Feng Wuchen shrugged and smiled, "What's your father's name? Tell me, maybe I know him."

"Humph! My father is the lord of Xuanyou City, Xuanyou King Xuan Yunfei! The top alchemist of the Ancient Immortal Emperor!" The leader said arrogantly.

"So your father is a powerful ancient immortal." Feng Wuchen nodded, and then said coldly: "Since it is the Blood Demon Immortal, there is no need to live, it's better to kill you."

After speaking, Feng Wuchen suddenly flicked his fingers, and several strange black flames shot out like fire snakes, which were the flames of annihilation.

The flames of annihilation instantly surrounded Xuan Yunfei, and the dark flames with a breath of destruction burned, and Xuan Yunfei couldn't bear it at all.



The screams spread throughout the entire Xuanyou City, and the flames quickly spread and spread, covering all directions of Xuanyou City.

"No! Save me!" The shrill cry for help spread, extremely painful.

Feng Wuchen smiled faintly, "I told you, I know who your father is."

"Ah!" Xuan Yunfei's heart-wrenching screams became more and more piercing, and the flames burned his soul.

"Brother Feng! Spare him!" Long Shitian and others exclaimed, looking at Feng Wuchen with fear.

"Young Master! Save me!" Xuan Yunfei shouted in panic, struggling desperately, but it was a pity that it was useless.

Feng Wuchen sneered slightly, "Sorry, I changed my mind."

"What?" Xuan Yunfei's heart sank, and he was extremely frightened and desperate.


Another piercing scream came, and Xuan Yunfei was reduced to ashes, and there was no trace of his body.


In the blink of an eye, the blood-colored flames disappeared, and a storage ring condensed out of thin air and flew to Feng Wuchen's side.

"Ancient Immortal Artifact!" Long Shitian's eyes bulged, and he exclaimed, his old face stiffened on the spot.

"It really is an ancient immortal artifact." Long Xiaoyang frowned deeply.

"Brother Feng actually has two ancient immortal artifacts, and they are ancient immortal artifacts that only ancient immortal emperors have!" Liu Qingyang frowned deeply.

"Brother Feng is actually at the level of ancient immortal emperor! Too scary!" Ye Qingqing stared at Feng Wuchen with her beautiful eyes wide open.

"Ancient Immortal Emperor Level" Yang Jian and others were completely petrified on the spot, their minds were blank.

Ancient Immortal Emperor!

In their minds, he is like a god.

Feng Wuchen is so young, but he has reached the level of ancient immortal emperor. Isn't he more terrifying than they imagined?

"How is this possible!" The leader trembled all over, terrified to the extreme.

"He is actually an ancient immortal emperor!" Long Nitian was extremely terrified, his heart was thumping wildly, and he was scared out of his wits.

"Such a terrible person actually helped my Dragon God Temple. Who is he to the Dragon God Temple?" Lin You guessed secretly, feeling more and more shocked, and couldn't understand it at all.


A golden sword light flashed like lightning and instantly pierced the leader's throat.

Kill instantly with one move.


Then, a white figure suddenly appeared.


Instantly, in the surrounding valleys, four domineering and surging auras burst out at the same time, and four monstrous terrifying pressures surged wildly, captivating people.

"Four ancient immortal emperors, and five ancient immortal lords, who are these people?" Ling Xiaoxiao's pretty face changed again.

Four ancient immortal emperors and five ancient immortal lords are far beyond the Dragon God Temple.

Feng Wuchen's face darkened, and he said coldly: "Did the Blood Demon Immortal Palace send you?"

"Yes, I am one of the eight guardians under the Blood Demon Immortal Venerable, and I have been ordered to capture you." The leader said fiercely, obviously expecting Feng Wuchen's cultivation to be not low.

"The Blood Demon Palace really targeted me. It seems that they are not chasing me because of the Immortal Pill Pavilion. However, they are very courageous. They dared to run to the Dragon God Temple alone and make trouble. You asked for it." Feng Wuchen said coldly, his eyes were icy cold.

As soon as he finished speaking, a blood blade appeared in Feng Wuchen's hand.

"You dare!" The leader shouted, but he was not worried at all. Obviously, he did not take Feng Wuchen seriously.

Even if Feng Wuchen's cultivation was strong, he did not think that he could not defeat the ancient immortal emperor.

Besides, there were five ancient immortal monarchs here, enough to defeat Feng Wuchen.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

"Puff, puff, puff!"

However, Feng Wuchen did not intend to waste time at all. He swung the blood blade directly. Three terrible blood-colored arcs flew out, cutting off the necks of three ancient immortal monarchs and four ancient immortal emperors respectively.


The blood blade swept across, blood sprayed, and the scene was very cruel.

Everything is over.

All four ancient immortals and five ancient immortal emperors died.

The four ancient immortal emperors and five ancient immortals didn't even have a chance to resist. They just felt a chill on their necks and lost consciousness.


