and the murderous aura locked on Feng Wuchen.


Chapter 2866 Ancient Immortal Venerable Takes Action

"You dare!"

Lingyun Pavilion Master suddenly shot out and shouted angrily: "Ling Aoqiong, if you dare to hurt Feng Wuchen in the slightest, I will make you pay with blood!"


Lingyun Pavilion Master flashed over, and a huge soul force burst out, suppressing Ling Aoqiong so that he could not move at all.

"Lingyun Pavilion Master." Feng Wuchen spoke calmly, as if he had already expected that Lingyun Pavilion Master would stop him.

"Ling Qing, the Ancient Immortal Venerable has come, how could you not tell grandpa? Aren't you deliberately angering the Ancient Immortal Venerable?" Lingyun Pavilion Master blamed, staring at Feng Wuchen with his old eyes, his old eyes full of cold light.

"Dad! Save me! Feng Wuchen wants to kill me! He is an ancient immortal master alchemist, and grandpa will definitely not let him go." Ling Junshan shouted in fear.

Hearing Ling Junshan's shout, Lingyun Pavilion Master and Ling Xiaofeng and others were all shocked.

"Feng Wuchen is an ancient immortal master alchemist?" Ling Xiaofeng and Ling Junshan and others fell into a huge confusion again.

Lingyun Pavilion has never heard of the appearance of an ancient immortal master alchemist. Even if Lingyun Pavilion has the top ancient elixir classics, there is only one volume.

Ling Junshan did not doubt his guess, because everyone present was full of fear on their faces.

Feng Wuchen is really an ancient immortal master alchemist!

"Dad, you must save me! He wants to kill me, and I still want to marry Lin Shiya, that bitch! You must kill him!" Ling Junshan shouted in fear.

"Shut up! You rebellious son!" Lingyun Pavilion Master scolded, scaring Ling Junshan to shut up obediently, his heart full of resentment.

"Pavilion Master, Ling Junshan deserves to die!" The Great Elder shouted angrily, "Master Gu Xianzun is here, Pavilion Master, please release the Young Sect Master!"

"Dad! Kill him! Kill him!" Ling Junshan roared wildly.

Ling Aoqiong's old face became more solemn, his eyes glanced at Feng Wuchen, then he clasped his fists respectfully and whispered: "See you, Lord Ancient Immortal!"

Feng Wuchen waved his hand lightly and said: "Master Lingyun Pavilion, you are welcome. I am here today to ask you whether the ancient immortal artifact sealed by the space crack in the ancient immortal world belongs to the ancient immortal holy palace. If you take it out , I might be able to spare your life, otherwise"

Ling Aoqiong frowned slightly and asked, "Lord Ancient Immortal Lord, what exactly is the Ancient Immortal Artifact? Why do you want to seal the space cracks?"

The moment Ling Aoqiong finished speaking, a terrifying aura instantly swept through the entire hall, scaring Ling Aoqiong and the others to death.

This terrifying aura was far beyond any of them, as if they were facing an endless wild beast.

"Don't you understand what I said?" Feng Wuchen asked, looking at Ling Aoqiong with cold eyes.

Ling Aoqiong was frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

"I am the Ancient Immortal Lord, and you are the Ancient Immortal Lord of the Ancient Immortal Holy Palace. Both the Ancient Immortal Holy Palace and the Ancient Immortal Lord are powerful men from ancient times. I don't know why the Ancient Immortal Lord wants to seal the space cracks. We don't "I know about the ancient immortal weapon," Ling Aoqiong said respectfully.

"Really? Since you don't know, then just die with your son." Feng Wuchen said coldly, and then with a flick of his finger, a wisp of golden flame floated out, turning into a fire snake and swallowing Ling Aoqiong.


"Puff puff!"

The moment the fire snake swallowed Ling Aoqiong, a bright purple-green fireball emerged out of thin air, sweeping across the hall with a devastating force.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of powerful men in the Ling Mansion were blown into nothingness by the fireball.

