"Yes, sir!" Luosha Emperor received the order respectfully.


Just a moment after Feng Wuchen left, the Xianyun Tower suddenly vibrated.

Luosha Emperor suddenly looked up, narrowed his old eyes, and whispered: "Are you here so soon?"


A purple figure flashed out of thin air at the top of the Xianyun Tower. It was Ling Yuyao.

"Miss Ling Yuyao, what do you want to see me for?" Luosha Emperor asked politely.

"Who are you to Feng Wuchen?" Ling Yuyao asked.

"I am an ancient immortal emperor." Luosha Emperor said, with a faint smile on his old face.

"Ancient Immortal Emperor!" Ling Yuyao's pretty face changed drastically, and she thought to herself: "No wonder he dared to enter the Xianyun Tower. It turns out that his background is so powerful. He is actually an ancient immortal emperor. And he calls that guy "master". He should be a powerful person from an ancient force in the ancient immortal world."

"Who are you? What do you want to see me for?" Luosha Emperor asked curiously.

Ling Yuyao calmed down and clasped her fists respectfully, saying, "I am Ling Yuyao, a disciple of Xuanming Immortal Palace. I am here on the orders of my master to invite Brother Feng to join Xuanming Immortal Palace."

"Ling Yuyao? A disciple of Xuanming Immortal Palace?" Luosha Emperor was stunned.

"Is your master Lingxiao Ancient Immortal Emperor?" Luosha Emperor asked tentatively.

"Yes, it is Master!" Ling Yuyao smiled happily. She knew very well how powerful the Ancient Immortal Emperor was.

"If it is really your master who invited you, I thank you on behalf of the young master." Luosha Emperor hurriedly clasped his fists and thanked him, his old face full of smiles.

Luosha Emperor was ecstatic and said, "I didn't expect that Brother Feng actually had such a powerful backer. Lingxiao Ancient Immortal Emperor, Lingyun Immortal Master couldn't do anything about it. With his help, wouldn't the Ancient Immortal Emperors of our Ancient Immortal Realm be at our mercy?"

Thinking of this, Luosha Emperor couldn't believe it.

Ling Yuyao frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "Do you know my master? Who are you?"

Although Ling Yuyao could not see through Luoshadi's cultivation, from Luoshadi's words, Ling Yuyao vaguely felt that this person was very mysterious.

"Ling Yuyao, your master is a fairy emperor alchemist. He has long predicted that your Lingyun Immortal Mansion will be destroyed. He reminded me and asked me to tell you a secret. If you are willing, you can go back with me to see the young master." Luoshadi said respectfully.

"Master predicted that our Lingyun Immortal Mansion would be destroyed in advance?" Ling Yuyao's beautiful eyes flashed with astonishment.

"I didn't lie to you. The young master already knows the whereabouts of Lingyun Immortal Mansion." Luoshadi said solemnly.

"The specific location of Lingyun Immortal Mansion." Ling Yuyao asked solemnly.

Luoshadi shook his head.

"I am only responsible for notification, and I don't know the specific location. I only know that Lingyun Immortal Mansion is located in the extreme west of the southern ancient fairyland of Nanhuang." Luosha Emperor explained, staring at Ling Yuyao, as if he had guessed something.

"In the ancient fairyland of Nanhuang, the location of Lingyun Immortal Mansion is in the extreme north of Donghuang." Luosha Emperor added, thinking in his heart: "No wonder Brother Feng asked Lingyun Immortal Mansion to move to Donghuang. I'm afraid that Lingxiao Ancient Immortal Emperor has already calculated it. So, Brother Feng has long known that Lingyun Immortal Mansion is going to be unlucky."

Luosha Emperor felt that Feng Wuchen was more and more unfathomable. Even at the level of Ancient Immortal Emperor, he could not see through Feng Wuchen's cultivation.

Ling Yuyao was silent for a moment, and then said coldly: "I understand."

After that, Ling Yuyao turned and left.

Above a huge city in Donghuang, Ling Yuyao stood proudly in the void.

Ling Yuyao slowly closed her beautiful eyes, formed seals with her palms, and a ray of green light emerged, spreading a mysterious and complex pattern.

At the moment when the green light filled the air, the void seemed to be summoned, and a dark crack suddenly tore open.

The green light spread into the crack.

Ling Yuyao flashed and disappeared.

The next second, Ling Yuyao appeared in the dark space.

"Sister Xian'er, we are here. This is the southernmost end of the ancient fairyland, called the Death Desert, a forbidden area of ​​the ancient fairyland." Ling Yuyao said respectfully.

The moment Ling Yuyao finished speaking, a cloud of blood mist suddenly surged out of the space.


The blood mist quickly formed a blood-red figure, which was the Blood Demon Immortal Venerable.

"Xian'er, why are you here just now?" The Blood Demon Immortal Venerable said angrily, and the fierce murderous aura swept across, and the surrounding void rolled violently, the scene was quite scary.