Long Shitian and his men took a breath of cold air in fear, their hearts stopped beating, and they all became sluggish, as if their souls had been drained.

"Brother Fengfeng, I, our Dragon God Clan, owe you a life!" Long Shitian suddenly knelt down and kowtowed respectfully, his face full of fear, his body twitching violently, and beads of sweat dripping down.

The rest of the high-level officials also knelt down one after another, scared to death, how dare they go against Feng Wuchen?

Now they only ask Feng Wuchen to spare their lives, even if they are willing to do it for them.

"Dragon God Temple, your attitude changes quickly." Feng Wuchen sneered jokingly, and then waved his hand to take away the storage rings of the four people.


The next second, Feng Wuchen used his body skills to rush into the sky.

Long Shitian and others were so frightened that they quickly got up and followed.

"call out!"

At this moment, another majestic and vast aura swept in from the direction of the South Territory, arriving at the Dragon God Temple in the blink of an eye.

The person who came was a tall and muscular man, wearing a red robe and armor, carrying a blood-red sword on his back, with a sinister aura and a fierce appearance.

The strength of the person coming was very terrifying, even more terrifying than the four powerful Ancient Immortal Emperors just now.

"The Blood Demon Immortal Lord sits down to protect the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor!" The leader said in horror, his eyes widening to the extreme.

"The Blood Demon Immortal Protector is here in person! It's over!" The disciples and elders of the Dragon God Temple were all frightened.

The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor was definitely an existence they could not resist.

"Brother Feng, he is a powerful person in the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor Realm!" Liu Qingyang said in panic.

Feng Wuchen shook his head and said: "Don't take this kind of thing lightly, deal with them first."

"call out!"

As soon as Feng Wuchen finished speaking, he turned into a black shadow and shot out as fast as a ghost.

"You bastard, don't even think about escaping!" the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor roared angrily, shooting out fiercely, punching out with an explosion.



In the blink of an eye, the two palms collided with each other, and there was a loud bang. The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor took a few steps back, and his arms were in severe pain.

Feng Wuchen, on the other hand, stood firmly in place, not moving at all.

"What a powerful body!" A look of shock appeared on the old face of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor.

"call out!"

Feng Wuchen used strange movements to bring up an illusory phantom, and his attack was fierce and domineering, like a dragon coming out of the sea, blasting towards the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor with a devastating force.

"What?" Seeing Feng Wuchen rushing up so quickly, the Nine Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's expression suddenly changed.

"Get out of here!" The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor shouted angrily, and immediately sacrificed the bloody sword.

The terrifying power of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor was injected into the bloody long sword. The bloody long sword flashed brightly and slashed out with a terrifying sword that was tens of thousands of feet tall.


In the blink of an eye, there was a loud bang, and at the moment of collision, ripples of energy that destroyed the world rolled and spread, causing the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor to retreat again.

"call out!"

Without giving the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor a chance to breathe, Feng Wuchen shot out again, arriving in an instant.

"Chaos Mysterious Fire Technique!"

"Xuanming Cold Thunder Palm!"

Feng Wuchen roared fiercely, clasped his hands together, and waves of terrifying blue energy and purple energy intertwined out, and condensed into two blue energy palm prints.

"Xuanming Cold Thunder Palm!"

"Bang bang!"

Feng Wuchen punched forward with a ferocious punch. His two palms instantly smashed the terrifying sword into pieces, and hit the chest of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor. A deafening explosion was heard, and the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor screamed in agony. He spat out a mouthful of blood and shot his whole body backwards, falling straight into the Dragon God Temple.

In the Dragon God Temple Square, hundreds of senior officials were all dumbfounded at this moment.


Long Shitian and others swallowed their saliva in horror, their whole bodies stiffened, and a strong sense of fear surged in their hearts.

The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor was actually injured by a punch. Feng Wuchen's strength was too terrifying.

"What kind of magic is this? It actually has terrifying freezing power. Is this the Xuanming Ice Palm?" an ancient immortal emperor asked in horror.

"This is the Xuanming Cold Thunder Palm! This is the Xuanming Cold Ice Palm! I know! It's the dragon soul! It's the soul-suppressing technique of the dragon soul!" Another Ancient Immortal Emperor exclaimed.

Long Shitian asked in horror: "Dragon soul? What is that?"

"Young Master, don't you know yet? Dragon Soul is a formation left by the ancestors of the Dragon God Clan. Lord Long Shiyun led thousands of Dragon Soul people to destroy the Long Family." Long Xiaoyang said sadly and indignantly.

"What? The Dragon Soul destroyed the Long family?" Long Shitian, Yang Jian, and the others were shocked and had expressions of disbelief.

"Is Brother Feng's strength already so terrifying?" Long Xiaoyang was horrified.

Long Shiyun is an alchemist in the Ancient Immortal Emperor realm, and Feng Wuchen’s cultivation has actually reached the peak level of the Ancient Immortal Emperor!