The main hall of Lingyun Pavilion instantly turned into ruins, and screams could be heard one after another.

"Lord Ancient Immortal Lord, we really don't know! Please let us go!" The three guardians and elders of Lingyun Pavilion all wailed and begged for mercy.

However, Feng Wuchen ignored them and still urged the golden flame to burn.


The destructive purple-green fireball spread, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of feet in an instant. Wherever it passed, no matter how high the cultivation level was, all the powerful men were instantly wiped out.

In a brief moment, all the powerful men in Ling Mansion were reduced to nothing.

What kind of terrifying power is this?

Ling Junshan and the others were desperate to the extreme.

Lingyun Pavilion Master witnessed Ling Mansion disappearing into nothing. His heart was bleeding, and he glared at Feng Wuchen with splitting eyes. He gritted his teeth and roared: "Feng Wuchen, this Pavilion Master will not let you go even if he is a ghost! You are so cruel. Kill us!"

"Feng Wuchen! You will regret it! I curse you to die badly! I will cut you into pieces!" Ling Junshan roared hysterically.

Feng Wuchen showed no mercy at all. He glanced at Lingjun Mountain with cold eyes, then looked at the master of Lingyun Pavilion and said, "I give you Lingyun Pavilion one last chance. Where is the ancient immortal weapon?"

The master of Lingyun Pavilion was extremely sad, burst into tears, gritted his teeth and shook his head.

Feng Wuchen's eyes then shifted to the great elder and the other two guardians.

"Fengfeng Wuchen, don't mess around! If you kill us, Ancient Immortal Lord will never let you go!" an elder said in panic.

Feng Wuchen sneered: "Do you think I will be afraid of him?"

The Great Elder was horrified: "Are you really the Ancient Immortal?"

Feng Wuchen grinned and said, "It's true!"


The two guardians and the great elder were trembling all over, they were so frightened that their hearts almost stopped beating.

Ancient Immortal Lord! That is an existence that stands at the pinnacle of the ancient immortal world!

How could Lingyun Pavilion provoke this kind of existence?

"We were wrong! Lord Ancient Immortal! We were wrong! Please spare our lives, Lord Ancient Immortal!" The three guardians knelt down and begged for mercy.

"Hmph!" Feng Wuchen said fiercely: "It's too late! You just committed a capital crime!"


Feng Wuchen formed a seal with one hand, then bent his claws and struck out a palm in the air. Golden flames immediately enveloped the hall and instantly turned into a giant net, trapping everyone in the hall and burning all the cultivators in Lingyun Pavilion to death.


Seeing thousands of members of the Ling family being killed in an instant, Ling Junshan roared heartbreakingly, his eyes bulging out.

All the powerful men in Lingyun Pavilion were killed in the flames, and no one was spared.

"Feng Wuchen!" Seeing his father being devoured by the sea of ​​fire, Ling Junshan broke through the golden flames and shot out with all his strength.

Feng Wuchen said indifferently: "Do you want to accompany your father?"

Lingyun Pavilion Master tried his best to resist the golden flames, but he couldn't stop it at all, and his figure slowly disappeared.

"Dad!" Ling Junshan rushed to the door of the hall, crying and roaring, his heart filled with hatred.

"Junior of the Ling family! Remember, the person who killed your parents is named the Young Master of the Dragon God Clan!" Feng Wuchen's domineering and majestic voice spread throughout the Ling Mansion.

"Dragon God Clan!" Ling Junshan's head buzzed and he was extremely shocked.


The next second, hundreds of figures appeared in a flash, it was Liu Qingyang and the others, as well as Jian Chou and Rakshasa King.

Liu Qingyang said coldly: "Juniors of the Ling family, we are here to collect things on the orders of the Ancient Immortal Emperor."

"Lord Ancient Immortal Emperor? Who is the Ancient Immortal Emperor? Why do you want to seal off the Ancient Immortal World?" Ling Junshan was frightened and curious.