Ling Yuyao knelt on one knee and said respectfully: "I am unfilial and let the elders and my brothers and sisters die. I am willing to bear all the sins and beg the elders to let Brother Feng go. I hope the elders will agree."

"Feng Wuchen?" Blood Demon Immortal Venerable said coldly: "Ling Yuyao, he killed my direct disciple, and you actually want to plead for him?"

"Elder, Brother Feng saved me, saved my master, and taught me to refine weapons." Ling Yuyao said.

"Humph! He killed thousands of elite disciples from my two major immortal palaces and destroyed the Xianyun Tower. His crime is unforgivable! He must pay with his life!" Blood Demon Immortal Venerable said fiercely, looking fierce, like a demon.

Hearing this, Ling Yuyao shook her head and said, "Elder, his attainments in alchemy are very terrifying. Not only did he break my formation, he was also able to control Lingyun Immortal Venerable."

"Lingyun Immortal Venerable has been enslaved by him, how is this possible?" Blood Demon Immortal Venerable said in horror: "Lingyun Immortal Venerable is an ancient immortal king, he is in the realm of ancient immortal king, how could he enslave the ancient immortal emperor?"

"Lingyun Immortal Venerable is my master's disciple, and my master's last words were that he hoped I could protect Brother Feng." Ling Yuyao said.

"Disciple of Lingxiao Ancient Immortal Emperor!" Blood Demon Immortal Venerable was shocked again.

"Elder, Brother Feng is very sensitive to soul power, and all the formations of Lingyun Immortal Mansion cannot be hidden from him." Ling Yuyao continued, looking at Blood Demon Immortal Venerable with a firm gaze, and said: "As long as the elder spares Brother Feng, I can become your disciple and learn."

"Will you take me as your master?" The Blood Demon Immortal heard this and his old eyes lit up.

"Yes." Ling Yuyao nodded.

"Haha!" The Blood Demon Immortal laughed excitedly: "Ling Yuyao, are you sure you want me to be your master?"

"Disciple is sure!" Ling Yuyao answered affirmatively.

"In that case, then you should take me as your adoptive father first. You can change your surname to Xue. From now on, you are the daughter of the Blood Demon Immortal!" The Blood Demon Immortal said happily, his heart was full of joy, and his old face looked happy.

"Meetings, adoptive father!" Ling Yuyao saluted with great joy.

"Good, good, good! Haha!" The Blood Demon Immortal was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth.

The Blood Demon Immortal took Ling Yuyao as his adopted daughter, which was a big win.

How could the Blood Demon Immortal not be happy when such great luck fell on him?

"Yao girl, your alchemy level is very high. Your father has decided to train you to be a being that surpasses your father. Do you want to become stronger?" The Blood Demon Immortal asked.

"Of course Yao'er wants to become stronger. Yao'er wants revenge. I want to avenge my master." Ling Yuyao gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, and her eyes burst with hatred.

Ling Yuyao has lived in misery since she was a child, and she longs for power.

"Yao girl, our Blood Demon Temple has an alchemy pavilion that specializes in alchemy for disciples from all parties to improve their strength, including many immortal alchemists, and I also plan to train you to be an alchemist. When the time comes, you can take revenge and become an alchemist at the same time." Blood Demon Immortal Venerable said excitedly.


Chapter 2320 Blood Poison

"Yao'er is willing to worship my adoptive father as my master!"

Hearing the words of Blood Demon Immortal Venerable, Ling Yuyao was overjoyed and knelt down without hesitation.

Blood Demon Immortal Venerable was extremely excited, and quickly helped Ling Yuyao up, smiling and saying: "Get up quickly, Yao girl, you will stay in the Blood Demon Temple to practice in the future, and your master will take you to the Alchemy Pavilion now."

Blood Demon Immortal Venerable was very happy. How could Blood Demon Immortal Venerable not be happy to receive such an excellent daughter as his adopted daughter?

On the other side.

As soon as Feng Wuchen and the other two stepped into the range of the Cangqiong Immortal Mansion, they immediately sensed the dangerous aura coming.

"Brother Feng, there are enemies!" The Dragon Souls were all stunned, and then they all became alert.

Ling Xiaoxiao said solemnly: "This dangerous aura is very strange, let's be careful."

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Sure enough, not long after, several figures flashed out of thin air and blocked the retreat of Feng Wuchen and the others.

Several men were all wearing gray clothes, exuding an evil aura.

"People from the Blood Demon Palace?" Long Shihun frowned and guessed, obviously knowing the other party.

"They smell like blood demons." Liu Qingyang frowned slightly and said, "They are all from the Blood Demon Immortal Sect, and the leader is a two-star ancient immortal monarch, whose strength is very terrifying."

"Blood Demon Immortal Sect? Two-star ancient immortal monarch?" Long Xiaofeng and others were shocked.

"They are all in the realm of ancient immortal emperors, and their strength is too strong!" Zhang Wuming said solemnly. As a five-star ancient immortal emperor, he actually felt threatened.

Feng Wuchen frowned slightly, stared at several people, and said coldly: "You blocked our way because of the Blood Demon Immortal Venerable?"