"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Feng Wuchen danced his hands again, urging the ancient immortal energy in his body to be released. At the same time, he performed the heaven-defying reincarnation technique. His hands condensed two golden balls of light, exuding a breathtaking aura.

"Second stage of heaven-defying reincarnation! Gate of reincarnation!"

Feng Wuchen suddenly shouted, and two golden balls of light shot out at the same time.

"No! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" The protector of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor suddenly appeared. He noticed that the golden ball of light contained a terrifying aura, and was immediately frightened to death, roaring in horror.



Two golden light balls fiercely hit the blood-colored light shield, with a loud bang, and a terrifying shock wave swept away with overwhelming power.

"Deng Deng stare!"

The protector of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor retreated several meters in a row, with traces of blood oozing from the corners of his mouth.

The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor held on forcefully and gritted his teeth and said: "What's going on? This energy is very strange and terrifying. He can actually hurt me!"

"Brother Feng, what magic is this? Its power is so terrifying!" Long Shitian's face was filled with shock.

"The power of dragon soul? Brother Feng's strength has increased so much!" Yang Jian and the others became more and more confused.

"Brother Feng has hidden his cultivation. This is not the cultivation of the Seven Star Ancient Immortal King at all! His real cultivation is far above that of the Eight Star Ancient Immortal King!" Long Qingcang guessed in horror.

"Feng Wuchen concealed his cultivation!" Yang Jian frowned deeply.

"Hmph! He is just a Seven-Star Ancient Immortal Lord. It is easy for this guardian to kill him. This guardian wants to see how powerful his immortal magic is!" The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor said gloomily, and then rushed out, holding a blood-colored long sword and slashing wildly.

"Swish, swish, swish!"


In an instant, hundreds of terrifying blood-colored energy sword blades flashed out of thin air, covering the sky like an overwhelming force.

"Xuanming Ice Finger!"

Facing the terrifying sword light coming from the sky, Feng Wuchen said coldly, pointing out with one hand, and three fingers burst out extremely terrifying blue energy, and finally gathered into three huge ice cones.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

"Puff, puff, puff!"

Three huge ice cones flew out, each of which contained terrifying ice attribute power, easily piercing through the blood-colored sword light, and shot towards the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor with a piercing tearing sonic boom.

"Swish, swish, swish!"


"Puff, puff, puff!"

The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor waved his sword to block, but he was powerless to parry. He spurted out several mouthfuls of blood in succession, and was finally hit in the chest by three ice pillars, seriously injured.

"What? He was able to suppress the attack of the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor!" Everyone widened their eyes in shock and astonishment.

"Why is Feng Feng Wuchen so terrible? He just made a simple move, how could it be so terrible?"

"The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's guardian was easily defeated by Feng Wuchen! Feng Wuchen's combat power surpassed that of the Eight-Star Ancient Immortal Lord!"

"When did such a terrifying young man appear in the Dragon God Temple? Who is Feng Wuchen?"

Seeing the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor's guardian being crushed by Feng Wuchen, everyone was completely stunned.

"Is Brother Feng so powerful? He actually suppressed the Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor." Xiao Qingxuan said in shock.

"Brother Feng really broke through the Eight-Star Ancient Immortal Lord realm, and his strength has become even stronger." Long Shiyun couldn't help but admire and laugh.

"Brother Feng hid it so well that I had no idea. Brother Feng is really a hidden talent." Long Xiaoyang grinned.

"Dad, they have no ill intentions, you don't have to worry about them." Feng Wuchen smiled calmly.

"Feng Wuchen, what kind of immortal method is this?" The Nine-Star Ancient Immortal Emperor was surprised and could not understand Feng Wuchen's immortal method at all.

"I created the immortal method myself." Feng Wuchen smiled slightly.

"What? Created it myself?" Everyone was shocked and stunned again.


Chapter 2796 Dragon God Tyrant Eye

"Creating immortal methods, doesn't it mean that Feng Wuchen already has the power of the Ancient Immortal Lord?"

"As expected of little friend Feng, he is really a monster. In just a few years, he has entered the realm of the Eight-Star Ancient Immortal Lord from the cultivation level of the Four-Star Ancient Immortal King."

Long Shitian and everyone were extremely envious and admired.

The high-level officials of the Dragon God Temple were secretly glad that they had a good relationship with Feng Wuchen.

"Long'er, your magic is not simple. Although it is powerful, it is not as powerful as the Gate of Samsara. It seems that Brother Feng figured it out by himself." Long Xiaoyu whispered.

"It is indeed not as powerful as the Gate of Samsara. This is a magic I figured out by myself, called the Finger of Samsara." Feng Wuchen smiled.

Long Shitian smiled in surprise and said, "Feng Wuchen, this magic is called the Finger of Samsara? What a domineering name. Anyway, this is also a magic, right? The power is absolutely terrible." (End of this chapter)

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