"You'll know soon." Liu Qingyang said with a joking smile.

Liu Qingyang stretched out his hand to grab Lingjun Mountain. The terrifying power was suppressed, and he was completely out of control, dragging him into the void warship.

"The juniors of the Ling family leave it to you." Liu Qingyang said calmly.

"Yes! Deputy Commander!" Everyone bowed respectfully.

The younger members of the Ling family were all taken away.

"Husband, the ancient immortal world is so huge, how can we find it?" Nangong Yurong asked worriedly.

Feng Wuchen narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "No need to look for it, I have sensed the aura of the ancient immortal weapon. It is nearby."


As he spoke, the ancient immortal ring shook suddenly and violently, releasing a bright and dazzling purple-green light.

"I found the aura of the ancient immortal weapon." Feng Wuchen said with a grin.

"call out!"

The moment he finished speaking, an exquisite ring rushed out from the entrance of the Ancient Immortal World.

The ring was suspended in front of Feng Wuchen.

Feng Wuchen immediately used the Soul Capturing Technique, and the entrance to the Ancient Immortal World was blocked again.


The next second, more than a dozen treasures rushed out, and the aura of each treasure was very powerful.

"Haha! A treasure gifted by the Ancient Immortal Emperor! It's great!" Yi Tianqing laughed excitedly.

Feng Wuchen waved his hand, collected all the treasures and put them into the storage ring. Feng Wuchen smiled lightly and said, "Keep these things for later use."

"Thank you, Lord Ancient Immortal!" The disciples of the Ling family were extremely excited, as if they had picked up a huge treasure.

The treasures of the ancient immortal world are countless times more precious than soul stones.

"Master Lingyun Pavilion, there are thousands of people in the Ling family, you can deal with it yourself." Feng Wuchen said coldly, and immediately led everyone back to the ancient immortal world.

"What? Solve it yourself?" Ling Junshan's expression changed drastically.

"No! Lord Ancient Immortal! No!" Lingyun Pavilion Master burst into tears, feeling extremely frightened and desperate.

"Dad! Save the child!" Ling Junshan suddenly knelt down and begged.

Seeing the miserable appearance of Ling Junshan, Pavilion Master Ling Yun said sadly and helplessly: "That's all, it's me who harmed the Ling family. If you are alive, you will definitely avenge the Ling family!"

After saying that, the master of Lingyun Pavilion turned into a stream of light and flew into the distant mountains.

"Dad! Don't abandon the child! Dad...Dad!" Ling Junshan screamed crazily, helplessly watching Pavilion Master Ling Yun escape, unable to stop him.

"Lingyun Pavilion was destroyed, and the ancient immortal weapon fell into the hands of Brother Feng. Our Lingyun Pavilion is completely finished."

"The Ling family has been destroyed! Both Ling Junshan and his son have been buried in the sea of ​​fire! Lingyun Pavilion will be completely destroyed from now on!"

"Lingyun Pavilion Master escapes, and the ancient immortal weapon belongs to Brother Feng!"

"Feng Wuchen is truly worthy of being the young master of the Dragon God Clan!"

In Lingyun Pavilion, the Ling family disciples sighed secretly.

Half a month later.

In the main hall of the Dragon God Temple, Feng Wuchen sat in the chief position, drinking and eating meat.

Xiao Huang and four others stood aside and waited.

"Young Master, the Ancient Immortal Emperor asked his subordinates to tell the young master that when the war between the Ancient Immortal World and the Ling family begins, he hopes that the young master can come forward to mediate the matter, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." Beidou Yan reported respectfully.

Hearing this, Feng Wuchen frowned slightly and said, "Did something happen in the Ancient Immortal World?"

"I don't know the details, but I heard that it is related to the Ancient Immortal Lord, and this force is extraordinary." Beidou Yan said solemnly.

"Yes." Feng Wuchen nodded and asked, "How is your strength recovering?"

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