Feng Wuchen thought quickly in his mind, and couldn't think of any reason to offend the Blood Demon Immortal Venerable, unless someone leaked the news, maybe it was related to the Lingxiao Ancient Immortal Emperor.

"Blood Demon Immortal Venerable, what a coward, he dared not show up." Long Qingtian sneered teasingly.

"Looking for death!" The leader suddenly shouted angrily, holding a sharp sword and bursting over, the attack was extremely domineering and fierce.



In the blink of an eye, a fierce collision, the roar resounded through the world, the explosions were endless, and the dazzling golden light devoured the opponent's power with a devastating force.

"What? This stinky boy's body is so strong!" The leader was secretly shocked, and his face instantly became gloomy.



In a moment, under the impact of the terrifying force, the leader vomited blood, and the whole person turned into a cannonball and shot out.

"How is this possible! He is only in the early stage of the Ancient Immortal Emperor, how can he have such terrible power?" The leader's heart was filled with huge waves.

"This stinky boy has hidden his cultivation!"

"The peak level of the Ancient Immortal Lord!"

The other people were extremely shocked, their hearts were horrified, and they were completely confused. Even a fool could see it.

"Your strength is good, but it's far worse than mine. I advise you to leave quickly. I don't have time to play with you for the time being." Feng Wuchen stared at the leader coldly.

The leader wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and gritted his teeth and said angrily: "You little brat! Don't be so arrogant!"

After the voice fell, the leader tapped the ground with his toes, and his figure turned into a stream of light and shot out.

"Brother Feng, should we catch up?" Xiao Qingxuan asked.

"No need." Feng Wuchen shook his head calmly, and then urged the power of the Chaos Yuanying to be injected into his body, and the surging breath soared again.

"What a fast speed!" Feeling the breath bursting out of Feng Wuchen, everyone was shocked.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Buzz buzz!"

Feng Wuchen made seals with both hands, and hundreds of feet away, a majestic mountain collapsed and shattered in an instant.

"What kind of power is this?" The leader widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Feng Wuchen waved his hands continuously, and hundreds of feet of majestic mountains collapsed one after another, and they were still spreading, and finally formed an extremely huge mountain range, trapping the leader in it.

"What kind of power is this? How did a towering mountain suddenly appear? What kind of magic is this?" The leader was afraid and angry, but also confused.

Feng Wuchen walked forward slowly, expressionless and said: "This mountain is where you will be buried."

After saying that, Feng Wuchen raised his right palm.

"Not good!" The old face of the leader suddenly changed, and he immediately used his body skills to dodge and retreat.

"Boom boom boom!"

The terrible palm winds burst out one after another, and the explosions continued. The mountain shook violently, as if it would collapse at any time.


At this moment, Feng Wuchen suddenly teleported, appeared next to the leader, and slapped him.



A crisp slap sounded, and the leader was knocked to the ground, and a large amount of blood spurted out of his mouth.


Seeing this scene, Long Shihun and Ling Xiaoxiao couldn't help but take a breath, and they were all stunned.

The powerful ancient immortal was defeated in one move.

It was hard to believe my eyes.

"How is this possible?" The leader covered his swollen cheeks, terrified, trembling, and couldn't believe it.

He was seriously injured with just one slap.

The leader felt like he was dreaming. He was a one-star ancient immortal. How could Feng Wuchen be seriously injured?

"You are very weak. In my eyes, you are like an ant. I didn't kill you. You should thank me." Feng Wuchen said coldly.


Long Shihun and the others all took a breath of cold air, a chill ran down their spines, and their hearts twitched violently.

It was terrible.

The people of the Dragon God Clan were all shocked.

"Stinky boy! I am the second elder of the Blood Demon Immortal Sect. If you dare to kill me, the Blood Demon Immortal will not spare you, and the backers behind me will never let you go!" The leader said in panic.

Feng Wuchen said calmly: "Your life is worthless in my eyes."

"If you dare to touch me, the backer behind me will definitely cut you into pieces and make you live a life worse than death!" The leader threatened in fear.

"Oh? Then I want to see what kind of existence the backer behind you is." Feng Wuchen smiled with interest.

"Hmph! My father is the Blood Demon Immortal!" The leader said proudly, quite majestic.

"Oh? So you are his relative." Feng Wuchen grinned coldly, his eyes narrowed slightly, flashing with bloodthirsty murderous aura.

Feng Wuchen has never seen his parents, and he can't even remember their appearance clearly, let alone the so-called relatives.

"Feng Wuchen, my father is the Blood Demon Immortal, a powerful ancient immortal, you'd better surrender obediently." The leader sneered.

"I know that your father is an ancient immortal emperor alchemist." Feng Wuchen smiled lightly.

"Since you know, why don't you kneel down for me!" The leader said proudly.

"Are you sure your father is the Blood Demon Immortal Emperor? You won't tell me that he is an Ancient Immortal Lord, right?" Feng Wuchen asked back.

"Of course he is an Ancient Immortal Emperor!" The leader said proudly. (End of this chapter)

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